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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. Still loving this series - I'm completely engrossed by everyone's stories so far. The gorgeous scenery is an added bonus. At first I didn't get why Armand wanted to hold on to Paula's knapsack and lie about it, but then I realized "oh, right, former addict having a bit of a meltdown, suddenly has his hands on a stash". I'm glad they didn't drag out the cancer scare for Steve Zahn's character. It looks like Mike White is incorporating some of his own story with that character - apparently his Dad was a christian minister who came out late in life as gay (although he did not die of AIDS). It was hilarious seeing the different characters converse about their fellow guests at dinner - a kaleidoscope of opinions! Curious as to where the Jennifer Coolidge story is going. I really feel for Belinda. Also curious as to whether Olivia is simply envious that her friend Paula is getting male attention, or if she's actually attracted to her. I like that they gave the poor awkward brother a nice moment by himself at the end of the episode.
  2. Salem looks like an interesting place - too bad we didn't get to see more of it, and wasted time on these dopey women. I'm amazed that even with 2 of them now sober and they're still getting into loud sloppy arguments. I totally missed Sonja imbibing through her mask, but it doesn't surprise me at all. She's just hopelessly messy and obnoxious when she's drunk. It was interesting seeing her biggest champions Leah & Eboni , are beginning realize how delusional she is. It's sad, she's like a Manhattan Miss Havisham. I WISH I had missed the Ramona poop scene. GAWD what is the deal with that? Apparently it's not the first time, but I don't understand how that even happens, and how she doesn't know it's happened? Does it happen when she's getting out of the shower? Getting up from the toilet? How does she not notice? It's disgusting, and I'd be mortified beyond belief that it was televised - I'd never show my face in public again!
  3. Ah I had totally the wrong (Happy Days) picture upthread! You know who that blond woman standing between Kyle & Kim looks like to me? I think it might be Dee Dee Pfeiffer - Michelle's sister, which would explain the strong resemblance.
  4. That's funny, because I think that person pictured looks waaay more like Kathy Hilton (though not 100%) than Michelle Pfeiffer. Michelle has a completely different face shape and much more delicate features. I didn't see the original photo, but whoever she is, it looks like she's standing next to Leather Tuscadero!
  5. The only thing I could think of was that the baby arrived earlier than expected, and perhaps Lani thought she could put away some cash for a few weeks before quitting and giving birth. Not sure if we'll see her character again, but maybe the show will reveal more about her circumstances. I like that the staff are being featured in the storylines too.
  6. This is soooo intriguing so far! As much as I'd love to binge this, I'm glad I have something to watch on Sunday nights since Mare of East Town ended. I just recently started watching Enlightened (even though that series is a decade old) and loving it, so I was excited that something new from Mike White has cropped up. He really is a talented writer who goes to uncomfortable places. Fantastic cast - some of my favourite actors (Jennifer Coolidge, Steve Zahn), and I love that the show is featuring both the guests and the resort staff as characters. I was surprised by that too. My guess now is that his character might be a luxury resort version of the one played by Willem Dafoe in "The Florida Project": basically a good egg frantically trying to put out fires and spin plates. Great acting by the two snotty teen girls - man, they are scary and MEAN! Feeling bad for Alexandra Daddario's character, who is just discovering that her new hubby is a total asshole. I wonder how long they're going to drag out the suspense on Steve Zahn's character. I must say the full frontal scene was a bit of a shocker - was not expecting that at all. Looking forward to next Sunday!
  7. THIS! Sutton needs to calm her hormones or whatever is causing her to work herself into a lather. She was even more ridiculous than on previous occasions, and I agree with everyone else that she's embarrassed she didn't think to bring a birthday gift for Garcelle. I can't believe she forgot (?) when she brings gifts to the most mundane occasions. That plus the peeping Tom digs beforehand sent her around the bend. You don't have to like everyone at a gathering, but you can focus on the people you DO like and celebrate. That being said, I've really come to dislike Crystal - smug is the perfect descriptor for her. Her mean girl aura is strong and it's raising my hackles. I wanted to wipe the self-satisfied smirk right off of her face. I get the sense she enjoys making others (meaning those she deems inferior) feel bad, and I can't get onside with her even if her nemesis is a crazy nutbag.
  8. I don't follow the Kartrashian Klan, but if you peruse magazines or showbiz websites, they're unavoidable, so I've absorbed stuff by osmosis. To me Lord Disick has always seemed like a low-key Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) type. Just absolutely no soul -a totally dead-eyed sociopath who lives in the lap of luxury skating by on other people's money. Hopefully he hasn't murdered anyone, but I wouldn't put it past him. I'm embarrassed that I even know who he is. And Lipsa Rinna is probably beside herself with excitement at all the media attention.
  9. Co-signing everything in this post! I wanted to like both Crystal and Sutton, but I'm on neither team at the moment. I think Sutton is basically harmless and generally doesn't set out to cause trouble, but she was totally in the wrong by interjecting herself during the initial conversation about race. Crystal had every right to be irritated about the initial incident, but I think she showed her true colours afterward by making a bigger deal out of an awkward accident. My spidey senses also pick up on "mean girl" vibes with Crystal. I think she's a bit of a snob, and may feel a bit of a boost by putting others down. It's interesting that both women seem to be terribly insecure (in different ways) and are hiding it behind a outward veneer of material success.
  10. I can't believe we're supposed to feel sorry for Erika having to move into a 2,000 square foot rental house (which was a lovely character home by the way, and I would kill to live in a charming house like that). I'm wondering if the editors are having fun with the lingering shots of all of Erika's clothing racks and piles and piles of designer shoes. How ever will they fit into 3 bedrooms? THE HORROR! Clearly the Sutton walk-in is the puppygate/Denisegate horse to be beaten to death this season. I think Sutton was wrong, but I'm liking Crystal less and less. No, Crystal, you are not obligated to respond when others keep bringing it up. This feels something souped up by producers for drama. Although I'm not super fond of Crystal, I like her house, and her husband seems like a nice fellow. I thought it was a really fun activity that she chose for everyone to do - very lighthearted, not to mention delicious looking. Too bad she seems like a bit of a pill herself. Craving pork and green onion dumplings something fierce now. I hope Garcelle meets up with a nice man who appreciates her - I think she's great.
  11. Just watched the first episode - so fascinating and powerful and moving. I think it's going to take me awhile to work through this series - there is a lot of thoughtfulness and detail, and it's emotionally moving as well. Benin looked like a fascinating place - I loved the visit to the water village where Voodoo is said to have originated. The cuisine looked delicious everywhere they went. It's nice that younger chefs are wanting to both preserve traditions and innovate to spread their food to a wider global audience. I have not heard of the host, Stephen Satterfield before, but I am really enjoying his narration and the way he interacts with people on camera. Looking forward to the next episodes.
  12. Yeah, this was clearly intended to illustrate Ava's cluelessness and lack of experience with the club circuit. Women back then had shrug this bullshit off and barrel ahead because there were simply no alternatives and even today, things have probably only improved marginally, as shown by Mr. Pleather MC. Ava is now suddenly facing an unexpected dilemma - her attachment to Deborah is growing, but a promising gig is being dangled in front of her. I honestly thought that phone call to Ava at the end of the episode was going to be a crisis involving her Dad - wasn't expecting a job offer. I really hope this comes back for a second season - not only is the story of the two main characters interesting, but I like all the secondary characters, like Marcus, the personal assistant, the house manager, and Kiki.
  13. Super disappointed Alan Arkin isn't back this season as Norman - to me, he was the most entertaining part of the show. Hopefully he'll be drop in regularly for some afterlife chats with Michael Douglas.
  14. Billy and John are brothers, and are cousins of Erin's Father. So they're second cousins I guess?
  15. Yeah this is the only big mis-step I've seen in the writing - his parents seem unrealistically stable, decent and nice to have produced such an asshat. Even if they weren't jerks, it would have been more realistic to have a preoccupied or distracted parent for his character. I was unsure of who's tackle box and gun that was supposed to be - was it Billy's? Or was It John's, and Billy happened to glimpse it by accident as they were packing? Not sure why Billy confessed and why he would have been covered in blood the night of the murder, but somehow I don't think he's the culprit. I think John is planning to stage a suicide scene and claim it was Billy.
  16. I'm pretty sure that Carrie nodded off because irony of ironies she did the right thing and refused the uppers from her co-worker. So glad the little guy was alright!
  17. After having time to think more about this and previous episodes, I'm wondering if the whole issue of the identity of Erin's baby daddy is a bit of a diversion or slight-of-hand. People have been assuming that whoever fathered the kid is likely the murderer. Just as the two missing person cases featured in the show appear to be unrelated, someone may have fathered the kid, and a completely different person could have killed her. Could jumpy beardy cousin (who got all uncomfortable and left the pizza party abruptly) be the father, and other beardy cousin John Ross be her killer? Could the two beardies be covering for each other OR alternately keeping secrets from each other? Could Lori have snapped and killed Erin in a jealous rage? Because of their son's distress, I'm now giving both Ross's major side-eye. I mentioned above that as of now, the cases appear to be unrelated, but perhaps that's not actually true. One of the girls who was interviewed by Mare & Zabel said her abductor had a beard. Could one of the beardies be an accomplice? Perhaps Erin figured out what he was up to, freaked out and threatened to go to the police? I'm also still wondering about Mare's clergy cousin. He's been appearing repeatedly throughout the show, but only briefly. He seems very preoccupied with the case, and I'm not sure if it's out of concern for sketchy Deacon, or something else.
  18. Wowzers. This was an amazing episode that had a bit of everything - humour, pathos, and edge-of-your-seat hair-raising tension. After weeks of grimness, it was such a delight to see Mare laughing her ass off coming home from the funeral with her Mom. I wanted to stand up and cheer when Lori's little boy went apeshit with the cafeteria tray. It would be super sad if sketchy priest had been falsely accused at his prior parish. Jean Smart - once again this episode's MVP. Oh Zabel. Sadly, I don't think this is going to be a miraculous Dylan recovery.
  19. The interior of Ramona's house is lovely - the rooms are all soft and welcoming with soothing colours. And of course the grounds are beautiful too, but I actually really don't like the exterior of her house at all. I know it's pricey as all get out, but it looks like a cheap stucco box to me. I'm hoping we get to see some of Luann's Hampton's home - her heritage house (I think this is the one her kids wound suing her over?) makes me swoon, and if I could pick a home of any of the ladies for my own, I'd pick hers.
  20. This was a really interesting episode - some really sad stuff, but some humour thrown in as well. I felt sad for a whole bunch of people this episode, especially Dawn. The flashback scene was pretty shocking and rough. Planting the drugs was wrong, but it's little wonder Mare wants nothing to do with Carrie, and I'm kinda glad the little guy wanted to come home to his Nan & pet turtle after his visit. Once again, I keep wondering why we're spending so much time on Siobhan's love life. I feel like either her ex or the new gal is going to be tied to this somehow. I hope Evan Peters doesn't turn out to be a bad dude, 'cause he was kind of adorable this episode.
  21. I like this guy for the suspect as well - especially what you pointed out about him showing the photo of Frank passed out. I'm honestly getting the beardy secondary cousin/uncle characters all mixed up. Other beardy guy was of course, acting shifty as well. Perhaps Mare's friend Lori should be in the suspect pile as well - no obvious connections so far... I'm also wondering about Mare's clergyman cousin. He looked awfully anxious to know how things went when Deacon sketchy returned from being interviewed. Like others I'm assuming Siobhan is getting so much screen time because she will probably stumble upon something significant - not sure how this will tie into who she's dating. I thought the casting for Dylan's parents was odd - they looked a bit too Beaver Cleaver for a dolt like Dylan, and the Dad looked waaay young. It almost seemed like Dylan's & Erin's parental figures should have been swapped.
  22. Nah, she wasn't into it, mildly bemused (and as described above, by @ElectricBoogaloo, resigned to dealing with yet another drunk dude) perhaps. sketchy clergy dude threw the bike off the bridge, not Dylan - Dylan was still in the hospital I believe. I was also nervous when Dylan asked his Dad to hand the kid to him, since he seemed to have no interest in him whatsoever.
  23. iI does bring up the possibility that there could be two completely different killers circulating in town. Even without that sinister possibility, it's just yet another GIANT RED FLAG. Seriously Mare, even if this writer dude isn't a murderer, he's bad news - run away! Guy Pearce has always creeped me out, so it's good casting, I guess.
  24. Yep, he did a great job - it's actually not easy to play super-drunk convincingly. It was funny/sad. Sigh.. so now we're on the "you're off the case!" trope. I'm wondering why the show is spending so much time on Siobhan's love life.
  25. That's exactly how I interpreted that scene as well. She was just trying to prevent him from exploding at her.
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