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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Responding to the bolded. According to this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/19/AR2006121900255.html "EVOO" has been in the Oxford American College Dictionary since the 2007 edition. I also saw references, on Google when I checked to reply to this post (because I was sure it was in the dictionary, but had forgotten when it was added), to it being on Dictionary.com's site & in the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  2. I thought the big deal about the show was supposed to be that the female lead character, Ann Romano (the late Bonnie Franklin), divorced her husband, moved with their teenage daughters from Logansport, IN (a real town; I've actually been there) to Indianapolis, & returned to using her maiden name after (the daughters in the show had their father's last name, Cooper--at least until they married in the show, after which they either took their husband's name or hyphenated both names... as I remember). Either that or the fact she used the Prefix "Ms." in front of her last name after the divorce, instead of "Miss", & as I remember "Ms." was still fairly new in the mid-'70's when the show started.
  3. In honor of Tuesday's 16th Anniversary(!) of the series' premiere, a writer (who missed *a boat load* of typos--so please ignore them if you read this) for the New York Daily News compiled a list of, in her opinion, the 10 best episodes of the show. http://m.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/ten-best-episodes-aaron-sorkin-west-wing-article-1.2368730?cid=bitly
  4. I'm pretty sure it's only been once--unless we saw him coming & going. They've only been to Mood once this season (for other challenges, Mood's apparently been sending a selection of fabric to the workroom), since they're apparently filming in Brooklyn instead of Manhattan this season (for whatever reason).
  5. Well, ABC's World News anchor, David Muir, recently got an interview with Pope Francis, at The Vatican, which aired on ABC's newscast. Plus, this Pope seems to be "different" than his predecessors & does things his own way, rather than the "traditional" way Popes have--like he doesn't use the special apartment reserved for the Pope; he sleeps in the dorm, or whatever, with lower-level priests, etc.; he'll often eat in the cafeteria where Vatican workers eat, instead of wherever Popes traditionally eat; & he recently went, personally, to an optician in Rome to have a new lens prescription put in his glasses instead of having an assistant take the glasses for him. Among other "non-Pope-like" things. So, while I doubt he'd actually appear on Stephen's show--or any of the other NYC-based talk shows--for an interview, considering he's such a "different" Pope, who knows?
  6. Zoey turns 4 today--or, as Jen's calling it "the big 4.0"! In honor of this big event, Bill Tweeted 1 new pic of her last night https://mobile.twitter.com/ReallyBillKlein/status/646148972516519936?p=v & Jen Tweeted 1 & Instagrammed another https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/646153743952539648?p=v https://instagram.com/p/76rj8jq-V_/
  7. As far as I know, you can link to amazon (at least if it's relevant to your post). I've done it in another forum (to help readers find the show's new DVD set) without any issues. But I'm pretty sure someone else already linked to the melodica's listing on amazon--I remember seeing it in another of the Stephen Colbert threads.
  8. Stephan Curry plays for the current NBA champs, the Golden State Warriors (who play in the San Francisco Bay area). As the other poster said, you should Google/You Tube him from this year's NBA playoffs. He brought his (now oldest) daughter, Riley, with him to the postgame team press conferences & she stole the show every time (you can probably find the cute stuff by Googling/You Tube-ing "Riley Curry" as well as him). His wife was pregnant with their 2nd child during the playoffs & gave birth to their 2nd daughter, Ryan, over the summer.
  9. Responding to the bolded. If you haven't read the entire thread, Tamar is a professional singer (like her sister, Grammy-winner & former DWTS contestant, Toni Braxton, & their other 2 or 3 sisters); she has a new CD out now or about to come out (or "about to drop", as they say in the entertainment industry). She's also 1 of the Co-Hosts of The Real, a syndicated (but also airing on the BET channel), mostly airing in daytime, talk show which is sort of like The View with all African-American Hosts. And, she also stars in 2 reality shows--Braxton Family Values, with her sisters, which airs on the WEtv channel, & Tamar & Vince, which is about her, her husband, & their family, & I think airs on the same channel as Braxton Family Values. So yes, she has an artistic performing background.
  10. The PenaVegas are also doing a blog this season, for People. http://www.people.com/article/dancing-stars-alexa-penavega-carlos-penavega-blog-week-2-hometown-glory?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag
  11. I've been trying since I found the link elsewhere. Apparently it doesn't work/work well on mobile devices (my phone internet is easier to use, since I've been ill, than my big ass laptop)... Sigh. I can't get past the Loading screen. I really wanna see if they have the right/close enough options to "Peanutize me".
  12. Back in the '80's (maybe actually the very late '70's), Ray Parker, Jr. was the lead singer of a fairly successful musical group called Raydio. He then went on to have a solo career where, I think, his biggest hit was the theme from Ghostbusters.
  13. I get what you meant, I think; but the elections would've been, in real life, in 2004 & 2008--not 2006. The elections in TWW-verse were deliberately off the real US elections by 2 years. Probably to avoid potential confusion.
  14. They changed "miniseries" to "limited series" this year. This article, from The Hollywood Reporter this past June, explains what qualifies as a "Limited Series". http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/race/emmys-who-will-benefit-new-801466
  15. They got rid of the daughter--or so it appeared. There was never any mention of the character in talking about the reboot/continuation. I haven't seen it in so long I totally forgot Hayden & Christine did manage to have a kid together (adopted?) before the show ended its run. I didn't remember until I saw "Timothy" in your post. Duh me! That's why I thought the character of Hayden's son would be a gender switch (or retcon); I never remembered he had a son--& I actually did watch the show before it ended. I just remembered the adult daughter. The new show would've had Hayden & his son coaching together at, I think it was, an Ivy League school.
  16. My apologies. If I refer to the ep again, I'll try not to do that. I guess my brain's never really sure how to describe her since she did sleep with Rey in the ep. Apologies for any offense taken.
  17. I finally saw the part, in the last repeat of this ep yesterday, where the burger guys said they ran out of groceries before Tyler called about the Speed Bump where someone had to man the truck solo while the others went for more groceries. So I understand now why the remaining burger guy shut down & worked on prep while the other trucks kept selling to the best of their abilities.
  18. The waffle guys make a type of Belgian waffle called a liege waffle. It's made with a dough, not a batter like a traditional waffle or the other type of Belgian waffle, & it's "studded" with a special kind of sugar. It's supposed to be really good--though I've never actually eaten that type of Belgian waffle.
  19. Responding to the bolded. We can see them presented. They present the Best Comedy/Drama Guest Actors/Actresses during the Creative Arts Emmy Awards (all the behind the scenes stuff except for writing & directing). Those actually aired (in a taped & edited version--in some categories, the nominees weren't read; in others, the acceptance speeches were obviously shortened) on the FXX channel--twice, back-to-back--Saturday night (& were awarded to the winners the previous Saturday night). They usually air on some cable network close to the Primetime Emmys airing, you just have to check your local listings. This year, since Fox had the main awards, the Creative Arts awards aired on 1 of their sister channels, FXX. As for Bradley Whitford, TV Guide posted an apparently explanatory article on his fedora on their site last night. It seems he's playing the late Vice-President & Minnesota Senator Hubert H. Humphrey in the upcoming HBO version of a play Bryan Cranston recently starred in as President Lyndon B. Johnson, & he apparently is keeping wraps on the hairstyle/receding hairline (although Bradley already had something of 1 in real life) he's had to take on for the role. Hence the fedora (he also wore 1 when he accepted his Comedy Guest Actor Emmy last week, when this year's Creative Arts Emmys were actually presented). http://www.tvguide.com/news/bradley-whitford-emmys-fedora-transparent/
  20. OK... On TNT this morning, they started the "Rey & Debra are separated" story arc, with Rey telling Lennie in 1 of the eps Debra wanted him out of the house (because of the thing with Jennifer Garner's hooker character in the ep where a bunch of the cast watched the execution of a convict they'd apparently been instrumental in imprisoning, then Jill Hennessey's character was killed by a drunk driver while driving an off-the-wagon Lenny home at the end), then Rey gave Lennie his sister's phone number in another ep since he was gonna stay with her until he could find his own place. My question is... Did they make as big a deal when Rey & Debra reconciled as they did when they separated, & did I just miss that, or what? 'Cause I know Rey & Debra eventually reconciled, or seemed to have--I mean, the "exit" for Rey/Benjamin Bratt was written as he left because Debra's MS had gotten to the point where she needed more help than not to function & he was going to take care of her (& their daughters). But it just seems like they went from separated to "magically" back together before/by the time Rey/Benjamin Bratt were written out.
  21. More like a "he wanted to be alone with his new girlfriend without anyone bothering him/them" thing--which I could understand. Plus, it's a typical dramatic "trope"--the main character who wants not to be found for a certain time period ends up in unexpected grave danger during the same period. They used the same trope at least twice on Starsky & Hutch, involving Hutch, if not more. Five-0 did know he was taking off though (& I'm sure at least Gracie did too, though she wasn't in the ep), as I remember; just not where to. They did everything they could to track him down once Kamekona told Steve there might be a problem he needed to be made aware of (Amber/Melissa's abusive ex stopped at Kamekona's shrimp truck to eat &, somehow, in talking to the guy Kamekona was alerted to the fact the guy seemed to be looking for Danny's new girlfriend & he seemed "unsavory"). But Danny & Amber/Melissa had their phones on Voicemail & weren't answering or checking their messages--& Five-0 pretty much can't do anything about it if someone doesn't wanna answer their phone. Then, as the apparent danger escalated, they used their police resources to find out about the bad guy (that's how they found out Amber is really Melissa, that guy's her ex, he abused her, & she assumed a new name & left him) & to at least continue to try to find them (I don't remember that Danny ever specifically told them where he was taking Amber/Melissa, just that they were going away for a couple of days--he borrowed a secluded beach house from her boss, I think; it was either on the other side of Oahu or off-island). I've never thought of Danny not telling anyone where he was taking his girlfriend as a plot hole. But that may just be me.
  22. But are the burger guys actually cooking their burgers to order (customer preference), or just cooking all of them to the same degree of doneness (i.e. medium well)? Some burger joints (other than fast food places) will just cook their burgers to the same degree of doneness (usually as a way to ensure no issues with food borne illnesses, like from underdone meat).
  23. Rob Lowe will be 52 on St. Patrick's Day. I've never seen this movie--how old is the older character supposed to be?
  24. CBS is developing a The Island of Dr. Moreau reboot, with the The Legend of Sleepy Hollow creator scripting & a female Dr. Moreau. http://tvnewsroom.org/newslines/entertainment/cbs-developing-moreau-adaptation-with-a-female-doctor-as-its-lead-139244/
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