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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Yes, true. But in the cases of Amy, Noah, & Heather, I think what the OP & I were thinking of was injury from a fall caused by their leg prosthetics somehow not being attached properly & coming off mid-dance. Especially if it were a "dancing-specific" model they weren't used to using, instead of what they use for daily living.
  2. And the 15th guy, in ITSOTG 1, was the anesthesiologist who put Jed to sleep for the surgery after he was shot at Rosslyn.
  3. As could Heather Mills--the former 2nd Mrs. Paul McCartney & another leg amputee--who did the show a few seasons ago.
  4. Fox is developing a TV version/reboot of the Lethal Weapon movie franchise. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/lethal-weapon-tv-reboot-works-829069
  5. You missed Hayes & Andy. And Alexa's married to Carlos, not Carlo.
  6. I think the producers have said Dean's show was meant to be a procedural. And both nighttime (& daytime) soaps & procedural type shows fall into the "Drama" genre. At least here in the states.
  7. You're not making that up. Stewart (Fred Savage) actually said it to his wife, Debbie (Mary Elizabeth Ellis). I heard it too. And I also thought Stewart (Fred) was saying being a (real) lawyer was a "grind", but playing 1 on TV (& being an actor), like Dean (Rob), wasn't (though, in real life, many actors--especially those in long-running TV shows like Dean's legal drama--would tend to beg to differ).
  8. Carrie Ann Inaba & Kym Johnson Don't Think It Would Be Fair For Kim To Come Back To DWTS http://www.people.com/article/carrie-ann-inaba-kym-johnson-think-unfair-kim-zolciak-return-dwts
  9. I thought Usher was in that commercial--maybe more than 1--not Nelly.
  10. I thought I remembered an earlier ep which revealed Danson's character's first name was Diebenkorn, because I knew the full first name when he said it to Grissom. And the only place I could've gotten it was from an ep since Danson was on the show (since it was about his character).
  11. Kim even said, in the video chat with Tom & Tony Monday night, if she'd been in Vegas--or somewhere else that's a reasonable drive to LA, since she couldn't fly on doctor's orders--she'd have been there Monday night. But she may have been deluding herself about being medically cleared for a long drive like Vegas to LA too (shrugs). However, of course, Atlanta isn't a reasonable drive to LA. She'd have had to have left straight from the hospital when she was released on Friday, probably, & maybe she still wouldn't have made it to LA in time for the show--& forget about the camera blocking, dress rehearsal, & anything else that goes on in the "ballroom"/on set before the live show on Monday.
  12. Ratings are in: The show got a 1.5 Demo in 18-49; a 5 Share; & 4.8 Million viewers overall (which was .5 Million less than Grandfathered got the previous half hour--their 18-49 Demo & Share were exactly the same as The Grinder). The Grinder held the audience. Variety is calling the ratings "OK". http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/grandfathered-grinder-muppets-limitless-ratings-1201606130/
  13. Oh please (not you, I mean the gossip columnists)! Bindi & Derek probably aren't having a "showmance", or whatever they're trying to imply with the headline. Bindi's got a boyfriend & he was at the show Monday night--but I'm not sure he was shown on camera after Bindi's dance, like I think her Mom & brother were. I may have to watch her dance again & doublecheck.
  14. I finally got all the dances from Monday watched. Since Hayes was wearing a full-on turtle bodysuit & the TMNT scarf around his eyes, I still think he should've worn the sneakers, since that's a legitimate part of the TMNT "outfit", just as he did. To be fair, Emma didn't exactly have "proper" dance shoes on either. She was in very high boots with her costume.
  15. I just finished watching the dances & the segment where Tom & Tony talk to Kim via Skype or FaceTime, or whatever. It felt, to me, like he (Tony) "started" the whole "Keep Kim on the Show" thing--at least indirectly--by sort of begging TPTB if they could just stay on until next show since Kim will supposedly be able to fly back to LA in time for that, once Tom told them they were out & read them the very specific rule that applied to the situation (& I don't remember Tom ever quoting the specific rule regarding "inability to participate due to illness or injury" when other people had to drop out for it--perhaps they knew she'd be a pain in the ass about it before they dropped it on her/them?). Although earlier in the week, & after talking to Kim via whatever during the show, he seemed all "her health & being there for her family's what's important; a stroke's nothing to mess around with." about the situation. I don't know...
  16. Well then, you're gonna love this probably. I heard on my local news last night (Tuesday), & saw in a Tweet from People magazine, that Keurig is introducing a Keurig Kold (I think that's the name) machine in time for Christmas, with which people can make--among other things--certain Coca-Cola products (the pic I saw showed pods to make regular & Diet Coke, Orange Fanta, & some stuff I'm not familiar with). It's like the Sodastream machine from awhile back, only you can make brand name products in this & not just generics. I think the People article said something about Coca-Cola being an investor or partner (1 of those words, anyway) in the project. Which, of course, is why you can make (some of) their products in the new machine. Oh... And at least as of recently, you can make certain flavors of Campbell's Soup in the hot Keurig machine; they have Campbell's Soup pods now. That could sort of be helpful if you only want an individual serving/less than a full can (in my opinion).
  17. Sea Cruise Singer Frankie Ford Dies at Age 76. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/frankie-ford-sang-sea-cruise-dies-age-76-34135428
  18. "The Grinder" is a nickname for Rob Lowe's "secondary" character on the show, Mitch Grinder. He's a lawyer on a long-running, but just ended TV legal drama, The Grinder (scenes from which will apparently open the Fox sitcom The Grinder). Apparently they call the lawyer character "The Grinder" because he grinds the opposition into pieces in court. Rob's primary character is Dean Sanderson, the actor who played "The Grinder" in the legal drama version. When Dean's TV show ends, he returns to the family home in Boise, where his father (William Devane) & younger brother (Fred Savage) are real lawyers (& he apparently still has a "sibling rivalry" thing going with his brother). While he's trying to figure out what to do with his life now, he decides that since he played a lawyer for all those years--& through that picked up some knowledge of real-life law--he's going to join the family law practice. And then he goes to court to "assist" his brother on his current case. At least in part because his brother is really bad when it comes to the "public speaking/presenting your case" part of going to court, bad to the point he has to use note cards in court. But then Stewart (the real lawyer brother) has to put up with his brother the actor being stopped & recognized by fans in the courthouse/courtroom. And that's basically the plot of the Pilot (I think), except for a "sibling rivalry" type thing where Stewart wants his brother Dean to be anywhere but in his house, his life, & back in Boise. Hopefully I've answered your questions. I enjoyed the Pilot; looking forward to more.
  19. Nothing to see here--accidentally posted prematurely. Sorry! See complete post downthread, if interested.
  20. I haven't actually seen the dances yet (have to watch on YouTube), but I heard the show. And I'm not completely conversant on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles either. But... Regarding the comments about Hayes dancing in sneakers last night, for more than the first week in a row, I get that he should've danced in "proper" dance shoes the other weeks (at least if the "character" he was playing in the dance's scenario would've worn them), but if he was fully costumed as 1 of the TMNTs, then I think he should've been wearing sneakers--& probably black Converse High-Tops, at that. If I remember the pics I've seen of the TMNTs correctly, they're drawn as wearing black high-tops, probably Converse. So, to my mind, the sneakers were probably appropriate last night. After I see the dance, I'll come back & reverse my opinion if need be.
  21. And here's 1 more pic from Jen that seems to be related to Zoey's birthday. It's Zoey, Jen, & Elsa from Disney's Frozen movie (well, someone playing her; you guys know what I mean). https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/648307064515657728/photo/1
  22. Alfonso had prior legitimate dance experience to his stint/win in DWTS S19. It may or may not have included a lot of ballroom, but he had prior dance experience. He starred on Broadway in The Tap Dance Kid in 1983, & danced in 1 of Michael Jackson's Pepsi commercials in 1984. Based on that, plus anything he picked up during his partnership with Witney that he didn't know before, I think he has enough knowledge to critique on technique (heel leads, toe leads, etc.). And I'm fine with it if anyone wants to disagree with me on this.
  23. Catherine Coulson, Twin Peaks' "Log Lady", Dead of Cancer at Age 71. http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/catherine-coulson-log-lady-twin-peaks-dies-dead-1201604367/
  24. A bushy-bearded Dave strolls around NYC (I think the pic was taken yesterday, Sunday). http://www.people.com/article/david-letterman-beard-photos-new-york
  25. She was taken to an Atlanta-area hospital (she had the TIA after she got home from flying the redeye, presumably on Delta--not that it matters, between LAX & ATL Tuesday night after the show, landing in ATL early Wednesday morning), & released from the hospital sometime yesterday--or at least over the weekend--so I would assume she was with her kids & I'd assume they were all still in Atlanta (possibly depending on when her Tweets were timestamped) unless she pulled a fast one on her doctors & everybody flew to LA for tonight's DWTS after she was released.
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