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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Because they started mentioning it in articles connected to this season of the show, either once they learned it was a ratings success or around "midseason" for this season. That's how. Reading the Mobile version of the site also helps. It doesn't have ads.
  2. An article from my local morning paper yesterday, about a guy from our metro area who was invited by a Hawaii-based actor friend to be an extra in an upcoming ep of the show. He actually participated in filming, but won't know if he's seen in the ep until it actually airs (& the article doesn't give any info on when that might be). http://www.journalgazette.net/news/local/Friendship-brings-shot-at-stardom-12407696
  3. The Chicago stuff may come up again this week. After the last ep where Grover went to Chicago to try & get a murder confession out of Clay aired, Peter Lenkov stated on his Twitter that Ep 619 (in which we now know Grover & his family have to go on the run after a mob boss goes out for revenge against Grover) would tie into that storyline somehow. Ep 619 airs this Friday night. I suspect there could be some connection between the mob boss & the money Grover found hidden inside Clay's old beat up car he had parked in his garage (because of the hidden money), instead of the new car he had parked out in the driveway in spite of the crappy Chicago winter (& spring & summer, if you take into account the possibility of a major hailstorm with the severe thunderstorms in those seasons)--& the apparently/obviously illicit money is what Grover apparently managed to use to get Clay locked up, as opposed to his wife's murder in Hawaii. If it's not about the money, it's something else about the bust where Grover told Clay he figured that hidden money came from that the mob boss is pissed about. Scott's hairstyle may be ridiculous for this era but, honestly, it at least sort of helps hide the fact his hairline's receding (you usually can't tell unless his hair's wet). And he also perhaps likes wearing it that way because I've read that he really likes the SE Hinton book (or maybe the movie version of) The Outsiders, which is taught/read in a lot of middle school (& maybe higher grade) English classes (like mine in 8th grade) & was set in the 1950's/1960's/whenever the pompadour or similar styles were popular with men/teenager-type boys (Scott also has, or had, a production company named Stay Gold, 1 of the popular phrases from the book, & he has the letters for the word "pony"--short for the nickname of 1 of the characters, Ponyboy Curtis--tattooed on the fingers of 1 hand (he got the tattoos during an early season of H50 filming). By the way, not for nothing but the late former President Reagan also wore his hair in a similar style. Duke actually was a member of the original Five-O team. He was played then by actor Herman Wedemeyer, whose brother, or other relative, Charlie was a big deal High School football coach in northern California years ago; he died of ALS & there was a TV movie made of his life where Charlie's wife was played by Pam Dawber. For me, H50 is still my #1 TV show & event television. I still think it's halfway decent, or better than. But I'm probably also a lot less picky about my shows than other TV viewers.
  4. Hopefully this makes sense, given the hour & other things. Considering the miniseries was titled (subtitled?) The People vs. OJ Simpson & Cuba played OJ (even though the show was about the trial itself more than OJ, per se), to me that's reason enough to place him in the Lead Actor in a Limited Series category.
  5. As I remember, yes, Cochran did have bodyguards/security people from Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, at least for part of the trial.
  6. If anybody's up for a marathon rewatch, this Tweet from a USA Today writer says FX is rerunning the *entire* show on Sunday, starting at 2PM Eastern AND Pacific Time. https://twitter.com/garymlevin/status/717762496199802881
  7. I'm not sure they could've handled Charlie's transition any better. By that point, Dulé Hill may have begun filming on Psych, his post-TWW series on USA Network.
  8. She had to have been charged with something at some point. They were arraigned together &, when the Judge asked for pleas, she said, "With my husband, not guilty, Your Honor."
  9. As betsyboo said, the show's already been renewed for S7 (YAY!). It--& almost everything else on CBS' Primetime schedule, except the first season shows--was renewed a week or so ago (YAY!). "San Francisco Police Lady", character name Abby Dunn, actress name Julie Benz, though I doubt you care about either of the actual names, may not be around much next season (or may be recast, if she is); Julie Benz was cast in another Pilot, I think also for CBS. But she just recently got cast & we don't know if that show's on the Fall schedule yet. I happen to like Danny's kids, & I doubt they're going anywhere. The storyline of Danny getting to know his son was meant as an important plotline this season; it will probably continue, to some extent, next season as well. After all, there were 3 years of the kid's life when the duplicitous Rachel (Danny's ex & the mother of both children) led Danny to believe the kid was her 2nd husband's, though he was conceived during an affair Danny & Rachel had toward the end of S1 & Rachel assured Danny the baby was his when she told him she was pregnant in the S1 finale. Rachel, & her Trump-esque real estate developer 2nd husband, Stan, moved with Charlie (her son with Danny) at the end of S2/beginning of S3 to Las Vegas because Stan was building something there. Rachel wanted her & Danny's custody agreement about Grace, their daughter, modified so that Grace could move with them. Seeing as Danny moved to Hawaii to help maintain his visitation with Grace but wasn't moving again if he could help it, & that Grace had built a life for herself (as much as a preteen can, anyway) in Hawaii, Danny fought Rachel's custody modification request with 1 of his own--that he be granted joint custody of Grace, which he apparently didn't already have, & she be allowed to remain in Hawaii & live with him, & not be moved off the island without his permission. This was granted in S3. Then they began mentioning Rachel in the plot again in S4 & S5, establishing that she, at least, had a new home in Honolulu & was there at least periodically, & Grace was now apparently splitting her time between Rachel's house & Danny's house. And, in part of the 2-ep S5 finale, Rachel finally physically returned to Hawaii Since the character's recurring, the actress--Claire van der Boom--is allowed to take other roles & does so; so we haven't seen her since at least S2 when Grace was kidnapped by a vengeful ex-cop partner of Danny's, who he helped send to prison. Anyway... Rachel asked Danny to meet her at a park, where now 3-year-old Charlie, her son she claimed was fathered by husband #2, Stan, was playing on a jungle gym type thing. Rachel tells Danny that Charlie's sick with a (real life) autoimmune disorder, HLH, which he could die from, but there's a cure: he needs a bone marrow transplant from a close family match. Danny thinks Rachel wants permission to have Grace tested; Rachel says that's not it, she, Grace, & Stan have all been tested & none of their marrow matches. The bells go off in Danny's head & Rachel asks him to get tested. He's furious with Rachel for keeping their son & his paternity from him for 3 years (her reasoning: if he died while on duty, at least 1 kid would still have a father), but of course he consents to the testing--which, of course, proves to be a match. He also insists that Rachel tell Charlie, so he understands it, that Danny is his father, not Stan; & I think he wanted regular visitation with Charlie, like he has/originally had with Grace. Near the beginning of this season (S6), Danny & Charlie are hospitalized so Danny can donate his bone marrow to Charlie (this is 1 of the eps where Scott doesn't appear, but Steve talks about Danny doing the marrow donation procedure with Grover & NFL player Jerry Rice, who Steve asks for an autograph for recuperating Danny in Rice's brief cameo scene at ep's end). Then, at Halloween, Danny takes the still recuperating Charlie Trick-or-Treating around the hospital & they continue to bond. And that brings us to this episode, where Danny & his kids have their car stolen while having lunch together & they end up chasing after it. They were just hitching a ride back to town on Mamo's bus, but then they passed the car/the car & thieves passed the bus, so they had to go chasing after it. To be fair about the "Daddy" thing, we don't really know how much time passes between eps, or even when they're set unless a specific holiday or something is mentioned in the ep. It's perfectly believable, to me, Charlie could've begun calling Danny "Daddy"; especially since he was already calling him "Danno" last season, in the ep where Rachel told Danny Charlie was sick. Considering Danny saved Charlie's life, & they've also been together over Halloween & at the lunch depicted in this ep, & probably other times offscreen, I'd think that's a pretty damn good indicator he has visitation rights, really. As for how it's working, I assume pretty much like visitation with Gracie worked before Danny got joint custody of her. Who knows? Maybe Danny's also got/negotiating joint custody of Charlie. I disagree about returning to just the "core 4". These days, shows need to change & evolve to maintain viewer interest; not stay the same from season to season, as most shows did back in the '70's (like Starsky & Hutch, for example). If you couldn't care less about certain characters, the plotlines, etc., why are you still watching the show? Just curious.
  10. Yes, the dog commutes in too. Somebody said, in an early season, there are supposedly ways around the quarantine for regular travelers back & forth (they mentioned, like, proof of a recent vet exam). I also heard he's supposedly claimed it was/had it declared as an emotional support animal, or some other type of service dog, but I don't know how true that is, or if there's a loophole for service animals working with their owners. There's always the obnoxious "Don't you know who I am??" card too. But, despite a lot of things we may have heard, or think, Scott supposedly really is a nice guy & hopefully wouldn't pull the "Don't you know who I am?" card over his dog, Dot.
  11. Robert's newest, "ambush", version of Restaurant Impossible already aired some eps before All-Star Academy even started. And I think it was running eps while the show was on, as well. They were definitely airing commercials for it when the show was on.
  12. If you can, switch to the mobile version of the forums. No ads, & less chance of catching a computer virus because of that. Or so we were told by the people running TWoP when they got hit by a pretty nasty virus not very long before they shut down & many posters came here.
  13. If he has kids in school, they may just now be starting Spring Break, though I know it seems late in the year for that. The school system I attended while growing up, in Northeast Indiana, is just taking their Spring Break this week.
  14. Scott's still filming in Hawaii, not in California. There have been periodic pics posted to social media of him in Hawaii-based restaurants & other food establishments & regular stores; at the martial arts studio where he & Alex train while filming in Honolulu; of him, his dog Dot, & someone else (who may or may not have been Scott's partner/the mother of his daughter--they all were seen from the back) walking down a Honolulu street recently, possibly in the area where it's said Alex lives & Scott at least lived during S1 & whenever else he wasn't regularly commuting to film (there was a sign with a Honolulu street name in the pic); & also pics of him with fans, cast members/guest stars, & tech advisors--like the guy who taught Scott to use a bow & arrow for this ep (he said, basically, Scott was patient, attentive, all good things)--taken on shooting locations. Besides, if they let Scott film his stuff in LA, then they'd have to schlep the Hawaii-based actors (like Teilor & Zach, who play his kids Gracie & Charlie) over there to film with him. And he was definitely there in the last couple of weeks. The co-administrator of the Facebook page for a weekly H50 blog I read was on vacation there from Germany. On her last day there, she was at a filming location & managed to get a couple of pics with Alex as they hurried into the location (they arrived late). Alex asked Scott to take the pics of him with the German fan.
  15. I was just using the "shameless plug" term they actually used in the video itself.
  16. Video from People magazine's website, with Alison Wright answering 5 random questions (you have to hear what she calls Keri Russell in the video) & giving shameless plugs to The Americans & HBO's upcoming movie, or whatever it is, about the Anita Hill & Clarence Thomas thing that came up during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings, which stars another Kerry--Kerry Washington--& in which Alison also appears. http://www.people.com/people/mobile/video/0,,20996708,00.html
  17. I remember reading in 1 of my local papers, before S1 ended, the announcement that Moira was leaving the show at the end of S1 "by mutual agreement" (or a similar phrase--they may have used another word besides "agreement"); but I don't remember now, seeing as it's been over 10 years since I read that, how far in advance of the airing (or even the filming of the S1 finale) I read it. Just that it was near the end of S1, before the season finale aired. Having said that, if they knew far enough ahead that Mandy/Moira wasn't coming back, I've started to wonder, in recent years, why they didn't have the character go to The Newseum as part of Bartlet's entourage (heck, it seemed like Mandy was supposed to go along on that photo op she tried to arrange during the Christmas shopping trip Bartlet just wanted to sneak out for with no fanfare/as little fanfare as possible, given he was the president & all that entailed, so why not have Mandy tag along to The Newseum too)? Then they could've either had her injured badly enough she had to resign her position (sort of like James Brady after John Hinckley's assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan) or had her killed outright in the shooting. It at least would've explained what happened to Mandy in the storyline, instead of the whole "now you see her, now you don't, she got shipped off to Mandyville & was never seen or heard from, or spoken about--as I remember--by anyone on the staff again" (unlike Rob Lowe's Sam Seaborn, after Rob left the show--he was spoken about by the remaining characters, as well as seen and heard from again, after he was written out of the show)" thing. Did they all really hate Mandy (but hopefully not Moira) enough not to give the character a definitive ending? That was 1 of the 2 things that probably bugged me most about the show (other than Sorkin giving 2 of the Bartlet daughters first names [Elizabeth & Eleanor] which share the same nicknames)--everybody else (or pretty much everybody else) got "closure" when their character/storyline ended, except Mandy. Mandy was there 1 day, gone the next & never to be heard from again... Not even in the series finale or the run-up to it, unlike other departed characters who came back (except they may have also not included former Vice President Hoynes... I forget).
  18. Penny Davidi's coming back. She's 1 of the 7 "also rans" from previous seasons who are looking for redemption, like Michelle, Chad, Martita, & I forget who else.
  19. Latin Jazz musician, Latin Grammy Award winner, & Last Tango in Paris composer, Gato Barbieri, dead at 83 from pneumonia. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/latin/7318824/gato-barbieri-dead
  20. Unless they've filmed it with a new "family", that commercial's actually been around for awhile. I know I've seen 1 with that idea, if not the same "family", before.
  21. I had always thought this was supposed to be a limited series (miniseries). I never thought it would go beyond this season.
  22. A lot of the cast who are on Twitter are also talking up Josh's podcast to their followers, & starting to at least sort of talk to Josh (I don't follow Hrishikesh yet, but probably should start) about being on the podcast. The other night, it looked like Kathleen York (Toby's ex, Congresswoman Andrea Wyatt) had agreed to do it & I think they're trying to get her on the ep discussing Mandatory Minimums, which is the first ep we saw Andrea (aka Andi) in.
  23. But as of the beginning of S2, Janel got moved up to the main title credits & Renee was still listed with the guest stars. So things balanced themselves out again, I'd say.
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