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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. This could also just be Amy's way of saying the baby will be here soon. The winking emoji made me think maybe Jill is in labor. Of course, they do have a mail box for "happy mail", so nothing would surprise me.
  2. I didn't think he was too bad to listen to. He seems to have a good speaking voice, and his "message" seemed well organized. He did not seem to "wander around", and stayed on point, unlike many Baptist preachers I have heard. He could have been much worse.
  3. I've actually had parents who insist their kids needed all services available, including special classes or a one-on-one tutor, just so they could use all the services and apply for anything they can. Very often, the kid just needed some speech therapy or a little extra teacher time. It was sad to see these parents make up all this stuff about their child just to get the "extras". I once knew a couple that was hoping their newborn would need to be in the NICU just so they could get all the perks like free formula and diapers, and free day care. They thought that was very nice with their first child. I am sort of surprised that Jill didn't play up any potential or continuing health issues with Janessa. Just for the posting opportunities, if nothing else. I wonder if that had anything to do with the CPS visits at their last location.
  4. Note to Maddy: please reread your post before you hit "send".
  5. And a Husky's job in life is to RUN. I know someone who used to find their Husky miles and miles from home very often. His mission in life was to get out of the yard and see how many miles he could travel. I sure hope they keep their eye on this dog and make sure it gets good training.
  6. Maddie wore a very tiny bikini on a public beach when she was very pregnant. I'm not sure "good taste" is really in her vocabulary.
  7. Janessa supposedly had some issues before birth--per Jill. A "stroke" in utero and agenesis of the corpus callosum. Jill declared a "miracle" and that she is fine. It is very possible that she does have some issues that are being ignored. I'm sure they are not making appointments with the pediatrician doctor.
  8. I am pretty sure these kids know what side their bread is buttered on.
  9. I hope everyone is staying off social media because they have decided to keep a lower profile. Every baby announcement or family event, or any mention of the Duggars, that is made made by the media will include a mention -- and probably a picture--of the Felon. Forever, I'm thinking. This family put themselves out there in the public eye as the perfect family that is better than anyone else, and will now suffer the bad publicity forever. The media has a long memory.
  10. It would not surprise me to learn that GWE is unwell. He does not appear well and seems to lack any energy. I'm sure he does not live a healthy lifestyle in that home. I wonder if he gets regular heath care (we know the children don't, but they don't get enough food either and it looks like he does). Imagine the grifting posts if he does become ill. I feel so, so sorry for these kids.
  11. Having no power would not make a difference to the Amish. The Old World Amish that I am familiar with have no electricity, but have appliances rigged up to a gas or propane motor. So Jill is not "living like their Amish neighbors". Her neighbors are prepared.
  12. Tonight's cat blanket. Life is good!
  13. I thought the herringbone bracelet was purchased when she was actually sick, not recently. I thought telling the story was a way to meet and become friends with her, and that was before her sickness "came back". But I could be remembering wrong.
  14. A brush and tissues is still a much better gift than some diapers in a paper sack, which Jill R gave one of her daughters for her birthday. Not a package of diapers, just a couple of random diapers. In a paper sack. I, too, hope none of Jessa's kids get hurt on the drawer pulls in the kitchen. Or fill the house with gas from the stove. I can't remember how many bathrobes or pairs of jeans I have ruined over the years when the pockets were caught on kitchen knobs. That is why my kitchen drawers and cabinets are knobless. I'm just the wrong height, I guess.
  15. During the day when she is supposed to be cooking for her family, and taking care of her children.
  16. I actually thought Jill was wearing a crazy flower hat in the first picture. Sad that I thought that was something she would really do. But I'm glad she didn't.
  17. RE: pillows. I bought a "dog bone" pillow on Etsy. I asked the seller not to stuff it--just send me the cover. I ripped open a My Pillow and used the stuffing in the dog bone pillow cover, and it works great. I find the dog bone shape works very well for me and gives me good neck support. My original dog bone was stuffed with cotton, but I like the My Pillow stuffing in this smaller pillow. I do not like the regular My Pillow, and I tried their new neck roll and it was not a good size for me. There are several sellers on Etsy that sell dog bone shaped pillows, but I like being able to control the amount and type of stuffing. I sure like the shape, though. The seller left the "stuffing slit" open, and I just stuffed it to the firmness I like and stitched it closed. The pillow is small enough to easily put in the washing machine or a suitcase.
  18. Yes, I think she made a mistake. I use my ceiling fans all the time, and they do cut down on the AC use. I bought expensive ceiling fans for my new house, and one of my cats decided she was terrified of them. She didn't mind them in the old house, but she kept ducking and leaving the room in the new house. She finally has come to terms with them, and is not afraid anymore. Thankfully, because mine run a lot. I would think Jessa could figure out how a ceiling fan works. Does their new house have A/C or room coolers? I wish I had white appliances. My new house came with stainless steal, and they show every single fingerprint. I only have "stainless" because I had no choice. I really do not like them.
  19. The only experience I have had was with a "cooling" mattress pad. It was the hottest thing I had ever had on my bed. Just awful. I stick with 100% cotton.
  20. I totally detest the Uber Eats commercials. The one with the woman eating a tube of lipstick and the one with the guy eating a roll of tape because they were delivered by Uber Eats. I really hate them. I get it. Uber Eats now delivers stuff other than food. Just say it and quit acting stupid. These commercials do NOT entice me to use Uber Eats to deliver anything. Ever. And they are on so often. Enough already.
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