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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. So Stacey was going to withdraw $2,000 from the bank so Florian can have some spending money while she's in Turkey getting a new face? And he is better than Georgi in what way? Because he pretends it bothers him to get this money from Stacey, like it's against his beliefs. Yeah, sure, Flor. Then why didn't he save a whole bunch of money when he was living in Albania with his parents before he moved to CT to be with the love of his life so he didn't have to sponge off her and then act like he doesn't want to. I can't stand him. Such a weasel.
  2. These two are insane. The way they put sentences together is insane. Darcey-"If we walk down the aisle"- how about saying "if we get married". Like normal people. EVERYTHING they say has to be so dramatic. If I hear "I have to be strong" and "I don't deserve this" one more time.....
  3. THIS is precisely why these people have remained single. Marriage is compromise. If you have the same morals and values and goals for family and finances, and hopefully find the other person attractive then that is what matters. They all need to grow up. And.... to the people that find going to bed without showering nasty, I find nothing wrong with showering in the morning. I personally find waking up after 8 hrs of sleep funk on you, then going straight to work or what ever your day brings without showering is more gross. I like to be clean and shampooed before presenting myself to the world.
  4. What?? Did Whit tell the Dr. she has only had 4 periods in her entire life? But then I heard her say she gets her period every 40 days. Whitney re-writing history again.
  5. WTF is going on with Heather? She gonna carry Twit's baby? I have lost all respect.
  6. Evelin if you don't want to get married then don't freakin' get married. Nobody cares! If Evelin and Corey were broken up when he went to Peru what right does she have to be so hurt about him "cheating"? It's not cheating, it's dating because you are broken up. He should have just kept his mouth shut. Then again, where is the story in that? Ari with that perpetual grin on her face. I figured out why. Her teeth are too big for her mouth, therefore she can't close her mouth all the way. I thought she was young, how could she have been married to the other guy for 10 years? Anybody know her age? Sumshit is not going to marry granny. Ever. She will continue the 6 month trek back and forth till she's too old and sick to travel. I'm Jenny's age and the thought of all that travel every 6 mos with the super long hours on the plane exhausts me just thinking about it. Sumshit only wants the free rent her SS and TLC money brings to the table. Poor pizza lady. She is lost and lonely. It's about to get worse. Hang on tight to your money, honey. Although, for having a successful restaurant it looked like she kind of lived in a shithole. I was expecting to see a beautiful house like crazy Stephanie had. Whatever. Steven with a V reminds me of Spicoli, that Sean Penn character on Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I don't get why do all of these friends and family (except family Libby) seem to have so much common sense yet they hang around with these idiots.
  7. Never gonna happen with a grand baby involved. Didn't mama Areola come to visit once to see what the living conditions were appalled at what Bini considered acceptable? She told him to get it together because he has a baby on the way. Once the kid was born, Areola is now set for life. Mama and Dr. Papa Areola will never let that baby live in squalor. I blame the parents for the way they raised Areola. They made their bed, now they will pay for it for the rest of their lives. Good thing they have lots of $$$$$.
  8. I hope she didn't. Why couldn't she just get a tourist Visa and stay for 6 mos to test the waters. Let her buddy run the biz and give him a bigger cut of the profits while she's away. Take a little time, live with the "fiancee" and see if the guy is worth it, then make you life altering decisions.
  9. Agree. They should do a one time "Where are they now" special and leave it at that.
  10. Something else, if she is visiting on a tourist Visa and has to leave the country every 6 mos then she most definitely can still collect her social security with direct deposit right in to her US bank. Expats in Mexico do it all the time. If she was to become a citizen of India that would be a different story, so this whole story of her losing her SS benefit is bullshit. Her lawyer is an idiot for telling her she will lose her benefits. Unless of course dumb Jenny said she was applying for citizenship in India.
  11. I'm about over the Kalani sisters. Man, they are really laying it on thick feeling so sorry for Darcey and hating on Georgi. Your husband ain't no prize, Kalani, so shut your pie hole.
  12. Exactly. I have to admit I was kind of happy to hear he cheated on her because she deserves it. She cheated first! How quickly she forgets. Her smug attitude makes me want to haul off and smack her. Wasn't it Corey's money that enabled her to open that bar? Be a little humble, bitch! '
  13. I want to grab pizza lady and shake her until her brains re-align. What in the hell is she thinking? Selling a thriving business and going to live with a cheater. At least apply for a fiancee visa and have him come to the US to see if it will work out. He will have a guaranteed job at the pizza shop. Let's see how hard he wants to work. If it falls apart, don't marry him and send him packing. Again, WTF is she thinking????
  14. True but I was talking about the ex wife. If she cared about whether she was divorced, she could have looked it up. She's an idiot.
  15. How convenient for her to finally find her birth father and sisters during filming the season.
  16. Once the divorce is granted, It's public record. If you know the county the paperwork was filed it's easy to look it up yourself.
  17. Ohhhh lets all get ready for Erika pulling back her lips, showing her teeth and snarling at Sutton like a rabid dog. Orrrr whaaaat? Orrrrr whaaaat? Please Sutton, don't back down!
  18. Same here. I hate them all. I also never miss an episode. 😏
  19. How rich for Erika to call Sutton "very small town" when Erika herself is also "small town". Or did the former stripper/hostess forget about that? They are both from Georgia ffs. And I don't mean Atlanta. What a fake, pretentious bitch.
  20. Omg, Kathy said she didn't know there was a fight going on at the table. Kyle points out how Kathy was touching up her lipstick and not paying attention when the Dorit/Garcelle fight was going on. Then the shady editors show the playback. Every fucking thing right there made watching this mess worthwhile!
  21. With three scoops of tuna salad on lettuce with saltine crackers on the side. Sitting in that TV room like my grandparents used to have. Retro Kathy!
  22. I remember the first episode of this season when Lu and Ramona were complaining they haven't seen Sonja in 6 mos. and they were pissed about it. She ghosts them as soon as the reunions are finished. No return texts, no return phone calls, nothing. So all this I love you BS is just that. BS.
  23. I didn't understand the whole fat conversation with Whit and Frenchie. Was he telling her he has no problem being romantically involved with a fat woman? If so, I call bullshit! French people do not like fat. Period. You won't see many fat Parisians. It's not the norm. They have disdain for Americans as it is, they have no time for fat, loud Americans who can not control their eating habits. Whit is lucky she didn't fall for a guy in Amsterdam. They are ruthlessly honest people. They will ask you to your face why you are so fat and don't think it's offensive to ask at all. They just really want to know. I saw a whole thing on Youtube about it, it's quite funny because Americans are so used to ignoring the truth for fear of hurting feelings. Anyway, back to Whit. This season is going to be a sham and a scam. I bet it will end with Whitney deciding to dump the fake boyfriend so she saves face for what happened with Chase last season.
  24. I'm about tired of Ashley already. Her kid is cute, though. I'm also about tired of Ash, Heather and Babs saying how gorgeous this mystery frenchie is. If they're not gonna show his face then shut up. Why did nobody have a key to the studio? So they decide to dance in the parking lot. Buddy has finally seen the light. I think he is really over her bullshit. When he said "Since when is it a crime to have a life" I was cheering him on. He also said he was the perfect roommate now. Pays rent, is never there. Just what exactly in the fuck is her problem? No talking Tal this season? He sure had many, many opinions last season. I wonder if they had a falling out. Glad the precious dog is still in the picture. Highlight of the episode: Whit begging for cuddles and Buddy saying No! Hahahahaha!! He finally gives in but what a weak cuddle it was. He looked like he was ready to vomit by having to touch her. Man, has he changed!
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