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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Ha! Rinna used to have a store years ago. It was mysteriously robbed twice then she closed it down. I guess that wasn't a business, either. Rinna kissing up to Garcelle at the end of their fight because she knows the fans like Garcelle and are sick of her fake BS. Dorit is relentless with Garcelle. Enough, already. Don't they all get in their digs during the confessionals? People forget they are being asked questions by production behind the camera. They answer the questions. I wish Garcelle would have pointed that out. Erika looks rough with her bad makeup, her Tammy Wynette hair extensions slathered in hair spray and her cheap looking satin dress. It's shocking to see her that way. Where is her stone cold perfection? Oh, that's right. It disappeared along with that 20 million. I don't understand Kyles hairstyle. Kathy is wearing an old lady frock. Crystal is so gorgeous. Flawless understated makeup and a simple yet elegant dress. I would love to know the secret to her glowing skin.
  2. These two talk in circles to each other without ever really saying a damn thing. It's maddening!
  3. Johnny keeps implying that Bao is different on camera than off camera. I think he is trying to say that she is a fake and not so nice off camera. I wish he would just come out and say it. Michaela really threw Bao under the bus on Unfiltered. She said Bao complains about Johnny all the time off camera. Again, are we seeing a different Bao? Something just doesn't add up. Oh, and Michaela, you suck. Maybe she and Johnny should get together.
  4. I don't know, Kim confuses me because she seems fine with Moriah's relationship and likes her boyfriend. There's something about Olivia I don't like. Can't pinpoint it yet but she rubs me the wrong way. I hope Ethan finds a great girl that really loves him. This marriage is too much of a struggle.
  5. I did it once, too and omg the pain!!! It also didn't really work for me. My lips pretty much looked the same after a couple of weeks. Very disappointing. I couldn't believe both Whit and Babs were taking the needle so well.
  6. Moriah did not do a good job explaining this to Evil Kim. Then again, she's a young girl that shouldn't have that burden on her shoulders. I wonder if this will cause Moriah to step back from Kim again. I was surprised Micah was with Ethan while looking for Kim. He's been trying to keep the peace with his parents lately but it looked like he was just as pissed off as Ethan. I think eventually these kids will learn there is no peace keeping with Kim and Barry. There will always be something to cause drama and dissention with them.
  7. Because it's stretchy fabric and all that fits comfortably. She doesn't care how she looks in it. Her bottom lip is bigger but her upper lip is still thin. Why bother. Oh, yeah, it's for Le Blur. I thought Hunter was going back home. Guess he decided to stay for the extra paychecks. She tells him to leave her house because he was telling the truth about what a mess she is and Babs just lays there in the bed holding hands with her. This is why Whit is the way she is. I blame the parents. Poor Hunter must have played second fiddle to her his whole life.
  8. Who ever did the camera work for this last episode sucks. We barely saw the living room, they didn't scan it in it's entirety which made it look really small with too much going on. The kitchen was really nice but they rushed through what they did there. Same with the bedroom. I don't understand where they put the recliner. Was it in a little alcove? Was it in a separate space in the bedroom, Upstairs? Downstairs? Again we barely saw it. I like the way Nate and Jeremiah have their differences but always come together in the end. So cute when Nate was doing the phone auction and they were at their table with the kids saying "Good job, Daddy".
  9. Brittney's mom's criteria for Brits perfect man: He must be tall. Because Brit is tall. And she wants tall grandkids. She liked Azan because he was tall. Omg.
  10. The only reason I can think of is that they haven't found anybody to fill her time slot. I saw some talk about Nick Cannon but I don't think he will be successful at it. Every day 5 days a week of Nick. No thanks. These talk shows aren't so popular anymore. I would rather watch ID channel True Crime shows every day!
  11. So now they're making the husbands a thing like they do on the NJ franchise. I could do without. Both of the young ones are Whitney and her husbands. The redhead looks just like the husband in the face. In an empty restaurant.
  12. I wonder if Andy Cohen is sorry he gave Candyass another season. I doubt she'll be back for another. Mia is a shit stirrer and a snob but she keeps her cool. She makes trouble but never raises her voice and starts yelling and screaming like Candyass. Not only did Candyass throw the first bits of lettuce, she also started slamming and breaking things on the counter. She can't fight without 100% losing her shit. That's the difference between the two.
  13. Ummmm is Rachel going to be held captive and chained to the bed all summer while Jose is at work during the day? She needs to grow up. There are plenty of things to do during the day. She likes to work out, so go do that. Meet your girls for lunch, go shopping, whatever. When Jose comes home from work, go out to dinner sometimes. Take weekend road trips with your hubby. Plan a two week vacation to Europe with your mom or who ever. Doesn't have to be all freakin' summer long. Geez. These people will think of any way to sabotage their marriage with the lamest reasons of why it won't work.
  14. Kathy building a 55 million $$ spec home. I want to be Kathy. **** I had to correct this, I just read it was 55 million, not 35 million. Holy crap!
  15. Maybe I'm wrong but I got a sense from his family that they thought what he was complaining about was bullshit. They have seen this juvenile behavior from him before.
  16. Yeah, don't put your head down to the camera, JohnJohn, not a good angle! And loose the short pink shorts, too. What a dweeb.
  17. Speaking of.....since they film it...someone needs to teach Rachel and Jose how to brush with an electric toothbrush. Stop vigorously attacking your teeth! Let the brush do it's thing or just use a manual one. A pet peeve of mine😁
  18. Not only that, she had towels and clothes all over the floor of the bathroom and closet. I bet she throws wet towels on the floor and dirty clothes on the closet floor and picks them up and wears them again. I don't see her as the type that does much laundry. Why couldn't Pastor Cal ask Johnny what he is doing for Bao instead of letting him ramble on about everything that is wrong with Bao? The poor girl was in tears and he sits there stone cold. I also can't stand their bedroom pillow talk. Uggggh! Yes, Johnny, I will try to get up earlier so I can have coffee with you. WTF????
  19. Oh, I don't know about that. They made a 4 million dollar profit on that NY home. Sounds pretty perfect to me!
  20. Plus summers in hot, humid sweltering Houston are miserable. I thought Florida summers were bad when I lived there until I went to Houston! I don't blame her for wanting to go far, far away.
  21. I could care less where Jamie and Beth want to move to now. She needs to get a life and I can't believe he puts up with her spoiled ass. All is forgiven with Keith and Kristine. I hope he learned his lesson because next time I don't think a couple of adorable kitties are going to solve the problem of his decision making when he knows his wife wasn't on the same page. We watch Bobby and Danielle fret over their daughters sleeping arrangement. Will she or won't she sleep in their bed. Ohhh, the suspense. We watch Anthony grow attached to the dog he didn't want to babysit. We watch Deonna have fun with her girl time while Greg is a dad. Jamie and Doug head back to NJ. They miss his family. His family, not hers. Because we know her family sucks. This has got to be one of the most ridiculous shows on TV that I continue to watch religiously and can't break free from. 😝
  22. Yes, he said that in their season that he didn't want to be an old dad. I also think Virginia's hard partying and passing out on her male best friends sofa's was a major problem between them. She's just not ready to settle down and he is. I have no idea why she thought she wanted to be on a show about getting married. Bad match. Great job, experts.
  23. Exactly what I was thinking.
  24. He has daddy issues. Remember daddy was not pleased with the MAFS business and refused to go to the wedding which made Johnny cry? Nothing he does pleases his daddy, so he in turn takes it out on his own relationships. Johnny for some reason didn't like Bao when he met her in college years ago. Something turned him off then and it's sticking with him now.
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