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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I thought that, too! I love her on "Mom" so I was disappointed. It's like she was pausing too long to try to come up with a funny answer, it was annoying. Just be yourself, Anna. Or as Andy pronounces it, Onnnnnnaaaa
  2. He could have said something to her like, I'm going to go stretch my legs, I'll be back in a while.... she said he was walking away with out a word. Not cool and very rude. As far as time alone with Amy, he knows she's on a reality show. No surprises there. He doesn't have to agree to be on the show. There were also traveling with a group of motorcyle riding friends, so I don't know how much alone time he was looking for. Plenty of time to recharge after the camera's are off and they are back at the hotel. I don't know, I just don't want to give the guy any slack because I don't trust him. I think Amy is eventually going to get hurt.
  3. Molly: Jon and I were a perfect match. Jon checked off all the boxes. Jon and I have so much fun together. Jon and I have so much in common. But.....I'm not attracted to him! Ever notice when she is explaining herself to her mother and sister , they sit there speechless and they are looking at her like what in the eff is wrong with you?
  4. I caught that, too. Do your math, Amy. Chris disappearing is just weird. I don't think it's producer driven, either. Amy said it out of her own mouth, he disappears and it's NOT ok with her. Who the hell does that? The guy gives me strange vibes. He's the type that is happy as long as everything is going according to his plan. No drama, no fighting, no getting upset with him or show the slightest bit of a temper, just do it all his way and there will be no problems. There is a reason he's 55 and never been married. He doesn't want to compromise for anybody.
  5. Is Erika kidding? We haven't seen her nasty temper?
  6. Oy, these women. "I never said that"! I don't recall saying that"! "When did I say that"? I didn't mean it when I said that"! You said that. Shall we roll tape?
  7. Oh, I missed that... was she sucking on her teeth and salivating, like she normally does when describing her weird food choices? Jerk sauce on tuna fish sounds absolutely disgusting to me!
  8. I have my doubts, too, because all the pics of her belly (clothed and not clothed), her belly button is not sticking out. Now, I have never been pregnant so my question is: Don't all pregnant women have an obvious protruding belly button or just some women?
  9. Hey everybody, It's the "Jax and Brittney Show"!! As if we didn't get enough of their crappy Kentucky spinoff, they are shoved down our throats in this show, too. I'm sick to death of them. Because of Jax, Brittney is now the star of two shows.
  10. I get it, but damn, why is wearing those ugly sneakers with a shiny, tight, short gold dress. Loubitin, Valentino and Manolo all make flats, lol. I know, I still can't get over the shiny gold dress with bright white sneakers, I'm obsessed !
  11. I recently watched an old episode where Bonnie and Chef Rudi get together. Freakin' hilarious! I loved Chef Rudi. His comedic timing was perfection. I can't remember the actor's name.
  12. I honestly don't think Kim wants Kroy out of her sight. She's perfectly happy having him make a career out of waiting on her hand and foot. it's a sick relationship.
  13. Loved how they immediately showed clips everytime Kim denied saying all the BS she did all season. Camera's don't lie, Wig!
  14. Jon=Douche. Keep your mouth shut, your shirt off and just paint. That "date" "no date" he was on had my skin crawling.
  15. It's a morning after pill. Take it the morning after sex just in case there is a chance you could be pregnant from the non protected romp in the hay the night before.
  16. If agreeing to be a shit stirring bitch this season is the price Naomi has to pay for being on national TV, then what does that say about her? Is she that much a famewhore? I guess I just answered my own question.
  17. What's happening to this show? C'mon Cam, you are better than this!
  18. I really liked this episode. I agree with Marjorie. Getting older is a bitch, especially in this society.
  19. What the heck is wrong with Naomi? Is she on drugs? Too much drinky drink? She is so incredibly mean spirited. That girl is not right.
  20. Kathryn and Craig have always had a special bond. Wouldn't it be something if they got together? Heads would spin!
  21. Let's not forget the really bad season Bethenny had when her emotions were all over the place. They were at Dorinda's for her Christmas get together and Bethenny got in to a huge fight with LuAnn, screaming at her in her face, telling Lu that she was a whore and sleeps with everybody! Then crying, then screaming, then crying, etc, etc. Difference is I don't think B was drunk, she was just being nasty, crazy Bethenny.
  22. That short, tight. shiny gold dress with those blinding white high tops she was wearing today. Why is she wearing nothing but sneakers all the time? I know she's afraid of falling again but has she given up on nice flats, too? She looks rediculous. Who is dressing her?
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