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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. Totally agree. It's brilliant and should be required reading. I'd also add her latest book, Caste.
  2. I totally agree. They cut so fast, you don't even have 2 seconds to look at the beauty of the city. It drives me crazy. I also wondered about the place where Pringle and Kathryn (two hours late 😒) met up. Admittedly, I was looking down at my phone when the scene started but the only thing I saw them focus on was a logo. I didn't catch a name for the place, which as you mentioned, doesn't make sense because why would they agree to allow filming, if they couldn't use the exposure to get their name out there. 🤷‍♀️ Along those lines, a little background on some of the historic places in the city, would be a nice touch. For example, the Rappahannock Oyster Bar where Shep and Taylor met up in this episode, is in a very historic building. The Cigar Factory, a major Charleston employer for much of the 20th century, was important in the history of labor relations and in the history of civil rights and women's rights. There's even a very good historical fiction novel written about the factory. (I've read it and would definitely recommend.) The Cigar Factory-A Novel Of Charleston. It's now a multi-use building with offices, retail space and several restaurants including the Rappahannock OB. I'm not expecting Southern Charm to become a travelogue, but letting some of the city's charm shine through would be a good thing, IMO.
  3. I knew I was on the right channel and immediately yelled at the screen, "This show. AGAIN with the new people!" 😡 It turned out to be OK, because at least these people were just one-shots.
  4. I think that the producers don't give enough credit to the city of Charleston. The city itself is a character they should emphasize more often.
  5. Finally got around to watching this episode. If this is the footage that Bravo rejected, I want to see THIS could-have-been season! Why does Bravo assume that the audience for this show just wants to see people fighting and women screaming at each other? There should be, you know, some CHARM in a show named Southern Charm. I like that we seemed to get just a few seconds more of each location, which is really the reason that I watch. Usually the scenic shots flash by SO quickly, I can't even place them. I have photos in my camera roll of Pringle's family home down on the Battery. I love that house! Well, from the street anyway. 😄
  6. The actor is Michael O'Neill, who I immediately recognized as Secret Service Agent Ron Butterfield from The West Wing. His name is in the episode's full cast list on IMDb, but without a character name. I don't think he and Toby ever exchanged names in the episode. I had to take a phone call during the episode. Can someone tell me what the birth mother said to her newborn after she asked Kate to leave the room? Was there a tense conversation between birth mother and Kate afterward? Also, I missed the introduction of Kate's baby's name. From reading other posts above, i see that it's Haley but how did they work it into the dialog? Did Toby already know the name Kate had chosen? I was certain that Toby would choose Rose for her middle name.
  7. Small nitpick from a Psych major: Philosophy falls under Humanities not Social Sciences. I too, took a Philosophy course as a freshman, although it was second semester. Missy was the best thing about the episode for me. I did enjoy the guest appearance by Melanie Lynsky. While I've seen her in many roles over the years, every time I see her in something new, in my mind I hear Reese Witherspoon saying, "Look at you, you have a baby... In a bar." 😄
  8. After an episode's reprieve, Shannon's back. Boo. Not only do I not like her character; I've actually grown to dislike Wade when he's with Shannon. Then there's Delia, who was over-the-top unbearable tonight. Thank goodness for Michelle and Ben, who act like normal people! What is happening to the writing on this show? I liked this series a lot in its first season. I'm terribly disappointed and hope they can turn it around. Grace and Natalie are always enjoyable. More of them would have been appreciated.
  9. I'm in agreement with you on the connections to the Infinity Stones in the commercials, but I think it's the Mind Stone that's portrayed in the Stark toaster commercial. If you look at the toaster, it resembles a face. The two control knobs form the eyes; the drawer on the bottom the mouth. The colorized button is "between the eyes" just as the Mind Stone was on Vision's forehead. I'll bet we get something purple-ish for the Power Stone in this week's commercial. At least I HOPE we'll get a commercial. I was disappointed in Ep. 4 when we didn't get one!
  10. Directed by Sam Raimi, who is directing next year's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which features Wanda Maximoff.
  11. Add me to the "not Dr. Oz" chorus. I'll still watch that week because I'm there more for the content and the contestants, but I won't be happy about it. Something about Savannah Guthrie rubs me the wrong way, so I'm not looking forward to that week either. I'm OK with Anderson Cooper and I like Sanjay Gupta. I'll be glad when we get through all the guest hosts and get into the people who are actually being considered for the permanent hosting job. I'm content if Ken ends up being the final choice. I think he's doing a good job. But...Just curious: Do we know if Brad Rutter has expressed interest in hosting or if in fact he's turned down the opportunity to audition? I'd be very interested in seeing him try. I like his voice better than Ken's (although Ken's doesn't bug me that much.) I think Brad's a quicker wit than Ken is and he certainly is at a similar comfort level to Ken with the inner workings of Jeopardy.
  12. That's exactly where I'm afraid the writers are going with this relationship. As I'd mentioned, I loved Anna from last season, but it made perfect sense that the writers wouldn't pair him off so early in the show's run. Yet, Wade meets Shannon and they seem to be doing just that. 😕
  13. Great episode! I was so glad to see the show finally address the blip in a meaningful way. Yeah, there was a small indication of it in Spider-Man: Far From Home, but it was mostly played for laughs. This showed the confusion, addressed that the blip's victims thought they were gone for about 20 minutes, not five years and most importantly, through Monica, showed the real-world consequences of losing five years of one's life. Sad. Dr Lewis! So, obviously Darcy wasn't snapped and she used her time very well. Speaking of Darcy, she explains to Jimmy Woo that the radiation she's picking up dates back to the Big Bang. In Infinity War, Wong explains, "The Big Bang sends six elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe." We're definitely talking about energy from the Infinity Stones.
  14. Paul Bettany specifically mentioned Malcolm in the Middle and Modern Family in a late-night interview with James Corden a few nights after the first two episodes had dropped.
  15. I thought this episode was disappointing. Truthfully, I'm finding this season to be a disappointment. I've given it several episodes, but I just don't like Shannon as a character. I don't see any characteristics that would have Wade find her appealing and I don't really see any chemistry between them. Last season, Wade had loads of chemistry with Anna and she was a delight. I wish the writers had gone in the direction of that relationship. Also, the writing for both Delia and Forrest has been awful. Yes, they're both quirky, but this season, they're being written to the point of caricature. And please writers, no more Noah-less episodes! That kid's the best thing about the show. I love Ben and Michelle. If it weren't for those two and their family, I'm pretty sure I'd be out.
  16. Regarding Danni: She also seems to have a vocal tremor, which could indicate something neurological. I do hope she's OK; she's one of the very few people I still like on this show. As for the set decoration, there was also an antique sewing machine behind Craig, which I thought was a very nice touch.
  17. From And It's Surely to Their Credit: General Barrie: I'll be telling my story to Tim Russert. CJ Cregg: No, I don't think you will, General. General Barrie: I'm sorry? CJ Cregg: I said I don't think you will. I notice among your many decorations is the Distinguished Conduct Service Medal. You're wearing it now as well as in numerous photographs including some taken with enlisted men in the field. You won it while on temporary duty with the Navy's USS Brook. The thing is: The Brook was never fired on and never shot its guns. Right now, and in photographs, you're wearing a medal you never won. How does that usually go over with The Boys?
  18. Kathryn, inside with the girls trying to defend her racist comments and use of the monkey emoji: "I didn't know who I was talking to." I think that's a pretty damned telling comment. She's probably gotten away with racist shitposting in the past. This time she unknowingly encountered a Black woman with a public profile in Charleston and her own platform. The only reason Kathryn's "sorry" is because she got caught. Bravo should have fired her ass over this. That they did not reflects very poorly on them.
  19. There is speculation floating around that the man and the woman in the commercials might be Wanda's adoptive Sokovian parents. While the focus has been on Vision's death(s) and on Pietro's as the trauma causing Wanda's break from reality, we tend to forget that two ten year old kids watched their parents deaths. It wouldn't be surprising for Wanda to re-create her parents in her warped pocket reality. (And yes, I'm aware of who the father of Wanda and Pietro is in comic book canon.) Or, they want us to know that things from inside Wanda's reality can be transported to the outside world.
  20. Yes to all of the above. Also, in the comics, the villainous wizard Nicholas Scratch is the son of Agatha Harkness. Even the rabbit, Senor Scratch may be more than he seems.
  21. I've been hoping for an appearance by the MCU's Pietro. I'm in the minority that actually preferred Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Quicksilver to the Evan Peters X-Men version.
  22. Definitely needed a BMS for "Khan." Khan was the Mongol title, not the name of the ruler. It would be the same as answering King, Emperor or Tsar. Which King? I got Smith and Wollensky instantly, only because I worked around the corner from the New York location for many years back in the 80s. I think that was their only location way back then. I said Super 8 for FJ. That was the first and only motel chain I thought of that ostensibly fit the clue. Motel 6 is much more well known. I don't know why my brain went to the other one!
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