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Everything posted by walnutqueen

  1. I grew up in a spotless home. I know all about German deep cleaning. However, life and a series of injuries left me with the choice of doing housework that hurt me or doing my job that hurt me and paid the bills. I learned to live with some filth, and it has become much easier over the years to just admit that to myself and others. There are much worse things than a dirty house, and much better things to do with my time and energy than clean now that I don't have a job! (Of course, I live alone and have no human visitors, so I don't have to give a shit). :-) Needless to say, even the most basic renovation or home repair is beyond my abilities and means these days, but I live vicariously through my TV.
  2. Why don't couples EVER want the same things in a house, or have the same taste or style? Until the end of the episode, when a happy "compromise" is reached and it all works out with bells & roses. Rinse, lather, repeat.
  3. In my book, other than a book, there is nothing better than a story told well, with full inflection, nuance, and rhetoric. Guess I'm just old fashioned that way - I like "the radio" (NPR), too! Joe Kenda, for instance, is another good storyteller - I never tire of his quaint colloquialisms either. "Well, my, my, my ...".
  4. Oh, noes! Yet again I fall for the cowboy, only to be bitterly disappointed. :-(
  5. I am happy to be a recluse. It is a far different world than the one I grew up in, where you could usually pick out the glint of a camera lens in the trees above the nude beach, and photographers were instantly dealt with. I loved the raccoon story. "My" suburban raccoons think they're just like my backyard feral cats - they look in the windows and put their front paws up high on the back french door whenever they see me stirring from my recliner in the middle of the night. Snack time! Last year one of the raccoon babies discovered my gigantic windchime (sounds like church bells, rarely chimes in a breeze) and did a marvelous impression of Stevie Wonder listening with bliss after standing on hind legs to reach the clapper. I wonder if Walken was talking about a possum that the skunk was fighting with? "Not an otter". heh.
  6. Iguana - you had me at pussy-lickers and cocksuckers. :-) I fucking loved John From Cincinnatti, so my pain is doubled at losing both shows, and I curse Milch's name to this day (and will watch anything he does in spite of my ginormous butt-hurt). Can anyone say "Luck"? He's the bad boyfriend personified.
  7. You are all cracking me up with this "off the kitchen bathroom = "nasty" stuff. What kind of unsanitary world do we live in these days? Both rooms had sinks and windows! Old, old, old timey - plumbing was an issue and an expense. Water and pipes in proximity = savings and ease of construction. It was quite common to have one kitchen and one bathroom sharing a wall or hall, and in multi-level houses, the plumbing was all vertical. We had doors on our kitchens, and on every other room & hallway, too! An old man taking a toxic dump in the en-suite in the middle of the night? Now that's nasty! :-)
  8. I have a 1960s fugly yellow house. I find it charming ... now. (Bought it in '88, so I have no choice!). :-)
  9. Ramona and her "there's no nightlife". Bitch, please. I would imagine there's more life in a Montana night than there ever was in a glass of your pathetic pinot grigio, not to mention your tiny little world.
  10. WhatDoYouKnow - a few years ago, I bought a shitload of Secure Meal Replacement (Lessman/HSN) on sale for my Mom, who is frail and doesn't get the best nutrition. She uses it as a supplement and makes shakes & stuff; others use it as a diet aid. Recently her docs insisted she consume 3 Boost drinks a day (who could afford that on a pension?) - we checked & the Secure has the same or better ingredients. I've had it with milk and it's delish - comes in many flavors. It isn't quite soylent, but if you're still eating meals, it's viable. I understand about the convenience thing - living alone I don't get excited about cooking the way I used to when I was feeding others. :-) I am so glad Ted Cruz is finally renouncing Canada - I'm sure Canadians renounced him long ago (I certainly did).
  11. There is something pretty fucking cool about getting home from a trip to town and having your wild fox friend greet you. :-) I don't know how much Andy charges for his "training camp", but he certainly has a wealth of knowledge and skill to teach, and that young man seemed to be very happy with the experience. I loved how Andy said it reminded him of his own early days, when falling in love with Alaska and the adventure of it all was such an exciting experience. Kate is just such a sweet lady - always smiling and happy. Watching Chip with his daughter was nice - I actually think he's a good teacher, and he seems to be patient and understanding. Also, he doesn't seem to talk down to her in any way; this is a little girl who is growing up with some self esteem, I'd wager.
  12. When Carole's actions speak the same language as the words in some fucking blog, I'll reconsider my opinion that she is also a hypocrite. As long as I see her grinning like Fire Marshall Bob at George's antics and engaging him in pervy talk whenever they meet, I see no reason to cut her any more slack than the rest of the enablers.
  13. Josh Harris has a long row to hoe before he gains the acceptance of the captains and until he does, he's just Discoing to the cameras for me. Andy had the right instincts on The Bait when Josh had the balls to say "I've paid my dues". He practically screamed Phil's line at Josh : "You gotta EARN it!". Apparently, none of them think he has - yet.
  14. So do I, MrMattyMatt, and I call it that, too - probably because I saw a lot of robins' nests growing up, and I'm not the type of person to associate a color with a gift box (it may have been called Birks blue in Canada for all I know)! :-)
  15. It was great to see Chloe Dao again - she always impressed me on Project Runway, and seems to have a nice rapport with Jen and Bill. I think she has a very good sense of Jen's style and knows what looks good on her; and so does Bill! I got a kick out of Will's face when he saw Jen's lobster. Yikes!!!
  16. Conversely, never move to The Big City if you grew up in a peaceful utopia. :-)
  17. For what it's worth, Lisin - I don't see the blue edit boxes, either.
  18. I may not have had a dog in the fight before, but now --- my hackles are bristling.
  19. My favorite moment was when Shannon called Tamra eloquent.
  20. I doubt Joyce is capable of recognizing rationale, unless rationale is capable of slapping her upside that big head of hers. Like any badly behaved toddler, she needs a time out and immediate consequences for every one of her inappropriate actions and remarks. Kandi is an asshole for allowing her mother to treat the man she professes to love enough to marry in such a shameful way.
  21. I totally agree with your assessments, andyourlittledog2. If Ali is alive and in danger, the PI just put her in even more peril, but she got on teevee to strut her mad PI skilz so she can shill another desperate family. When I first saw your screen name, I thought you had a dog named Andy. :-)
  22. In my German family, po po was butt (as in "did you wipe your po po?"), so this has a double-negative connotation for me. :-)
  23. He could have at least followed up the "one bite could be a death sentence" with "if the bite is sustained by the FIV kitty, and it becomes infected and you do not seek immediate medical treatment for the FIV kitty's wound".
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