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Everything posted by walnutqueen

  1. Matty welcome back. I haven't been "out of town" since 2001, so now I'm jelly of you, too! heh. I guess it is a Green Day.
  2. Jelly - I am totally jelly of the backyard chicken coop. I want one in the worst way. Banties. Yes, they are little - but they are fierce. We had them running all over the place back in the day, and every day was an "easter egg hunt". And those little eggs? Delish and perfectly proportioned for the - ahem - smaller appetite! Like mine, back in the day. Also, "back in the day", my best friend's parents bought a wee strawberry farm close to my old homestead - picking strawberries for cigarette money was not for me! I recently purchased one of those Upside Down strawberry planters on clearance and might have even planted it - but the raccoons finally knocked down the intended sunny hanging spot, so I am SOL. Luckily my area is rife with strawberry fields .. forever. I don't want to get all misty or reminiscey, but there is something about a dress nicely Easter outing that is just so darned comforting to me; like, this is of those things that nice, happy families do, don't they? I like watching that kind of stuff - I even participated in activities like that when the nieces were young, and it brings back the warm & fuzzies. For me, but more importantly now that they are grown, for them, too. I hope this family makes many more good memories. Now I need to search some other forums to retrieve my inner bitch and restore my reputation. :-)
  3. Hi BizBuzz! Put up your feet and relax a while; this is a nice little place. Jellybeans - my virtual palms are bloodied from doing cartwheels on the driveway for you. That must feel like getting glasses for the first time and actually seeing stuff! Or better - I haven't gone deaf (or totally blind) - yet. ;-) Lillybee - you done went & got yourself a Secret Admirer. Or a dyslexic flower delivery person. OR a stalker (eek! too much ID channel). LegalParrot81 - you say asylum, I say sanctuary. :-)
  4. Not only that, but did you catch the little tidbit Elliot's Dad dropped about seeing him do heroin while they were staying together for a month? Presumably this was BEFORE said father boards the Saga and is willing to risk the crew and the Disco team? Nice.
  5. Well, I actually passed on Sinister Ministers and Cry Wolfe, and am very glad I didn't waste more of my valuable viewing time. I can hold out until August and the return of Kenda.
  6. Alas, Lonesome Rhodes, I caught a sneak peek of next week's episode and ... threw up in the back of my throat a little. The less said about Elliot, the better. Not interested in seeing him on this show.
  7. Curious 5 - I was being super nitpickety about the stitching of "the wound" because Walt was concerned Branch was quickly bleeding to death, and that would be a pretty impressive artery repair. At certain times, I've been known to focus on the strangest stuff. :-) I've been told the effects of peyote can last a long time (like, maybe days? I can't remember),.
  8. Will's little pouty, sad panda face was so stinkin' funny - I know I shouldn't be amused by a child's distress, but I am imperfect, so I laughed. A lot. This was a great activity that Bill made fun for both kids. I loved the vertical strawberry planters - such a great idea. Anyone who has spent long hours in the hot sun picking strawberries knows how much your back & knees ache; this setup was so much easier - especially for the adults! Little miss Zoey acquitted herself nicely with her tidy little manners and sweet disposition. I also noticed they mixed it up a little: Zoey paired with Bill, and Will with Jen. Nice.
  9. Diane Mars - you are, indeed, most fortunate to have such a scenic "commute" to work. Thanks for sharing.
  10. It cracks me up how this show is called "Ladies of London" and yet none of the so-called ladies are ladies.
  11. I cannot believe I am saying this, but if Kenda were to continue with this ill-advised canned "commentary" on an otherwise shitty ID show ... I might have to re-evaluate our relationship. (Boy, I really didn't like that "I Almost Got Away With It" show, eh!).
  12. I want to know just what Walt was supposedly suturing with fishing line - other than the generic "the wound". Shit like that bothers me ...
  13. I made the mistake of trying to reminisce about Easter eggs with my mom today - I barely got 2 words out before being subjected to a 20 minute ramble about eggs and everything else she was able to gasp out before having to take a puff of her inhaler (hey, it's the only way I get a word in edgewise!). Finally (after a horrible foray into vituperative negativity towards her mother and everyone else under the sun), I managed to ask my question, and got her to admit that YES, my Grandpa DID blow the egg out of the shell so we could paint them, but we used hard boiled eggs for my rambunctious cousins! Fuckballs, it took me a good hour and a half to confirm one stinkin' childhood memory. I should know better. :-) BestestAuntieEver - I see your name and think "I used to be the best auntie ever!". Dang it. edited because it is somewhat rude not to spell a fellow poster's name correctly.
  14. Ryan's military mentality and disdain for everything civilian is as repugnant to me as his personality and womanly hips. Brianna has also been fully indoctrinated, it would seem.
  15. I'll tell you a dirty little secret about cops - in general, they are not good shots. Yes, you get the occasional guy who takes guns and shooting skills seriously, but there are too many others who use NONE of their assigned practice ammo and barely qualify for their skills tests. I think that is a problem in more police departments than the one I have personal experience with, judging from the "shootouts" I've seen on the news.
  16. Jellybeans - I am out of upvotes, but I am filling the most awesome virtual Easter basket known to mankind and putting a big bow on it - especially for you. All words fail me, but I think you know my sentiments by now. Hand to heart. ETA - I was the kid who couldn't be bribed by sweets or treats, and seem to recall my cousins loving me for it, because it meant more for them at Easter and Halloween. :-)
  17. Wait - your dyed eggs weren't just beautiful empty shells? When I was little, I'm pretty sure my Grandpa was in charge of blowing the eggs out , which we used for baking - horrors - CAKE!
  18. Suz - save your money for something worth watching. Last Seen Alive was `absolute shite; and the few comments Kenda made on that show I Almost Got Away With It did nothing to pull it out of the crapper, either. I would say I'm bitterly disappointed, but this is ID, and it is what I've come to expect.
  19. auntl - the Alaska science nerds were all kinds of awesome, but I agree about the first boat ride on choppy water - talk about endangering the life of a toddler! The second try was much more to my liking - water like glass. I think what impressed me the most was how the kids took to the lifestyle - the little boy seemed content to amuse himself and just be with his parents and learn. How the parents made treks like that with TWO kids in real nappies? Yikes - they have some stones!!!
  20. Just saw the promo with Joe: "Well, my, my, my. The new season of Homicide Hunter is coming this August. Only on Investigation Discovery." Squee.
  21. That's the OC to a T (to me). But ... I love real ducks & they're definitely not schmucks. I had a mated wild pair honeymoon in my swimming pool swamp/pond for 9 consecutive years. Very little drama. :-)
  22. walnutqueen waves hello from my recliner planted firmly south of the OC in North San Diego County. No matter what atrocity Bravo chooses to unleash on us next, I'll still be tuning in to this, the Original Recipe And Gangstas Extraordinaire, Crass Outrageous Unique Twats Yammering. bosawks - know what rhymes with Amuck?
  23. The idea of sharing a thought with even one other person who watches an obscure little show like that makes my heart soar like an eagle, auntl. There are so many shows I watch that would barely get a single post, much less multiple posts per episode, but I think they're so cool - so I talk to myself. A lot. Sometimes while I'm grocery shopping, and not necessarily just about tv. :-)
  24. The only way that marriage would last is separate residences. :-)
  25. Doesn't she also have that sphynx cat, Grandma Wrinkles?
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