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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. That is sad and aggravating. And BBQ pork buns is quite an approachable form of food. Not much different than a meat pie. It will be interesting how the sequels will play out. TBH, I did not enjoy the second and third books (I may end up rereading them), so I am perfectly fine with the film team doing their own thing.
  2. I just watched The Last Jedi. I am not the biggest SW fan anyway, I have only seen each installment once. I like some more than others. This one is middling, but it wasn't terrible. I don't understand the hate for Loan Tran. I thought she was fine. I am very sad she had to go through this.
  3. There have been plenty of general audience crowdpleasers that won Best Picture: Titanic, Gladiator, Braveheart, The Lord of the Rings, Dances With Wolves, Chicago, to name a few. And plenty more that were nominated, like Field of Dreams, Star Wars, Aviator, Up, Gravity, etc. But the studios have basically given up on the mid-budget movie. So, as filmgoers, we either have superhero movies with gigantic budgets or teeny art flicks. And the small studios use the Oscar season to hype up their teeny art flicks. The Academy can only award what is available. They don't make the actual movies.
  4. As a Four Weddings uber, I will defend Andie. Love her. Her scene where she recounts all of her sexual partners is fantastic. Sex, Lies and Videotape is her best performance, but I also liked her a lot in a small movie called Crush.
  5. This is a terrible move. Is there a reason why Black Panther could not be nominated in the normal category? Get Out was nominated last year. Are movies like Dunkirk, La La Land and Hidden Figures not popular enough?
  6. Loved Music & Lyrics. Pop! Goes My Heart should have WON an Oscar for Best Song. How it didn't even get nominated...
  7. I would like to believe this is due to Molly being more confident as an actress, John being more secure as a writer and director, and the studios believe in both Molly and John as moneymakers, so let them be.
  8. Not that Debra Winger is unattractive by a long shot (or Lori Petty, for that matter), but she seems more like the Kit type. Debra did not seem to have the same glamour quotient as Geena.
  9. I liked the first book, the second and third were kinda dull. But I will be watching this in a theatre. Cannot wait!
  10. Re teens cooking, I swear I remember scenes in The Vampire Diaries where Elena was making breakfast when Aunt Jenna and brother Jeremy were still around. I think Eddie on Fresh Off the Boat also cooks. Didn't Manny on Modern Family cook too? One thing I have ever seen only on TV is people walking between subway trains from the outside. How is that safe? I also have never cried while taking a shower. Sliding down the wall just seems like an accident waiting to happen. I would totally slip from the soap and water.
  11. I think Gwyneth deserved her Oscar and Cate Blanchett is extremely overrated. Back to tv, I have no problems with commercial breaks. I think shows are made differently because of them, some to my own enjoyment. A lot of my favourite sitcoms from the past came from all of those 30 second credits scenes.
  12. Charlie's Angels, Mary Tyler Moore, Donna Summer, ABBA, too. Was Annie Hall such a role model because she liked hats?
  13. Although they may not have the pedigree, I think these actors have the skills to play Tab Hunter: Brandon Flynn and Cole Sprouse. Although Glen Powell is a good choice too. And another Everybody Wants Some alum, Blake Jenner.
  14. I generally find the show does a pretty good job with the parents. They are interesting in their own right, if ineffectual. Alex's dad and Jessica's dad deviate from what one would expect from those types of characters. I do not think the show made Tyler a complete victim. He made his own bad choices. There is a reason he was on Hannah's tapes. That said, I did feel bad for him the whole season. I am glad a school shooting was averted, even if it was stopped unrealistically. I liked how Clay mentioned how adults would feel bad for a week and them move on. I am assuming Parminder Nagra will play a big role next season because she is Parminder Nagra and I love her. Maybe each episode will be a counseling session for each character.
  15. When Clay came back from his vacation, he did invite Hannah to Jessica's party. Maybe not truly outright, but it was still a big step for Clay. Had he stayed in town, he and Hannah probably would have worked together pretty much full time. I will forever be a Clannah.
  16. I loved this movie so much. Michael Shannon was brilliant. I became so entrenched in the romantic relationship but in the two primary friendships too. I hope that Richard Jenkins and Octavia Spencer spend more time together. The only other nominated movie I have seen so far was Ladybird, which I thought was hot garbage. But this appears to be extremely worthy.
  17. I liked Courtney in season one of 13 Reasons Why. 13 Reasons Why is the best teen show of the decade so far. I got Netflix for a free month just to watch the second season of 13 Reasons Why. I normally wait for shows to go on DVD and rent them at the library. I still prefer network tv. I like watching one episode per week. ETA I have heard a lot of sympathy expressed toward the cast and crew of Roseanne (who is not Roseanne) for their loss of their jobs. While I do not want people unemployed, I guess I don't see the difference when it is them, or the kids of Rise, or when a show is done because the producer and lead actors think it is just time to go. People lose their jobs, kinda the nature of the business.
  18. Aside from the fact that Sarah should not have been a surprise to Team Baker (I hate legal dramas), the lawyer should have highlighted how Hannah's former school reacted to bully in comparison to Liberty. Hannah was placed in an unsympathetic light, but it doesn't mean her treatment at Liberty is somehow okay. I use Tyler as an example of this too.
  19. Aside from Hannah and the tapes, coming out is not at easy. If coming out to the family is easy, it may not be so easy to come out to the public (work, school, etc). Rather than keep two identities apart, it easier to just stay inside. A lot of gay celebs get flack for perhaps being out to their closed ones but not to the public at large. Alex became friends with Zach early on, which allowed Alex entryway to the rest of the jocks, which resulted in that hot or not list. Zach views him as a real friend. He was he first of the group to find out about Alex's suicide. Psychologically, him helping eases his anguish over Hannah's death and his grief over his dad's death.
  20. In terms of a love interest for Clay, I cannot see a new character being viable. I still stand by Sheri and Clay begging for her forgiveness for being such an ass would make a good redemption arc. The other option is bringing back Kat, Hannah's first and only real friend.
  21. The episode also showed a sex positive message, where the teens engaged in a consensual, safe, and exploratory sexual act. Yes, it was contrived, but it worked for me. It was also Hannah at her most engaging this season (although I enjoyed her scenes with Ryan and Tony too).
  22. I was totally missing Sheri. I wonder if the actress just was not available?
  23. I am not familiar with the actual drugs they consumed, but could Hannah have just forgotten about it? Also, I am pretty I missed this part, but how did the defense even know about the party?
  24. I don't know how the scene could not be shown without it ever being accused of what it is being accused of. I can't see it working at all if Tyler talks about it after the fact, with none of it shown. I think that is probably the main reason why I cam glad Tyler did not shoot up the school--it allows the writers to explore his assault.
  25. OMG, Pacey and Andie forever!
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