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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I think it's been pretty much determined that some producer writes those, so the B-ette's literacy level doesn't matter.
  2. Starri will have to answer that question for you, Elephant! Me too. I would be out in the yard "cutting grass, pulling weeds" whenever one or both of them were outside. Or else sitting in my window (peeking through blinds) to watch their handsomeness whenever they were in their yard. Stalker!
  3. All this talk about Kaitlyn having sex and it's great for everyone, male/female, to get naked and/or have sex while on a reality tv show makes me happy I do not have a young daughter (or son) who would be looking to this show for guidance on how to be accepted in today's amoral society. I can't imagine Chris penning any of those recaps that appear online or in magazines. He was as producer-driven as any who came before him, he just played the game for TPTB, unlike Juan Pablo, who I like more every day for using the system instead of the other way around. Kimmel's show with Britt as guest is being rerun tonight at 9 Central for anyone who missed it, including me who fell asleep before Britt came on during the late-night time.
  4. I believe it was Andrew, who won anyway. So, never mind I guess. Except for the principle of it. Great trivia, BTW, Wild Sow; thanks!
  5. And Trebek will label you a "dickweed." But if it helps you win a game, go for it!
  6. Yet they totally overlooked Jack Daniel(s). Go figure.
  7. On the plus side, she does have Cocker Spaniel eyes.
  8. I did get a kick out of Well's calmly drinking his Slurpee while incarcerated in the tank, and chatting up Cisco. Plus he also spilled that Cisco has "magic powers" too. So there's that!
  9. The hell, Eddie. There IS such a thing as a vasectomy. What was with Barry going through all that angst, then time traveling to just watch his mom die? The hell, Barry. "And thanks for all the fish." Gotta love Cisco quoting Hitchhiker's Guide.
  10. But he didn't get a rose until the very last one. I'm guessing his staying was producer-driven to create more drah-mah and make some sort of story line in an otherwise pretty boring rose ceremony. We viewers were on "pins and needles" waiting to see if he stayed or went. Editing monkeys at work IMO. I really don't see how the guys could have picked either b-ette on anything much other than looks and how they were portrayed on Chris's season, IF they watched Chris's season. Maybe after several weeks of dating, yes, but on the first night? No way. Well, for everyone except the guy to gave up free travel, free room and board, free booze, his spot in The Bachelor Family and bromance to leave. I know, surprise!
  11. Julia, you continue to surprise me. Old school, indeed. Hated that Lowell was really all dead and not just mostly dead like I was hoping. Liked that the show confronted his death and how to deal with it this week, even though I hated him dying. I'll miss him as much as Liv does.
  12. Abstract and j5cochran, you guys ROCK! Be sure to keep us posted on what the auditions are like. I can't wait to hear, and I hope I get to see you both on the show. I promise I won't rank on you if you over-buzzer press or rock and weave on your standing box! Good luck and more good luck to you both.
  13. I'm not sure if one has low self-esteem that they publicly strip to swim bare-assed while being filmed for national tv coverage or tell raunchy jokes about plowing some guy's field and other assorted off-color nuggets. The people with poor opinions of themselves that I know are pretty quiet and it takes a bit to get them out of their shell. Kaitlyn has no shell that I can see. I thought her crack to Britt, "Is that soap or Kleenex?" was mean-spirited, rude and totally uncalled for. To me, that's the real Kaitlyn. Yeah, she could be lots of fun on a date, but there are women men date and then there are women men want to marry.
  14. Good on me, I ran the "Cow" category. It's typical for contestants to not know animal categories, they leave them for last, and they're my specialty. However, I traditionally tank on "Shakespeare" and "Opera" categories. Call me The Bizarro Jeopardy Player. Good catch on Jack Daniel(s) Modrianyone. That one slipped by me. And thanks for the fill-in on the guy, Prevailing Wind. Some day that info could be in a Jeopardy game! Sleepy Hollow was a hoot, because I, too, watch that show. So "Tarrytown" was a given. Thanks, Tom Mison, for being hot.
  15. Kimmel's staff must read RS since last night he predicted Shawn to be Kaitlyn's F1. He named two other guys for the F3 but I cannot remember who they were, everyone is a nobody in my mind right now. He pegs the winner nearly every season, this from just the first episode full of 25 contenders. I'm really questioning why Fleiss would want Kaitlyn as b-ette. She just doesn't fit the mold, unless he's going to do a "big tramp" number on her at the end. Right now, she's the Anti-Bachelorette.
  16. [snip] That one dark-haired personal trainer has lop sided eyeballs. His left is way smaller than his right. Not sure if he's still there or ot.
  17. Unless Megan Boone has her own set of private writers who create her script separately from everyone else's, there is no way I can blame Boone's poor acting skills on the writers. Red, Ressler, Aram and the others are able to act their way out of every script, yet Boone is the only one affected by "weird writing." Really. That says it all to me.
  18. I keep forgetting to add this comment, not that it matters now that Lizzie probably won't be working for the FBI anytime soon, but it is extremely trashy for any woman, much less a professional one, to wear a black bra under a white blouse. There. Said it.
  19. They've never had a problem finding a career for anyone else. They can create any profession and list anything in that person's bio. If they want him, it will be easy peasy to create his backstory. LOL at Nick having sex with Kaitlyn in the FS. At least we know good old Nick is good for something! I hope he outs her on TMTA. How great would that be? "Why did you dump me after we had sex" part deau!
  20. It would be the perfect setup for heart-broken Shawn to be next Bach!
  21. Because, you know Kaitlyn's final rose ceremony is going to be The.Most.Drah.Matic.Finale.EVAH! It will be interesting to see if Kaitlyn catches as much hate as Brad for choosing no one. People who watch this show for "the right reason" (meaning: not for the snark like we do) will REALLY dislike her for breaking the hearts of all these (great*cough*) guys.
  22. Yeah, a wonderful gift for Chris Harrison. A clue, maybe? CH is single, after all.
  23. Thanks chocolatine. I guess he won't have to worry about getting teased or disrespected by his co-workers or fired from the company then since he either works for himself (dumpster diver/trash reseller) or doesn't work at all. No wonder he took advantage of ABC's FREE! alcohol and expenses-paid trip to California.
  24. Hey, thanks starri. I do know about eclampsia, having birthed many farm-animal babies over the decades. Okay, so now it makes sense, or as much sense as anything does on this show. Just be sure when you take your boards that you apply BOOK learning and not NIGHT SHIFT learning to those medical questions, starri!
  25. This made me laugh because it brought back memories of a past B-ette season featuring the guy who wore the white woman's tank top in "the house" that we all watched for and commented on. Plus, be forewarned there will be many closeups of guys grooming themselves and admiring their faces and bodies in mirrors this season! There will be plenty for us to make fun of, trust me! I don't know. I have a very wide and eclectic area of interests and can carry on a conversation on almost any topic. If I were on this show, I'd probably come off looking the same as Britt. I can talk to any guy about anything because I really do have an interest in or some knowledge about it. You will notice, however, Britt did NOT mold herself to the sex coach guy shown in the final scene. So there's that in her defense. Editing, it's all editing, people.
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