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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. This episode brought back how much I dislike Lizzie. I can't even stand looking at the actress. Keen's a big 'ole badass one scene, ("I'll take out all these MARSHALLS by myself ..."), then she's totally incompetent the next. At the very end when Tom appears, they each have something to tell the other. "You go first." "No, YOU go first." (Ha ha, we used to do that in grade school.) Anyway, Lizzie goes first to tell Tom what ALL OF US have known since S1 E1. Then Tom decides not to tell her his news, that Agnes is dead. At least that's what was in my head during that scene, since her parents are galavanting all over the place and Mr. Kaplan and the long-hair bodyguard babysitter are both "gone" now. RIP Mr. Kaplan. Still.
  2. I can't stand the obnoxious Austin, and it irritates me that he is smart -- and quick on the buzzer. He needs to hook up with Dancing Jennifer from a couple seasons ago, then disappear. I might have to stab my eyes out if/when he's on TOC.
  3. I did not watch the original series, but enjoyed the specials and show clips shown leading up to this reboot, so I was in. And VASTLY disappointed. It was a big OUCH for me, clumsy with OTT acting and not funny, except for a couple of lines. Still, I'll try it again next week because of the promise that episode will be better. But this was no pair of comfy old jeans for me. More like a pair of too-tight polyester pants that I couldn't wait to get rid off so I could slip into a pair of soft flannel PJ pants ... on the other channel.
  4. I can't believe I'm going to be sucked into watching another season of the adventures of the dreckful pond-water-sucking Lizzie. Well, bring on the snark, I guess. And there's always Ressler and Tom and Dembe, so there's that.
  5. Money winners on all tv game shows have to pay tax on that money. I always figure it's about (ABOUT) half of the total. So if someone wins $10,000, I mentally think they are getting $5,000. Worse is when someone wins a car, say on Wheel. They won some cash, then a $40,000 car ... which they have to pay tax on, usually more than the cash won on the show. Most winners end up having to refuse the car, they would go broke just paying the taxes on it. So yeah, it makes for good teevee but pretty rotten real life.
  6. I thought the contestants last night were all pretty good. I did feel sorry for the guy coming back for a second time being told to come back AGAIN. I hope he does. But still ... it stinks to get all that backstory, then have to go home. On the other hand, there are some singers I like already so far. Hudson was obnoxious as expected. I'm dreading having to hear about her "three dogs" though. Let's get that over with quick. And she does have a "stink eye!" On the other hand, I've never seen Blake, Usher or Ceelo go OTT or wild-and-crazy like Hudson was last night. Adam gave it a try to see if it would work for him, which it did not. Hey, I'd rank just as hard on any MAN who said he had three dogs named for his ME ME ME IT'S ALL ABOUT ME three awards/movies. Thank goodness there isn't one on The Voice this year.
  7. TMZ has two pictures up of Arie and one of the b-ettes on a motorcycle ride, then "making out" afterward. Filming began this week I guess. I'm already bummed that Fleiss never called me. I plan to be bitter about that until the (bitter) end of this season.
  8. I like Miley and am glad she's back, but Hudson already has me disliking her BIG TIME from her "I have three dogs" commercial. I hope her chair is extra big so it can contain at least part of her massively too-huge ego. There's always SYTYCD on the other channel.
  9. Wow, RS's snark that dom16 posted above is really ... snarky. So he's a Peter fan. Peter, the guy who made Rachel cry more than once and sat there every time like a log bump and couldn't even put an arm around her for a hug or anything while Rachel cried her lashes off. Yeah, RS, that's a man I want in my life ... NOT. All the free scallops and trips to Europe I'd take, then give Peter a big "no thanks, see ya, don't wanna be ya" if he proposed at the end. Which he wouldn't, because, you know, he'll only do that once. And it's not gonna be on TB. And so if what Arie hasn't been "in the news" (or on TMZ!) for a few years. Haven't we all be complaining about the Bachelor gene pool drying up and we need to get someone new? So, now we have the best of both worlds, someone new for the new watchers and someone HOT for those of us who remember Emily's season. And that brick wall in Europe ... Sorry guys, I can't edit. Here's what I should have proofed and caught above: And so what if Arie hasn't been "in the news" (or on TMZ!) for a few years. Haven't we all been complaining about the Bachelor gene pool ..." Sorry guys, I can't edit. Here's what I should have proofed and caught above: And so what if Arie hasn't been "in the news" (or on TMZ!) for a few years. Haven't we all been complaining about the Bachelor gene pool ..." Nuts. Now it posted twice and I can't remove one. I'm outta here ...
  10. I suspect the Golden Buzzers mostly (almost always) go to singers since judges tell acts to "STEP IT UP!" at their next performance, but singers can't really "step it up." They can sing a different song, but they're still singing, not being shot out of a cannon or being buried alive or balancing on top of multiple chairs. So American won't get tired of tired singers, they get saved until the very end while they are still "sort of" interesting. And I agree there s/b an age limit, like 16 at least. Enough with the tiny kids, as "amazing" (not) as they are.
  11. That's one reason I liked Johnny Whatshisname, whose backstory was he had a recording contract as Little Johnny, then got fired (anyone know why?) and went back to obscurity until AGT. But, I don't care what the person has done before or is doing now. If I like the act, I vote for it. I LOVE Bello Knock, I've seen him numerous times, and his YouTube stunts are jaw-dropping. I wish he could have gotten farther. I was offended by judges (Simon) treating him like he was some goomba from nowhere instead of Ringling's headliner and mouthpiece for many years. I'm sure Sarah has spent a few nights in her car (I have when traveling w/my dogs), but I always wondered where she put those three big border collies since a clip showed Hero riding loose and not in a safe crate. Crowded! Conclusion: I'd rather see professional-type acts with imaginary backstories than two hours of Mirror Image. (I know two twin bros who would disagree with that.) It's also possible that Sarah being voted off at her audition and Simon saving her was also a big AGT fake out. Who knows. (Simon knows!)
  12. Winston, I don't know where you are, but in my market reruns of old ANW play on antenna tv, ME-TV, and two hours from 2009 are on Friday nights. ME-TV has been showing reruns from the beginning of time, in order, starting with eps when the show was on G4 channel ... and Jamie Rahn competed as "Captain G4." Matt is the host, but Akbar wasn't on yet, Olympian Johnny Mosely is the other host. It's interesting to see now-famous Ninjas competing their first times, and learning odd bits about them, like James The Beast McGrath has an older brother who also competed back then. And courses were run in the day time, with lots of distractions in the background on that California beach site. Those old reruns are fun, and the courses ... OMGosh, are so easy by today's standard. Hardly anyone could make it up the warped wall back then. I, too, wish the competitor who makes it the farthest at the finals would win some money. But does ANW pay some of these guys to appear/compete? I sort of think they are compensated somehow. As for Nick Coolridge, he got a big background package when he first competed, about how he lived in his van (ala Isaac Caldiero style) and dumpster dived to support himself. The next year (and all the years after that) ... WWAs, and he is lucky to even get those. The heck.
  13. Didn't the show last night say Terry Fator is the No. 1 act in Vegas and is worth a bazillion trillion dollars? Plus all the judges -- except MelB -- said there were no "losers" in the finale, which is true. If someone is truly talented, they can make a go of show business, regardless of where they end up on AGT, AI, The Voice, et. al. History has proven that fact. (Only MelB called those who did not take first prize "losers." Gah, Mel.) Anyway, if a One Trick Pony can be the top-grossing act in Vegas, call me a One Trick Pony. Please.
  14. I wish I had known that was Derek Hough performing with Light Balance, I would have paid more attention. As it was, it looked like more of the same old same 'ole so I pretty much didn't watch. Everyone said how LB kept stepping it up, but it always looked like the same thing to me. Not that it wasn't good, mind you. Jeff Dunham needs to wear a turtleneck when Walter "talks." And Terry Fator RULES. It's interesting that Preacher got ZERO votes to win in Drogo's poll.
  15. I just saw Darci interviewed on the news. She is donating a portion of her winnings to her church, and is going to buy her mom FINALLY! a dish washer.
  16. Things I learned: MelB is incredibly ... well, not smart. Howie's bulldog is disgusting, peeing on everything. You CAN tell a dog "NO" and they learn from it. Plus that gross pee dog made me have a dream about dog pee, so thanks a lot. I also learned singing a duet can make one singer shine (Kechi) and another sound not-so-good (Angelica). And amateurs singing with a professional make the pro sound REALLY good. I was pleased to see Sara and Hero in Top Five. Shocked to see Angelica in final two as I was sure it would be Light Balance standing with Darci. Thank the gods Darci won. While I liked Angelica okay during the season, her final tape segment of her "I want to see my name in lights, I want to be famous, I'm going to be a STAR! It's ALL ABOUT ME ME ME!" made me dislike her and, lightning strike me, I was fine with her bawling her eyes out all alone at the very end. Welcome to Hollywood, Angelica, it's a cruel world out there.
  17. LOL that people with Comcast saw a medieval family sitting around a table instead of Preacher. I consider that a BIG WIN! for Comcast viewers. I'd rather have seen that than Preacher's "routine." Otherwise, I'm happy with whomever wins. As long as it's not Preacher, I guess.
  18. Sara and Hero made me laugh, even though they missed some bits. Good camera work going off of Loki when he got caught in the jump rope. I wish Sarah would hop like Hero when he's jumping along on his hind legs. Now THAT would be funny. I still think it's Darci's to lose because, well, little girl. America loves kids.(And she's good.) I was one who was telling Preacher to JUST.STOP.IT when he was doing his bit. I rated him last, even lower than the so-so singers. Although the little girl singer who opened the show, I liked her. (Haven't bothered to learn her name.) I still like Kechi because of her story. But I gotta go Darci For The Win.
  19. Paradox, your avatar is the best I've ever seen anywhere. Applause. (And I want it.)
  20. Mention of Roberto made me remember he was always sweaty and his suits were WAY too small. "Rubber-toe."
  21. I bawled my eyes out during the old dog story, and it explained why Kacey was wearing that cute dog head shirt last week. Some people only have their dogs, so I don't see that as barrel scraping more than any other back story, sob or not. It was better than the Teacher Lets Her Students Look Up Her Skirt music video. YMMV, of course. I agree w/what eel says about the wing nuts being difficult because no one has trained on them. Next year they will be easy (maybe!). I'm watching old seasons, where Johnny Moseley is hosting with Matt instead of Akbar. Hardly anyone could make it up the warped wall back then, and people were having problems with the Quad Steps ... four GIGANTIC panels, all close together, that they had to step on as the first obstacle. We would laugh at those now.
  22. I enjoyed last night's finale, but by mid-show I was REALLY disappointed by the WWAs. It's like I know all these people so want to see them succeed. Ian Dory going first was depressing since that means he was doomed. I felt terrible for Flip and Jamie and so many others. I especially felt bad for me not getting to see, yes, the Uber-Hottie Nick Coolridge. my tv boyfriend since his first time on ANW. Too bad I've never gotten to see him since, he's lucky to even get a WWA. (Translation: Show, you SUCK.) All I could think during the Teacher Music Video was those boys are looking right up her skirt, and don't tell me they weren't. Whether they saw anything or not doesn't matter, the fact is, they are MALES, and that was creepy to the max. Meanwhile, I wish The Weatherman had made it. Joe is a long-time favorite. Heck, I wish ANYONE had made it. But it's like this show makes it impossible for anyone to win since Geoff and Isaac both beat Stage 4 in the same year. Geesh, show, it's time for another ANW winner. Throw us a crumb or something.
  23. The difference as I see it in how Wells talked to Kristina vs. how Raven talked to Kristina: Wells asked Kristina a simple question that Kristina then had to think about before answering. Raven made STATEMENTS at Kristina that Kristina wasn't in a mood to listen to. Raven did nothing to help Kristina see what had happened, she just stated facts as she saw them, which, of course, differed with how Kristina saw the situation. Wells did it correctly. If Raven had asked Kristina what SHE wanted and WHY she wanted that, then let Kristina answer, that argument would have never happened and maybe, just maybe, Raven could have made Kristina feel better. Of course, that requires having a logical and adult-sized brain.
  24. nlkm9, that was me who posted Chris Soules asked the court for permission to leave Iowa for NYC Fashion Week. That's what the local news station reported here, and Soules is local news. He was given two weeks "leave time." I was surprised to see he was at Sharleen's wedding, plus he was photo'd having lunch with Andi in NYC. I'm guessing he pumped Andi for more legal ways to get out of serving jail time for killing his neighbor. I'd love to know who he called while he hid in his house long enough for his tox reports to come back clean. Someone had to tell him about that. His lawyers are also asking that the dead man not be called a "victim," and any eyewitnesses who saw him drinking and buying liquor before the accident be barred from testifying.
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