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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Well, those "unclaimed women" have not a clue about how to woo a man. Right away they start dumping on Daniel, telling him how they're not getting a rose, none of the guys like them. In fact, one guy even LEFT! because the women were so ... well, not good. I don't see Daniel being insulting, I see him being insulted by these females who have't progressed beyond grade-school level snark dating. What they should be doing is telling him how hot he is and how excited they are to see him. Let the roses fall where they may.
  2. Call me ismael, your post made me LOL. William Shatner on the wing indeed. One can only hope this is Twilight Zone and TPTB don't expect us to actually care about any of these dweebs. I, too, wish they had brought in a whole new cast after Poolgate. I guess the show blew its budget flying everyone back and forth and putting them up in hotels, then paying lawyers, which is why the dates are ZOWIE! Let's go to the BEACH! and YOWZA! Let's eat dinner in our room! and WHOOPEE! Let's ride an ATV! I'd rather eat scallops with my fingers than "win" one of those dates.
  3. The only good thing about this sham of a cr*p season is you guys here. I'm not sure I can keep watching until the end. This dreck episode is making Frasier reruns that I've seen a dozen times look more appealing. I dislike every single person in Paradise. But then, I've been out of grade school for a long, long time.
  4. Hey OnceSane: We need an update on your husband's reaction to Raven's Spanx-in-the-hambone question.
  5. A big YESSSSS to your post, Ms. Blue Jay.
  6. Okay, Wells, the only attraction in this show, has turned into a douche. Puppets. Really? Nothing against puppets, but it is NOT a good look on you, Wells. I'm so over you now, thanks a lot show.
  7. WTH Amanda. Robbie wants to be with you and no one else does after HOW many times on TB and BIP? And you're "not sure"? Geezy pete, fish or cut bait. (Translation: Take Robbie's rose or get the heck off this show you loser.) And what's with Amanda's (obviously fake) hair down to her ass? Oye! OH: Breaking news: Corinne on GMA tomorrow morning. I'm not watching.
  8. Rebeccalj said: "If there is a God, then Lacey will go home." I say: If there is a god, EVERYONE will go home and this show will be over.
  9. No kidding, Armchair. I don't like a single person on this show, and now Wells has joined the Don't Like club with his gossipy gossip making fun of people. At least when Taylor was making out with Derek we didn't have to hear her talk. Now THAT small blessing is over. GAH. Worst.Season.Evah.
  10. Except the before-commercial previews make Wells, who is there ONLY AS BARTENDER! not a player, look like a dick too. In fact, everyone on this show is being portrayed as jerks, babies, people who will never get a date IRL. No kidding, oye.
  11. Welcome to week 3 of Grade Schoolers in Paradise.
  12. Piewarmer, your 'Spanx on a hambone" really cracked me up. Now THAT'S a euphemism for sex I could get behind. I do have to reprimand Backformore and JudyObscure for bringing up Raven's gross after-credits comment though. I had put it out of my brain and now it's back. Thanks a lot you guys. NOT! LOL! As for Dachshunds, when I worked for a professional dog-show handler, we showed several of them and it was well-known you could/would get bitten just taking them out of their crates. Cute little buggers though.
  13. What reason was given for TC's on/off accent? I missed that part.
  14. I think Jennifer Beales' show, Taken, was renewed. She's the best reason for watching that. Meanwhile, I wish TC would take the opportunity to bathe, shave, comb his hair and trim his beard now that he's back in the states and, supposedly, has access to water and soap, at least at the hospital. The guy is so skanky looking, I just can't imagine him as a doctor. You know, someone who is concerned with germs. Is this homeless look popular now among health professionals?
  15. Family Van, I was one who posted I wish the film of Corinne and Demario should be shown because, according to this show, NOTHING happened, no one knew why they were going home, including Demario, and EVERYONE was stunned to read all the FALSE blown out-of-proportion accounts given by news and entertainment shows. Because NOTHING happened. No one on the show, including CH, will say what "the incident" was, so we don't know it was a "sex act." How could it be if "nothing" happened? Corinne wasn't drunk, Demario didn't do anything, everyone in Paradise was just "having a good time." I, for one, am tired of CH accomplishing absolutely nothing with his sit-down lectures and now interviews with Demario and Corinne. IMO, TPTB should have given it five minutes on episode one, then let it drop instead of dragging it out and continuing to call it "the incident" but never saying what really happened. Fish or cut bait. YMMV, of course.
  16. I'd want to pull those little arm thingies up onto my shoulders and turn them into straps. Bad fashion and dress-falloff problems solved. As for Taylor, she was a witchy bitch on Nick's season and showed no concept of any social understanding. Quite the contrary. Corinne took advantage of that and got her sent home. And Corinne is no PhD candidate. Or even someone who could ace an associate degree. JMHO, of course!
  17. Backformore, when Corinne arrived in Paradise on that first episode, CH said, "Welcome BACK to Paradise." I thought that was odd and commented here about it. I assumed she was back after the big hoopla. And her arriving w/two glasses of champagne was pretty ... well, weird, except it was Corinne so not unexpected. (Then didn't CH take both of them away from her?) And when Demario arrived, CH asked if he had a girlfriend, although he was NOT asked if he had a wife even though he stated a few times he was "looking for his next wife." Comments were made here about how odd that was. So I'll bet both Corinne's and Demario's "entrances" were reshot after the big DRAH-matic event.
  18. Amanda likes that arm-sleeve look since she wore a white top like that on TB, the beach scene where she brought her kids to meet whatever bachelor she was trying to hook. I don't even remember whose season she was on. Meanwhile, why weren't Demario and Corinne invited back to Paradise if "nothing happened?" I also laughed at MsTree's sentence: "Corinne didn't want her boyfriend to find out what went down in Paradise" because I think that was suppose to read: Corinne didn't want her boyfriend to find out WHO went down in Paradise.
  19. Let's shut everyone up about the Corinne/Demario event and just air the freaking tape. If nothing happened, then SHOW THE TAPE and let's get on with life. Think of the ratings, Fleiss! And Demario, if you want everyone to know what a "great guy" you are, then stop swearing on live tv. Geez, could there be any more *bleeps*? Although I wish Raven would have been "bleeped" on that after-credits segment. Some things are better left unsaid. (And unheard.)
  20. Ultrasound test? Okay, time to turn the channel.
  21. Well, LilJen, at least you saw the best part of that episode. So there's that.
  22. *sigh* This show is getting too predictable. Lacy FINALLY finds a romance in Diggy, so the next chick in is hot to meet Diggie. Of COURSE she is. TPTB need to start switching this show up because man, is this season the dregs.
  23. Yeay! Lacey and Diggy go on a date to a BEACH so they can get away from the BIP BEACH! Man, they've really cut the budget for this show something fierce.
  24. If I got a date card on this show, I'd hold it up and say to the entire group of men: "Who wants to go on a date with me?" Then I'd pick. That is, if anyone said yes. Heh. That seems like it would solve a lot of the drama on this show. Although TPTB would hate me for getting rid of drama, so there's that.
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