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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yeah, I'd rather see that samurai-sword guy hack zucchini off his partner than another kid singer. Actually, I kinda liked the zucchini-sword guy, better than the guy who constantly gets buried to get away from his hysterical wife.
  2. Wow, I watched this whole season and looked at the swag Bryan is hawking online ... and I didn't have a clue who or what "Dr. Abs" is or "Jerome" or any of that stuff. I figured he had some "outside" business he was selling stuff for. I had no idea it had anything to do with TB-ette. Go figure.
  3. JudyObscure wrote: "Rachel said something along the lines of "some lucky woman will be getting a fabulous guy" -- and just before she said that, almost under her breath, she said, "It's really hard for me to say this." I took that to mean that although she had sent him home, knew they weren't right for each other and was happily engaged herself, it still hurt her to think of some other woman getting her Eric." Maybe she said "It's really hard for me to say this" under her breath because what she was about to say was a massive bunch of BS about how great Eric is. It's a coin flip!
  4. PhD-Purgatory15, thanks for the list that included descriptions since I don't care enough to remember names. The list also makes it more shocking that it's almost all singers. Gah. I'd rather see Bello climb up that pole again or the Strong Man twirl Howie and Heidi again than have to sit through another singer. I gave up AI because of how boring that got, now I'm watching AI2, AGT. I guess I keep tuning in hoping to see something different, plus the short acts at least make some of it tolerable.
  5. So Judy, are you saying your butt does or does not have a billion tiny diamonds around the "main" one?
  6. I do have to say, after seasons upon seasons of the leads fake crying, sobbing and snuffling but with never a tear anywhere, I was impressed with Rachel actually CRYING, her face wet with tears, and tears rolling down her cheeks. I believe that was a TB first, a B-ette really crying, with real tears. So yeah, I have to believe Rachel really wanted Peter to propose, even if she is living her best life now with that pear-shaped diamond. I mean, with Bryan. Como se dice mother in law?
  7. Hey, I know plenty of chiropractors (I live by one of the colleges) and they all pretty much think they're special, as do most people with a doctorate (even a Ph.D. "doctor" in physical education always puts "Dr." in front of his name). Heck, most people with Masters think they're superior to those of us with a lowly BA. Any yeah, maybe they are, given they had the time and money to pursue higher education. I'll take a chiro boyfriend any day over the model, who has a limited amount of years in which to work. The chiro will ever lose his profession! Well, let's hope not. I'm all about Eric being next TB. Crossing fingers.
  8. I wish this show had continued as it normally does, that Neil Lane came to Spain (I bet he hated missing that trip) and both boys picked a ring. Then Peter gets to Tornado Mountain first (we know what that means), and Rachel stops him before he gets on one knee. Peter sighs, "Whew! Dodged a bullet" and leaves. Then Bryan arrives and everyone gets their happily ever after. WTH show, that would have been awesomely romantic instead of the crap train wreck and angry confrontations you gave us last night. Everyone would have saved face, TB would have kept its (fake) "there for the right reasons" veneer, and (most) of us viewer would be (sort of) happy.
  9. Parents forgetting their kid is in the car is hard for me to comprehend too. I travel with dogs often, they are crated in back of my vehicle. I'm always taking turns more gently so I don't make them "fall over" if they are standing in their crates. When they aren't with me, I feel so odd, and think that's okay, no dogs, I can drive faster. But then again, every curve I'm taking it easy because ... dogs. I'd think parents would just be AWARE of kids in back. I've never once forgotten when I have dogs in back. Maybe that's an odd way to think, but it's all I've got to compare.
  10. JenE4, your recap is the best ever. I wish I would have read that instead of watching this dreck of a finale. My night could have been so much better.
  11. Yes, Rachel will be having her fairy tale ending with Bryan ... complete with the wicked stepmother. I mean, mother in law. I hope Peter is not the next Bach after getting beat up on live tv, even worse than Lee got beat up. Man, what a disaster of a season. Maybe I mean to say, what a DOWNER of a season. Rachel just wanted to be engaged, it didn't matter who gave her the ring, just give her a ring and a wedding date. Ugh.
  12. Thank goodness People magazine filled in some of that MASSIVE FOREHEAD. That's all I could see during those Spain dates. And yeah ... that mother-in-law. Holy crap. She's reality show gold!
  13. Find some wind socks for those microphones, editors. And now we'll get to see Peter's reaction to seeing Rachel all happy and engaged, right? No? Okay, then.
  14. Well, this might not be the MOST DRAMATIC season ever, but it sure is the season with the suckiest editing. WTH with this out-of-sequence crap? And OMG, Rachel SCREAMING that finally someone is PROPOSING to her! Well, all the best, you two lovebirds.
  15. Okay, so I'm in love with both Jesse Graff and Drew Dreschel. And there's nothing wrong with that!
  16. Wow, Rachel, I hope you know now what a major BIG BULLET you avoided by splitting with Peter now instead of next month. Man, he's screwed up. I can no way see him as next Bachelor. Although who knows, maybe he'll still propose, ATFR is coming up.
  17. All I knew was Laverne Cox is on Orange Is The New Black. Didn't know anything about being transgender, which doesn't matter to me at all. As for the acts going through so far, I only know the names of maybe two of those. Others I know as Subway Singer, Fat Dancing Man, Roller Skating Siblings and so forth. I'm just not invested enough to learn real names!
  18. I was trying not to watch the Manson episode, so would need to see it again to answer your questions, callmebetty. But I'm curious about the ex-Manson girl too, and wonder the same things about her. The episode last night about the murdered art student was a rerun. But my take away from it was how ASTOUNDED! everyone was that the boy and girl were “dating” but hadn’t kissed or -- SHOCK! -- had sex, so of course, there was something wrong with them, their relationship had to be twisted somehow. WTH show, does everyone have to screw everyone you are dating or if you call yourself boy/girlfriend? I dated one guy for ages, spent time in his apartment, did things together, yet we never kissed either. And neither of us went on to be murderers. Well, that I’m aware of that is. Or yet, I guess.
  19. The In An Instant episode about the boys buried in the snow bank was a rerun, but first-time viewing for me. I couldn't believe how lucky those kids and parents were that the police kept looking for the kids some six hours. Any other police force would say the kids weren't missing until 24 hours past, and they wouldn't even go out to search. And seriously, that dog handler? He needs some training on how to read his SAR dog signaling a find. What a jackass. Plus he let us know he hated his dog anyway, for "barking/howling nonstop" on the way to a search. Get rid of that guy and give the dog to a handler who cares.
  20. I, too, was annoyed time was given to Manson, just as annoyed as I am when any time is given to OJ. I hate them getting more publicity, since that's what they love. Like "they" say, there is no bad publicity. But some details were new to me, like Manson being a lifetime jailbird. I did know about the Beach Boy connection, however. It was interesting hearing from a former member of his "girls," and I wondered if she was ever implicated in any murders since she was there at the time. The photos of Manson as a younger guy, sans beard and long hair, were also new to me.
  21. I watched some of OJ's "interview" with the judge and LOL'd when he said (and I paraphrase), "I don't lose my temper and I've never used any weapon, ever, I never would." This is reference to who had the gun in the hotel-room robbery. I was wishing the judge would have said, "Well, what about knives then?" To make clear, this was during his hearing as to whether he would get parole.
  22. Whether anything was new in the Manson episode depends on what you know about it. I lived it, and heard/read about the Tate/LaBianca murders in real time. I didn't want to see anything about Manson but watched (with one eye) and found it very interesting. A guy was on who wrote a book about Manson; the cover is a photo of Charlie from way back when, sans hair/beard. I learned a lot of interesting facts and timeline, so even though I "knew" this story, I still learned more about it and found the episode very interesting, and, thankfully, not a big showcase for a psycho. I recommend it. I'd watch it again, no problem.
  23. Here's the Skating Aratas from six years ago. They have a Vegas show so it's not like the England bro/sis are "unique." If the AGT skating brother looked like the Arata man, I'd be all about them continuing on, no complaints. Yes, I'm shallow! (I can't do links, so this is a cut-and-paste.) www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea6NTq6Cjv0
  24. I just watched AGT's Best of Auditions. Okay, so there was nothing else on. But it struck me how many acts we either haven't seen again yet or got skipped over or I had just plain forgotten they auditioned. They showed all the Golden Buzzers so really drove home the Singers Rule thing. I'd rather GB the French acrobat/dancer troupe or ... dare I say it ... Bello! And hey, that's a good idea for a circus show to open in Sarasota, Circus World, like Sea World, with circus acts appearing throughout the day. I'm still irked about the roller skaters since Nicole Scherzinger was able to do that same routine, including the head-swing-almost-hitting-the-floor (but minus the gross beard grab) after a few days of practicing on "I Can Do That" a few years ago.
  25. Thanks, AllAboutMBTV, for clarifying where Mrs. M lives. I thought that drawer was in the vicarage and wondered how Ronnie snuck upstairs to steal the money and locket. I'm not sure if there are enough parishioners to fill another season with stories since there appears to be only about a dozen max during Sunday services. And what a poor showing for Mrs. M's wedding. That church should have been packed to the gills. Where are the Grantchester extras when you need them?
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