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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. One thing that irks me about this show being scripted is, we see a back story about the contestant being 49 and having survived cancer, then the judges, before the act begins, asks how old he/she is and if he/she has had any medical problems. Okay, so not exactly like that. But my point is, the judges ask pointed and personal questions of some contestants (and we already know the answers having seen the sob story). Other people, they don't get asked anything at all, just "Let's see what you do." Because that person wasn't born deaf or blind or have cancer or survived a plane crash or anything dramatic, they just have a talent (hopefully). I know, there's nothing to be done about it (except rank here, LOL!) since that's the way TPTB want it. So some people get a golden buzzer or sent to next round based on who TPTB want to get a golden buzzer or sent to next round. Their choices don't always coincide with mine, of course! Still, there's next round for the acts we didn't like to get sent home. Hopefully. Not that I'm invested in any act (not since Prince Poppycock), it's just a way to kill a few hours every week, then come here to see what you guys think.
  2. Conrad did say he heard the "pop," then turned and saw Heidi. He thought someone shot her through the window. I don't think it strange he wanted a GSR test immediately, nor that he was freaking while his wife was dying on the floor in front of him. And I can see him being p*ssed that the cops were staring at his naked wife. For some of those guys, for all we know, Heidi was the first naked woman they had ever seen. (Besides on their computer screen.) Because Conrad is a bit strange doesn't make him a murderer. I totally vote NOT guilty. But what was said at the very end, does anyone remember, something like Conrad would be having a tough future ahead of him? I thought it an unusual comment to make.
  3. Brookside, the Pirate Dog is a TRICK dog, which is nothing like and in no way related to dogs shown in kennel-club CONFORMATION events like Westminster and Crufts. Handlers there use bait (treats) to get a dog's attention and to show expression. AKC "trick" dogs compete in agility, obedience and/or rally, where "treats" are not allowed. But rest assured all dogs get plenty of praise (positive reinforcement) between exercises. Meanwhile, Simon getting on stage and pleading for Pirate Dog made a whole lot more sense to me than MelB getting on stage to plead for Pumpkin Head to go through. At least Pirate Dog actually has a talent. And duh, yeah, this show is scripted. Just like all "reality" shows are. That's a no-brainer.
  4. WanderingSnark, every time I hear "reach another level" I think about what catch phrase I would use if I were on this show. Because "level" and "amazing" and "journey" are blacklisted in my book. And I'll toss in "His and I's relationship" too. And Judy, thinking about Rachel and Sean together (up against an alley wall, ala Arie) makes me want to turn the channel in my brain. I still wish there would be a black bachelor, even though I know it's hopeless. All my favs this season are the black dude. And Dean. Oh, and the French-speaking AJ.
  5. I would love to know what Rachel thinks now, watching how TPTB turned her season into the Lee And Kenny Show. I'd be all in for a black Bachelor next season. I don't see race or color, I just saw some hot guys being sent home (Diggy, Will, Anthony, Alex). Okay, so I had to toss Alex in there. LOL!
  6. Gollum came to mind as I watched Diana Pombo. If Andy Serkis can't do the next Lords film, Diane could easily take his place. Meanwhile, I love Super Cr3w. And it's nice the show let us see the tap dancer before he got sent home, since he wasn't important enough (read: going to win) to show his audition. Les Twins I know are famous, but something about them doesn't jive for me. Not that my opinion counts in any way on this show. I'm finding the judges to be as irritating now as judges on DWTS and SYTYCD, so I'm back to flipping between routines.
  7. Well, all my tv boyfriends are gone now: Diggy, Anthony, Will. I can't see Rachel with Eric, a guy who says, "widchu" instead of "with you." Bryan got the insider-personal-talk convo this time before being swallowed by Rachel mouth. Too bad the cast-off men didn't know Rachel wants to be grabbed and kissed, or rather, have her face devoured. Who knew? And speaking of cast-off guys, none of them seem especially sad to be leaving. No tears, just a "See ya, don't wanna be ya" when Rachel put them into that car. I'd be taking a drive to the nearest Norwegian Motel 6 to extend my stay for another week or so. And I did LOL when it was revealed Kenny's eye cut came from the Viking duel and not Lee. We've been seeing that bleeding eyeball for about a month now, it's about time it was over. I loved, loved, loved the Viking contests. If the entire two hours were that, I would have been happier. Dean rocked, and bye Alex. Maybe BIP for you.
  8. Winston, tell your teen daughter that meth didn't exist when the 65-year-old hippie was a kid. It was all weed, and LSD (Timothy Leary!) in those days. Don't ask me how I know, but trust me, I know. As for the course getting more difficult, the first seasons are being rerun here. I just watched season 2; Matt is there but Akbar isn't, some guy named John is co-host, he makes some questionable (!) comments. LOL! The woman host is someone I've never seen before. But the quad steps are HUGE and close together, and you just step off the last one to go on to the next obstacle. The course by today's standards is easy peasy. And now young people have years to train before they are old enough to compete. It's only going to get more tough IMO. I do wonder what happened to all those people who competed in past years. There were lots of women back then, all of whom have disappeared. Oh, and "back when," the runs were in daytime, which makes for some very distracting backgrounds as you can see everyone strolling past.
  9. LOL at Pec Guy. All I could wonder is what those pecs will look like when HE is 65. And will he still be competing shirtless on ANW?
  10. Reading Judy's post that says the pretty but vacant men will have left, I'm willing to bet "She and I's relationship" Peter will still be there while Anthony and Will are goners. JMHO, of course.
  11. How cool would it be to have the next Bachelor be both smart AND articulate? And good looking would be a plus.
  12. Holy cr*p, Chocolatine, where do I sign up to date Will AND Anthony?
  13. Venee, I was coming here to ask who that was telling Eric about Rachel NOT being race biased, and now I know it was Anthony. He went way to the head of my class with that convo. Anthony is my new tv boyfriend. Meanwhile, Peter went right off my list with his "She and I's relationship" sentence. Gah. Pretty only goes so far before the guy isn't pretty any more. AJ for the win. He looked great in his spandex gym outfit. For some reason, I imagine swastikas tatted on Lee's chest. I'm in Illinois and my ABC affiliate isn't broadcasting Cubs here until Friday night, vs. Reds. Check your local listings!
  14. Good show last night. I was bummed I missed Travis Rosen during my commercial flips, but I guess everyone missed his run. Well, I hope they don't delegate him to more "While we were aways" during finals. Two take aways from this episode are heart-warming and good ones. 1. Little girls sending Jessie videos of themselves doing ninja and wanting to be just like her. OMGosh, if there had only been a Jessie when i was a little kid. 2. Drew Dreschel opening ninja gyms to train kids AND GIVE NINJAS A JOB! Good on both Jess and Drew for ... well, for everything ninja they do. I really like ANW becoming a life style and more people, young AND old (65! Yeay!) getting off their asses and working toward the buzzer goal.
  15. If I remember correctly, it was repeated several times that the dead woman was naked. And where are the statistics that show the ratio of naked women vs. clothed women suicides. Thanks for the info on how to "pop a lock." Ha ha. Now I sound like a B Boy/Breaker. Didn't Conrad say he heard the "pop," and when he turned around, Heidy was "standing there?"
  16. LOL at Nick being good at HMV. We need a new acronym for him. Judges kept telling people to come back next year, so WOD must have gotten a contract. Maybe it's gonna be a staple like DWTS and SYTYCD. Because, you know, everyone loves dance shows. I wish Kyntay's girls would have had the same hairdo. I liked the big hair on the one girl and wished the other had worn a wig or had blown out her hair so they matched. Their clothes were the same, I just wish their hair had been. Not that it matters now, but maybe they can do that when they COME BACK NEXT YEAR!
  17. Side note: Interesting that Conrad knows how to pick a lock. Where does one learn that skill? I guess I need to google it, then practice.
  18. No problem about no spoiler tags, dargo. I'm not the least bit invested in this show any more so haven't read any other threads here and was only just (sorta) kidding about being upset about the Topher kill-off thing. Except he was my fav character since I can't stand TC who is suppose to be the lead I guess. I did like Drew, but even he's become tiresome. And it's just the first episode back. Yikes!
  19. I can't get past the GSR on Heidy's right hand and the gun having been placed against her right temple for the kill shot. I can see Judy's theory that Heidy might have been going to scare Conrad and, being drunk, accidentally shot herself before she could say, "Hey, look at what you are making me do." Oops. People also refuse to accept that loved ones sometimes DO want to kill themselves. The people who are the most outgoing and cheerful can be the ones who are the most deeply depressed with constant suicidal thoughts. Not everyone talks about wanting to kill themselves before they do it. And trust me, I speak from experience on that topic. As for those measurements being so off, someone wasn't paying attention during the trial when 1.2 feet turned into 12 feet. WTH, people? Just goes to show that some police are just people interested in that weekly paycheck. So many aren't very good at it, just like that doof who works in your office basically sucks, too.
  20. Oh, Dargo, I did not know that about Ken Leung. I was going to add to the end of my post above that I'll be back just for Topher, then deleted that line. So THANKS A LOT (not) for that news. I was hoping the teary announcement was going to be TC was killed in Syria. Well, a person can wish, can't they?
  21. Well, I guess nobody watched this last night, even me, mostly. During the first commercial break, I flipped channels and stayed on a PBS show I had already seen. I flipped back to NS when the PBS ended earlier than NS (because no commercials). I can't hate the Syria stuff any more than I do. I didn't care about TC's "problems" there. And couldn't help but think Jennifer Beales will get killed if Taken got renewed, all while wishing TC would get knocked off instead. I at least like Jennifer. Meanwhile, how stupid was Drew rescuing those roller coaster people in the lift? For pete's sake, put the lift basket UNDER the coaster car, you dopes. And the woman who was suppose to fall/jump but clings to the side of the lift basket instead ... Drew keeps yelling "JUMP! JUMP! We can't hold you!" all while the lift holds her and just freaking stays in place instead of lowering itself to the ground. No one did their homework on lifts since that this one appeared to be a Genie articulating boom lift with a capacity of 500 lbs. And since nothing was happening with the woman clinging to the side, they could easily have lowered themselves to the ground. But ... continued next week! Thanks show, for freeing up my Thursday nights.
  22. Hnygrl, now that you said that about Fik-Shun not looking happy when he won his duel, I noticed that as well. I wonder if he was recruited and "had" to be on this show. What I liked about him on SYTYCD was his big smile and always-happy attitude. But I guess even cheerful people get depressed. So I'll cut him slack. And thanks for the def of HMV ... I think Eewww. But after reading here and on other dance-show threads that dancers keeping using the same leg for their HMV move, it really irks me now. Yes, demonstrate you can do HMV with BOTH legs, please! (I think.) And Eva and her costume/sexy dance just makes me think of JonBenét Ramsey. Not a good thing IMO. Oh, and hnygrl, don't worry, I will never invite you to my troglodyte home to watch my antique square-box tv with attached VCR/DVD/TAPE player. LOL!
  23. Fostersmom, that's crazy that Keyboard Guy works with your mom. I need to know if his hair is real. I kept looking at it wondering if it was a wig. I also questioned whether he was really playing that keyboard since he was faking the singing. He was a pretty cool goof to watch, however.
  24. I really wonder why the judges are suppose to say they've never, ever seen an act like (XYZ) before. I know TPTB are making them say that, but do they think viewers only watch AGT? Example: The Korean dance crew. No one watches the show that COMES ON AFTER AGT, World of Dance, that's almost all dance crews? Many other shows have featured dance crews. I'm not in the entertainment field, yet I've seen countless dance crews perform ... on tv! They say the same about about dog acts, which have been in existence since circuses were invented. And what's with Simon loving every singer ... except the singing lawyer, of course. And after posting here about Tyra being fat, I remembered her big deal 10 years ago when she came out in a bikini on Oprah's show after she was called fat. It was a huge deal at the time, and she told everyone to "Kiss my fat ass." I guess we could get technical about the name of this show, and since the talent is in America and performing on an American stage, it is indeed America's Got Talent. To keep foreign-born performers out ... well, I have some ideas but they border on Trumpian.
  25. I recognized Bello the Clown right away, he appears on a local tv chat shows every year when Ringling comes to town. Poor Bello is out of a job now. I did note he is from Sarasota, the same place as the Poodle Dog act a few weeks ago, another Ringling act out of a job. Bello climbing up the pole did make me LOL, and I found him highly entertaining. Although WTH with the camera work when he was hanging upside down? I couldn't tell what was going on, the camera would do close ups of his feet, then a LLLLLLLoooooooong distance shot from the back of the theatre. I don't have a clue what he was doing. But Simon, don't take your clown phobia out on Bello. And why ask him how old he is? How old are YOU, Simon? Geesh. The singing girl with the cancer dad ... no one DARE tell her no after her sob story and bawling tears before her performance. But she was NOT good, so I hope she gets a big fat "See Ya" after we have to suffer through her next performance. And the frying pan guys ... I can't even comment. Although their act was no more lewd than Tyra's look-I'm -not-wearing-pant outfit. And yeah, she does have a fat rear. I can say that since I'm not on tv wearing no pants. And as for professional (Ringling) acts being on, nowhere does it say this is America's Got AMATEUR Talent. If you guys want to watch American-only amateurs, there's a bunch of local county fairs coming up.
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