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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. My take on the fibers thing is that IA guy already had the vest checked and there were no Nava fibers. Now there are. So, Harlee is busted. JMHO!
  2. For some reason, dancing/singing groups now require flashing strobe lights, fire shooting in the background, neon lights going off and on, changing graphics displayed on the wall behind, hordes of dancers distracting viewers from the main act, ADHD camera work that switches from close ups to aerial views to judge/audience faces -- and on and on. On PBS I watched Simon and Garfunkel's Concert in the Park, and was struck by how the cameras focused on two guys standing and signing, no theatrics, no flashing anything, just two talented men. It was SO enjoyable. Recently I watched PBS's JKF Inaugural Gala and it was the same: one camera stayed on the dancer for his entire routine. What happened that now TPTB for EVERY show wants to give viewers epileptic seizures?
  3. All the comments about Kenny dwelling too much on his daughter mean the editing monkeys have done their job portraying him as how they want us to see him. My guess is, they have 40 hours of Kenny talking about everything EXCEPT his daughter, but they find five minutes to suit their story line for Kenny The Dad, and that's what we get to see to cause buzz, This show exists for buzz and ratings. For all we know, Rachel asked to see pictures and hear about the daughter. But Kenny has been assigned a role, which means he is NOT going to F2. And he won't be next Bach. 'Bye Kenny.
  4. I was happy to see Fik-Shun, I liked him on SYTYCD. This routine wasn't his best IMO, but he's still excellent and what a great smile. I would have sent the Miami team home. Didn't like them at all. I did like the Norwegian trio though. Too funny, their comments about how small Norway is. No kidding! I hope they continue to do well. Meanwhile, I would have ended this show last night by giving Nick the million bucks. Okay guys, show's over!
  5. Lady Iris, this episode is being rerun Friday evening in my market, which is why I didn't have a problem missing all but the last few acts last night. I'll see it Friday, and comments here will help me enjoy/not enjoy! it more.
  6. I did get a laugh this episode from Rachel's comment about the one guy's hair after the mud wrestling. She gave big props to the guy's hair product since his boof do stayed in place after every round. I still haven't figured out (read: don't care) who is whom so don't know his name. I also noticed Waboom was pretty drunk/stoned by the time he was ejected from the RC, and made comments about "leaving Paradise." I took it to mean his audition for BIP was over. I'm ready to put hard, cold cash on a bet that he'll be on BIP for sure. Any takers? I can see Blake being cast on BIP too, just for a continuation of the DRAH-mah.
  7. I wondered why Sean McColl didn't have an accent, so being Canadian explains that. Now I'll have to listen for his subtle CANADA speak. LOL!
  8. Too cool, majormama, I'd love to attend an ANW event. I wondered how ninjas could do one run after another with no rest time, it seems pretty unfair. So I'm glad they do get more time to rest. I was positive runs were shown out-of-order since the best ones are shown at the end of the hour, with maybe one or two tossed in the middle. The first few ninjas always mess up, that's just SOP. I think since McColl fell, nothing was said about his hands on the Body Prop. Another ninja hooked his leg over the top of the platform before he started the upside-down wall climb, but since he fell, nothing was said about that, either. And I love Matt and Akbar's commentary and enthusiasm. I keep waking my dogs up when I watch this show, I'm shouting and yelling when ninjas make/don't make each obstacle.
  9. Rachel was so articulate and spoke so well when she told DeMario why he was not going back into the mansion. Score huge points for Rachel! Then Rachel was a complete and total DICK for taking that rose with when she took Fred aside to kick him to the curb in private. WTH, Rachel. My opinion of you just went into the dumper. I can’t get past why Rachel “just can’t” with Fred because she remembers him as a freaking EIGHT YEAR OLD. WTHeck? And she never says why he was so “bad.” Every 8-year-old kid I know is “bad,” so what does that mean? There’s a different between putting-a-frog-in-your-bed bad and dealing-meth bad. Count your blessings you are home now, Fred, especially since Rachel was such a dick to you. Even YOU were 8 once, Rachel. I saw that episode of Ellen, and remember being grossed by the “he got my sloppy seconds” kissing comment. I loved Ellen being able to immediately say which guys were out, just like Ashton and Mila did last episode. Prudish me turned the channel when the guys were sent into the audience to collect dollars by stripper dancing. Supposedly, the one who got the most money won something, but that was left out of last night’s episode. I was uncomfortable with the men having to stripper dance on public teevee and didn’t want to see it, but I guess that just means I’m old. I’m not getting the problem all the guys seem to have with whatever his name is. But yeah, all you whiners are going home soon because they obviously have never watched a season of this show. So is Tickle Monster since TPTB chose to not give him a real occupation, so he’s just filler too. Riding the horses into BH Rodeo Drive shops was all kinds of stupid, but whatever. What I want to know is, why do we get close-ups of Survivor/Fear Factor people eating bugs and grubs and intestines and animal brains yet horse poop, which looks the same as a bunch of big Milk Duds spilled on the floor, gets blurred out? TPTB are trying to protect the innocent eyes that watch THIS show? Please!
  10. I gave this airplane thing more thought and came up with this scenario: Those two were sitting waiting to board and struck up a conversation. That's pretty typical, someone sitting next to you asks where you are going, what work do you do, blah, blah, to pass the time. That's happened to me many times when I traveled for business. (Not the upgrade, the conversation with other passengers.) They discovered they had many things in common (well, other than a SPOUSE!) so he paid for Betsy to sit next to him in first so they could continue their convo. Betsy was all aflutter having met the man of her dreams in the United (or Southwest or Alaska air) waiting lounge. So looking at it this way, the upgrade isn't creepy IMO. It would be if he just spotted her in line and never spoke to her first, though. Now, THAT'S creepy.
  11. That would be so cool if Abruzzi was only partly dead (like Kellerman, cross fingers) so Peter Stormare could appear on the next season (cross fingers). I loved that Michael had Jacob's face tatted on his hands. That was so Prison Break, and why I love this show. WM rocks.
  12. Thanks for that reminder on how Betsy and Greg met, his upgrading her to first class on some flight. Talk about "Strangers on a Train" ... I mean, "Plane." Not sure how I would react if I were Betsy, it would all depend on the situation and how easily I continue to be sucked in by smooth-talking (read: lying) men. If we could all see into the future, life would be so much easier.
  13. What a fun evening watching and rooting for these great athletes. I wanted all of them to do well. I liked meeting some greats from other countries, especially the Latin team. That took gumption to compete on obstacles they have never trained on while USA (and maybe Europe, I don't know) school on them regularly. I don't think any of the runs are faked, it's not easy to complete any of these final courses and even the top guys get tripped up (or there would be way more million-dollar season winners). I'm sure editing is done to increase suspense and keep viewers guessing. Example: One guy who fell in the water was shown with his team with a big boofy DRY hairdo after his fall. Meanwhile ... Jesse. I am so totally in love. What more can I say? She ROCKS. And is Drew's MP3 player waterproof?
  14. Was Michael being paid by Poseidon? Was there an off-shore account? I can't remember if the boys ever found the DB Cooper buried money from the original season. But either would explain where Michael got all the cash I guess. Although ... PRISON BREAK! So I can't think too hard about it.
  15. Not to defend Warrior Princess, but Killer Husband told her his wife was failing with Alzheimer's and he was overseeing her care before she had to go into a hospice facility. Killer told her everything she needed to hear and did everything in his power to make her feel special, that's how he got into and stayed in her life. Some men know exactly how to manipulate a woman. As one who has been "used," (although not by a married man) I can see WP's side. But how did those two get together in the first place? I missed hearing how they met, if that was ever revealed. A sad side note to this story is I doubt WP or Rachel will ever trust any man again. And teebax, I thought when WP got the butt dial from Killer, she busted him and broke it off. And THAT'S when he set Rachel up to die.
  16. I agree, DearEvette, that scenes of the guys having fun and getting along is more appealing to me than the "drama" and backstabbing and hatefulness and infighting. That's why I enjoyed First Dates, it was just people being themselves on a first date, without manufactured drama. Showing the guys having fun, passing the time however they do it, would let us get to know them better so we can be more glad/sad when one is sent home. I'm tired of all the negativity everywhere these days and look to this show to get away from the d*ckheads in the news 24/7. Seeing jerks here is just more depressing. Besides, aren't the bloopers/outtakes one of the things we like the most on ATFR? I'd rather see them than anything else on that final ep.
  17. Put me on the Can't We Just Enjoy The Chicken love train. I volunteer to drive the locomotive on that train if OhWell will let me. And on a shallow note, that magician didn't look older than 16, much less 33, and was so cute. I already have a crush on him. As for Tyra, I really disliked Nick's showboating so I'm ignoring Tyra just like I used to ignore Nick. No big deal to me.
  18. I really liked the (now ex) wife at the end when she was all "Yes!" with her fist in the air when her (now ex) husband was sentenced to prison. After all these Datelines where the kids defend killer dad, it was refreshing for this victim to have come to grips with her husband trying to murder her. My question was, did the husband work at all? If he spent five years with the mistress while telling wife he was on assignment, and five years with the wife while telling mistress he was on assignment, when/where did he work to get money? All these Datelines are so depressing, the lessons seem to be all men are liars, cheaters and potential murderers. Depressing.
  19. It was fun PB was brought back after all these years, and all the guys looked super. So fun to see them again. The door was left open for another series with the CIA guy telling Michael they could use a guy "with his skills." LOL! Taken! I don't know why T-Bag was given the bionic hand. I wish he had used it to throttle/choke/lift bad guys off their feet with it. Instead, there was sort of no reason for it. I do wish Whip had lived, and T-Bag didn't have to go back to prison AGAIN! I also wish Michael was sitting with Sara and Mike at the end, with Mike maybe showing he's smart like his dad instead of snotty like Jacob ("Leave my dad alone!"). But it was a fun ride, great to see all my old friends again. Hope to see them again ... with Kellerman out of intensive care, where he runs into Mahone at an addicted-to-pain-killers meeting. There, writers, I've given you a start on next season.
  20. I watched Kimmel last night. Rachel was on, and Kimmel did his usual pick of the F3 guys. He brags he choses correctly every single season (and he is), which makes me swear he gets his info from RS, or his PAs get it from RS and pass it along. So now I consider myself officially spoiled even though I've kept clear of the spoiler thread this season. Thanks A LOT, Kimmel.
  21. I was looking forward to this baed on commercials that make it look fun. I stuck with it until it turned into an infomercial for Jamie Fox's show. Gah, blah blah blah. I turned the channel and did not go back. Maybe I'll try an other episode, but probably not.
  22. As for Lexi being cray cray, I've been way more than cray cray, I've bordered on (and maybe passed into) insanity territory when I've confronted a cheating spouse/partner. I cut her some slack, and give her credit for not going completely ballistic. She should be glad, however, that she discovered DeMario's cheating now and not later. Small favors I guess.
  23. Whether Ashton and Mila are As or Bs doesn't matter to me. What did strike me was this show had two entertainers on whom I had actually heard of and could recognize, unlike the countless musicians I've never heard of before ... or since. So there's that. And then Kareem! I've heard of him, too, and can recognize him! So yeah, this season has picked it up IMO. And when Kareem came out and the guys starting jumping up and down, squealing like a bunch of little girls, I started cracking up. I hate with the women do that, it's so junior high, so when the boys did the same, I found that profoundly funny. I'm also hoping AJ sticks around. He's hilarious showing up in the background, and I loved his TH in French: "She thinks I'm disgusting." And a while back, someone asked: it's boy/girl, man/woman, guy/gal. I think those gross kissing noises are added by editing monkeys. JMHO!
  24. After reading here, I guess I'm in the minority. I thought the judges were fine, and comments held to a minimum, unlike the endless showboating and blather of the DWTS judges whom I cannot stand. I liked the judging system being anyone above 80 points gets to stay. The only act I did NOT like was the Kinjaz group. I said "boring" to my tv set multiple times while they were performing. I would have def kept the cloggers, those guys were fun, and put Kinjaz on the road home. I also didn't care for the ADHD camera work, plus multiple cuts to the judges while dancers were performing. When the ballroom girl did a backbend all the way to the floor, I thought, wow, how is she going to get up from that. For all I know the stage crew came out to pick her up since cameras cut to the judges, and when we got to see the dancers again, she was fully upright again. I also was suprised I didn't hate Derek Hough ... who knew that would ever happen! I enjoyed this first episode, although it's disappointing to know (thanks ElectricBugaloo) that the show will be so heavy on hip hop and contemporary. I've seen enough contemporary to last a lifetime on SYTYCD and now DWTS.
  25. No kidding, Ohwell, I'd be TOTALLY in on being an extra for this show. I can get to Chicago easily, and would for a free meal at MK. I'm just two years late hearing about it. I'm such a loser! MK does offer a $49 First Date dinner now though. Menu is online!
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