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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Speaking of Dom, all these seasons in, did we even know there WAS a Dom? He's more secluded than was Kate's Leon Rippy. Do I assume he was Katarina's dad? Or Red's dad? Or Lizzie's dad? Or Agnes's dad? Okay, I'm stretching that last one, but I wouldn't put it past this show's writers, all of whom seem to have written scripts "under the influence." And Biggie, I'm all up for a drinking party. Maybe then things will make more sense. But then again ... probably not.
  2. Stewed, Redemption doesn't really have much to do with Blacklist. I'd watch Blacklist straight through, then Redemption. In BL you will meet Tom's mom/not-mom, Scottie, and the disgusting Solomon, both of whom continue on with Tom in Redemption. And Biggie, this week someone (Cooper?) said that Agnes was in a safe house. You know, the one Lizzie was heading to when she left her door unlocked and Red's henchman kidnapped her. Not sure who is taking care of Agnes at the house, though, now that Babysitter Boz is out of action. (And I was hoping Kate had rigged up a dummy to float in the water after she dove in ... and swam away underwater like movie characters always do ...) Oh, Stewed: In Redemption you'll learn about the soviet person-switching scheme that has been discussed here.
  3. Thanks Juliet73 for clearing up the Julia not-suicide. My tv is an old square box so anything that happens on the sides I can't see. All I saw in that scene was Woz's face after he put his hand over Julia's, then the gunshot sound. I think the writers for this show are excellent, I love the dialogue. The scenes with Harlee/Woz/the IA guy were gold. I'm gonna miss this show.
  4. Harlee confessing to Nava she murdered Miguel ... NO!!!! Don't EVER do that. Oops. Too late, she did. Woz had that shovel, why did he just stuff Miguel in a can and leave him for anyone to find? I kept wondering how Stahl got Harlee changed into that hooker outfit (he's such a perve) and into her car. She's not exactly tiny. And what was Harlee's plan if she had managed to stab Stahl with the drugs? I'm really surprised Julia chose suicide after all she'd been through as a cop and mafia conspirator. Not sure Woz really had to help her. LOVED Woz standing up to the IA guys. Great dialogue and great Liotta acting there. Then the end ... so Harlee passes out (how did she manage to slice her wrist on a plastic tie?) although her fight with Stahl was pretty awesome. But the last few seconds ... I yelled "HOLY (EFF)!!!!" from my couch when Woz got shot. He's who I'm invested in, it appears. And we have to wait until next freaking YEAR? Whaaaaa?
  5. Aradia22, your post cracked me up because you saw everyone and everything the polar opposite of how I did. The medium (not large) guy's date asked him if he saw "anyone" around him. And the Miley Cyrus twin replied, "I knew you would ask that!" To me, that's so rude. If your blind date is a lawyer, you can ask him to write some contract for you or advise you on a legal battle you are having? Blind date is a doctor, so that makes it okay to have him examine that mole on your neck? No, it's rude. Plus I loved the green pants. They said more about that man's personality (fun, outgoing, vibrant, secure, not afraid to make a statement) than any words. And yeah, meeting a blind date in a restaurant that is under supervision is WAY safer than online dating. Swipe right on Tinder and maybe your disappearance will be an episode of Dateline. Plus I appreciate my date having the courtesy to open doors for me and walk on the outside of the sidewalk. It shows awareness and respect, two things really lacking in some people these days. No second date for me if the guy doesn't do those polite things for me. Racj82, excellent insight into the psyche of the divorced. Thanks for posting that. I might add that I never tell a date I expect them to open doors, etc. I just watch and make decisions on "our" future by their actions.
  6. Great post, Lunula, and I heartily agree with everything you wrote. Real Red, fake Red, who cares, the man is still horrible and irredeemable. The only thing I do not agree with is your second, and last, pro: Lizzie's hair. Hate it! I want to send the girl a scrunchie. Tom working for Kaplan, though, is the only thing that will bring me back next season. I'd watch a whole new show about Kaplan's life and adventures. IMO, she's one of the best tv characters ever. RIP Kate.
  7. Wasn't there some dinner party some episodes/years back, where "Red" invited all his criminal compatriots, except Spader/Red wasn't invited, so he crashed the party. My memory says he killed everyone there, but that might be a memory colored by the fact that Red usually kills everyone, most after they suffer through one of his tedious soliloquies.
  8. I hate commercials and always flip, which does allot me to watch multiple shows at once, if the commercial break line up correctly. But I'm a PBS viewer first, just because of the commercial thing. That, plus I tend to fall asleep during 10-minute commercial breaks if I don't start flipping. Dateline also repeats a lot after the breaks, just in case we missed them saying something the first five times.
  9. Walnut reminded me of someone I used to work with. When she tried to discipline her daughter, the daughter would call Child Welfare Services and get mom into hot water. They believed the kid, not the parent. Back in my day (ha ha), my mom would spank me good and send me to my room if I misbehaved. Nowadays, kids rule. And yeah, that one boy was scary, especially given we now live in the shadow of Columbine. But that husband ... gah, I'd kick his ass out but quick. He'd starve and be wearing filthy clothes since I'd do nothing for him. However, I do know people addicted to gambling; they are also addicted to smoking, drugs, lying ... pretty much everything.
  10. I could only watch parts of this episode since I think anyone "hooked" on video games is beyond me even caring about. And the desert from fall through spring is beautiful and quite lovely, perfect temperature! I'm guessing that camp wasn't in July.
  11. I saw a PBS show about illegals who die in the desert trying to cross to a "better life" in America. The morgues have bodies upon bodies, some pretty preserved by the hot, dry air, some just bones and/or fragments of clothing. Bodies are stored in multiple refrigerated cargo bins, like the kind hauled by semi trucks. They have pages and pages of names of missing people. They work to identify each body and link it to a name so relatives can be informed that yes, their loved one is dead. This skull got put in line behind hundreds if not thousands of other "parts" waiting for DNA to be identified. It's amazing it got tested and a match made at all.
  12. Maybe Russian high schools don't teach swimming or have summer parks swim programs like there are in America so yeah, Red can't swim. I do like the theory that Lizzie is a combo of DNA, making everyone her father. Which reminds me: Where is Alexander Kirk these days? My theory is that Lizzie's real dad is the only Red "friend" he hasn't murdered yet ... GLENN!
  13. You guys are making my head explode with replacement theories, but they make sense after Redemption spent so much time on showing us how they work. Katrina stopped short of saying who Masha shot when she brought her to Kate. Lizzie seems to remember she shot her father, but her memory has been played with. I'm hoping that Mr. Kaplan is only partly dead, that would restore my faith in this show's writers. Did we know Red was that military big shot hero Cooper told us about this week? I did think it odd Red said he had to save Lizzie from Tom when he was the one who hired Tom to "marry" her in the first place. Even though they didn't recognize each other outside of the hospital after Red killed adoptive dad. And yeah, what's up with the scar on Lizzie's hand, the one that matches Tom's go box lid? I guess I agree with Forumfish: "We don't need no stinkin' continuity guys!"
  14. Wings, you made me do a spit-take on my computer (sorry for the bad visual) thinking about you asking your Sizzler server for a black napkin. And I'm totally with you, Lord Donia, about the former Gates brother-in-law. He's an even better match FOR ME (did you hear that, show?) than Stanten. Although I'm not above dating both. I love baseball and love men who can get dirty. (And I mean that in a strictly clean way!) I forgot to mention earlier than i was a big fan of the burned-guy's outfit. It was fun. I'd go out with him, too. *taps fingers and waits for show to call*
  15. I can't blame the killer's second wife for not coming forward. Having been in an abusive relationship, I understand what it is to be forced to live a lie and try to protect a family. It's easy for those who have gone through life happy and carefree to point fingers, but I give her credit for finally coming forward and, frankly, putting herself in danger. The two deaths caused by her silence I am sure haunt her every day, and will until the end of time. But the fact is, everything that happened is on her (ex) husband, now serving life in prison. ALL blame is on him. And yeah, it take a long time to DNA bones found in the desert, so many illegals die during their journey. And I imagine her body/bones were eaten by coyotes. Real ones, not the ones who lead illegals north.
  16. Drusilla, you made me laugh. Thanks for the MVP vote, I needed that after waiting two hours Monday night for Kaplan to kill Red. I hope he stays broke (Lizzie's word) and someone, anyone, kills him to vindicate Kate. It would be cool if Masha shoots him after Tom reveals the bones in the suitcase are hers!
  17. I thought I couldn’t hate Red anymore after last week, then guess what, now I REALLY hate him. This is Spader’s show and he’s made his own character completely despicable with no redeeming qualities. Agent Gale dug up 85-plus bodies, yet Red has added at least 10 if not more just in the past couple of weeks. He was dropping bodies everywhere, including in front of that crack FBI team, and no one seems to care. Do those cleaner kids we saw many episodes ago get a text to come pick up the carcasses? Then he killed my boyfriend Aldis Hodges just for the fun of it. I hate Red, and hope he dies ... after being tortured for a few months. And his “mission” to protect Lizzie, who is such a dumbass she’s not worth protecting. None of it makes sense to me. RIP Mr. Kaplan, the best character ever on any teevee show. If Ressler had killed Laurel Hichin a little sooner, Kaplan’s plan could still be in play. Heck, I don’t even remember who Reven Wright was. Plus with everyone tossing that bullet in a bag around, that evidence was so tampered with, how could it ever stand up in court. Oh yeah ... because Cooper’s FBI team is a bunch of lying liars who lie to save their own asses. When Dembe and Red got the drop on Gale in his car and Red asked Gale when was the last time they saw each other, I was dying for Gale to say, “Why, I saw you just last week, when I pulled that shot over your head at that cabin in the woods.” Aram and Samar kissing made me want to vomit. I hate Aram now, too, the little pansy pants. “Wah wah, I can’t live for 10 minutes in jail ... ” Geesh. And Red is the greatest thing to ever happen to you. Right ... just wait until he doesn’t need you any more, you’ll get to meet his cleaner, whoever that is now. Aram is a little bitch, so I guess it’s okay he’s with a big bitch instead of the hottie girlfriend. The whole DNA thing was so stupid, this after so many years of not caring? And was Cooper wearing glove when he cut that shirt? If not, maybe he is Lizzie’s father since he breaks almost as many laws for her as Red. Then Lizzie crying about is she a criminal because Red is her father? Of course you are, deary, you killed the AG in cold blood, and don’t forget that policeman you shot and maybe killed while you were on the run ... AS A CRIMINAL. The only redeeming thing about this show that I now hate is Tom working for Mr. Kaplan. I hope the bones are of the real Reddington. Give them to Gale so he can put Spader’s Red in prison and take down Cooper’s task force, including Lizzie. They can all share a cell as far as I’m concerned. Or maybe the bones are the real Masha, and Lizzie is the fake one all along. Surprise! Wow, I'm really cranky today.
  18. I was fooled by Killer Dad wearing a regular shirt, too, and figured he got off. The boyfriend JR seemed guilty and I thought maybe he was dead since they kept showing that one photo over and over when they talked about him. I was surprised to see him in the taped courtroom segment. Then all the evidence made it obvious Killer Dad did it, so I was disgusted when the first jury was hung. Thanks goodness he did get convicted for life. Look at all those years he was free ... a life sentence was too good for him. We talk here about not understanding why people kill a spouse instead of getting a divorce. In this case, they DID get a divorce and there you go, if someone is a murderer, divorce or no, they still kill the person they supposedly used to love. Those defense attorneys ... how can they sleep at night knowing they are trying to get murderers set free. When they concentrated on the ex wife being a "liar," all I could think was, if you want a liar, look at your client. And Jordyne the daughter really could benefit from some therapy, whether she thinks so or not.
  19. The guy who was a medium (as opposed to a large) was a twin for Miley Cyrus. I thought he was fun, while his "older" 24-year-old date was a little bitch. I can't say "little bitch" enough about that guy. What a (drunken) little bitch jerk. Then StantenPoint2! Yeay! But he's paired with a big bitch. WTH, show? The divorced man's date, I actually teared up at the end of that. He was sweet, good looking (shallow, I know) and wounded and needed a boost. He was articulate and wow, a great catch IMO, from the few minutes he was on my tv. I was glad to see he is dating someone now. He was a huge contrast to the Jersey guy ... man, another goomba, only this one was real to the core, unlike the nice Jersey barber last week. Hated this snarky guy who was hiding his jerkiness behind being "sarcastic." And yeah, WTH pairing him with someone with self-esteem issues. And the white napkin/black napkin was so her "beautiful gorgeous hot" black dress outline wouldn't be ruined by a white napkin, she wanted everyone in the restaurant to be able to admire her hotness. Heh, I actually typed "notness," which, IMO, is closer to the truth about Napkin Girl. And napkins don't leave "fuzz." On anything.
  20. Thanks, Wings, you read my brain and posted my thoughts exactly. Being unable to "like" posts, consider this my big LIKE to you, 100 percent LIKE!
  21. All I got to see last night was five hours of continuous weather coverage on every channel. Not sure if I care enough to try to find this episode online, I can sort of piece together what happened from reading here. Is there a recap somewhere? I'd rather read about it than try to find it, then sit and watch for 45 minutes.
  22. The DNA guy said the tooth didn't have a root, so he couldn't get a good sample off of it, not Cristina's hair. Besides, at least one hair in a brush WILL have roots. Stahl took a major handful out of that brush. Or did I totally miss-see that scene in the DNA room? I swear the guy held up the tooth. And Nava being a mole would be a great capper, and pretty much destroy Harlee's faith in future boyfriends.
  23. What the freak, why didn't Sara shoot Jacob in the leg/kneecap/shoulder to incapacitate him. Then put the pressure on (literally) to make him call Mike back so Sara could take off with him. Oh well. I liked the storyline of how/why Michael faked his death. That worked for me since I was really disgusted at the original series' cop out of Michael dying. Hated it, in fact. Hoping that was Kellerman who grabbed Mike ... and maybe planted a GPS on him?
  24. What was Stahl trying to achieve, getting Cristina to meet "Miguel"? Just a coincidence that he played Cristina at the same time as the mob targeting her? Or is Stahl tied into the mob? And why did he take Cristina's cup, when he already has her hair? It creeps me out that some real people find Stahl hot and attractive based on his being bat-sh*t crazy. I wonder if people would find him so irresistible if he looked like Steve Buscemi. Stahl's "I'm going to fix you" to Harlee reminds me of revival-tent preachers promising followers a way into heaven. Good looks don't beat out creepy-mc-creeperness in my book. Give me boring old Nava any day. And night!
  25. You guys are the best part of this show, which is such a mess, nothing makes any sense. So there are still "puzzle pieces" to put together, but I'm afraid this show is comprised of 10 (or more) puzzles with missing pieces that have all been mixed together to make this season (and all the seasons before) of The Blacklist. It's just a mess. But makes for fun online reading, so there's that.
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