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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I totally forgot what day and time it was so totally missed this episode. Comments here sound interesting though. Is it worth looking up to watch online? Oh, and what's with the little one-word title?
  2. I'm hoping Cristina is old enough that TPTB won't get burned if she's written out (translation: killed) on this show. She's such a dumbass. Harlee had to get in on the dirty cop take to get $$ to send her to that special music school, yet Cristina is all excited that her ex-con wife-beating father wants sole custody of her? I wish Woz had some of those pills left over from that "interview" that he could casually leave for Cristina to find when she's snooping around her mom's closet. I don't think any of us would miss her. I was thinking that maybe now is the time for Harlee to move and transfer to Portland PD or something. Get out while she can.
  3. This was a real bait-and-switch episode. Previews made it look like Bryan was a target to be taken out by his team. Not. I liked the subject of this episode, a politician using the team to save his own career (I know ... surprise), but I got lost in the execution. Bryan got the "package" quite by accident (who hired the hit on that guy?) while everyone else thought the package was the satchel the guy tossed into the car? And I was completely lost with the bank job, I didn't have a clue who anyone was or what side anyone was on. I don't recognize any of the team members. Then besides the stupid Swiss bank job, there's even stupider Ashia. You have all that security (installed by Bryan I guess) and you leave your front door open and the key code panel exposed so anyone could walk in and access it. Which someone did. And if someone cuts their hand and blood isn't gushing onto the sidewalk, that person can wait a few minutes without any need for panic. Overall, a very disappointing episode of what was/is (?) my favorite new show. I did like Bryan being told to wear red shoes for the package meet though. Gotta love a hot guy in red Keds.
  4. Oh, I recognized Ivana. I remember all the tabloid coverage Trump's cheating affair with Marla Maples got while he was married to Ivana. Meanwhile, Elijah the Profit was one of the best sketches I've ever seen on this show. It needs to be added to SNL Classics. And yes, Phil Hartman ... I had such a crush on him from back in Pee Wee's Playhouse days. Such a heartbreaking loss.
  5. If I remember correctly, Nava's ex/recent break up was the reason Harlee sort of kept him at a bit of a distance in S1. So those texts at the end that I couldn't read, those were Stahl pretending to be Miquel? Holy cow. When Stahl and Cristina are together, I keep waiting for him to put the moves on her. That is totally in his wheelhouse of creepiness. And helenamonster, YES, I can see Julia trying to frame Harlee now that Harlee is snooping into her mafia connections. And what happened to Woz being Cristina's pseudo-dad? In S1 he went to all of her recitals and was acting as dad while Miquel was in prison. There was convo here with many of us thinking Woz was her real dad. Why isn't Cristina going to see him? (Oh yeah, because she's a brat and I hate her.)
  6. I was hoping Cristina was one of the kids who OD'd at that rave and died. Because my tv is old and crummy, I couldn't read the texts between her and Stahl at the end. Can someone fill me in? I also don't remember Harlee telling Cristina she came into a windfall of money, enough that she would ask Tess where her share was. But I don't remember a lot about S1. Also: Who was that guy who jacked Harlee's trunk, and why? I do like Harlee and the DA guy together.
  7. "They looked like clowns." That made me laugh given your avatar, PsychoKlown. Meanwhile, it was never said why the murder-for-hire guy was fired from Hockey's business. The partner fired him? So if there were partners, why would Hockey's wife get the business if they divorced? And good point about hubby beating wife in the past so the little girl associated it with daddy. I wonder if they ran DNA on the red truck. You'd think Hockey would know that CC cameras would film murder guy driving back to the shop, then riding away on the bike he was given ... by Hockey. As for the boyfriend not noticing his girlfriend was missing, that's easy. He was a deadbeat using her to support him, he didn't give a care about where she was as long as she paid the rent and bought groceries. Plus, he was a druggie, so there's that too. He was probably glad girlfriend wasn't there to nag him.
  8. I'm not able to "like," so I'll say here, Great post, omg.
  9. Thanks everyone for filling me in on the end of Frantic. I cannot imagine the devastation of having a loved one disappear and never finding the body or any remains. I'd be for letting "someone" take the guilty party into a locked room to "ask" him about that. And patty1h, Hockey Puck sat at that poker game with all his best friends (and wife's best friends) knowing she was being beaten to death 15 minutes away. That murder was brutal, she was beaten near beyond recognition, and that attack went from upstairs to downstairs, all watched by the little daughter. I guess Dad should have hired someone who wasn't the same size as he, and wore a totally different mask than one he owned. And he should have called his office VM after he erased the call to the killer on his friend's phone. Lesson learned for next time, I guess. Plus, if you are going to kill your wife, don't tell family members about your affairs and wanting a divorce.
  10. Did anyone watch last night, the two episodes, House in the Woods and Frantic? The first one creeped me out that police arrested the husband based on the little girl saying the killer looked just like daddy (even though it was not daddy). But I fell asleep during the second one. Did they find the missing girl? If so, or not, what happened? Last I saw they took swabs off the trunk of the car of the guy who walked with her to the parking garage, but I saw no more than that.
  11. Well, this episode stunk. I hate Boy Scout, he's sexist and elitist and a real piece of work. And now he gets to be on my TV for another week. His partner had a great idea, throw the coconuts to her to save time, and he says no, she can't catch them. So they lose. I swear to god, if that guy is married, his wife is a saint, or deaf. And John could have tossed Nikeisha a bone by saying a simple "Thanks" when she says she's sorry and will try harder. Instead, he's a jerk and now HE can't compromise. I was sorry to see Black Ninja and Baywatch leave, at least they were sympatico together. And I like the winners of the contest, they had some nice convos and bonding time at that resort. So, good on them. Meanwhile, not enough of the funny guy. (I've forgotten his name.)
  12. I thought the plane stuff was pretty good and it kept my interest (since this show usually makes me fall asleep). But WTH when the side door got blown off and all the passengers stayed belted in? And they were breathing what to keep them alive yet unconscious? But Tom and the pilot could breathe just fine in zero oxygen? The reveal that the bad guy went through that ELABORATE plot just to kidnap his girlfriend was just stupid. Why not just knock on her door some night and drag her away in a panel van. Done and done. Bad guy in the snow ... did he have a broken back? It supposedly was just a broken leg, so why lie there and hypothermiate w/o moving? This ep made a point of Agnes being 11 months, which mean she's walking and has been saying "Dada" for several months now. Last we saw her, she was a tiny thing being carried, the size of a two-month-old. So Tom has been gone one long time. Yeah, he really REALLY cares about his kid (and dogs). And STFU Tom about how comics can't be code books. What a moron.
  13. Man, life is tough in that cell for Roman if Jane has to fill out a requisition for a freaking PILLOW for him for pete's sake. And yeah, I was wishing for Reade to get drug busted and get him and that stupid story line off my screen. And since Weller's team is the crackiest crack team of FBI agents ever, why can't one of them find out Oliver's real name and background? Shepherd's people are beyond Jonestown brainwashed. I still want to know what their deal is. Maybe we WANT Sandstorm to happen, who knows? And we THINK Borden is gone. After all, no body (or parts), no proof. I learned that from watching soaps. Dead people come back to life all the time on those.
  14. I want to know how an implant in a tooth, small enough to appear as a cavity on x-ray, would cause massive headaches and the tooth owner to pass out. It should have caused nothing more than a toothache, unless the implant was full of radium or something and made Patterson's hair fall out. Then removing the entire tooth? What about just drilling the implant out like it was an old filling? Otherwise, a pretty good episode with some good action, plus some Jane/Oliver (is that his name?) at the end. Although I still wonder why all tranq darts have to be shot into the neck. Isn't the shoulder/thigh an easier target? Works on elephants and other larger-than-human animals.
  15. The bad guys need older mentors, ones who can teach them not only Stop, Drop and Roll, but Duck and Cover!
  16. As for Gwen overdoing the "I'm a girl thing," I did get a kick out of Adam saying he is a girl on stage too. Even Blake didn't have a come back for that.
  17. I thought the cigarette-in-the-gas-tank was a pretty suspenseful and scary situation that I hadn't seen before. But when Bryan caught the last bad guy on fire, I wondered why the guy just stood there waving his arms instead of running out of the gasoline, dropping and rolling. You know, like we were taught in grade school Cub Scouts.
  18. Tess is the only team member I don't like. I feel she's unstable and sort of freakizoid. When the IA guy asked Lohman if he knew why Woz wanted him on the team, I was hoping Lohman would have said Woz needed another "token black guy." Maybe that would have shut the IA guy up for a little while. I do want to see more of Tufo and Lohman. Especially Tufo, he became very interesting this episode. Meanwhile, I love Harlee's hair. JLo needs to wear it like that all the time, and Tess should take a look and get her hair cut the same way, and get rid of her scraggly extensions. *shallow*
  19. I still have a grudge against Nancy Kerrigan for the nasty remarks she made (when she thought she wasn't overheard) about Oksana Baiul, when Oksana beat her for the gold. Then Kerrigan kept it up with some big snotty snark about Disneyland when she was being honored there. Again, she did not know her remarks were being aired and recorded, so it was the real Nancy, not the fakety fake All American Girl act she puts on. I missed the cowboy's hand groping, so there he goes from my good list. Meanwhile, topping my Vote For list is Grampa Rossie, the reason I'm watching this season. He's a genuine, real, nice guy as are the entire WS Cubs team. My big W goes to Ross, with a reserve to Rashid, who surprised me by being quite good and fun to watch. And Maks, while you were a hottie all those seasons ago, you've worn thin on me. Time for a new grown-up schtick.
  20. Hey blaase, if I had been one of the judges, I would have scored that dance an 8, maybe a 9, and held up a big W sign along with my number paddle. Next week I'm giving him a 10 and I don't even have to see the dance.
  21. What! People here are getting married?! Awesome, you guys. Plus, as loyal Dateline watchers, you know how to "get rid of" *cough* a husband if you need to. But I don't want to see any of you on teevee, so remember that. Meanwhile, congrats.
  22. I continue to love this show. Bryan is kick ass, which I totally love. Maybe this show's premise is that someone will be kidnapped each week for Bryan to save, which gets him in shape for rescuing his own kid later. I did wonder about the teen girl only having some easily removed duct tape on her legs and hands, and wondered why she was not taped to the chair. And I laughed at her doing parkour through that factory after she got loose, then Bryan had to carry her outside ... before putting her down so she could run to her dad. That was a WTH? moment. Not sure what I think about Aisha coming on to Bryan at the end, but I was thinking he needed to put that wedge back under his door (and lock all those locks) once he came inside. But as long as Bryan continues to rock this show and the bad guys, I'm in for the duration. I needed a replacement for Mr. Reese. *shallow* Oh! And after Bryan shoots the bad guy, the girl runs out the door and is swept away in the van. And no one notices the bad guy's brother isn't with them? What a bunch of maroons.
  23. All I can say after watching the Talking Dog sketch is I'm no longer wishing that my dogs could talk. And I LOL'd when Scarlett called Max "dumbass" at the end.
  24. Hey Goldmoon, be careful what you wish for!
  25. Thanks HunterHunted, that's some of the best info ever posted anywhere. In the same theme of using meds prescribed for someone else, I once cured my bronchitis with veterinary amoxicillan. Plus, don't they have to test urine for specific drugs? They can't just run a test for "everything" as far as I know.
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