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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. About the blood in Anna's car ... I'm far from a strict housekeeper, but if there were drops of blood in my car, I'd get out the peroxide and work to remove them before they set in to stay forever. I'd do the same to any clothes I'm wearing if there were blood drops on them (for whatever reason, not that I murdered anyone). It's too odd that Anna would keep getting in and out of her car and ignoring blood spots on the seat. Unless they were on the opposite side of the passenger seat where she couldn't see them. Did the show say where the blood was?
  2. While I missed a lot of the dead-ex-wife-of-Bob episode, is there any reason he couldn't have taken her credit card (which was missing, right?) and driving himself in her car to Taco Bell to buy an after-the-murder quesadilla? The thing with Dateline is, it can make you think a person is innocent before the commercial, then guilty as all heck after the commercial. It's however they want you to end up thinking ... presumably, like the show producers I guess.
  3. Yourdreamer, that's right about the salt. I should know that, being a Supernatural and Sleepy Hollow fan myself. I need to buy a couple boxes, just in case. I do think Bennet is dead, unfortunately. We didn't see all the nun bodies but I'm pretty sure they are gone, too. Why does Angela/Reagan/Demon want to keep family at home, I wonder. I did like how her family all teamed up and all know now that mom is possessed. Is this show up for renewal or is it a one-season deal like True Detectives was. Anyone know? It is on my "must watch" list, which means it's doomed I guess.
  4. I like this episode, although parts WERE hard to watch and I had my remote handy, especially during that "bedroom" scene. I do object to the Angela demon being able to kill people via mind meld. What's up with that? She can just step out and kill everyone in the universe if that's the case. And why didn't Casey kill people with just a look? I didn't see the episode where she killed the guy on the train/bus. Did she mind meld him or murder him with her own hands? I LOVED kick ass Marcus. But oh, nuts, when he got caught. I thought he put holy water in the bath tub, which burned the priest's face, but maybe it was something else, like "holy bath salts." Glad Tomas is back in the game, too. Did his girlfriend's HUSBAND complain to the head of that church that was given to Tomas? If so, ouch. Also sad to see the demise of the RV couple, they were "fun," and the nuns. Wondered why the RV guys were shot while the nuns were mind-melded to death. The coroner is going to have a lot of 'splaining to do, unless he/she is demon possessed too.
  5. "Slave name?? It makes me think of a neighbor's dog who was named Rufus." When I was a kid, we had a dog named Rufus too. He was black.
  6. Well, first off, congrats to this show for that doctor giving Kate real info on what happens with a gastric bypass. It's not just a "drop in, get surgery, lose weight, look great" thing. What was up with Rebecca being all kinds of socially awkward during that visit though. She's got some real issues and is the one who needs help IMO. And what was up with a doctor giving a routine pre-surgery interview of Christmas Eve, for pete's sake? Then when William is revealed to have a boyfriend who wants to spend his last days with him, all I could think was, AWKWARD. Are they both going to live in his room at Randall's house? What a no-win situation. And what's up with the daughter being able to spot gay/bi at first meeting. That's too precocious for me. Then, WTH is with Toby, flying across the country and dropping in UNINVITED on his EX girlfriend who BROKE UP WITH YOU. What a douche. For all he knew, Kate was there with her current man, like Kevin was with his current squeeze. I continue to hate Toby for being all ME, ME, ME. I never wanted to see him again so was all kinds of bummed when he showed up (breathing heavily and irritatingly). Not that I wanted him to die, I just wanted him to remain ... gone. And forgotten. LOL at thinking Toby left this moral coil happy because he had sex. We can only assume there was sex and it was good. That is not always the case. Plus it was horrid of Kate to take Toby upstairs in her brother's house, and with kids around. What, does she have a room at Randall's? Or did they use Randall/Beth's bed? If so, just a big EWWWW to that.
  7. "Rufus is named Rufus after George Carlin's character (Rufus) in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure." I wish he had been named Bill or Ted (or George or even Carlin) instead of Rufus, which is a slave name. I'm not prejudiced in any way, but that name just glares racism to me. This character deserves better.
  8. Well, they don't seem too capable of stopping Garcia from doing anything anyway even when they go back to the same day. Plus Garcia never travels back to a date when "nothing" happens. Since he went back to the day before B+C were to be murdered, it's pretty safe they are what he is back for. And they've already changed history beyond hope with killing random people in every time zone. So Lucy knew B+C were to be murdered the next day ... why not clue them in or divert them instead of playing bank-robbing lovers. Once they spotted the necklace, that's all they needed to retrieve. Wyatt could have just shot Clyde and grabbed Bonnie's necklace. Instead, there was yet another big fail for our team. Plus I hate Rufus being named Rufus for so many reasons. Better he keeps Wesley as his first name. (Of course, this is an imaginary show about imaginary time travel, so whatever I think has absolutely no relevance. So there's that.)
  9. I noticed the gun switch, but it was quick and I wasn't sure which actress I was seeing. Having Rufus become Wesley Snipes is a great idea, that's an alias one can easily remember, whereas Rufus could forget he is "Joe Smoe" during some interrogation. And while I wasn't here in the 1930s, I do remember when driver licenses were punched. If you were pulled over, the cop would hold license up to see if there were punches (you are bad guy) or not (you are good guy). Lucy's dearly beloved shaved since the last time we saw him. Lucy needs to find out his name (!) and get on google to find out who he is ... and what she's been doing since her group has changed history about a zillion times now. And I STILL don't know why they don't time travel back a day early to catch Garcia before all the bad stuff happens. I mean ... DUH.
  10. "Don't you have a little pencil icon on the bottom of your posts, to edit? " No. This site changed in April and I lost the ability to format text, quote anyone, edit, insert links or graphics. Everything is gone. The only thing I have is this box to type in, and it's one inch wide x 1/4 inch deep. There is a "submit reply" button to click to post what I type. And that's it. I can't even "like" posts any more. Oh ... and even if I put spacing between paragraphs, everything posts as one big block of text. Like here.
  11. Quote: "Toby's ex was attractive, so I don't think Toby is one of those men." The key is, Toby's EX was attractive, and they split. If he takes up with a fat woman that no other man wants, then Kate will never leave him. Even though he did, and he even turned her need to find herself around to "But what about ME?" Nuts, I meant to write "even though SHE did." I hate that I cannot edit posts. I wish Rebecca would have shown Randall how she could roll her tongue so she must be his bio mom. I thought the three locks were for the three kids, each would have a key. I was wrong, of course. Seeing Rebecca's door-locking panic during Randall's "trip," made me wonder if Jack had been murdered, maybe killed at that cabin which is why she is selling it. Although I also wondered why that place was so spic and span clean, with a fully stocked fridge (and electricity!) when no one had been there for years according to the kids.
  12. Did anyone watch last night, "The Last Day," about the married Marine corporal who murdered his girlfriend and threw her body down an abandoned Mohave Desert mine shaft? All I could say was, "WTH?" during the trial when he was trying to make a case for killing her based on some made-up child abuse theory. Never have I seen a Dateline that has been so HE'S GUILTY beyond a shadow of a doubt. Thank goodness the jury agreed with that.
  13. I at first thought Demelza got shot, but then we saw a view of the fence board that was damaged, so I'm guessing she only got some "back spray" from the shotgun. I also wondered why she wasn't treating/extracting buckshot from her wrist, she didn't even have it wrapped. So I'm supposing the fence got shot, which knocked her off. It was odd she got shot at when going home though, and not coming in, unless George sent the gun guy there. Or Elizabeth did, more likely. I really didn't like her going to confront Elizabeth, no one winds in a bitch stand off like that. I also did not like Demelza "conceding" Ross to Elizabeth. Big ick.
  14. Hoping beyond hope that this is the last I see of Toby. I suspect he won't be all that about Kate if she loses weight anyway. There are men like that, they only want women no other men will look at. And Kate, you have to go through meetings with doctors and counseling before a gastric bypass, you don't just walk in on some random day and get one.
  15. Did anyone else laugh when Kevin took a picture of the stoned Randall? And mushrooms in a smoothie ... just a big NO to that. But it must have been yummy since Randall drank half of that quart bottle.
  16. I agree that Lucy's smack-mouth I Am Woman comeback to the guy in the hallway was NOT the way to stay under the radar. All she had to say was, "Okay, cream and sugar, got it. Be back with it in a sec, just go on to your desk." And then move on. But writers had to put a "You go girl" speech in there for us modern-time gals. But IMO, Lucy was being stupid. Not that so many other things in the show aren't stupid, so there's that. I'd love to find out that Lucy's sister was sired by one of the guys randomly killed in a time back. And the army guy's wife never existed for the same reason ... because he killed her grandfather in Nazi Germany. Karma, dudes.
  17. Wow, three pages here already. Forgive me if I am distracted by Jack taking his shirt off. I sort of missed everything he and Rebecca said during those scenes. Wow. Just ... nice. I do want to know how many men here can do any pushups much less a dozen or more with a nine year old on their back. Just for the record, put me at lucky to do one with no one at my back. I mean ON my back. Duh. Sorry. Cannot edit posts.
  18. Seeing Dolly reminded me of how great she is, and how many younger singers can't compare to her. And how fantastic she has been over all these decades. She STILL rules IMO. That aside, what Courtney said before she was eliminated, that the show allowed her to feel better about herself (I paraphrase, what she actually said was much more poignant) made me feel bad about ranking on her. Plus she said something real as compared to the standard "this means everything to me" cr*p everyone else spouts when asked what the experience means to them. Like Aaron keeps saying every week to Miley.
  19. Don't get me wrong ... Demelza is my favorite person in this show, I love that she is bold and confident and says what she feels. My point was, at that time women were chattel. That's even an undercurrent in today's world. I was the first one in my office to wear a pantsuit when department dress code was changed to allow women to wear them. (Top and bottom had to match.) I also spent a good part of that day in the bathroom crying after my boss berated me for wearing it, females should wear a dress. So there's that.
  20. This chat room has at least two people who know how to load a punch tape correctly. If this show is "so good on small details," couldn't they have found at least ONE person in Hollywood (or online, like ... HERE?) who could have told them which way to insert the tape? Me, I'm still irked that it's okay for the time travelers to kill anyone anywhere without regard to "history," yet they refused to save Lincoln? I'll always hate this show for that "small" oversight.
  21. I have to agree with Scoobie and Dancer about Demelza, it's easy to judge her (and like her) based on present-day social standards and our own thoughts of how women should act. But back then, while I do not know it for a fact, I think most men, married or not, frequented "ladies of the night" and the wealthy all had courtesans. Wives were pretty much there to fed, cloth, clean, have kids and bed the husband ... when he wasn't bedding some other woman. Oh my, I do sound jaded, don't I!
  22. Moose said: "Which makes you wonder how they were able to see him in the present, when they killed him in 1969???" Moose you're killing me. Where's my Advil? In other news, how did Garcia sneak into his "mom's" house unseen by Agent Mulder and Mom, and why didn't they notice the boy passed out having an allergic reaction since it was all happening on the balcony/deck next to where they were standing. And in the beginning, those two were looking to snag the magnetic-strip badge of that control-room guy, but he didn't have it (plus if he did, he would have sold it on eBay). So, they had to fly back farther to kill him ... AFTER they saw him as an old guy. Like I said ... Advil, please.
  23. I watched the moon landing on tv live. And I remember computer systems that took up an entire floor of the government building where I worked. And I have never heard of Katherine Johnson so now must do some research. And no female EVER talked back to a man superior (because all men were superiors) unless she wanted to be fired. Lucy could because she was taking the Flying Eyeball home later. But back then, women could only be secretaries, nurses or wives. There were no other careers for them. I also remember "punchy tape." It was a real thing even into the '70s where I "punched it" to use it at my job. And yes, men kept electric shavers at work to do "touch ups" in the afternoon if they had a heavy beard. There were no beards then, nor stubble, Agent Mulder. Once again, history is changed by random shooting of people who obviously don't matter, while Lincoln, and others, HAVE to be killed so history doesn't change. WTH.
  24. Interestingly, I don't think the actor who plays Ross is "all that." Which makes it harder for me to swoon in his presence. Or forgive him his failures. Because we all know, the best looking fellas can get away with the most, no? I do think Caroline is beautiful, so much more so than Elizabeth. It must have been heck back in the day, for a pregnant woman to get strapped into those whale-bone corsets. Yikes. Elizabeth also appears to be fully on George's side. So, I guess, good on her. But really, she can't see what a lying fop he is? He must be quite handsome in her eyes (see above).
  25. JMarie99 said this: "Courtney's yelling and shouting that Cher song was easily the worst of the night." and I totally agree. She showed no sensitivity or vocal range, she just screamed all the words. I hated it, and think Blake must be a terrible coach to approve that approach to a song that could have showcased her. It's like Blake wants to get rid of her. I did enjoy We, she actually is a good singer with sensitivity, as is Christian. I can listen to both just fine. Billy was good, but he's always good, not super great. Aaron, poor guy, Miley loves you yet you have no range, you are pretty much a one-note guy. I liked Ali okay too. But Austin, holy cow, I flipped the channel so I didn't have to listen to him. I like Sundance but for some reason I fell asleep for his song, so missed it. I wonder what that means? LOL!
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