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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Not surprised Sa'Rayah lost that vote. Maybe if she had chosen a song with WORDS instead of just screams that go up and down in register, people would have appreciated her talent. But walking all over the stage while screeching at the top of her lungs isn't singing for me. I will give her the win for being gorgeous and having lots of presence on stage. At least Aaron sang a song with words, even if his growly voice irks me. In either case, whichever one didn't go home this week is probably headed for the door next.
  2. What's with everyone on every show stabbing people in the neck with syringes. No one ever aspirates, so syringe could be in artery, spinal cord, windpipe ... anything. Plus someone can so easily move their head/neck. Neck stabbing just seems to be in vogue these days while a shoulder stab would be so much safer and less likely to kill the stabbee. What's the big deal with Weller being sent somewhere else? Because he's so brilliant he would have figured out team was in a trap? If Sandstorm had bid higher in that auction last week, they would be owning Weller now. Opportunity missed, Sandstorm. I did like the Patterson Borden romance though. Sorry that's probably finished.
  3. While I find lots of tv entertaining and funny, I rarely LOL. But I sure did LOL when that frog fell from the "sky" and onto Kenan's bar in that sketch. Subtle, yet hilarious. Great episode.
  4. As someone who is depressed by the lack of proper English in reality shows AND scripted shows, the best line of the night was Randall correcting Kevin's "Randall and me" to "Randall and I." I actually shouted YES! to my tv. Thank you, show writers. You have put yourselves head and shoulders above all other writing crews.
  5. I know the show had to use brownies so they could write in the kid wanting some, but chemo causes nausea. William did not want to eat dinner because of that. He should have just smoked the weed. They were down the basement/outside anyway, so why not. And Kate's method of dieting ... everyone would hate it. Eating "cardboard" tasteless food? Walking on a boring inside treadmill? You're in LA, girl, get a bunch of those weight-loss groupies to go walking in Hollywood Hills, and eat some salmon and steamed veg. How about a Weight Watchers cone or brownie (hash free) for dessert? There are good food choices, especially in southern Cali, where everyone is on a diet. Why isn't the weight-loss-group leader teaching these people how to eat? And yes, men ALWAYS lose weight faster. Toby eating that gross over-kill dessert in the restaurant was disgusting and stupid. Kate said to, but did she really mean it? I say she did not. I don't like Toby or think he's good for Kate. Time to bail, girl.
  6. That was a good show last night, mainly because I never watch the judges or listen to their BS. It greatly improves my enjoyment of the packages and the dances. I have a mad crush on James, WOW to just everything about him. Man of my dreams. And that first dance ... zowie. Terra was hilarious flirting with Artem, and I totally agree with the recap ... her trio was Artem-centric for me. So thanks for that, show, and sorry to see Terra leave before Jana, whose appeal I just can't. Laurie's trio with Maks was cool in that it was a realistic story within a dance. What fun. Hated the grandmother announcement on national tv (RIP). I also did not like James dancing first and Laurie in that "p" position. Still, a better show than most. And oh yeah, Calvin was too funny with the two "Dumb and Dumber" dancers. He is the first footballer I like.
  7. This is the first SNL for years that I enjoyed all the way through. FINALLY, a monologue that isn't some song tribute created to just fill the time. Every skit was clever and well-done IMO. I've never seen Chapelle's show and would never recognize him on the street, although I know his name. So, kudos to him and all cast members for the best show of the decade IMO. Loved all of it.
  8. Thanks Dowel. I was one from PTV who donated $$ to buy and then get rid of Weller. And I'm with those who can't understand why he's such a chick magnet. Surely there are men around who know how to shave, clean up and smell good, and can speak politely, with thought, and aren't just an all-around dick. Maybe that guy Jane met at the party, there's one. Weller is just so ... disgusting in every way. YMMV, of course.
  9. I've solved the mystery. Of Lizzie's mom, anyway, Katrina ... Kate ... Mr. Kaplan. Easy peasy!
  10. Tanita, you have come up with the most dramatic twist yet, Red is Lizzie's father AND mother! Just because we've been told Red was an intelligence officer 20 years ago doesn't mean writers will remember that down the road. Just like they had Red and Tom talking as strangers outside the hospital after Red killed Lizzie's adoptive dad.
  11. LOL at Agnes really being two years old. As I posted back when, I'm waiting for this show to do the soap-opera standard time-warp jump and Agnes will be 16 years old after the hiatus. You know ... because these cr*p writers can do that. Besides, we've seen Kate recover fully from being shot in the face. Enough to get out of bed, made/eat dinner and then take a walk in the woods. Agnes will be old enough to join her next season.
  12. I just want to know who the heck was bidding $39,000 for Weller, the bidder who made the FBI go up to $40,000. Or was the $40 MILLION? Either way, no way.
  13. Babies need to be kept warmer than big old fat adults, they just don't have the body mass. Hence, the cap thing. Does Mr. Kaplan have anywhere to walk to? We know nothing of where she lived, she just always magically appeared when Red needed a "cleaning." Maybe Mountain Man is some long lost relative of Kirk's ... maybe he's Lizzie's dad!
  14. Thanks for the catch up gazebo. My first thought is the driver is Dembe. Red did say to forgive him for Kate, so that would be Dembe's way of "forgiving" Red. Dembe gets to keep her and Kate gets to (safely) make soup for Dembe. Win win. As for Red being Lizzie's father as he confessed, I say that's as real as Lizzie being dead last season. While I was bummed Lizzie wasn't really dead, I could give a care who her father is. Get over it already, for pete's sake.
  15. It's been such a crummy couple of sleepless days that this show couldn't keep me awake and I missed the ending. Reading here, do I assume: 1. Someone gave Mr. Kaplan a ride out of the woods? 2. Red and Kirk part ways, Kirk to leave with the genome doctor and Red to return to Lizzie's place? 3. All while Kirk's girlfriend is still swimming underwater to ... somewhere? I do know that babies lose body heat through their heads (as do adults) so nearly always wear a head cap to keep everything warm.
  16. I can't even try to follow this show any more, it's so all over the place and makes no sense. Not that some fictional tv show needs to, I guess. It kills an hour that I don't have to think about anything else. But thinking about this show is a time waster. The shaky camera started to bother me, and letting the bad guy go on for so long describing what (did not) happen was irritating as was Jane dressing like a hooker to be a caterer. How does she get rid of those tats so easily? And why wasn't she invited to the baby cake party? Inquiring minds want to know that stuff, the heck with Sandstorm and the mole.
  17. Wow, I thought all the song choices were bad, but thought maybe they were told to choose from some era or something. So many singers were flat or pitchy (tm Randy Jackson) and not fun to listen to. So I didn't, I flipped to DWTS. I felt bad for people who couldn't vote, especially if they are invested in someone. But I was HUGELY grateful the judges blathering on yada yada and yada was cut short. The being-unable-to-vote thing was compensated for by that blessing.
  18. Quote: "And that yes Jim Caviezel's Reese from POI is the ideal vision of this role." Well, they could fly back in time and save Reese so he could join Team Time Traveler. And as for changing history being so bad, they did it on their first trip (mom is now healthy and sister is gone) and also changed Fleming's book writing. So WTH, just fix whatever and screw history, gang. That history, this history ... what's the dif. And on a shallow note, all three looked great in their Old West garb this week. Nice job, Wardrobe.
  19. I agree with you, 12catcrazy, that writers are making this up as they go along. I'm guessing no one thought this show would make it past season 2 so now they're grabbing at flying monkeys to make up each episode. Yeah, Red could have all sorts of trust funds set up for Lizzie and Agnes, but why not tell viewers that so WE don't have to make shit up too, just like the writers. And Johnny Dollar, I'm hoping for your "anonymous sperm donor" twist. That could carry this show for three more seasons of BS writing. Plus then they could make Agnes 16 years old, time-warp her like they do on the soaps, and then she could be an agent/informer too.
  20. I'm a big BC fan, love his Alan Rickman voice, and I thought he was a good host, and a good sport as proven by the Kohler sketch. Which, being from the generation that remembers the Mac commercial, made me rather uncomfortable. But the Ridder sketch made me LOL, which this show hasn't done for years, so that was a plus. Another plus was the close up of Rizzo's legs in the Weekend at Bernie's sketch. HOLY COW, to quote Harry Caray. Those Cubs looked great in those little white shorts. And having them "win The Voice" and sing with Bill Murray made me bawl my eyes out once again. Go Cubs Go! I turned the channel after listening to Solange for just a few seconds ... p.s. I mean the RIDDLER sketch. Not able to edit posts. Or spell, obviously.
  21. To answer Terrafamilia, if Rufus hadn't blown that hole in the floor to the aquaduct, PeeWee's bike would have to be hidden somewhere else, which would (dum de dum dum ...) CHANGED HISTORY!
  22. Hey Otto, I was thinking yesterday (yes, I'm a time-waster) about Red killing Lizzie's adoptive father so he wouldn't tell her who her real father was. Then, didn't Tom track Red to the hospital and then sit with him on the bench outside as they, strangers to each other, talking about missing people who had passed? THEN we find out later that Red hired Tom to marry Lizzie and "keep an eye" on her? This show's writers ... WTH.
  23. I was surprised to see Sharon Gless as Chris, mainly because I watch Burn Notice every morning and she will always be Michael Weston's mom to me. But she had on more makeup here and really pulled off the character, so I'm good with it. In fact, since she is kick ass on Burn Notice, I'm imagining she will be a real force on this show, too. Let's hope. She needs to team with Marcus. And Tomas ... you can just stay away, please. All in all, a good episode, maybe the best since the pilot, that scared the bejesus out of me.
  24. Whether Kirk is her biological daughter is meaningless. Offhand, I'd say a lot of people have a different "real" father than the man who raised them. Just sayin'. In any case, Kirk knows all about her mother, so he could tell Lizzie plenty of info she wants to know (but won't ask ... why?) plus he's willing her his fortune. Rich people don't just do that to random people off the street. Which means IMO, Kirk is Lizzie's dad, whether biological or not. I haven't seen Red open an off-shore trust for Lizzie. Or Agnes. And yeah, I imagine that long-haired bodyguard guy babysitting Agnes. I'd be okay with him bodyguarding me. Oops, I meant "Whether Kirk is her biological FATHER." Sorry, can't edit posts.
  25. I picked watching Cubs win World Series over this (and every other) show, so glad I'll get to see Weller go missing next week. And stay missing, I hope. I did see commercials for the episode all day, odd the network was advertising a show that won't be on. (Yeay CUBS!)
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