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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. And on a completely different topic, did anyone else think it strange the isolated gas station was open on Thanksgiving as was Pilgrim Rick's creepy motel, both 3.4 miles away from anywhere? It all had a Bate's Motel vibe to me. Plus not a single car passed them on their more-than-one-hour walk? Back in those days, it was pretty safe to hitch a ride with strangers. Trust me, I did it many times after a car breakdown. If you guys would pull out the old box sets using antenna tv and put those HDTVs away, you wouldn't notice any of those wigs or makeup. I'm lucky I can even identify individual characters on my ancient set. I have no complaints about anyone's makeup or hair!
  2. I really enjoyed this episode, mostly the fight with Ross vs. George. i was all about Ross cooking George's head, or at least burning off a good portion of his hair. I do love me a pro-active man! Yes, Ross redeemed himself with me this episode, thank goodness. And when he rode up on that big black horse, pointing his pistol at George, he was all kinds of hot awesome. Nana Poldark rocks; I wonder why George continues to let her live there. Or, live, period. We all know that baby is going to be two months early. Didn't Liz postpone her marriage by that long? And yeah, the kid is going to have jet black hair like dad. I do have to add that the lighting Demelza gets makes her look just like a Vermeer painting. Absolutely gorgeous.
  3. Thanks Llywela. Smuggling booze makes perfect sense, something men are willing to die for!
  4. Hey, thanks everyone for the backstory on Ross et. al. I actually feel now that I've seen S1 thanks to Judy's remarkable talent for story-telling. Now I have a huge crush on Ross, which will be removed, no doubt, if he continues to be a jackass to Demelza. LOL! My PBS station ran all the previous episodes before starting S2, but no way did I want to watch this show. I know ... go ahead, kick me. Because now I can't wait for S3. Thanks again you guys. Oh: Another question. What is Ross and the other men "smuggling" so that the army was trying to arrest him a while back?
  5. Tiger said: "Maybe Im projecting, but I think Mandy is playing 2016 Rebecca as if her dreams died," Exactly what I was trying to say. Most people who are 60, more or less, are dealing with dead dreams. It comes with the territory of being "old." Like I said, it will happen to you youngsters in a few decades. Very few people end their lives satisfied. And Sake614, what you say about Weight Watchers and needing help from your group leader is exactly my problem with how Kate is being portrayed. Obviously, no one, including her "group leader," has told that group what is best to eat (and it's not dry leaves and cardboard) to lose weight and satisfy cravings and appetite, and how to keep to a program. Everyone I know who has been through WW has lost and kept it off, unlike the gastric bypass people I know who use GB as a "quick and easy fix." Kate sounds like she's doing the GB as the easy way out, a recipe for disaster in my book.
  6. To posters who think Rebecca seems more subdued in present compared to past, I'll just say that someone who is 60 has WAY LESS energy and enthusiasm than someone who is 30. And that's a fact, Jack. Doesn't necessarily mean she is unhappy, she's just ... older. It will happen to you guys, too. Just wait a few decades.
  7. Okay, as someone who did not see S1 and only got into this series in the middle of this season, would someone explain why Ross married Demelza and not Elizabeth, who appears to be his true love and "the right one" for him? I like Demelza, but it's because she's a strong, independent woman, which I'm guessing wasn't such an attraction back then just as it puts many men off in today's world.
  8. We're doing a lot of making up own our story lines and show details here, and I hope the show proves us wrong on most counts. Me, I only know what this show has allowed me to see, I can't put my own "this happened offscreen" into the scenario. Mostly, I hate that Kate's weight has been her whole reason for being on this show. I hate she was fat shamed on the airplane, she was on the phone when she boarded, we saw her the entire time, and she DID NOT ask the snotty flight attendant for a belt extender. And that empty seat next to her was for Jerkface Toby who she dis-invited, thank god. She didn't buy two seats for her own fat ass, so snarky seat mate, look away. I want Kate to have some normal story now that the self-centered "It's all about me" Toby is done. Please!
  9. Cyberhugs to bros402. And now that Randall's Thanksgiving tradition has been ruined for all eternity, how about inviting all of William's musician friends to jam at your house every Turkey Day from now on, Randall. And I could care less about Miguel, married to Rebecca or not. What's the big deal? Unless he killed Jack, then I can see some hostility toward him.
  10. I hated the Kate scene on the plane. She sits down and feels compelled to say she bought two seats to the woman in the window seat? Please. Just sit down and keep your mouth shut. No one is going to sit in the middle, that lady doesn't need to know why. Plus you obviously fit in your seat, I did not see you flip the arm up so you spread out onto two seats. And the flight attendant: "Here's your seat extender." WTH? That guy needs customer service training. The right way to approach that is to ask if Kate was okay and did she need anything he could get for her. Then I LOL'd when the turbulence hit and all the PILLOWS fell out of the overheads. Where were the briefcases, suitcases, overnight bags, boxes, the stuff that's really in overheads. Plus airline pillows are these crummy little tiny square things, not big "My" pillows. And do all overheads really open that easily?
  11. I think the complaint about gymnasts is that they are so bendable and flexible, they can kick higher, jump farther, flex in two backward ... all the things "regular" people can't do. So they are more like professional dancers in that flexibility is already there. As for musicians having an advantage: Michael Bolton and Master P, anyone? The viewing public likes to watch dances that are good, so the right final three made it this year IMO. If popular public figures cannot dance, they just don't make it very far. If all the contestants were Rick Perry level, this show would have no one watching. Besides, having "ringers" gives us something to chat about here. I'm just glad Laurie wasn't partnered with Derek. That's a plus!
  12. "Doing those things shows the opposite of hate?" Yeah, they hate/dislike Kevin so much, they don't even take advantage of his being rich and famous. They want nothing to do with him. Shunning is worse than hate. Too funny that no one here (well, almost no one) remembers the name of Kevin's play either. So I cut Rebecca some slack on that count.
  13. Ha ha, if god gave James to me, I would be more than grateful for the gift. Thanks for the money facts, Mystery. I knew they got paid, but I guess Laurie doesn't need a job after raking in final week dough. Yowza. Yeah, it literally does pay to make it to the end. And thank you, mtlchick, for distance from studio to The Grove. (I am unable to "like" posts.)
  14. I know several people who have had gastric bypass. All lost tremendous amounts of weight ... and every single one gained it all back. Kate needs to "find herself" first, as she said, and learn that dieting is more than just eating dried leaves and cardboard. There actually IS real food she can eat to lose weight and keep it off.
  15. If I had a son who was starring in a hit tv show, I'd be all about him flying me out there and putting me up in the Bev Hills Hilton so I could watch a taping, whether I liked that kid or not. Not remembering the name of a play that is still in rehearsals (I guess) is less a family crime than not "taking advantage of" a child who is a famous actor. Just sayin'. There's some real hate for Kevin from every family member who did not take advantage and ride his coattails of fame.
  16. Great episode. Plus this show uses the best music ever, Cat Stevens and now Graceland, my favorite album. Complaints: A walk that long would take two hours. Why not walk 20 minutes to keep tradition. Then all that running around, no one was watching dinner which I "assume" was in the oven. After Randall started it, I guess it had to finish cooking itself. Then again with Kate having to eat dry leaves for dinner. WTH is up with portraying dieting like that when there is broiled fish, steamed veg, even fresh veg, burger patties, cottage cheese ... the list goes on. Plus THANK YOU for dumping Toby. He was all, "But what about ME?" when Kate said she needed to find herself. He's a self-centered jackass. And, BTW, so is Olivia. Asking "How does it feel to die" was worthy of her finding out first hand how it feels.
  17. And me, all I could wonder is, what did Ross do with his horse when he went down the cliff to join Demelza. Let it go to run home and leave him on foot? In other thoughts, I'm working hard trying to see what these women see in Ross and I just can't come up with it. Disappointing, as I like a teevee hero and strong guy, fictional as that person may be. Ross is pretty much of a jackass IMO.
  18. Well, the final placement order was as I figured, although I was hoping to be wrong and my teevee boyfriend James would win. But whatever. He does have a real job to go back to whereas Laurie only has the DWTS tour now. Plus the winner doesn't get anything besides that mirror ball, right? I've been watching since S1 and can't tell you even a fraction of the winners, so there's that, winners can be forgettable. This show being two hours meant I got to watch The Voice and miss all the fluff and puff of the first hour, so was surprised about the ice rink stage. WTH! How is the camera person who took a header? I wondered how far the studio is from The Grove to allow Tom, Laurie and Val to get there during commercial break. Or were those studio dances taped? In any case, bye James and Calvin. Nice job boys, you made this season worth watching.
  19. I swear the Enterprise has a tractor beam. Scottie, am I right? Scottie ... ?
  20. After watching Free Birds this weekend, all I could think of was Rufus and team need to install a clocking device on The Flying Eyeball. I mean, if the turkeys could do it, why not these people? Oh, nuts. I mean CLOAKING device. Sorry, can't edit my post. (I obviously can't proof read, either.)
  21. I have a total crush on James for so many reasons, mainly because he IS a beautiful dancer and appears to be a beautiful person. His freestyle made me tear up, and I typically hate freestyles. Calvin's freestyle was the most fun of the night, and I like everything about him. Laurie's was a lot of running around, and WTH was up with her leap getting a FREAKING SLO-MO, for pete's sake? None of the other dancers got special snowflake camera edits. That put me 100-percent against her winning. Thanks, show, for screwing that pooch. James (or Calvin even) for the win.
  22. I wondered when Demelza told Malcolm she was in "the Red Room" and he replied he was "familiar with it," if that room was reserved for "loose women" that male guest were free to sleep with. Since Demelza had no interaction with George's gopher, I was surprise both he and the old host felt entitled to sleep with her. Unless it was the "Red Room" thing. That, and she came to the party alone so much be a tramp. And yes, those "beauty marks" were applied and considered BEAUTY MARKS back in the day. I though it was cool the show the fashion trend of the era. Wow, that post is full of typos. Sorry guys, I am unable to edit from this site. My apologies for all the mistakes.
  23. Another singing opening monologue. *sigh* And after such a great one last week with Chapelle. I hate the Sue character, wish they had stuffed her in another room. Even her stuffing the pillow wasn't funny. I did like the Whiskers sketch, but only because Kate is the best and Kristen didn't go OTT like she does in everything else.
  24. All this talk about which one is going to have an affair. Have we been shown any indication that this happens? All I know for sure is that Jack dies, Rebecca remarries.
  25. Casey is demon possessed, yes, and tethered to the bed. How about someone washing her hair and face? Because obviously that hasn't been done since she's been eating lake swan and living in the homeless rat tunnel. I also don't know why everyone has to listen to the demon and get all upset. They need some streetwise person who can talk smack back to the demon. I know I was doing that from my couch. Not that I'm volunteering. And Geena Davis saves Casey's neck from twisting off, then she does it to her mom. Ouch.
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