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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. And OH YEAH, Wyatt 's buddy Bam Bam was a hottie mac hottie, and looked the part of a bad ass Delta Force guy on top of it. Here's hoping he does replace Wyatt, or at least they let him ride along for some kick-butt eye candy. (Unlike the angst-ridden man-child Wyatt.)
  2. Okay, so someone riddle me this: Why is Rufus being forced to tape record (spy) on Wyatt and Lucy? What are they saying/doing that they wouldn't tell everyone they said/did after the Flying Eyeball flew them home? I haven't seen they are doing anything secretive or suspicious, so why is Rufus having to spy on them? I'd say the Alamo north wall was REALLY weak if the Mexican could ride horses right over the top and into the Alamo yard. What was up with that? And where did Santa Anna get a Friesian (a horse from the Netherlands) to ride?
  3. The incongruity of this show is killing me. Not that a time-travel show should be realistic. But everyone is all, "You can't change history!" so they let Abe Lincoln get murdered yet they will shoot/kill assorted German soldiers and Mexicans, all of whom MAYBE were meant to live. And create Lucy's sister! And father! And fiance! So what's up with not saving Lincoln and the killing everyone else. At least this episode Wyatt looked the part, soldiers were in their teens and 20s then, so Wyatt's combat story was believable, even if Rufus bonding with Dan'l was not. And those grenades ... why did Wyatt bring them this tim? And then not do anything with them? They changed history by letting women/children out of the viaduct, yet they can't change history by lobbing a few grenades over the wall to take out Santa Anna? Or use the present-day pistols to auto-shoot the Mexicans? Oh yeah ... mustn't change HISTORY. When Lucy asked Mom for "the name," I thought she was asking the name of her fiance. Since I don't think she knows that, either. (Sorry for typos above. This site will not let me edit.)
  4. My browser will not allow me to "like" posts, so I'll put it in writing: Great post, Khat, about what real fathers are like. Here's hoping show writers are reading here. (And yeah, good luck on that.) I'm actually all for Agnes to be gone. I do expect her to end up in the same place as the dogs though ... gone and forgotten, until needed for a plot or for Liz to whinge about. I still wish the kid would act like a real baby though. You know ... crying for no reason and pooping diapers every 10 minutes.
  5. Best part of the show was the opening dream, except that Weller was Jane's counterpart. So sad, that. It would have been cool if it were Oliver, the guy she met at the party. Or anyone. Anyone but gross Weller. Next best part of the show was Patterson knowing Dobbie's scene and beating Dot Com.
  6. Kirk has never seen Skyfall. Or Avengers. Or worst of all, watched The Blacklist, where neither Red and Ressler didn't stay in The Box all that long. But obviously Kirk did see the first episode, where Red "got himself captured" so he could hang out with Lizzie. Will there now be dueling FBI blacklists, Red's one week, Kirk's the next? And Lizzie speaks conversational Russian since ... when? And her obsession with her father ... Red or Kirk, both international murderers, and her mom, same thing. But then again, so is Lizzie, so I guess that apple didn't fall far. And could I hate Lizzie any more than I did before this episode aired? Answer: Yes.
  7. Hairdos in the 60s were not all Aquanet-sprayed helmets. The fad was to poof or rat the hair up to give it lift, then flip it up all around the bottom, shoulder length. Google pics of Campbell/Exner and you'll see the actress's portrayal of her wasn't all that far off. Not a big deal IMO, and I lived that decade and remember Exner in "real time."
  8. My complaint with Weller isn't that he's jumping from woman to woman (not that I agree with that), it's that he's rude, gruff, has no social skills, and now is suppose to be in charge of this special task force yet he can't even have a polite conversation with anyone. As for him growing up all angsty, that's not true since he didn't find out Dad killed Taylor until last season, then he took it all out on Jane for no reason other than she/he both thought she was Taylor. I mean, WTH? The guy's just ... nasty. Plus he's not even good looking what with that germ-infested neck beard.
  9. Best part of this show is reading the posts here. You guys crack me up. And a big YES to the Dembe/Ressler "Cheers" spin off. That'd be a show worth watching. And I laughed at "She's probably Kirk's mole" given the concern here about Dembe's very real "mole.:
  10. Yeah, Weller having insta-sex with a co-worker while he has a pregnant girlfriend, ex or not, shows me what a scabby scab mc scab he is. Not that I didn't already think he's a waste of space before. And what does everyone think is on that tape? Reade didn't watch it. It would be hilarious if all those tapes were kid's birthday party scenes and the dead guy was a party magician or something. And Reade killed him because ... of nothing.
  11. Yeah to Aram and Navabi being besties now ... NOT. Up until now, he was all nerdishly pining for her while she couldn't give a care about him. So where did Aram's now live-in girlfriend come from? Did I miss the episode where they actually MET? Last week when I saw her for the first time, I sort of "assumed" she was a hooker. And how in blazes did she get Navabi's CELLPHONE number for pete's sake? And how did Lizzie get that DNA report on her dad? I guess I missed where Kirk sent his and her samples into Ancestry.com. At least Mr. Kaplan was mentioned if not seen. So does that mean Agnes is in Russia now, too?
  12. Why do women characters on this show want to screw Weller while no one (that I'm aware of) out here finds him attractive in the least, and think he's a huge jerk and a creep. And why do all computer "nerds" babble incessantly during their scenes, in this show and in others. Please, writers, spare us the "I'm so clever just listen to all my chatter" IT guys from now on.
  13. I don't give a care HOW old the actor who plays Wyatt is, he does not look the part he is playing, which makes me lack confidence in him. Someone can be 50 and look 20 ... so what. If they do not look and act like the character they should be playing, a kick-ass Delta Forces guy who can take care of anything and protect everyone, then phooey. That is why Jim Caviezel worked so well as John Reese on Person of Interest. I just knew if he were in the room with me, I would be safe from everything and everyone. This Wyatt guy ... I feel like I'd have to be saving HIS ass. Now Rufus is starting to make me feel like he can do a better job of "saving" me. So at least there is that.
  14. So if Randall's family lived in a gated community with a security guy at the entrance, for SURE the guard guy would have seen William before now since he's been coming and going, plus riding around with Randall, for what, a week now? That plus the nosey neighbors would have seen him, too. I call BS on that "William is being arrested for loitering" scene. It was gratuitous IMO, to pound home the difference between black and white. That was done SO much better with Randall's "speech" in the clothing store.
  15. Kate, Kate, Kate ... when you are browsing in a store, just SAY you are browsing, not there to apply for a job. Way to make yourself REALLY noticed by Toby's ex, while if you were just window shopping, she'd barely remember you. Toby finally was a believable character this week, and dropped his "I'm so perfect" facade. And those extra-nosey white neighbors? If they're so involved in spying on Randal and family, they would have know days ago that William was staying there. They probably have binoculars trained on every window of Randall's house. And wow, that cop sure got there quickly. Must be an upper-class white thing, cops at your disposal 24/7.
  16. Yeah, I'll miss Miley too, Gwen never was a favorite. Who ever would have figured that ... not me, for sure. I'm liking this season as one of the best yet, with Miley and Alicia being two breaths of fresh air in between the stale old Adam/Blake love/hate.
  17. BooBear said: "Give them both gun training, get rid of Wyatt. Done! Or get another Wyatt." Which made me think, maybe, just MAYBE (hope and wish), on some trip history will be changed and Wyatt will cease to exist, or become another person, one who is handsome AND capable, two things Wyatt are not. I mean, it worked for Lucy's fiance/not fiance, right? (I still wonder why only Lucy's present has been changed and no one else's. And I still hope Amy isn't really her "sister" but her real love interest.)
  18. I agree with everyone who is down on Wyatt, the most useless "Delta Force" guy ever, too young to actually have any skills or life experience, plus he is NOT handsome IMO, even if Judith Campbell said he was, to his face. This ep I really was liking Rufus. Why not give him some fighting/shooting skills and forget the useless Wyatt person. And yeah, Lucy's future husband is just "too good to be true" so I'm thinking he's not. Or else he is being written by a bunch of wishful women. But hey, burying something from the past to dig up in the future was brilliant. Our team could have been burying tons of stuff from the Civil War era to dig up and sell later, then retire on the proceeds. What a great retirement option!
  19. I agree with the poster who wondered why Casey's demon takes on the image of an old (and rather unattractive) old man. Is it to scare her to let the demon in? It'd be so much easier to appear as a Justin Beiber-ish age-equal vision that maybe Casey would like to hang around with. And silly me, last week I thought all those murders/organ extractions were for selling black-market transplants. You know, to raise money for the demon takeover. And the pope goes a lot to different cities/countries. Why infest Chicago with demons because he's coming there? What do they hope to accomplish?
  20. I just remembered Jane's hair-cutting scene. Thank goodness she got rid of that growth that happened while she was in captivity, but when her "mom" walked in and said let her help, the back was all ragged, I almost LOL'd since the entire HAIRCUT was ragged, all the way around. Still, glad Jane's old haircut is back, even though she looked hottie mc hot last week in the "party" scene with it on top of her head. Which reminds me ... Jane calls the dude she met there. YEAY! More Jane/hot guys, less Weller, please.
  21. There is no such thing as a "silver lab." The pups were weimaraners.
  22. Sulis, welcome to the thread where posters love to (deservedly so) rank on this show. From your post, you are up on everything and didn't need S1 at all. Although you did miss some Weller/Jane angsty romance (yuck, hope THAT never happens again) and Jane finding her ex-lover/boyfriend (yeay! Hot guy, hot scenes.) She unfortunately killed him later though. *sigh*
  23. I missed the first part of this episode, but knew I could come here and get caught up. So sorry I missed Dembe's bowling lessons and Ressler googling Aram's shag. But otherwise, I thought the "terrorist" helicopter thief was a hottie, so was sad to see him burn, although it would have been more interesting if FBI shutting down the rotors would have made the 'copter crash and burn on top of a gaggle of pre-teen kids. Now THAT would have made some interesting teevee. I'm hoping Mr. Kaplan was wearing some tights or support pantyhose and doesn't really have duck feet. But the leg chain? Please. WAY too Stephen King. But I did recognize Leon Rippy immediately. So, good on Leon for getting more work. And as for the threat to Agnes ... now way EVER would a network show let harm come to an infant. Even if she is never fed nor "changed." She's such a good kid, she never cries, either. Obviously she does not take after her whiney-ass mom.
  24. Gomocs said: "think of a road with other roads turning off of it, history has seen us gone down a road with certain turns made. Lets suppose we made different turns or even better, lets suppose this guy Flynn went back to early 1940s and gave Hitler the technology to built hydrogen bombs. Nazis would rule the world, Jews would be extinct...anything wrong with that change?" But what if Flynn changes history and Hitler never comes into power, or is killed ... or never born? Changing history isn't necessarily a bad thing. As far as we know, WE are living in a changed timeline! So I say, change all you can, Lucy and you other guys. What's the diff? We'd never know. My thought is, one should try to always save people from death, when and if one can do that. And Lucy had the perfect chance to save Lincoln.
  25. So all of those guys in black body armor were Irish mob? Did anyone count how many there were? It seemed like they kept coming and coming, from all directions, upstairs and downstairs. And do all mobsters dress in SWAT clothes these days? And how easy is it to kill a guy wearing body armor? Or is there no armor, just black outfits with hoods/masks? Seems this technique is used on many shows these days, I guess so the same extra can get "killed" multiple times. That, plus Weller is a dick.
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