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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. This show knows Chad has been and is ratings gold, as evidenced by the beginning, when the "mystery" limo drives up and "someone's" feet step out, even though we all (at least I did) know it's Chad. Then he walks into his own private trailer with CHAD on the door, like every movie star. Yeah, TPTB is milking Chad for all he's worth. Chad showed he was dangerous during JoJo's season, unless the Evan shirt-ripping and door-frame punching was scripted. So they are showing once again Chad loses it in Paradise, with CH confronting him in the previews. Reality shows have always sent threatening people home, or people who display violent tendencies. Yet Fleiss continues to include him and give him special "star" billing. Yeah, somethings up. It's not just Robbie and Jordan who signed onto this show to promote themselves. Chad, meet Pot and Kettle.
  2. I was all pumped for this episode, then it right away turned into a bunch of little mean girls having a bitch fight. So I got to see almost all of AGT. Then Chad came on. I was SO glad to see Chad gone on JoJo's season, then bored because he was gone. So he came back last night ... and I got to watch more AGT because, once again, I can't stand him. Yeah, he called out Jordan and Robbie, but we all knew that about them. It was as surprising as Nick saying he had sex with Andi (if I remember the names of those players correctly). Meanwhile, I couldn't remember who 90 percent of those guys were, and the other 10 percent I SORT OF remember, but not really. But props of the night go to TPTB's "APPLAUSE!" sign that put Luke squarely in position as next Bach. Poor Chase! All his auditioning last episode was for naught.
  3. Once again I surprised myself by bursting into laughter, and staying laughing. when TapeFace reinacted the "Ghost" scene with Heidi. It was totally unexpected and hilarious. I spent a lot of time looking at Nick's hair and wondering how he (or someone) did that and how long it took. I'm thinking hours. I didn't know he had that much hair to cornrow and bun, so some American Gots Talent to do that 'do for him. I'm positive we heard the magician's "Dad killed Mom" story when he was first on. Then he got the GB so wasn't seen again until last night. Simon saying he's never seen a little-girl opera singer before ... really? Since Jackie Evancho was discovered on AGT and has been on every tv show ever invented after that. She's still on shows, just older so not such a big deal any more. Kids do grow up! The 90-year-old Dorothy ... Nice of Nick to fulfill her dream, even if viewers wish he hadn't.
  4. I hope Luke watched last night and appreciated the editing he got for his exit. JoJo went from collapsing in tears, unable to stand, missing him already, did she do the wrong thing, that was SO HARD to next scene: Thailand! I'm so happy! I am in love with three wonderful guys! My life has never been better! (Luke WHO?)
  5. The faces on the two guys when Chase crashed the rose ceremony were pretty telling. Robbie was all, hey, what's up? while Jordan's eyes turned black and he was not happy at all seeing Chase return. He also was very clearly not happy about JoJo proclaiming she loved both of them equally. His face said he had this win sewn up and now maybe he doesn't. Not a good look. Although his capri tights and women's flats weren't such a great look, either.
  6. Oh, Pickles, thanks (NOT!) for reminding me about Jordan's pronouns. When they were walking up that hill and his VO kept talking about "Me and JoJo's relationship," that was the worst. All I could think of was, this guy went to university WHERE? And did he even HAVE an English class at that high school we got to visit last week? So much pain. And speaking of their date, what's up with dates to some obscure temple where women have to cover themselves and no one can kiss, yet there were no people around anywhere and not much of anything else, either. The same date was done on some other season, maybe Sean/Catherine since they rode off on an elephant at the end of their season.
  7. Best scene of the night was Chase leaving the rose ceremony by the lower garden path and being chased (Chase-d!) by the monkey that was surely going to pounce on him. Would love to see THAT footage!
  8. I actually said "WTH!?!" out loud when Jordan walked down the steps to the rose ceremony wearing stretch Capri/yoga pants and woman's flats. Holy cow! The Robbie shows up wearing his own stretch Capris. Only Chase, when he crashed the party, was wearing Man Pants. Another reason he will be Bach ... normal men clothes and hair!
  9. I can't comprehend why JoJo had to hear someone say ILY before she knew if she had any feelings for that guy. Is that a phrase that sets off some hormone that I don't know about? Chase had the best line of the night, that he "got skewered" after telling her ILY. Then his "is this my fantasy suite?" as he got into the back of the getaway car. I dislike JoJo making breaking Chase's (and Luke's) heart all about HER, how it's so hard for HER. But then again, that's SOP for this show. Chase returning to the rose ceremony to apologize to JoJo for having hurt feelings and telling her "thanks for showing me I can love again" was his audition for next Bach, which he passed with flying colors. Sorry everyone who wants Luke, my money is on Chase as next TB.
  10. Your post was interesting, Frankenstein, and also made me wonder about whom you were talking. I only know a couple of names of these acts, although I remember what the acts were. In your Top 10, I only know who four of them are. Not that it matters, of course. Just sayin'. This also speaks to how much attention I pay to this show compared to some other viewers. LOL!
  11. Okay, kingshearte, you just made me fall in love with Luke. Lucky woman who has the man you described in her life. (Hint: It ain't me.) And speaking of Luke, he was my fav from the start since I'm all about horses and ranches, and I'd love to have a man who shared my passion for that life. But he's so wooden, he finally smiled this episode (and has shockingly white teeth). But he'll never be next Bach with those bow legs. Ha ha! He did say this ep that he lived in Nashville, so there's that, but I haven't heard on tv yet that he's a musician, I just know that from here. I'm also disappointed we never got to see the parents' house. It sorta looked like that picnic was in some park somewhere that had a log cabin on it. Of the four guys left, I guess Chase is the best for next Bach, if we gotta pick from this group. The "I don't know if I can fall in love because of ... yada yada" is a good set up for next season. Still, how hilarious would it be for Chad as next Bach? And I mean TB Chad, not JoJo's Chad.
  12. I can't remember which night the "quick change dress" duo was on. But I can't believe the judges are all mesmerized by that act, and have never seen it before. I'm just a normal person who doesn't even have cable tv and I've seen it before. And more than once on more than one show.
  13. New drinking game: Down one every time JoJo sweeps her hair back using both hands.
  14. Thanks for that Jordan hair photo, it is priceless. Priceless, I say! And maybe it's just my eyes, but it almost looks like Jordan is bald on top, which would explain the severe Donald Trump combover. Too funny that Brother Rogers has the same style. And maybe the same male-pattern baldness? The photo also shows that Jordan and JoJo shop for their skinny jeggings at the same store. Or else they are sharing wardrobe.
  15. I want to believe magicians are really magic. No way do I want to see anything that spoils this belief for me. So, I believe that woman really can read minds and see hidden objects. There were several people shown on stage at the end whom I couldn't remember seeing before. Either they weren't shown or their acts were so forgettable that I forgot them. Neither is a good omen. As for the Golden Buzzer, were they all singers, except for the Argentinian God Dancing Men? I wonder if the singers here failed to get on The Voice since I'd think a singer would rather get on a singing competition. And yeah, I would have voted for the black kid with the two dads. I thought he was super.
  16. Someone needs to tell me how old Chase was when his parents divorced. The age of the kid when parents split has a great deal to do with how they are affected. Anyone know? Anyone? Bueller ... ? Also, the reason for the divorce plays a part as well. My spidey sense picked up on dad leaving for another woman, but then again, that's just my spec. Slowpoked, you have just reaffirmed what I posted earlier, that Robbie (and Jojo) dumped the ex to be on this show so as to find Fame and Fortune.
  17. Wow, Snark, way to spoil Simon, who told TapeFace he didn't want to know his name or anything about him. Ha ha! I do think most of these acts are professional, well-known in their own country or circle of entertainers. Nothing wrong with that. I'd rather see award-winning TapeFace than some guy from down the street break watermelons with his head.
  18. Jordan's family, by agreeing to be on this show, set themselves up for online jokes, having TMZ make fun of them, having posters comment on the sexuality of their son(s), post links to one of their son's anti-gay rants ... and on and on. I can be supportive of my kids without being on a scripted reality show watched and commented on by zillions. Especially when, for most sites other than here, online posters are really mean. But, to each his or her own I guess. As for JoJo's hair, I spent most of this episode looking at how it got long and then shorter throughout the different cities and THs. It's pretty bad when hair is the only thing holding my interest while watching this show.
  19. Because I cannot use formatting: QUOTE: "Jordan's family was not seeking time in the sun. Jordan got them into this. " Viewers of past seasons know that parents/family/friends can elect NOT to appear on the HTD episode, or any episode at all. So yes, Jordan's family WAS seeking their own time in the sun. Or famewhoring, whatever one wants to call it. Even TMZ showed the two empty Rogers family dinner chairs, and made fun of it. The more I think about this (I know, right?), the more I feel Robbie dumped his ex to be on this show and so did JoJo. Both of them are there for The Right Reason: To join the celebrity D-list and maybe grab hold of a network job. Or a network star.
  20. I completely surprised myself when I involuntarily burst out laughing when Tape Face did the envelope "mouth" on Howie's stomach, and I couldn't stop laughing. It was so stupid and ridiculous and so FUNNY, all at the same time. I hope the final guy, the gay singer who was fat and bullied in school, is over that now because even if he couldn't sing a note, he is Hollywood leading-man handsome. Yowza. Hot.
  21. About the divorce of Chase's parents ... when JoJo asked why they got divorced (it's none of your business!) I was waiting for Chase to say his dad had three girlfriends on the side plus another wife in Arizona and two kids out of wedlock, so Mom filed. But ... no. No explanation. Which let me come up with that great scenario!
  22. My Sundays are all Leverage all the time. I've seen each episode several times, but I never get tired of seeing every one of them again. And again. ION Sundays are the best, since Leverage is the best viewed one after the other. I freaked when ION went to Bond Sundays. The heck? But now Leverage is back and my life balance is restored. I noticed Elliot's hair cut/not cut too, and just guessed he was shooting that other show he was on. Whatever Elliot does is okay with me since he's my tv boyfriend.
  23. Yes to Drew wanting to adopt the foster girl. This is the second episode where Drew had an attachment to a kid, the other was just last week, Jennifer Beale's daughter. I guess I don't care, unless the foster daughter keeps coming to the hospital in the middle of the night to visit "dad" like every other family member does on this show. Doesn't anyone not on a night shift sleep? How about Lance getting his heart surgery and coming out of anesthesia all within less than a full work shift? Miracle!
  24. Some people just like having a roommate, someone to hang around with and watch tv, or go out with to eat. They don't have to be in a "physical" relationship. Two people CAN just be friends, and more people than not don't like being alone. Does Luke ever smile? Jojo's face when Jordan explained he and Aaron aren't "close" was as near to a black look as I've ever seen. Disappointed much, Jojo? And if he and Aaron were not close before, they are at opposite ends of the universe after this season ends!
  25. I surprised myself by LOL when TC told Topher his mom was "doing it" with Lance. I don't even like TC, but the look on his face and Topher's reaction cracked me up. First time I actually liked this show. (I know ... why am I watching then.) All I could think at the end when those two got in the back seat of the car to "do it" was, yikes, it's San Antonio, it was 120 degrees last week, and they're cranking it up in the back seat of a car with all windows up ... AND in the hospital parking lot? Next week, will both be admitted to ER with heat stroke? Tune in and see!
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