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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. The assassin using a flip phone was another tip that those events happened "way back when," when Red was at that resort. He kept referring to when he had been there "before," one time. He went there now, in present time, because Liz dying for Agnes was like Liz's mom drowning herself to save Lizzie. (However that worked. Not sure how killing herself saved her child, but whatever. It was part of the dialogue.)
  2. I really liked it. It was so much The Shining meets Home Alone. Loved the creepy camera work and all Spader all the time. My take was, all those things (the murders/killings, drownings, etc.) happened during Red's visit there "way back when," when he chose baby Lizzie instead of Lizzie's mom, who ended up drowning herself IRL. He was comparing that old event to what happened last week, he blames his decision on birthing Agnes in the disco for Lizzie's death. Of course, the suggestion above, that Red was asleep in a Chinatown opium den, could account for much of those hallucinations. And unlike most of you, I was fooled that the woman was real up until the very end. I have to say again, I really, really liked this episode. No Lizzie, even in flashbacks. Hooray! Plus his reliving this past event will give him a reason to take Agnes and kick Tom out into his own series. Hooray! Big question: IS DOCTOR NICK DEAD?
  3. That enigmatic beauty might be Lizzie reincarnated, like Abbie will be on Sleepy Hollow. Her "soul" just moves to a new person.
  4. Or brother Adam, who lived on the Ponderosa until he moved to town, never to be seen again. At least he wasn't dead, I guess. It will be interesting how they age Agnes. TPTB don't DARE kill off a baby/child. Maybe Agnes will stay with Dad's dog? We'll see! Who gets Lizzie's cool apartment?
  5. Does the "winning" coach get some sort of extra paycheck or something? Or just the "glory" of having the winning singer? I could care less which coach wins and which ones don't. Isn't this show suppose to be about discovering new talent, not the person who has the person on his/her team who ends up with the most Twitter votes? I also wish coaches would let these people sing songs that best suit them and work on developing their own style, not force someone's else's on them. Yeah, Adam sings falsetto, but does that mean everyone else needs to as well? I know, I know ... silly question.
  6. Exactly. Frustrating is a good word, and applies to much about this show's writing.
  7. Yeah, what's up with that? I was looking forward to more Jane/Oscar "mistakes."
  8. This made me think: Why does Solomon want Liz anyway? What's the deal? Maybe he just wants to take her on a date or something. Has any purpose for her capture been explained? Solomon had Dembe and beat him up for a while, but I don't really know the why for that, either. Someone hired Solomon to capture Lizzie, but ... for what? Maybe she has an inheritance coming, or an estate in Russia left in her name? I guess I drift off during most of this show.
  9. i knew Owen would be up for elimination, just because I like him too, even if America doesn't all that much. Then I was relieved when I saw his competition. I knew he would be Twittered through being up against the funeral-dirge singer. Maybe she has a good voice, I don't know, because her singing DEPRESSES the heck out of me. I keep looking around for the casket. I just can't with Leith. That extra-looooooooong and ironed-out beard grosses me so badly. It's worse than if someone grew their pit hair and let it all hang out of their shirt down to their waist. Just ... NASTY.
  10. Whomever coined "Oversinging Hell" pegged this show and what it promotes, 120 percent. I admire someone who can stand and sing a clear and clean song without going through histrionics and contortions, screaming lyrics, and showing us they can sing way down here and way, way up there. That's why I'm rooting for Owen, although I don't see him lasting much longer since this show is all about Oversinging Hell, not a clear-voiced talent. As for "Afternoon Delight," I have my own college memories of that song. And I don't see where it has anything to do with Owen, as long as (please, gods, no) he isn't forced to sing it. Let's leave it as his dad's starburst. After watching all the shooting flames, over emoting, screaming/dancing singers and over produced numbers on this show, it was strangely refreshing to watch a PBS rerun of Simon and Garfunkel's Concert in the Park. You know: Just two guys who stood and sang, clear-voiced, talented. Made me miss the good old days (Afternoon Delight not withstanding).
  11. Total word to this. I can't stand that character and his constant smart mouthing and dwelling on Weller/Jane attraction. Why does he even care about that anyway? Dialogue was to hit us over the head with anvils we get hit with every week, every episode anyway. The writers treat us like we are a bunch of dumb asses, then we have to listen to the biggest dumb ass of all tell us repeatedly what we have known since episode 1. I noticed Jane was having a bit of trouble fighting in those six-inch strut heels. It irks the heck out of me that all police women/female detectives on tv wear heels so as to make them MORE ATTRACTIVE to male viewers. Screw the fact that they can't run or fight to catch any bad guys while wearing heels. But, by gosh, they gotta look leggy and hot for their male partners (and viewers). Neal Caffrey managed it, and looked pretty darn good while creating forgeries. Although to his credit, he was a trained artist and took great care to replicate the pigments from those centuries. I want one of those freebasing parachutes that fit undetected under a dress suit coat. I'm checking eBay now. This episode made it really hard to flip back to it while watching other shows during commercial breaks.
  12. Red said that to Mr. Kaplan, and I don't agree that because he said that he is "in on it." He just doesn't want the vulnerable and dead body of his beloved Lizzie to be cut open/embalmed/fooled with by a common coroner or funeral home, especially when he has his "own people" for that. Can't blame him there, especially if one knows what goes on during autopsies and embalming. Red almost falling and needed help to get into the back of his auto tells me he was in shock and completely unprepared for Lizzie to die. If he had been in on it, that little extra scene would not have been necessary, nor would the scenes of his silently saying goodbye to her "dead" body when no one was there to see him do that. This makes the most sense than any other speculation, and i'm going with it too. I'd never heard of this actress before this show, so don't have a clue how dedicated she is to her craft, or if she has a working spouse ... or any spouse for that matter! ETA: Turns out Megan Boone had a baby girl yesterday, this time for real. Named her Caroline, not Agnes. (I wonder if Agnes is a name in Spader's pedigree.) Father is Megan's fiancé, Dan Estabrook, an artist.
  13. Moxie Cat, your spoiler is true. A TV critic I heard on the radio said that is in an upcoming episode that he had already seen. That critic's commentary is the reason I went from thinking Lizzie was all-the-way dead to only partly dead. Then I came here and read most of you guys think she's only partly dead, too. I had been fooled, and had even shed a couple of tears for the dislikable Lizzie! Go figure! They had an open casket funeral for Sophie on Leverage. A funeral that Sophie then attended after her casket was closed. So yeah, it's been done already. And by a show much better written than the unbelievable crapfest writing on Blacklist. Mr. Kaplan could be Lizzie's mom AND dad! How cool would that be? We've never gotten an explanation of why she is MISTER Kaplan, have we? I've watched since S1 E1.
  14. Totally agree with your theory, Moxie Cat, 100 and 20 percent. Otto, I am shocked that you, of all people, would be using LOGIC and common sense in evaluating this episode. :-))
  15. Oh, it's even more obscure than that. Agnes was Keen's adoptive father's mother, so adopted grandmother whom, I'm guessing, she maybe never met. I wonder what her adoptive mother's name was. Single men can't easily adopt any child. Unless that was another Red connection, which I guess it was. My guess is Red will send Agnes off to live under the care of some Tibetan monks in Bhutan or someplace similar. Then, if the series runs long enough, Agnes will reappear as that teen or 20-something in a year or two, a la soap opera time warp. At least the monks will remember to feed Agnes, so there's that.
  16. Yes, and Mr. Kaplan is that Russian spy woman. That's why no one knows about her except Red. That would be the perfect scenario. You must have dozed off right after Agnes was born since that's when Agnes was named and the reason given. Right before, you know, Lizzie went into cardiac arrest. I don't blame you for missing it. Sure it's crazy that names were never discussed during this time Lizzie was pregnant and while Tom was going to marry her. Note that they never DID get married, so Tom is free now to run off with Gina or whomever. But, tragically for him, without any death benefits, life insurance or social security payments from his dead almost wife. No one has mentioned it, but I thought Baby Agnes was really funky looking, almost monkey like. I know one isn't suppose to comment on a baby's appearance, but that tyke could have been from the Seinfeld ugly baby episode. This is one of my most favorite sayings ever! Thanks for posting it!
  17. It's a term of endearment for one of my favorite posters on this forum. Of course, continuing is up to JudyO. I'll bow to her wishes.
  18. It seems to me Red's whole life has been about Red, with Lizzie as a side thought. Most of the Blacklisters were people he had agendas with or against, so he traded them to FBI for a takedown while he reaped the benefits of that 'lister being off the books. Yeah, Red could go on several more years without Lizzie, although he won't have that long to work alone since Lizzie is only partly dead and will be back after maternity leave. I'm wondering if Tom will give Agnes to Mr. Kaplan to raise, then go off with Gina to his own show. Just a spec. If we're going the soap opera route, then when we see baby Agnes again, she will be a teenager. I'm talking two episodes from now. She will be sitting bedside with Mom, who is still in a comma at Mr. Kaplan's apartment. Then, miraculously, Lizzie will open her eyes and rejoin the world of The Blacklist. Easy peasy!
  19. Ha ha, Dowel. Yes, Nick still has those medical student loans to pay off. At least the ones not already paid by Red.
  20. Okay, does anyone understand Spader's double speak and what he said there? i sure don't. Except for the fact that REDDINGTON says Keen is dead. Not the writers or producers or even Spader himself. So there's that. See ya soon, Lizzie. I hope you remember to feed your real baby.
  21. Oh, you guys are so heartless, but so funny too. I've had Lizzie hate since season 1, but I have to admit that I had shed at least one tear by the end of this episode when she actually died. Yeah, I guess I'm not such a cold heartless thing after all, I'm just a big sap. Except NO WAY is she dead. So I will be doubly PO'd when she resurrects herself next season after living with Mr. Kaplan for a year. I gotta question Tom's eyesight if he couldn't see that gigantic box truck parked on the side of the road three blocks before they even got to it. RIP cool limo. I was shouting STFU at Lizzie when she bitches Red for making her have a baby in a "filthy dirty abandoned warehouse." Girl, this man owns a fleet of palatial shipping containers that he lives in for overseas cruises and you think his hospital staff is in a dank and dark warehouse? Where have you been all these seasons? Then I was shouting STFU again at Lizzie when she kicked Red out of HIS plastic-lined delivery room. Bitch. When Lizzie started having complications immediately after the section, all I could think of was YEAH, of course she is, because no one bothered to suture up that gigantic hole into her insides, she's not only bleeding out, she's going into shock from that gaping opening that everyone is ignoring. And yeah, babies DO need to eat for freak's sake. Red couldn't have called the 7-11 to deliver some formula? Speaking of barn broadsides, I did laugh when Lizzie was firing that pistol out of the car window at that gigantic SUV on their tail and couldn't hit a single shot. Although later someone mentioned the SUVs were armored, so I guess there's that. If you are a major bad ass like Solomon, you can walk unscathed through gunfights between dozens of automatic weapons and incur not a single graze or splinter. Liz saying she knew the doctor in the "dirty warehouse" would be her ex was the perfect set up for faking her death. Liz got an epidural so she could be awake during the c-section, but all that does is deaden the lower half of your body. She acted like she was on an LSD trip when Tom turned on the disco ball. "Oooh, aaahhh, wow ... groovy and far out." And yeah, Tom turning into DJ Tom was all kinds of funny. Maybe he moonlights at Red's disco now that he's no longer a hired killer? Ressler and Navim (or whatever her name is) hugging at the end ... I imagine the next episode starting with them in bed. Again. Ressler, gotta give it to you, you are a nice guy. See you next season then.
  22. Too hilarious, JuJu, because who (besides you!) is looking at elbows? I also vote Courtney. Although I guess it could be any dark-haired b-ette. There haven't been that many, unless all the blonds finally let their roots grow out. Then there would be a ton!
  23. This post could have been made during season 1. And season 2. And season every-number-from-now-until-cancellation. It never changes. It's the heartbeat of this show. A very exhausting and tiring heartbeat.
  24. Well, nuts. I do the Sunday NY Times puzzle so I have April 3 but not April 4. So, bummer that I can't fill those three columns in gratis.
  25. Thanks for the tip, I didn't recognize him. I guess Hannibal is gone from my memory after that sucky last season. RIP TV Boyfriend Will. Saber: "I like mistakes too." Dead BF made this episode more fun, even if everything that happened was stupid beyond belief. But anything that keeps me from more Weller is okay with me. Dead BF being Jeff Goldblum's doppelganger kind of ruined it for me though.
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