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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. THIS! When Crane finally takes the monster down with a knife to his back, something that actually worked when all those bullets did not, did he take the time to cut off Leeds' head and/or the scorpion tail? No, let's just stand around talking instead. So Leeds comes back to life and, in the final stand off, Abbie and Crane AGAIN point their useless pistols at him. GAH! At least Abbie had brains enough to fork him with the spear. And the final dispatch by lightning was gold. So there's that. But Crane, get thee a saber, fool!
  2. Netfoot, get out of my head. You said everything I wanted to, especially about that jerkface Agent Burke, who can't even stop being a petulant child while interviewing suspects in a major drug cartel. Hokey smokes. Someone fire that guy, or at least put him on unpaid leave. I had to laugh at James' day-glo white shoes, which he wore again this week, even after a poster here pointed out they are traditional "old man" shoes. I still like this show. I just wish Burke would get gone. I like the daughter/sister though. She could take over as James' relative. And now that Mary is cured, the literally born-again James is going to be chucked out of the house ... to run rampant around the neighborhood? Oh, my ... Now, what about James' many scars? Wouldn't Sully have recognized those? Especially if she were such a long-term sidepiece, as the show suggested. I somehow can't imagine the 70-year-old Jimmy sleeping with the youthful Sully. My mind doesn't want to go to there! Or: Are those autopsy scars? If so, oh, my ...
  3. Even Miguel was surprised and incredulous!
  4. Something is wrong with either my tv or my ears, because I haven't noticed any fried voices this season. Maybe my eardrums were dulled by Chris Soules' Whitney, who could shatter glass with her voice. I'm hoping to stay unaware. There is enough to irritate me on this show without having to add voices to the mix. Still fun to read about though!
  5. This made me think: I wonder if Harlee is leading Stahl on so he gets "involved" and thereby ruins the sting on Woz, since Chen said that would happen if Stahl got "personal" with Harlee. And she suspects he is. Harlee playing/sleeping with the files guy so he would help keep Miguel in prison was a surprise to me, so maybe she's doing the same to Stahl. I hope so, so (maybe) I'll like her again. Right now the only one I do like is Woz. At least he lets everyone know where he stands. As far as I can tell, Woz's crew is only guilty of extorting business owners for police protection. Have they done anything worst than that? That would warrant FBI investigations? I'm guessing Harlee was right in there emptying Woz's trash can as soon as everyone left that office.
  6. Harlee to Stahl, who is, as usual, being a stalker by getting inside her apartment complex: "Come on in. Do you want some ice tea?" And she flips on Woz like a tossed coin, this after they've been partners and VERY close friends since forever, and Woz has saved her *ss more than once. AND is financing her entitled daughter's education, both now and in the future. Plus, Harlee herself is guilty as hell. No better than Woz since she's throwing her team under the bus so she can walk free. Well, maybe free. Letting Miguel walk just because she could? Chen. Shame on you. I'm looking for Miguel to head right to Harlee's to beat the cr*p out of her and steal the daughter, just like that guy who crashed off the roof two weeks ago. I have to say, I'm now on Team Woz. Team Harlee/Stahl can go jump.
  7. Yes, men like hair. LONG hair. From my experience anyway. And heaven forbid you should wear your hair up when it can be hanging down around your shoulders. Which, incidentally, I HATE. On a dating site I frequent, one of the qualities I am looking for in a man is he be able to use pronouns properly. I just imagine all the guys who have 'liked' my profile thinking, "What are pronouns? Her and me would be great together. She has long hair."
  8. Yes, but does everyone apply to/go on TB to find a spouse? I think motives go way deeper than that. Or shallower, whichever end of the pool you are on. Yes, every once in a while people appear 'for the right reasons" *coughashleyjpcough* but others ... well, this world is full of people who want their 15 Warhol minutes. They all want to be famous, and D-list works for most. If you do happen to find "love," well then, there's the bonus. Just don't count on it. And I really hesitate to judge the morals of people appearing on a heavily edited and scripted tv show, especially one produced by Fleiss. Or give them black-and-white personality traits. Watcher, beware!
  9. Netfoot: Best.Post.Ever. You have read my mind. But I want you to keep watching and commenting here so I feel better about me watching (because nothing else is on the other channel). It's nice to know I am not alone in thinking how STUPID this show is. A FAX indeed. Well done.
  10. IMO, 30 years would make it spot on. But that being neither here nor there, I don't really foresee Ben being pot-bellied and/or bald by age 36, whether that is technically 'middle age" or not. Some men actually DO keep all their (real) hair. I actually know one who did! Judy, that was me who picked on you wanting to see how the women walk. (Although I still say men don't care, they only care how quickly the woman can get horizontal.) I remember Ashley the Dentist being bow-legged, and I was stunned when she was chosen as b-ette because of that. She turned out to be okay, but I still hated seeing her walk, especially when she was wearing shorts that put those bandy bird legs on full view. So yeah, I agree about the walk. But I think it's mainly women who care about it. I dated one guy who was horribly splay footed when he walked and it bugged the heck out of me. (Plus he turned out to be a massive tool, his persona matched his feet.) And YES to these women knowing what they signed up for when they applied for this show, FS and ILYs included. Any who are "devastated" when sent home or being rejected are working on their contract as next b-ette, or host of DWTS. And any who have intercourse with the bach in the FS do so of their own volition. I don't feel sorry or any one of them if they are kicked to the curb later, and I don't blame Ben in the least if the woman is willing. "It takes two to tango." If sleeping with a guy means one has to get engaged/married because of it, some of us would have a big box full of Neil Lane diamonds. There's also such a thing as "Just say NO." I never thought of it that way before, but WOW, that is so true. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess it all goes back to a man wanting to marry the woman with the best dowry. You know, the most goats, cows and horses he can add to his own. Those and the bride, all considered possessions. YIKES!
  11. What? No Blacklist tonight? What happened? Why not? This is ruining my evening viewing plans ...
  12. Dowel Jones has just created the perfect motto for this show.
  13. Although, based on the waterfall scene, I am 100-percent sure Ben is a man. And it appears he has chosen best bikini bod over most graceful walk. I also know for a fact that Fleiss could care less about which b-ette I chose. I don't even get to vote on walk vs. bod.
  14. Au contraire, Marianne Jean-Baptiste IS "Not CCH Pounder." That's just easier to spell than CCH Pounder's Doppelgänger, which this actress is. She should consider it a compliment as Not CCH Pounder is as fantastic as the I Am The Real CCH Pounder.
  15. Yes. Exactly. Just like IRL, what your dearly beloved did before your engagement or marriage has nothing to do with your relationship now. It's what he (or she) might do AFTER taking vows that matters. Fleiss loves the did-they-or-didn't-they controversy stirred up by the FS. For all we know, some PA put those clothes on the floor. Everything we are allowed to see is to manipulate us, get us talking and get the show ratings. I could care less what these people do in their private lives. I strongly disliked Kaitlyn, but could care less that she slept around while on the show. And Nick spilling the beans? Who cares. If you don't want to suffer the consequences, don't do the deed. I thought the tat looked like a bar code with an "Open Here" inscribed below it. Do men really care: 1. how women walk or 2. how women look in (or out) of a bikini? I'm voting No. 2 all the way. London, I remember that Brad/Emily ATFR episode too. Ouch.
  16. Or burst out laughing. Exactly. I've made this statement several times. It's perfectly possible to spend the night with the opposite sex w/o intercourse. I know because I've done it (or, rather NOT "done it") many times. I especially wouldn't be "doing it" when there a possibility of a hidden camera somewhere. Remember those night-vision videos we see on Bach in Paradise? No thanks! If The Bach choses me, we can "do it" when we are really alone, like after the show is done filming. Not when cameras and microphones are lurking everywhere. Imagination is always way, way worse than what is real. Hitchcock used that to his advantage in making movies. To make things more dramatic. The order that roses are given is routinely changed as well.
  17. My vote: Pizza delivery. IMO, Ben is one of the better bachelors, and is trying not to fall into the clichés of this show. He avoids calling this show "a journey" and rarely says "This is the perfect city/country/piece of land to fall in love." Although I have heard that this season, as well as "My wife is in this room," which, I believe, is required rhetoric for this show. Finding a wife is the show's stated purpose, and what with all the comped/free rooms, etc., those holiday locations BETTER be worthy of love-finding. If not for Ben, then for the viewing public who now wants to go to there. At least Ben is trying not to use "amazing," although he is subbing in Chris Soules' "crazy" quite a bit. At least he did last night. He can at least speak a sentence, even if his pronouns are whack. This is an improvement over Sean and some others, none of whom could come up with anything to say so just macked on every b-ette instead of trying to form an English sentence. And then there was my favorite, Juan Pablo, who replied to every woman, "Ees oh-kay" before macking on his women. All in all, I find Ben oh-kay. He's at least trying to break out of the hot-tub-hussy bach stereotype, and I give him credit for that. When I think about it, that isn't all that easy, what with cameras on you 24/7 and PAs whispering Fleiss' little nothings in his ear, again, 24/7, making not-so-subtle suggestions about what he should do or say.
  18. Padma, say it ain't so! You know you won't be able to resist a channel turn or two during breaks in The Voice ... This show is so heavily edited and producer manipulated, I watch it only for the entertainment (and snark) value it provides. Yeah, I'm all for a sappy REAL love-life find, but I can't take much of what Fleiss decides to show/not show us seriously. Still, it makes for great water-cooler talk, which is what ratings and TPTB are all about.
  19. I had completely forgotten how or why Jane was tied up and even where she was when Better Love Interest Dude (LOVE that name) showed up to free her and show her the video. And yeah, what was with her first instinct, to SHOOT the first guy who can tell her who she is? Please. I had to turn the channel when the bad guys were getting set to video Weller's beheading. I'm just not into that, real or imagined. When I turned back, everyone was on the plane, with Weller and Jane set to take over flying the thing. It's nice to know that pretty much anyone can fly a jumbo jet, and land it safely without even knocking a cup off the dashboard, when the thing is free falling at a zillion miles an hour with no engine. So Jane is Taylor Shaw? Who gives a care? Besides creepizoid Weller, that is. If I have to see that gross moustache every week, I'm going to puke. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, it was so OTT GROSS. Triple YUCK. Disgusting. But I do love me that Not CCH Pounder actress. She's fantastic. And no moustache. Double win.
  20. I missed the first half of this episode, but reading here, I feel I am caught up. Enough with the jump-and-leg-wrap, people. It squees me out, big time. Was surprised to see the "morning after" FS filmed. Granted, I couldn't stomach Kaitlyn so didn't watch her debacle, so this was all new to me. Breakfast in bed. Jeepers. Did TPTB show all three mornings after? I only caught Jojo's date and everything after that. Although, disappointedly, I was doing something else during the waterfall scene so missed "that" part. Darn it anyway. I'm the one who called Jojo the Dog-Faced Girl during her Wrigley Field date. But she looked REALLY pretty for FS breakfast and at the rose ceremony. HOT dress. And yeah, Lauren looked like some 60s mom chaperoning a middle-school dance in that frumpy red thing she was wearing. And I'm not one who cares about clothes. But that red number ... yikes. Ditch it, girl. Caila going to see Ben was such a TPTB idea. It was all set up for her to get ditched. It's just that she didn't know it. Ben and TPTB knew, although TP did blind-side Ben by dumping Caila on him early in the day. That rose ceremony with two roses, two women ... I was hoping Ben would hold both roses up, one in each hand, and say, "Lauren, Jojo, do you accept these roses?" Doing it the "regular" way was such a time waster. Although at the end, during the many toasts, Ben did let it slip that he could see both as his wives. I imagined the Most.Dramatic.Finale.EVAH! when he proposes to both. Sister wives! Yeay! How cool would that be? Just because someone spends the night together doesn't mean they had intercourse. And, frankly, I could care less if Ben slept with all three plus the turtle on the beach. I mean really, who cares. And LOL at those FS invites being from Chris Harrison. Harrison, you dog you!
  21. It's all about the ABS! (At least according to RK.) He looks great in a t-shirt, no Photoshop needed there IMO.
  22. Well, I totally missed that. I did wonder why the assistant had to "help" James to his apartment and seemed to know where it and everything else was even though Arthur kept telling her she wasn't allowed to be there. Arthur needed to be a little more direct in his warning, like shutting down all the doors and locking them so she couldn't just stroll in. So who was the old guy? He said on the posters and promos for the show, the stills, his head is P-shopped on. Not sure about the in-the-tank floating around on tv part.
  23. The part of the video that showed them smoking weed was at the beginning and easily could be removed before posting the beat down online. But the video didn't actually SHOW the kid being beaten up, at least not the part I remember the show sharing with us. Just the cops getting all bad-ass and saying mean things while doing "something" off camera. I say go ahead and post it. So much this. Writers need to step it up.
  24. I actually would have paid money to see that.
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