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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Plus, whatever "secret" is on the paper that goes inside the tube ... who wrote the paper? Does putting the "secret" on paper, writing it down, make it disappear from the originator? That person still has the secret in his/her head. Like Red burning his secret at the end ... he still knows what was in that envelope. Yeah, the "secret" was suppose to go to Lizzie after Red dies, but ... seriously, folks? The entire premise of this episode was ... well, just plain stupid. Red burns his secret so it just disappears forever, and from Red's memory? Maybe in Sleepy Hollow, but not NYC. Or wherever this show is suppose to take place.
  2. This is one of my favorite shows. Believe it! When it comes on, I'm all, "Oh, yeay!" Other shows I watch just because nothing else is on and the room is too dark to read a book. Plus Rob is some fine eye candy, right Bruins?
  3. I almost had to schedule my own funeral since I was drinking coffee and eating Mini Wheats when I read paigow's post above. "You're KILLING me, paigow!" That, indeed, was comedy GOLD. In major cities, dead bodies go to an assigned mortuary where the body is embalmed and fixed up for viewing, and a room is set aside for family and visitors to pay their respects. Sometimes there is a religious service held at the mortuary after the viewing. That's where "The Mortician" works. We'll see him as #324 in an upcoming Blacklist ep. Then the mortuary puts the casket into a hearse limo and the deceased is driven to the cemetery where the deceased has purchased a burial plot. The grave has already been dug (by the cemetery caretaker!) but is disguised. After a grave-side service (if any), the casket is lowered into the grave after everyone leaves the cemetery and the grave covered up. By the caretaker on a little backhoe. I guess that's when our Caretaker could open the casket and insert the tube. Although why he doesn't just chuck it into the casket is beyond me. Except it made for good "Eww" if pretty stupid tv. Oh: Some mortuaries have their own cemeteries. That's when owners of those businesses get in trouble, when they "neglect" to bury the indigent, or bury people one on top of the other to save space and pocket burial-plot monies. There have been a few cases of just that in the Chicago-land area. Family goes to visit "mom's" grave ... and it isn't there.
  4. I can't figure out why everyone keeps shooting the MOW when they can see it does absolutely no good. Where is Crane's sword? All it would take is one sword swipe to the neck, behead the beast ala The Walking Dead and be done with it. The heck, Crane, the sword is your 17th (and 18th, and 19th) century friend! Get with it, man! This made me feel better about Abbie's poor manners and how she must have hurt Crane's feelings. I felt hurt feelings just watching her blow him off after all his most excellent work. "I'm leaving, keep it warm for me." Geesh. That wasn't even POLITE. Did the time in the catacombs suck all her good manners out? Speaking of manners, Pandora is for sure married to an abuser. Time for that one to go home.
  5. I took it as a rip off of "Black Lives Matter," the current rallying anti-cop cry, only it was a cop bias against Puerto Ricans instead of African Americans. The two cops were portrayed as total jerks, even to Woz's crew. They were portrayed as being out to beat up Puerto Ricans because they were cops and they could. I found that storyline uncomfortable, unbelievable and poorly written. The show had an opportunity to teach and maybe do a bit of healing in minority neighborhoods. Instead, they exacerbated everything, making ALL cops, those two street cops and Woz's entire crew, into cretans, people we should (rightly) hate. Nice job, show.
  6. No kidding, TVGuy. I wish Red would just cut his whatever-ties with Liz and just move on. Neither he nor the FBI need Liz, she is just a PITA for everyone, including viewers. Red could team up with Tom's ex, the kick-ass one, and this would be a WAY better show. The only thing keeping me watching now is Spader. Even Ressler is being written like a big jerk, what with his newly expressed views on motherhood and women in general. Aram ... I used to like you, but now you are a petulant baby just like Liz. GAH! Where did my show go!
  7. A big YES to your post about Christina. She is not only entitled, oblivious and obnoxious, she totally controlled her mother in changing the subject from her smoking weed in a closed park after her curfew to ... everything else. That would mean GROUNDED in my world, but instead mom is all hunky dory with it, and just repeats the curfew time. Which, of course, Christina will continue to ignore because ... well, because she can do whatever she wants. I don't know how this show went from investigating Woz for corruption to investigating Miguel being put in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Like Miguel is the only one jailed who is innocent? And his case has come to Stahl's attention how? I really don't care. I didn't see Harlee sleeping with the files guy (who turns out to be an attorney? Who knew!) so Harlee could keep Miguel in prison. Hard for me to wrap my head around that one. Good on Woz for paying that "witness" all that hush money from his own bankroll. So far I don't see where Woz and his "crew" are so corrupt that they warrant FBI investigating. Yeah, it's spiraling out of control now, but that all happened (RIP Sap) because of the FBI, not in spite of it. I wish Harlee would listen to Woz and tell him about Stahl. Woz said he would "handle it." I think that would be a more interesting turn of events than what we are getting. I thought I couldn't dislike the Drea character any more than I did, but she is even farther down my DON'T LIKE list now.
  8. I have to say, this episode really pushed me to go from someone who has watched every episode to someone who now is wishing something else was on a different channel. WTH, have writers all gone on vacation and now some high school kids are creating this dreck? No offense to high schoolers. But this episode really stunk. I didn't mind the pneumatic tube thing. I used to work for the feds in a very large fenced complex containing multiple buildings. We routinely sent paperwork to departments a quarter-mile away via pneumatic tube, just to save time from walking it there. I think the tubes under NY was a cool idea, real or Memorex. But the Caretaker keeping those tubes inside BURIED dead bodies? Please. He could have just put them in a little box buried next to the casket and saved a lot of digging and autopsy time. And what cemetery these days doesn't require a burial vault? The whole tube-inside-dead-carcass was nothing but STUPID. The daughter kidnaps herself? WTH? Why? Because her brother SOMEHOW finds her decades after Caretaker took her home? And she doesn't say ANYTHING to Dad/Caretaker, even though he loves her more than anything? None of that made any sense. I used to like Aram, but his whiney high-school "You tell her you're sorry for calling her a bitch" makes Aram the little bitch. To me, his subordination requires reprimand and put on probation, if not lose his job entirely. (He should have been canned after rewriting Ressler's review of Navim.) There are other excellent IT guys out there besides him. Harold Finch could find someone to take his place, no problem. Aram, so Ressler calls your girlfriend (who could care less about you BTW) a snotty name and you get all pissy about it, and possibly cause the death of not only your nemesis Ressler but your imagined girlfriend as well? Yeah, you're dead to me. (tm Mr. Wonderful) Lizzie and Tom .. aren't they already married, and twice, as has been noted? I was all for Tom's ex to beat the cr*p out of him and was disappointed when she did not. She should have been able to, given his wounds, but I guess those pain meds were working OT so he could beat her up instead. Even then, those two had more chemistry than Liz and Tom. Speaking of pain meds, again Lizzie opens the door w/o even looking to see who is on the other side. And as far as the dog goes, I imagined it ran out the door when the pizza guy, I mean the arms dealer, came in. So that takes care of THAT dog. Hopefully, Red will find it and give it to the DMV guy, or Mr. Kaplan. She could use a friend. And in breaking news, Lizzie is blaming all her problems on her mother. "My mom caused me to be like this!" she cries. Please. Get over it. So many whiney *sses on this episode.
  9. Can anyone screen cap Ben's cankles? And put them next to Olivia's? That would be GOLD!
  10. I don't know. I didn't think so. I know one guy (caucasian) who liked Asian women and married a Japanese woman in a very Japanese ceremony. Another guy (again, caucasian) was so attracted to black women (their skin is beautiful) that he divorced his (white) wife and married an African American. Both of those (white) men were drawn to other races. There is nothing wrong with that. People feel comfortable with what they are comfortable with. (Grammar note: Never use a preposition to end a sentence with!) It's always been said that if one is looking to marry someone, check out the mom/dad because that's what your spouse will look like down the road. I always think of that during hometowns. Did we see Ben's hometown last season? I was off-and-on with Kaitlyn so missed it if we saw her meet Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Although I guess we met them last week. I hope they get a free trip to Bahamas, or to whatever tropic isle TPTB are sending everyone so Ben can propose. While it made me nervous to go OT to post about TWoP here, this morning I remembered back on that site, so as not to go OT, I posted in reply to some OT question that I would PM that person with an answer. And the mod banned me from the site, stating the person would know I was PMing when he/she GOT the PM, so I was out-of-line to post that I would PM that person. Yeah, it was a crazy place. But still, there were lots of nice people and long-time friends were made there.
  11. TWoP ... Television Without Pity. Gone but not forgotten. Mods were strict, which is why I went through four identities before I stopped posting there altogether. After closing all threads for posting, the site stayed up about a year as a read-only, but now is gone altogether. That's when we all came over here. TWoP was a live tv chat site for many years, and extremely popular. IThis place is WAY better, however. Just sayin'. However, it's like I still feel the TWoP mods breathing over my shoulder, making me nervous. Yes, even now, as I post this!) So ... apologies for going OT.
  12. I remember one hometown visit where the painting on the wall behind the people was blurred out in every scene. I guess they forgot to take it off the wall or replace it with something generic! It is fun to look at the rooms and try to figure if they are real or staged. Or someplace nowhere near where those people REALLY live! If I'm ever on this show, I want my "hometown" house to be some fantastic mansion. You know, like a FAIRYTALE house! As for both people having to take their wine glass along for private conversations, one scene where the mom was talking to the daughter (Caila? Jojo? Can't remember.), they hugged at the end, each still holding a full glass of wine. I was waiting for one to dump it down the other's back. I'm very depressed about that adorable dog having passed away. RIP pup.
  13. The heck, you've just described every man and relationship I've ever had in my VERY long life. All men are salesmen when it comes to THEM as the product being sold. A big A-men to that. It's fine for Amanda to take off and wander the globe with a bunch of strangers for an unknown period of time, but heaven forbid Ben go out to play cards with his buddies for even one night a year if he takes over stepdad duties. That'd be enough for me to say "Adios, amigos" if I were the Bach.
  14. Question: Is it Bachelor-Land law that one has to bring a glass of wine to every private conversation? You know, when the mom or dad asks if she/he can "steal" the bach for a little talk. Every time, both people pick up that glass to take with them. It's like the glass of wine is some sort of security blanket. Thinking back, this has been going on every season: "Can I steal the bach/bach-ette?" "Sure!" Grab glass and leave the room. It never varies. Does it? ETA: Great post from Sharleen; thanks, violetr. She exactly echoes my feelings about moms who come on this show, plus shares my view of the fakety fake Jojo roses.
  15. I missed the shoes because I couldn't stop staring at the Amish/Mennonite/polygamous sect dresses both tots were wearing. So many reality-show auditions went on last night! ETA: I was thinking free McDonald's for a year for every B and B-ette in that commercial. Does anyone know? And gosh, TPTB really love Prince Farming. He's everywhere lately.
  16. You guys hit all the high (and low) notes of last night's episode, and have already posted spot-on comments on everything I noticed, from the wacky black slipping-down shirt thing to the mega botox to the booze-swigging-from-the-bottle to the crazed family and brothers who love sis indefinitely. What a great episode! Jojo's hometown ranks as the most-depressing-EVAH! from start to finish. Ben had to be exhausted afterward ... or from the get-go as he had to put up with producer shenanigans with those fakety fake roses and letter and bogus phone call timed just as Ben was coming to the door. Hokey smokes. I mighta said, hey, let's just call it quits now, babe. See ya, don't wanna be ya! Except I think, as do others, that it was all scripted. That family is reality-show wise after all. Crazy brother worked pretty well for Des, though, right? Jojo's family brought all the crazy needed for the next b-ette. I did yell, "WTF!" when Ben gave that last rose to Jojo. I'd rather spend a month with Amanda's kids than one evening with Jojo's family. And I don't even like kids.
  17. Thanks for the explanation. I figured the title was an anagram and was going to ask here if anyone knew what it translated to or meant. And now that I know, I give a big YES to it being not a bit much but way too much much.
  18. Especially since Red seems to pay generously, more than generously, when someone is on his payroll. Maybe now that the doctor has paid off his loans and is flush financially, he's all about not wanting to do anything any more for the person who brought him out of lifelong debt. People are like that! My webcam got a postie put over it the minute I took the machine out of its box.
  19. I would have thought the local police (including the late Jimmy Pritchard) to say nothing of the FBI would have been more than familiar with that Ink bar and the "body modification" group who inhabits it. For law enforcement to find it a big surprise was in itself a big surprise. Those wing tats got put on in record time. Will we see the new angel prostitute in future episodes? Maybe she will replace Jimmy's favorite blond, whom we haven't seen since episode two.
  20. That's the only way I can rationalize it being there, since Sap was not alone while "checking on his mom" long enough to stash paperwork ... or was he? I'd think the FBI/Stahl would have hidden it in plainer sight, though, so maybe Stahl did give Sap the papers (and I don't remember that part) and he ditched them under the closet carpet just to get rid of them when I wasn't looking.
  21. He could have expressed just that to Mary, as in: "Hey, I've been working to put this deal through and now you're all 'no way'? WTHeck, we need to discuss this!" Or at least have her pay his lawyers. Something. Anything. But no. Instead, he gets all evil-eyed and PRETENDS he's happy for her while calling her a bitch. Way to conduct business and keep relationships, Connor. The basis of all relationships, business and personal, is good communication. You failed on all fronts.
  22. Yeah, she was using the guy for sex, just like he'd been using her for the same thing. Men "use" women all the time, telling them lies to get them in the sack. But this was a 50/50 relationship, and that's too bad, so sad that Connor feels used and tossed aside. Except the only reason Connor DOES feel used is because Mary isn't dying and isn't giving him her company. He still got laid, which is the only basis for their association, according to the brother. So, suck it up, Connor, and get over it. (Although I think he will not, and HE will turn out to be the beyotch.) And me. While Mary is nice eye candy, I'm all about James, whether those are his real abs or not. I, too, appreciate the genuine article, Bruinsfan. Thanks for that link!
  23. Because he would never do that to YOU, because he says he LOVES you! That ... and that shirtless photo, as Morbs says! He was, what, some 20 years younger? So much emotional manipulation can happen in a relationship like that, and it sounds like the hottie boyfriend was pretty good at it as Sabina was also supporting him $$-wise. Or at least Dateline said he got evicted after Sabina disappeared and stopped paying his rent. So he burned down the motel ... just because he could?
  24. Rob K. was on Carson Daly last night. So he's British ... who knew. He also said that's his head but it's pasted on someone else's body for those "tank" scenes. He said he no way has even half of those abs. Another "who knew." Her f-buddy should have been happy she's staying alive. He can work out other ways to weasel into her bank account if that's what he's after. Mary would be better off with James as her f-buddy if that guy is going to be that much of a jerk-faced tool. And someone who was suppose to be dead in a few weeks from uncurable cancer is entitled to be more than a LITTLE "self-absorbed" when she discovers she's in remission and is going to live after all. I know I would be. Is f-buddy happy she's going to live? Hell, no. And that makes MARY the bad person? Yeah ... I don't think so.
  25. Wasn't Nick the Doctor Lizzie's old boyfriend/fiancé? From before she got "married" to Tom. I believe we met him many episodes ago, last season or even season one. I vaguely remember Lizzie talking him into some private treatment for someone. Others here have much better memories than I do, so hopefully one of you can fill in the blanks. I just remember thinking Lizzie should have stuck with the good doctor.
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