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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Episcopalian! It's Catholic light! Plus we get real wine, not grape juice, at communion, which ties in well with the wine-loving theme going on at the moment. (Yes, born and raised and baptised in that church, Judy!)
  2. Yes, she did. I know that. My post was to thank eliza for reminding us (me, specifically) that Harlee has a surveillance camera in Stahl's apartment.
  3. This. Crane and Abby have been shooting up a storm at the MOW with nothing happening. Then this week Crane shoots the thing a couple a times and it's a dead doornail, even after being run through repeatedly with lances/spears did nothing. I still say carrying a saber (heh) is the best defense against all monsters, including zombies. What a crack up at the auction. Everyone gets little cell phones to bid with so as to stay secret, but who can't see each person, head down, typing onto the device, all while the device is 'BEEP BEEP BEEPING' up a storm, everyone can hear it. All that time holding and inspecting the symbol and no one noticed it was two parts. Okay, yeah, right. Still love me some Crane, and Abbie looked beautiful. And thank goodness she's all herb-medicine smart and can find just the right type of moss to save someone's life.
  4. I know. Still, I have a tendency to use real-life common sense and logic when watching tv shows, even when I know the writers are manipulating some situation to happen later in the season. I need to get over that personal involvement! How will Otto get rid of James? Fill his tank with the wrong goo? There are so many ways. Although I hope Arthur is on Mary's side. (I'm on Team James/Mary.)
  5. I'd like to know what the proper procedure is for calling in a 911 when one finds a body. Too subdued ... that person did it. Too hysterical ... the caller is acting, he/she did it. Says the wrong thing ... what is the correct thing? I just hope I never have to experience finding a dead loved one so I don't have to be grilled because my 911 call wasn't like how someone thought it should be. One of my best friends called me yesterday. I don't have caller ID, so after a few minutes of her talking, I had to ask, "Who is this?" Using your name when you call/leave a message doesn't raise a red flag with me, it's just courtesy. Phone lines vary, especially cell connections.
  6. I don't see Ben ever moving back to Indiana, although what do I know, I only see him on a heavily edited fake reality show. He might drag his missus back to the Midwest for family holidays, but I'd think he'd be tempted to keep his job and career. There is a reason he lives in Denver and NOT Indiana now. Although he is the one who said he would be open to moving to Texas to fit in with JoJo's family, right? I think that was JoJo's parents he said that to. Who knows. I can throw a rock and hit Iowa, plus I've dated farmers and I live on a farm myself. Finding a compatible person to marry isn't any easier for us than for people living in the Chicago Loop or off Hollywood Boulevard. And the definition of "fantastic woman" varies according to the person doing the evaluating. Anyone who thinks they can find their perfect mate just by walking around their town or going to church or visiting the next city (or going on a reality show!), please send me your magic wand. I can really use it.
  7. I'd stand in line to help Rob, I mean James, do anything he wants to do. I'd even shove both Peng and Mary to the floor so I would be Rob's (I mean James') first-in-line to go with him ... and do anything. *shallow* Got a huge kick out of James needing the tank for his "rescue fish." Great jab at the stupid "rescue" animal trend. Thanks show. Also laughed again at the old-man white shoes. They really glowed against his all-black outfit. I thought this was a good episode, not so much crime-of-the-week and more interplay between the characters. I still think it's odd that Otto is okay with Connor effing his sister but not okay with James hanging out with her. Guy must be a virgin. (Well, I guess that's obvious based on his personality affliction.) However, am I glad I don't live in Seattle, where it can go from bright daylight to pitch black in less than a blink of an eye. Didn't anyone else notice James and Duval went into the fun park in daylight, saw a "shadowy person," and it turned into darkest night as they set out to chase that guy? Geesh. I guess the film crew is union so they had to take a scheduled dinner break before finishing shooting that scene. I also was secretly hoping the monster guy would rip Duval to shreds when he had the chance, although he did not bother me nearly so much this episode.
  8. That's right, I had forgotten that. She was watching him on her computer when his "Harlee Hooker" date came to the door. Good point, eliza! And she did not retrieve the "necklace" from Woz's trashcan as I thought she would have/could have. So that was an excellent way to get rid of her Stahl wire.
  9. Kraft got great press and coverage on every national newscast that I've seen. Pretty good marketing plan. I have no interest in the product (had to live on it in college, it was 25 cents per box) so didn't listen to what the claims were. But after reading here, perhaps Krafts' point is, "Our product tastes just as good plus now is better for you." Nothing wrong with that IMO. I don't see how they were out to "fool" anyone, plus no one reads those box blurbs, they blend into multi-colored too-busy boxes that are all competing to get buyer attention. This way they got every national newscaster to talk Kraft mac and cheese, plus show video, for a whole bunch of FREE tv segments. Those minutes would have cost millions if they did a paid tv ad (that people don't watch anyway). I say, good on Kraft and its ad agency/PR people.
  10. You have your bachelors confused. Ben lives and works in Denver, a fantastic place to live, so many options ... for EVERYTHING. It's Chris Soules who has a house outside a farm town so small there isn't even a stop sign. And Des Moines is NOT full of "farm girls." Des Moines is a major city, and finding a woman there who wants to be isolated in the middle of nowhere corn fields is pretty much impossible and not any more likely than finding one in LA. Yes, there are "cute women" everywhere, but do they want to date much less marry Ben (or Chris or anyone else)? Obviously not. However, there are probably some crack-addicted acne-faced gals on welfare with six kids who have six different fathers who would JUMP (literally! Jump!) at the chance to marry either Ben or Chris. Or both. So yeah, "love" IS out there if you want to settle for whatever you can find.
  11. Aww, compared to some bachs of the past, I think Ben is okay. Nothing fancy (Jake! Juan Pablo!) and not too goofy looking (Ben Flapjack!), plus he doesn't sounds like Flipper when he laughs or wear his hair like Ed Grimley (Chris Soules!). Nor does he hit us in the head every 10 minutes about being a born-again-virgin (Sean!). I'm all for his actually finding a (real) spouse and a happily ever after (Ashley! JP!).
  12. Yeah, go into the other room, shut the door, then SHOUT EVERYTHING YOU ARE SAYING so the person in the first room can hear every word. Right. I agree with Hunter: "So much dumb." This show is losing me. And lots of others, based on the practically no posts here today.
  13. Plus JoJo has that "Mrs. Higgins" baseball shirt already in her wardrobe.
  14. I'm sure she pooped way more than once (also a chicken owner here). The surprising part is TPTB deciding not to show it. It would have been a great pooper. I mean blooper. *yeah, I'm funny* If there is a Mt. Bachelormore for special snowflake bachelors, don't forget Jake Pavelka. ETA: Harpies, shrews and outright beyotches come in all races and colors, as proven by this WTA episode.
  15. Or "Unemployed," like the b-ette from Little Rock. Or "Dog Lover." Or "Chicken Owner." Army reserves beats all of those "job titles" IMO. I know, what DOES it mean? And who are the other three "heads" on the mount? Inquiring minds want to know. ETA: This is No. 8 from the E link above, scenes that were not shown on WTA: "8. While Jubilee saying she's still in the army and is now a sergeant made the special, they didn't air her also revealing she was one semester left before she graduates from cardiovascular sonography school. "I live a normal low-key life," she said. After her interview was over, Becca was the first one to get up and give her a big hug." Call Jubilee any names you want, but a war vet who is now a sergeant in the reserves and who will soon be a cardiovascular sonographer beats the heck out of the so-called profession of lingerie-clad cocktail waitress in Vegas or a "Jam Mom" or any other vocation, real or imagined, of those harpy b-ette shrews. She's still my fav, complex layers and all. Face it: Most people think being "complex" means their colored hair tips match their nail polish AND their underwear.
  16. After reading all these posts, I read this in the recap post ... as "The women are black ..." I guess either sentence works. While I was looking forward to WTA, I had to turn the channel so many times because I just couldn't with all the mean girl "You said this," "But you did this first" and yada yada ad infinium. Like any of that matters. Ben, you dodged a whole lot of bullets by sending those harpy shrews home. Some appeared to be auditioning as strippers by what they were(n't) wearing, and some of the boobage needed its own name/city/state identifiers shown on screen. And Amanda, just because you managed to cough out a couple of kids, that doesn't make you some special snowflake. Meanwhile, I continue to like my girl Jubilee. Good on you, girl, and all your complexity. So Lace, admittedly screwed up, gets invited to BIP but not Olivia? WTH, show? It's for sure BIP only wants the most "dramatic" (translation: crazy) people on that mess of a show. Not that we didn't know that already. Olivia doesn't qualify? I felt sorry for the chicken. But WTH was up with the mini horse at the end? That's not the one some b-ette brought to the mansion. That segment made me feel sorry for the horse. Chicken AND horse ... so sorry you got involved in this. HILAR-ious that now Ben is "The Best Bachelor EVER." Poor Sean, you've been dethroned. Although Sean's picture still appears as the graphic for "The Bachelor" in my Zap2It tv schedule. So there's that. (Buh-bye, Chris Soules.) ETA: Alapaki, your post that got here the same time as mine is GOLD. You've read my mind and expressed it so much better than I did. A vase of roses and a love poem will be delivered to your front door later today.
  17. Maybe she just thought he was glad to see her?
  18. Yeah, all that happened AFTER Crane stabbed him and thought Leeds was dead. Then Crane just stood around talking about Leeds' tail poison instead of chopping off Leeds' head or scorpion tail. So, major fail on Team Witness for not following up to make sure Leeds was all the way dead instead of just partly dead. I was really hoping for a naked Franklin appearance.
  19. I thought Richard looked and acted like a beaten man, having spent that much time wrongly imprisoned. Cops put people in jail to put "solved" crimes on their docket and to look good for state funding. Doesn't matter to them if the person is guilty or not, gotta have more convictions to show the governor what good police people they are. Richard even said prison changes a person. It was like his soul was gone, he seemed so empty. I was glad he lives away and is married (and with kids?) now. I hope he is happy. As happy as he can be. Bambi was pretty bright and articulate. I thought she was interesting. And yeah, I felt so much was left out, like the brother, as posted above. What? There is a brother? Bambi's two boys looked pretty rough though, quite a change from the All American Boy appearance in the kid photos. I don't think I know anyone who EVERYONE loves and EVERYONE thinks is perfect. Yet dead people always are.
  20. Professional grifters make their living off of using people. They are smooth, have an answer for everything, and tell their victims exactly what they want to hear. I've known such a person; it's easy to be manipulated if one is trusting and the grifter is SO LIKABLE! And that grifter always says SUCH NICE THINGS and is INTERESTED IN ME! So yeah, I can see her never being questioned, or if she was, having just the right answer. This is a person who had been working multiple victims all her life. She was good. Both Ethan and the grifter woman gave their version of Kate's murder, separately, at the end of the show. Grifter woman said Ethan did it all, got Kate drunk enough that when he (jokingiy) told her to get into a big suitcase, she did. The he tazered her into unconsciousness, hit her over the head with a bottle, smuthered her with a pillow, then put her in a bathtub full of water. Yeah, overkill (no pun intended) so who knows what really killed her. A combo of all, I guess. Anyway, Ethan told the same story, but it was the grifter woman who did all those things while he went into another room and prayed, unable to help. Grifter told Ethan that Kate was going to turn them into the cops (for something, can't remember). So the grifter's big "mafia family" was going to kill Ethan's family, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, if Kate did that. Ethan was afraid for his family being killed, so had to agree to the Kate murder. He then married grifter after Kate's death so she couldn't run away with his unborn child. Because grifter told Ethan she was pregnant with his kid ... when she wasn't. Kate was wise to the grifter woman's scam, which is why grifter woman needed her gone. So Ethan was involved, but only got 25 years if I remember correctly, while grifter woman got 40, or something like that. Ethan was pretty well-spoken in his interview. Simple, yet he used some interesting phrasing which made me think he was the sort of guy who was good-hearted but had never been out of the town where he was born. He was expressly sorry for what had happened, and said he wishes every day that he could trade his life for Kate's, but he knows he can't. So he accepts his punishment, said he deserves to be in prison. Grifter, on the other hand, was not so generous in her admission of guilt, staying true to grifter form.
  21. The "Strangers on a Train" episode was engrossing. New to me. And I hope the Charleston police department is being investigated and a bunch of its people fired. The biggest finger pointing in this case was to the police IMO, and I thought Dateline did a great job just "mentioning" the lack of police response or interest. It was almost like the cops had something to do with the woman's murder. The A Team guys were great. But them being detained by police after they located the victim's remains, this after the burial place was revealed by one of the jailed murderers? Again, that police department was shown to be one of the worst ever. Got a gigantic kick out of the three cops being interviewed at the end, all of them saying they were on the trail of the murderers the entire time. Please. The forger woman looked so much like the victim. Then we got to see what she looks like now. Oh, my. Time did her no favors. I totally did not believe her side of the story. Ethan I did believe. He seemed like a basically nice guy who got caught up by a grifter. Maybe he wasn't too bright, but I believed him when he told his story at the end.
  22. Since we've never seen a full-body floating goop James, he might be wearing a pair of tidy whities in the tank. It was Duvall who said "Don't look in the mirror." This while I was rooting for James to do just that. *shallow* Yes. Thinking about that timeline made my head hurt, so I gave up on it and just pretended everything fit. Have we ever been told what happened to Mrs. Sheriff Jimmy?
  23. This totally made me LOL. That's maybe worse than the man saying, "Yes, those pants make your *ss look HUGE!" There is such a thing as a discrete white lie. And he went on to become Mr. Obsure? Oh, my! I disliked everything about Becca, from her homely countenance to her Grumpy Cat downturned mouth to her completely boring persona. How her voice sounded was so far at the bottom of dislikable things about her in my book that I never noticed. But if she was Queen of Fry, well, then, okay with me! If you are lucky!
  24. Anything without Crane is disappointing. I'm on The Crane Train. Woo-woo!
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