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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. No one in SH knows where Crane is, since Jenny dropped him at the cemetery. He won't be there when she comes back to pick him up. I can't even pretend to wonder how the feds knew Crane was there and why they came rolling up with lights flashing when they could have knocked on his door and asked him to leave from his home. You know, with maybe an overnight bag? But because of the crapfest this episode was, I don't give a care about such minor stupidness in a majorly stupid episode. Although I admit I read that sentence as "no viewers would follow Crane to Washington." I guess it's a "no" either way. And yeah, the time/space continuum between Abbie and Crane was the heartbeat of this show. So even if Nicole and Tom get new shows, it just won't be the same.
  2. Wow, it's universal, the hate for this episode. Add me to it. I was hoping Abbie was only partly dead, then I came here and found the bad news that she's really dead. Just like this show. I didn't exactly care if Abbie and Crane got together physically, but them as a team, with the banter back and forth, was why I watched this show. I could care less about any of the new characters they shoehorned in this season. Seriously. I don't like any of them, and that sleazy tramp Betsy Ross can just go drown in the Potomac as far as I care. Crane and her together? Just ... NO WAY. Especially since wasn't/isn't Crane a married man with moral standards, Betsy? Then Crane gets whisked off to D.C. ala Michael Westin. Please. I just can't with Crane working for the CIA and whomever the writers decide to put Abbie's soul into next season. In fact, I hope there is no next season. Although I'll watch Mison in his new series, if he gets one. The same with Nicole ... wouldn't that be cool if they got hired for some new show together? Hope springs eternal!
  3. Plus, the drift I got from Ben is that is what he wants his "perfect wife" to be. A "dark past" indeed. It's the rare person who doesn't share Lauren's dark past these days.
  4. That reminds me of how Trent did not invite his family to attend so he could remain focused on his music and performance. Then TPTB went and brought them in as a "surprise". Trent really was shocked to see them when Ryan brought the family on. It was a great moment for the show, but I wonder how Trent felt about that. Although it worked out okay for him in the end.
  5. Excellent post, TeeMo, explaining some of Trent's "working" backstory. And shame on me for ranking on any of these contestants and what they might have said/not said during a live broadcast. Congrats to them all for making the last season a good one, IMO. I hope they all have success, and can ignore nay-sayers on social media. (Me included!) I wish they were going on tour though. That could have been such fun.
  6. The "I worked SOOOoooooooo hard" thing irritated me more than anything. He said it last episode, too. Yeah, maybe he was working 24/7 and was tired, but so was everyone else, including the stage crew. I wish he would have just thanked AI for this wonderful opportunity and left his "hard work" out of it. I personally don't give a care how much sleep someone did or didn't get, I only care about what I see on my tv set. Whether Trent worked himself to the bone or sat around and ate bon bons all day means nothing to me and I don't want to hear about it. His performance was all I cared about. Thanking god always makes me wonder why people don't take credit for their own success. Agree with that. And why can't it be a lifestyle? As a straight person, if I decide to take a same-sex life partner or lover, isn't that a new "lifestyle" for me? I'd have no problem with people calling it that or anything else. It's my life after all, so who cares? Did anyone ask Trent about LGBT "lifestyles"?
  7. Is Spader behind the Tom spinoff? Maybe he's concentrating more on that if so, and figures Blacklist can just run itself while he works on something that (maybe) will be better? Of course, in all interviews, every cast member of every show/movie LOVES everyone and everyone always gets along and they all love the show/movie, blah blah blah. So getting Spader to say what we say here would be priceless.
  8. Nearly every "born again" person I know has been "born again" with birth defects. Just because one has some religious beliefs doesn't make that person any better (or worse) that someone with opposing beliefs. A bigot is a bigot, a liar a liar, a killer a killer, regardless of how many Bible quotes they can recite. I actually liked that the husband couldn't come up with any reason for killing his wife. That way I didn't have to listen to any of his BS. I always get a kick out of interviewers asking the arrested person, "Did you kill your wife/husband?" Of course they aren't going to confess on camera or anywhere else. Those questions are so stupid. So for this guy to say, "Yeah, I did it," is refreshing to me. I don't need to know why. The fact he wanted to so did is enough for me. Gotta love all those CC that are everywhere now. Makes it so much harder for bad guys to come up with alibis. i was wondering if the police went to those bars/strip clubs where the killer said he was when he was really murdering his wife. Dateline always leaves out things I'd like to know.
  9. Does anyone know why there is no tour this year? To me, this is overlooking a gigantic cash cow. Some of the past contestants whom we saw on the finale could have joined it. I think the crowds would have been gigantic for this "last' fling for AI. Even a "Past Contestants" tour would have been something to not miss. Also, what did Trent win? Money, or a recording deal/contract? I remember Kelly Clarkson saying she was locked into an AI contract so had to appear in that "From Justin to Kelly" movie, whether she wanted to or not. I don't remember hearing any plugs about what the winner wins, unlike other shows where that carrot-on-a-stick is hung out multiple times per show.
  10. .Reading her quotes, then how they were twisted by the writer of this article ... wow. IMO it's the writer who has the gigantic bias and super-thin skin, not LaPorsha. A good example of Yellow Journalism, that link. Geesh, Daniel D'Addario, bitter much? At least you said the finale was "Glorious" in your headline. Do all online writers now have to talk smack about everything? Does that make them "current" and "hip" and "smart"? Let's hate everything and then we're "cool"? So long, days of journalists who actually could write a well-thought-out review.
  11. This articulates much better what I wrote several pages back. Putting this spectacle on ... figuring out the players, songs, lighting, staging, yada, yada, was a Herculean effort. Production and everyone involved deserves a free European vacation, courtesy Simon and Nigel! Whether one liked the singers/songs or performances doesn't take away from the entire show being a fantastic production. And, oh yeah, Trent won.
  12. LOL! I guess that means God likes LaPorsha better than Trent after all.
  13. Unless God got more than 10 votes per line, in which case all of God's multiple phone, Internet and Twitter votes were what put Trent over the top. Taking tongue out of cheek, this bugged the heck out of me too. Trent should be thanking the VIEWERS. You know, the ones who actually VOTED for him. God had nothing to do with it. Not ONE SINGLE THING. Trent's the one who got in his car and drove to the audition, not God, and viewers were the ones who kept Trent on the show, not God. Geesh. Like God forgot all about all the starving kids in the world, the wars and blights, to make sure Trent won AI. How full of himself.
  14. Heck, I'm not even a dude and I want Gina. And if I were head of that FBI team, I'd fire Liz and hire Gina. Now that could be an interesting TV show ...
  15. Especially since people who are suffering from spousal abuse often hide it to present "the perfect couple in love" face to the public. Because if they tell anyone, that person will say: JUST LEAVE. So often there is nowhere to turn, no one who will believe you -- not even people in an online chat room. Those who flippantly say JUST LEAVE haven't walked the walk, yet it's so easy for them to talk the talk. There but for the grace of god ...
  16. Oh, that's right. Clay ran for public office in S. C. but didn't win. Thanks for that reminder, I had forgotten. I can't recognize Adam Lambert any more since he turned his hair normal. I liked it when it was black and he was all goth-like. So maybe he WAS there somewhere ...
  17. You mean it took you this long? Okay, I missed this part. Now you are making me have to watch the entire episode? Ressler ... I95? I guess we know you don't live in California.
  18. What a great show, I enjoyed every minute of it (after that opening performance that is. WTH? Wish that hadn't happened.) Otherwise, I have to give gigantic kudos to the production staff who put all of that together, coordinating all of those singers and musicians and making it come together like that? Hokey smokes, that was no small endeavor. Those responsible: GREAT job, everyone. I wish they would have left the IDs on longer as when there were three or more singers together, I couldn't read them all before they disappeared. So many don't look the same any more, plus I skipped a few seasons in the middle of the run so many were new faces to me. Two best of the night: Jessica Sanchez and Jennifer Hudson. I don't know what songs they were singing, but both brought tears to my eyes. They were fantastic. I was a great Clay fan, but he looked and sounded a bit weird last night. Anyone know what's going on with him? Still touring? He just didn't seem "right" to me. Diana DeGarmo! I had totally forgotten about her. Some of those early season contestants could be 40-something now. Ancients! Ha ha! The only clumsy part IMO was when Simon came out to surprise Paula, Randy and Ryan. No one seemed to know what to do or say, so they just stood around kinda uncomfortable-like. Awkward! Especially after Paula said she wished he was there so she could punch him. Sanjaya. Too funny. Of course you were on an aisle seat so Ryan could point you out. Best laugh of the night was William Hung. He actually sounded pretty good. Go figure. Also it was fun to see Pants On The Ground guy again. Yeah, AI made all kinds of people famous. JLo bringing her entire Vegas performance was hilarious. I was trying to see if Casper was one of the background dancers. Then the camera guy just HAD to show her butt since she wasn't going to quit until it got some air time. So un-American-Idol-like. What a hoot. Carrie outsang Keith, unfortunately, since I like him. And Kelly still can do no wrong. Although I did not know she was expecting. Congrats, girl! And oh yeah, Trent won. That reveal was sort of an afterthought. But congrats to you, too, Mr. Trent.
  19. The only way it would be said is "I-95." Period. I've only heard "the 95" in California. NEVER in the midwest or east. I was only watching this during American Idol commercials. I saw enough, plus I knew you guys would catch me up here. All I could think of was yet another cute building gets shot to pieces, just like that neat cabin in the woods a few eps back. I know a set decorator for this show so I mostly looked at the background stuff she had to provide and then watch get destroyed. Liz and that little girl/Lord Fauntleroy haircut ... I'm not one to pick on appearances, but just NO to that. Why bother wearing full body armor since anyone can still kill you dead while wearing it. Go-to-wedding dress clothes are safer outfits in Blacklist land. Meanwhile, Mr. Solomon stands around and checks his phone while the wild-and-crazy shooting goes on.
  20. I'm hoping for a LaPorsha win, I LOVE her hair and she is so beautiful, gorgeous eyes. Her outfits were fantastic last night, too. But I'd be okay with a Trent win. Really, it doesn't matter all that much to me who wins. Second-place finishers *coughclaycough* can do pretty well. The winners of the last few seasons? Never heard of them since. I really REALLY want to know what LaPorsha's ex is doing now, what he thinks about her now. I'll bet he wishes he had held on to that so he could cash in. Although if he had, LP wouldn't have been on AI, so there's that. I meant to say a couple episodes ago: I want to give all my votes to Keith Urban's arms. Hottie McHottie, yo. This panel of judges is the most good-looking in show history IMO. Sorry, Simon, but it's true. I loved Dalton's gracious end. I also love his hair and eyes, especially when during his hometown visit a few weeks ago he said he needed to get home because he needed his hair done. Good on you, Dalton! Great to see MacKenzie in the audience, too. I didn't recognize anyone else, although some of you did.
  21. I really enjoyed this flashback episode. I remember that first Idol, and I watched Kelly win. And Justin got a lot of publicity, too. I remember their movie (that tanked), "From Kelly to Justin." It was good to see Garini, unrecognizable without that hair. I wonder what he is doing now. Anyone know? That very first show was the one to get on since it went crazy popular after that first year. All the backstage stuff was very interesting to me, especially how those initial shows were sort of jury rigged together before they hit their stride. Even the producers were surprised the show became such a hit. Congrats to all the contestants who made it on, and all the winners ... and non-winners, who have gone on to good careers. And good on Jordin Sparks for traveling from town to town to audition over and over again before finally getting approved to meet the judges. How funny was that?
  22. Of course it was. So is justifiable homicide murder. If someone kills another person, it's murder, regardless of circumstances. Soldiers murder people every day, all around the world. And many walk free when they "murder" someone. And if my husband, an ex-Olympic-medal-winner, a professional athlete, were abusing me, I wouldn't confront him face-to-face. No way am I a physical match for a man like that. Plus I'd just get another beat down for how dare I question him for anything he does, including beating the tar out of me. "The Burning Bed" should be required viewing for every woman everywhere. Otherwise, I think only those of us who have lived long enough can understand this woman's life.
  23. Thanks a lot (not) for making me remember that the tanks were being stored in an underground GIGANTIC warehouse which was built under a (drained?) pond and is using EXCESSIVE amounts of electricity. Please, how stupid are the writers. First, a drained pond is the first place water gathers after a rain or snow melt. And where were the electric lines? And the ventilation system/towers? Other "real" entrances/exits? Who is paying the gigantic electric bill, and to what address is it being sent? That gigantic underground warehouse could work in a Dr. Who episode, there's good landing space for the tardis. But in a supposedly realistic cop show? Please. Then when they found that sewer-drain-cover and opened the hatch, I was expecting them to find Demond Hume, it was such a flashback moment. I was disappointed all the way around. If only Desmond had been there ...
  24. I kept looking for the big jugular-vein-repair scar on Weller's scruffy beard neck, you know, the injury that almost killed him last week, but it's all healed and gone without a trace. Although watching that closely with all the ADHD camera work almost gave me enough vertigo to cause me to fall off the couch. Wow, tone it down, camera guys. My only take away from this episode was a big YEAY! Jane and Tree Guy get it on. That was a big "It's about time" from me. She would pass on that to imagining bedding Weller, the "throw me around the room" guy? Please. And big laugh about Jane having to get all those tats put on, hours in the makeup chair, for that short pull-my-shirt-over-my-head scene. Although maybe that scene was shot months ago when Jane was naked for most of the hour.
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