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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I forgot to say, are Full Mesnicks now required of every Bachelor? And I LOL quite loudly at the cheese stacking on Corinne's sleeping head.
  2. I could have watched a whole hour of Corinne walking in those PeeWee Herman heels. I was fascinated, couldn't get enough. Meanwhile, is it just me or the editing that makes me think Nick will continue being a bachelor (lower-case b) after this show?
  3. Last night's show told me how many if not most police forces are full of people collecting a pay check and not having to do too much to get that pay. The entire hour was so frustrating to me, so many jackasses. Plus that woman has still not come to trial, right? I always get a kick out of "witness" who say some murder is such a nice person, they can't imagine that person could ever harm anyone. And Ted Bundy was good looking and very polite before he murdered his many victims.
  4. This show came on and I promptly fell asleep.I find out here Ressler has a brother! Who knew? I'm guessing Ressler didn't before this episode was filmed. Next we will find out he never knew his father. And that makes me wonder, who is Red's father? OMGosh, the possibilities!
  5. I am forced to watch this show with my brain turned off since I just can't with the Sheperd/Weller thing. And Weller is so special that she was his benefactor ... WTH? He's such a huge dick and totally not a "people person," which is needed to lead that team of misfit toys. My improvements to this show would be killing off Weller, having Jane and Roman take over the team, tell Reade what he does on his own time is his business, the audience doesn't care. And Jane's new boyfriend finds the implant in Patterson's head, extracts it, and Jane names her maid of honor when she marries skee-ball guy. Next season: Jane balances married life while she and Roman become FBI assassins!
  6. When I worked for the federal government, a guy came around with a box full of checks and handed them to employees. But that was in FREAKING 1969! And the computer took up an entire floor of one building then, too. Writers: Times have changed! Nowadays, the gov has joined with other progressive companies and has been doing direct deposit since ... well, since 1969. Aram would have been smarter to tell Navabi that he'd pay for her apartment and car and groceries. Especially since no HR department anywhere is going to split a person's paycheck to put in another person's paycheck. That's even more stupid than stupid. Have this show's writers no real-world experience?
  7. Poor Bam Bam can't hold a candle to anyone any more! Although Wyatt is growing on me a bit. I still think Rufus rules, however!
  8. This episode made me feel show writers are reading here and filmed this episode just for those of us who aren't Wyatt fans. We met Bam Bam a couple episodes ago and some of us (raises hand) wished he would take Wyatt's place (for so many reasons!). So, writers got Wyatt arrested, put Bam Bam on the Eyeball Team, then KILLED HIM to just shut us whiners up. I guess the lesson is we should be grateful for Wyatt. Meanwhile, RIP Bam Bam. We hardly knew ye.
  9. TV husbands have been leaving for work via the front door since Father Knows Best. Otherwise, viewers won't know if they are going to work or getting a rake from the garage. And Toby shows up to invade Kate's space because he's been cleared for ... SEX. Toby and SEX. That's all he (appears to) want Kate for. SEX. In the hospital, at her brother's house ... he doesn't care. He is so gross And Beth, for pete's sake, Randall's JOB is paying for that house and your ability to live well. A person in an important position who is at a critical point with the boss (read: He's going to get canned) cannot be late, cannot miss meetings, has to put work first. Meanwhile, Rebecca with three kids is putting her music first. Who is going to take care of those kids while Jack is at work 24/7 and you are on the road? I guess it's her mom, like mom volunteered a few episodes ago. And Randall starting his own business? Please. Then he'll be at work 24/7, 365 days a year. Anyone here who works for themselves knows THAT'S the truth.
  10. The show last night about Nick, the black ex boyfriend, accused and acquitted of murdering the 12-year-old boy, was new to me. Maybe all the facts weren't told, but I want to know how it HAD to be an adult who jumped out of the second-story window and not a kid. Kids sneak out of second-story windows all the time at night to go ... wherever. So why couldn't the murderer be a school bully, one of the kids making life hard for the son because his mom was dating a black guy? Kids DO kill other kids. And OF COURSE the porch roof was damaged when the ADULT MAN jumped onto it. Really? It was an old house, the roof wasn't damaged before the murder? And the murderer had to have hurt his leg ... why? So much stupidity in the investigation. It all focused on one guy while the real murderer is still out there somewhere. (And no DNA on the boy's body, like his neck where he was choked?)
  11. Paigow: I like your take that Mr. Kaplan is doing a Jason Bourne on Red. I'm seriously hoping for a battle to the death (Red's) with her armed with just a magazine. THAT would be some great tv. And yeah, federal government salaries are public knowledge based on pay grade. I agree Navabi is replaceable; Aram, not so much. In fact, she's turning so whiney I wish they'd hurry up with a replacement.
  12. Janeta said: "And i love Mison/Crane to death, but enough of the index finger magic." And I say: I know! I love Mison too, but even the photo at the top of this thread irritated me because of that. I only watched this during commercial breaks on other channels because I just don't care any more. But the idea about the new witness being a man for a Crane/partner bromance would be outstanding. Networks don't have the nerve to get rid of kids though, so I'm afraid we're stuck until cancellation. Which, I'm guessing, will be soon. *sigh*
  13. Otto wrote: "And the baddie after Reddington might be someone named Magnusson -- and is the same actor that played Sherlock Holmes' foe Moriarty on a couple of episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation." To continue the Sherlock link, Magnusson was the name of the villain that Sherlock (current PBS series) shot and killed at the end of last season. I fell asleep before this episode was over, so I came here to see what I missed. Not much, it appears. And surely (shirley!) Mr. Kaplan is not using one of her old aliases, unless she wants to "get" Red for killing her. And yes, best part of this show was Dembe with Agnes. I'm glad I got to see that, but sorry I got to see any Liz at all, she looked horrible. WTH, she can't buy a brush? And speaking of money, Navabi, don't you know that men always make more $ than women EVERY freaking WHERE? And Aram ... way to be stupid. Remember your last "girlfriend"?
  14. I thought this ep was pretty fun, and proved that no matter how much you know or how hard you try, it ain't easy to change fate. I liked Wyatt this time (even the stews thought he "was cute.") but he was still a dumbass on how to stop the bartender. As many here have commented, there were so many easier and better ways to decommission him. And what's with him getting all verklempt about that guy accidentally dying when he didn't blink an eye shooting Germans and Mexicans and wanting to kill Jess in cold blood, to say nothing of all the guys he (I'm guessing) killed in combat. And why was Wyatt jumped and arrested at the end and not Rufus? They both were in on the Eyeball theft. And WTH is Rittenhouse anyway. I can't even follow that line and what it has to do with going back to all of these historic events to change them. But ... whatever, I guess. Meanwhile, Rufus is my new tv boyfriend.
  15. Same here about not seeing last night's episode before, even though my tv listing said it was not new. I was so glad both got jail terms, although disappointed no death penalty for the wife. It was a good example of how, when people get away with something, they consider themselves above the law and continue to add more and more to their crime portfolio. Which, in the end, is what did them in. I can't for the life of me imagine why they took photos of Bob dead and/or dying. But hooray for people not knowing how the trash can works on computers. Was it said what happened to Sean, the son's, adoptive dad, the first husband? I must have dozed off during that part, if he had passed away or there was a divorce.
  16. I've been watching X-Files reruns on Antenna TV. Last week the alien was a black ink blob that oozed across the floor before infecting a person. I'm guessing SH writers saw those episodes.
  17. I see Horse Guy being introduced as a guy flirting with fat Kate to make her feel attractive, which I hope means she will dumb Toby AND Horse Guy and FINALLY develop some self esteem. Yeah, Horse Guy is creepy, but so is every smart-ass guy who has ever yelled sex things at me in the street or tried to feel me up in a bar while telling me he's "so hot" in bed. He's no creepier than horny-24/7-sex-mouth Toby. And WTH was with William barging in on Randall's workplace and guilting him into spending the day with him shopping and teaching him to drive? He couldn't have waited until COB? Either William has no idea what it's like in the corporate world, how quickly one can lose their job (which is supporting William and the family) or he's a selfish jackass who doesn't care about his son or anything else but himself. Yeah, harsh, but cancer or no, he still needs to be respectful. He wasn't going to die before 5 p.m., was he?
  18. As for the people Wyatt has killed, anyone remember the WWII ep where he shot a German soldier before he barely got out of the Eyeball? That surely changed that guy's history. As for Indian Territory: Jesse James lived in St. Joseph, Mo., that's where he was shot in real life and his two partners were shot in this episode. Just across the river is Kansas, a bit north, Nebraska. There are lots of Native American reservations there now, after the white man stole their lands. Kansas: Kickapoo, Potawatomi, Sac Fox, Chippewa, Shawnee. Missouri: Shawnee, Cherokee. Nebraska: Sioux, Ponca, Omaha, Winnebago. No shortage of Indians anywhere around Jesse's house, they didn't have to go near Oklahoma.
  19. I'm still irritated Lucy didn't save Abe Lincoln because it would "change history," yet neither she nor Wyatt think anything about killing anyone who happens to be in their way. While I liked this episode, I was greatly irritated that Jesse James was portrayed as a wild crazy guy who went around murdering any and everyone, and was "the quickest draw in the west." No mention of his wife or kids and his family life on the farm. My BIG HOPE for this show is Wyatt's wife turns out not to have existed at all, that Wyatt killed her great grandfather back when, on one of his journeys. Boo hoo, Wyatt! And while it does snow in Missouri, there aren't a lot of mountains around St. Joseph (where Jesse lived), and even less in Kansas. But I did like the authentic outfits for both people and horses. (Tonto. Ha.)
  20. I spent too much time dwelling on Diana calling her kid Modigliani when she obviously is more Rockwell. AND ... Jeremy Davis' neck is so skinny! It's not even wide enough to support his head. And The Blob grabs Crane at the end ... kind of a cool ending, enough to make me tune in again next week. Maybe. But I totally HATE Headless ditching the red-eyed horse for a motorcycle ... AND he needs to wear a HELMET? The heck. He went all over Sleepy Hollow headless, why not D.C.?
  21. Dowel, the brilliance of your group name meeting scenario cracked me up. And now, of course, I can see why they named themselves The Harem. And I thought that one actress looked familiar. Because I hated the last season of Hannibal, my one-time favorite show, so much, I didn't even make the connection.
  22. This gang of rogue women is known for stealing from thieves, but instead they are cold-blooded multiple murders. Stealing a diamond-invested vehicle is A LOT different than killing everyone they feel like shooting. That should have put them at the top of several "wanted" lists, not just Red's. And "Harem." I have to really ponder if women would actually name their group that. The gang letting Lizzie in was really stupid. They were doing fine before her, why was she needed? The lesbian-almost-experience scene had to have been written by a man. And the other gang member "saved" Lizzie from it? Geesh. And so how does Lizzie feel knowing she's not Red's only "woman"? I liked that part best, you are not all that after all, Lizzie. But when Dembe admitted to Red he told Liz about Mr. Kaplan, all I could think was, well, bye Dembe. My biggest take away was Red getting the address of Mr. Kaplan's sister ... was she the drive who picked up Kate in Leon Rippy's woods? If so, DRAMAH! And yeah, Ressler and Liz meeting on that park bench was all kinds of poor moves, and Lizzie getting drunk was all kinds of stupid. So yeah, I guess Lizzie kept to character this week after all.
  23. Thought the yearbook photo reveal was the best part of the episode. Finally, some connect. I'm hoping Shepard is going to be some rejected Weller high-school love interest. Although I'm not sure how that would work, given that Shepard is supposedly Jane's mom and Jane is supposedly Weller's age. Oh well.
  24. Houdini ... best part of this episode. I like people who can do things, and then do them. *coughWyattcough* If no one knew what a serial killer is back then, no one would know what a black man is, either. Negro would have been the right word, even if it isn't correct now. Rufus declaring he is the only one who can drive the eyeball reinforces why they need to cross train. Lucy got captured once. What happens if Rufus gets captured/killed? I did like Lucy's expression when she saw Flynn's time machine. It's nicer and prettier! I also like her psychic cover. Nicely done.
  25. I kept wishing Sherlock or SOMEONE would have taken that loaded gun and just freaking shot Eurus, because that's what I would have done. The show would have only been maybe 30 minutes, but it would have ended MY suffering. Watching this episode that lasted FOREVER was my own personal torture.
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