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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I love this show. I know, but I can't help it. Ray Liotta is all kinds of awesome, and I could watch him 24/7. Plus his dialogue writers rocked it this week. I'm glad they recapped last season since I had totally forgotten everything that happened, even down to where Woz got the $ he was sitting on. I wish Harlee had given Miquel's money to her mysterious and cool friend instead of torching it, but if I remember correctly, he got a good cut last season. Still ... what a waste, especially if it wasn't traceable bills. I didn't know what Harlee was doing to Miguel's corpse either, so thanks for clarifying the dental work. (I think.) I didn't recognize Anna Gunn, and I watched every minute of Breaking Bad. So, good on her for changing it up from Mrs. White. Stahl ... still the creepiest creep who ever creeped.
  2. The cold open was genius and locks Kate in as my favorite person ever for all time. I paid attention to the Spenser's Gifts skit because I remembered I bought the same glasses in Vegas and I couldn't stop thinking about where they are now. I turned the channel during the so-called "musical guest" portion so missed his Elaine dancing, thank god. The rest of the show was not worth staying up for and I was disappointed I did. Thanks Kate for not making this episode a total and complete flop. I guess one golden nugget is better than none.
  3. I turned the channel when the tortured journalist was made to sit in the chair to film his "please save me" speech. I don't want to see tortured people, I don't want to see more "them Muslims are Bad Dudes" television stoking more white supremacist fires. Plus, WTH with Tom now living wherever he is, sitting around waiting for another job for "the team." He doesn't have a wife and infant daughter? To heck with the wife, what about the infant daughter? Oh yeah, she's out playing with his two dogs. While Ryan Eggold is nice to look at, I can't STAND Solomon for all the reasons Otto posted above. He almost kills your wife and unborn child and now you're all best buds? Please. Why wasn't there some other Blacklister Tom could have teamed with, like Fisher Stevens? That partnership I could maybe suffer through for an hour per week. This one, not.
  4. I heard a TV critic on the radio who said this is going to turn into a crime-of-the-week procedural with Liam on the "team," so big bummer to that. He also discussed movies being made into TV shows as being the new "thing," probably because of Fargo. But whatever I guess. I saw the original Taken movie but do not remember Liam's name or anything else that could relate to this show. The critic did say this is a prequel to the movie, and he slammed it for the lead already having his "particular set of skills." To me it doesn't matter since I did in no way relate it to the movie. They just made the mistake of naming it "Taken." Big turn off to so many, and will result in too much needless comparison of TV vs. movie. I still think the non-stop action rocked and I still loved this episode. And I hope that love continues. Please, I need a new favorite show!
  5. Raven owns a boutique in Hoxy, Arkansas, she's not a nurse. At least not according to abc.com. And where does it say her stiletto-stabbed ex is a doctor? Looking at the contestants this season, I have to admit I don't recognize or remember at least 20 of them. Maybe more. So forgettable!
  6. I was still working plus had a phone call so missed most of this episode, so thanks everyone here for catching me up on it. Your posts are always better than The Real Thing anyway. I did see Nick in the turtleneck. I love turtlenecks, but on Nick? A big NO, please. I also heard the Raven No Big Oh speech and scored that a big NO please, too. I saw Corrine being sent home, which was no surprise since I called that before this episode aired. (BTW, she said on Kimmel she has not been asked to be on BIP and didn't "know" if she would accept if she was asked. Yeah, right, right?) I also saw the FS room and OMG, fell in love ... with the freaking ROOM. It was gorgeous and I'd love to spend some nights there. I'd even tolerate Nick for that. And count me in as another who was embarrassed by the ending Rocky-esque montage. I guess someone thought it was clever, that person just wasn't me.
  7. Okay, this is my new favorite show. Yeah, it was a stretch how the tapped phone transmitted every minute sound, like a silencer being attached to a gun. But whatever. It also was nice to see Jennifer Beals away from Doctor T.C., although that show has been renewed. Anyway, I loved the fast action and thrill a minute, plus the lead gets shot, TWICE! and ends up in the hospital instead of running off to his next assignment. (Although he did run pretty well after getting shot through the leg, but whatever.) I might change my mind if it's going to turn into another crime-of-the-week procedural. But this first ep ROCKED.
  8. I guess I'm the only one who REALLY disliked this show. Ryan Eggold is nice to look at, and I'm fine with him. And it was nice to see John Locke again. But those pay phones! I was waiting for a mechanical voice on the other end to recite book codes for Harold Wren. And WTH with Tom switching *snap* like that from being the doting father and born-again teacher to "See ya some day, Agnes. Maybe. When you're all grown up and wondering who YOUR father is," which seems to be a running theme for BL writers. John Locke knows Tom is a trained assassin with "skills"? How did that happen? And I just can't with Solomon now being one of the good guys, I strongly dislike him, and Scottie squees me out with her wanting to bed Tom. Not that I blame her, but please, show, do not go there and just stop it. My takeaway was that this is a formulaic show with nothing to distinguish it from every other show just like it. There is the handsome badass Tom. But he isn't enough to make me watch every week. My score: D-. And I'm being generous.
  9. Forgot to mention: I loved seeing Fisher Stevens, he is on the level of Spader for acting. I wish he would be a regular. I also liked seeing DMV guy. And I guess Red replaced the doctor who lied to him about Lizzie being dead.
  10. I really enjoyed this episode, and I haven't liked a BL for a pretty long time. Then I read here all the problems with it (and I agree with everything said here!) and now I wonder what's wrong with me that I liked it. I really thought Dembe did the poisoning and thought so as soon as Red took that drink in the beginning shot. Reading here, I'm sure it was NOT Dembe. My money is on Mr. Kaplan, back from Deliverance to wreck havoc as Black Lister No. 1. That would have been cool if the neighbor woman had been a figment of Red's imagination. My only problem was at the end, Red appeared to recover *SNAP* like that from the deadly poison. I guess the writers were done with the script so had to make up that last paragraph quickly. And yes, I thought Lizzie had a cold, she was croaking out her lines. Not that I care all that much about her one way or the other.
  11. I pictured the cheating ex coming away from the event covered in a zillion half-inch-round black-and-blue marks, which was a very satisfying mental image for me. So yeay, Team Raven. (Although remember she also "kicked the door in" which added to this spectacularly good story. I wonder if that mental image, now lodged in Nick's brain, will color his fantasy suite invitation to Raven. Imagine the spurned Raven on ATFR! During this episode I couldn't help but think of the stories I read here that Corrine's mom watches this show with Corrine and fully supports Corrine's use of her platinum body parts. A big "Ewww" to that.
  12. I think the HT dates are all scripted and stereotyped for whatever region the b-ette is from. I've been to Hoxie, Arkansas, many times, and on to WAY further south in that state, where I've spent a lot of time. Hoxie is in the NE corner of the state where farming rice is the main industry. Yes, rice, in flooded fields. Sticking frogs with a "fork" is called gigging frogs, and it's not regional. I have a frog gig, and I've been to ponds in the far north after frogs have been gigged and legs removed for someone's dinner. It's not a redneck thing. As for Raven liking to shoot guns, didn't Emily have a skeet-shooting date in Utah? I regularly shoot and trap varmints, and I'm not a redneck, plus I live WAY north of "redneck" country. So, I defend Raven. I also call foul on Rachel's family serving okra like no one north of the Mason Dixon line has ever heard of it. Please. I grow okra in my (far north) garden, and it's delicious fried in corn meal. I'm guessing they drew the line at serving Nick fried chicken and watermelon, thank god. And Corrine has been portrayed as Little Miss Richie Rich so of course her date was shopping. That left Vanessa with basically nothing except eating donuts at Tim Horton's, so she got the Family Disapproval edit. There's one of those every season. Yawn.
  13. Nas retrieves whateverthatwas from the dumpster lid (great stash place, thanks show) and I said to her as she got in her car, "Lock the door and get out of that parking garage before you do anything else." She did not listen to me. This ep helped me get a handle on Weller. Last ep the only time he smiled and "opened up" was as Rich Dotcom's date. This episode he was spending WAY too much time in front of the mirror getting dressed with Roman. I can see him letting Roman "out" more and more, and maybe Weller will come "out" too. That would make a great twist to this show. And when did Patterson, the IT chick, start carrying? She was a little too quick to shoot that guy who, as someone else posted, looked more like he was going to shot himself, not Reade. I am bummed about Jane's boyfriend appearing to be some bad guy. Couldn't she have just had Patterson do a full background check so she could have had a nice homemade dinner? And Roman looks WAY more like trust-fund baby than Weller, while Weller looks WAY more like a personal bodyguard than Roman. Switch roles, please!
  14. I'm joining the "This Show Has Never Made Me Cry But The Pitpull Being Adopted Did" club. Membership is around three so far, I guess. I still like the show, it just doesn't bring the tears from me. Yet anyway.
  15. I would think during all the time William lived in Randall's house he would have mentioned all the cousins in Memphis. If not, then that could have been part of the 16+ hour drive. I also hope anyone who has never sat with and watched a family member die from cancer doesn't think it's as neat and tidy as William's death ... lucid, insightful conversation followed by immediate death. I know it's tv, but many people think fictional shows are RL.
  16. Wings wrote: "Though she escaped assault and battery charges because her ex did not file, the fact remains she beat him with a stilletto to the head. That is not what they look for." Any woman who beats her cheating ex with a high-heel shoe after knocking him off of the woman he's in the middle of screwing is all right in my book. Team Raven, all the way. And by that, I mean all the way away from Nick and to some guy who actually deserves her. As for Rachel, I wouldn't be happy being dragged off to church and being made a public spectacle there unless I had warning to dress accordingly. Poor Nick looked like he was dragged from his homeless box under the bridge. But the church was great fun. I've been to several "revival-type" churches and have really enjoyed them, so different from my strict (and boring) religious upbringing. So, yeay Rachel.
  17. I see no one has addressed the 1950s bra comment. I don't know about bras in the 50s, but YES, bras in the 60s were pointy and called "bullet bras." Watch old Star Treks (the ones with Kirk) and you will see that every alien woman on every distant planet wore a bullet bra.
  18. I still don't know WTH Rittenhouse is. I just wish it would go away. Now MOM is a RH bigwig? And Lucy never got wind of that, or was introduced to her "heritage" before now? Please, make RH go away. Sen. McCarthy was treated like a big joke by the Eyeball crew. What a missed opportunity to explore that era a little bit instead of just ranking on McCarthy and moving on. Best line of the night was Wyatt, laughing when McCarthy lit up the cig while expounding on Reds being a cancer. "Ha ha, cancer." This episode actually made me like Wyatt for the first time, especially when he took down the two henchmen, then put McCarthy out for "one hour. Maybe two."
  19. Overproduced ... I agree. Maybe that's why I found the b-ettes, each of them, so much more interesting than Nick. My takeaway this episode was that I hope Nick choses none of them, just so they can avoid that bullet.
  20. I've always been a Nick fan, but watching last night, all I could think was that I no longer find Nick attractive or interesting or even date-worthy. Maybe seeing him with the vile Andi next week will make him look better. Meanwhile, I was all about Raven's HT, although I wondered how often the locals go play in the rice fields. Not often, I'm guessing. How do you say, "water moccasin"?
  21. Hey, Jessie, Flip and Nicholas are MY dream team too! I couldn't believe they put my three favs together. It was great to see Nicholas, one of my most favorites, after he was "skipped over" this past season. I loved this show, fast paced, exciting and full of thrills (and spills). And yes, I shout encouragement from my couch, for everyone. Also loved seeing Joe The Weatherman, another of my favs. And a bit of Isaac in the flashbacks. I wonder what he is doing now. They kept talking about "last year," but I don't remember this being on before, at least not on network. What a fun way to spend a Monday night.
  22. Why does this show keep making me fall asleep?
  23. Nick HAD to turn down Corrine's platinum vajay, it was a setup to match his with Andi on ATFR. That's when Corrine would announce on national teevee, "If you didn't want to chose me, WHY DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH ME?" I'm positive Nick was flashing to that bad déja vu experience during Corrine's try at seduction.
  24. AuxArx, Kevin won't get fined for walking out on his play, but of course the show "did not go on," and the NYT (right?) critic was in the audience. The play would be raked to the nines in the newspaper and will close immediately. End of that story, end of Kevin's $ investment and end of Kevin's acting career, unless some future producer is REALLY crazy and hires him for some two-bit commercial. He screwed his career AND Sloane's play. On another topic, I still like Miguel, especially after his talk at Kevin.
  25. Horse Guy being able to sexually assault/harass women PAYING to attend the camp his parents own, because his parents own it? Lawsuit waiting to happen, and some jail time, too, for the parents/camp owners. This show also cares nothing about professions. Last week Randall was forced to do "family time" instead of concentrate on the job (and income) he is going to lose, now Kevin is never going to work again. Maybe they can practice flipping burgers together. Randall will be good at upselling fries with that.
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