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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I liked this episode, and thanks to the posters here I was able to recognize The Team Member Good Guys. LOL! Leah having brain problems was a great explanation for why she got out of the car and ran away (only to get almost drowned), so good on the writers for an interesting (if easy) plot development. I wonder if she really had a nephew or if that was something she set up for an eventual escape. The blown-up car was genius, although I wonder if she had a body in there as what questions will arise when no "driver" is found? Oh well, I guess she escaped, so good on her. Her "death" did drive Jennifer into the arms of that widower; not sure if that's a good thing, but nice for the night I guess. I do wonder why Bryan is Jennifer's chosen one who gets to know her secrets. That has to bug the team guys who have been with her way longer. I did love the ending, best ending ever. I could see Bryan being with Leah. She's a much better fit for him than Asha IMO. She is kick-ass just like Bryan, so IMO a good romantic pairing. I guess I missed "the argument" Drogo references in his ep recap above. Since I don't like Asha, I'm fine with them being split. I want Bryan to stay on the beach with Leah as long as possible.
  2. This episode kept me on the edge of my seat. Or rather, couch. Plus Cristina left, which contributed to me liking the whole episode. Although can a laptop see/hear everything when it's shut down? I kept wanting Harlee to flip the lid down on that open laptop. It's a lesson to us all to tape over that camera eyeball, and shut down when you aren't using it. Loved it that both Woz and Harlee spotted the inept FBI guys in that trailer. Excellent episode.
  3. LOL that even the posters here can't identify The Team members. Bwah ha ha!
  4. I don't know any of these people's names so had to try to figure out who was whom when reading the above posts. I do remember the name "Woody," which made me LOL while sitting on my couch. So much potential for bad jokes there. I had forgotten about those blind date shows from years ago. Wasn't it called ... Blind Date? It used to be on late night and I always watched. Jumper Sage, if I remember correctly, the ending said the black couple went out on more dates. She was hilarious, laughing at her date's antics. He'd be stupid not to continue a relationship with her, just for that reason. And yeah, I felt terrible that this First Date went that one woman back to her ex. People are exes for a reason. She deserves better. Ellen ... you need to help that one. Lastly, I didn't realize until I read here that Drew is the voice over. I will listen closer next episode. Gah. That first date SENT that woman back to her ex. Sorry, can't edit my posts.
  5. The gay guys pairing up brought tears to my eyes. They were the first couple on this show (besides the two "old" people last week) who came across as really WANTING a match with someone compatible. The guy from Ohio, he was smart, intelligent, attractive ... heck, I wanted to go out with him and I'm a straight woman. The other dates have all been like a The Bachelor-esque freak show. And the beard guy came back again? Yuck, no thanks. And the guy who had to leave his bros for this date looked stoned; I would have walked out on him in the first two minutes. Same with the phone-obsessed guy. What a creep. Good luck, I hope Ellen is paying for all those flights, hotel rooms AND dinners. Although the booze consumption could put a dent in even her bank account.
  6. Because my tv is cr*p, what did it say inside the pizza red tulip? I hope when the boys do the escape for real, they shut up when crawling through the overheads. Like people below can't hear them? Of course, because I love PB, I'm hand-waving everything. But I too wonder what was up with the water-bottle-poison talk. I did love me some Kellerman/Sara scenes though. Good times! But yeah, Sara shut up about Michael being alive and all.
  7. Rashad made me cry but good. I couldn't help it. I had to turn the channel at the end of Nick's dance, which I thought was pretty good until Vanessa came out to do The Bachelor monkey hang on him. I USED TO BE a Nick fan, but now ... no. Was delighted Nancy did not pick the kneecapping incident (and losing Olympic gold) as her year. I actually was touched by her story, and I don't even like her. Meanwhile, everything about David Ross and the Cub support takes me back to that magical time (before the election) when the sky opened, rainbows and unicorns filled the earth, and the Cubs won the World Series. Lastly, sorry to see Mr. T go before The Housewife.
  8. I'll keep watching this show, but each episode is weaker than the one before. I'm willing to forgive a lot, I like Bryan and Jennifer Beale's character. But there are too many husky, dark bald guys, both bad and "good." I don't have a clue which is which. I do find the ginger team guy interesting, maybe because he's the only team member I can recognize. I really disliked the ending with the parents at dinner. WTH, is Bryan 16? The parents want to know his job to see if he's well-off enough to support their ADULT daughter? Then Bryan says he works for the gov but can't tell them any more. Way to start the parents gossiping at the country club, Bryan you dipstick.
  9. Didn't Nez toss a blaster into Whitehall's backpack to burn up all his research? I wondered why she didn't just shoot Solomon (there were SO MANY opportunities this episode) and take the backpack instead of leaving Solomon and taking off with Tom and Howard. I don't get the point of the assistant sleeping with the man hooker. So what? He's a businessman. According to Celebrity Apprentice, "It's nothing personal, it's just business." I did not know about the father/mother/AGNES reunion due to a world crisis national news event that preempted the beginning.
  10. And what's the significance of being in the Top Five? Is it different that being in the Top Six?
  11. Terry O'Quinn stole this episode. I don't care if he's real or fake dad, he's excellent on this show. What I don't get is Tom letting Solomon live. The guy beats him with Nerf balls in a sock (because why else isn't his jaw/face broken, or at least have a massive headache) and when Tom gets the drop on him, he just walks away w/o kicking Solomon in the face or breaking his arm? Anything? Tom strangled the innocent Harbormaster with his thighs! Yet Creep Solomon gets a free pass?I did laugh when Scottie jumped Tom. Yeah, stick-thin Scottie in dress and spike heels can take down assassin Tom. But then Tom turns dumbass again by just kicking her gun away and leaving instead of taking her gun with after kneecapping her. That's what John Reese would do. Mr. Reese also would have kneecapped Solomon ... or worse. Then Howard and Tom must have had some cash stashed in their money belts to buy all that stuff at Radio Shack, plus Tom used the RS bathroom to stick toilet paper on his face cuts. While Howard was explaining the Whitehall thing, all I could think of was Person of Interest writers must be working there now. I just wish they had written in Harold Wren AND Mr. Reese. And is "Agnes" the magic word that has to be repeated every episode? Answer: Yes.
  12. No one knew that Reade was in the hospital? If you are an FBI special task force employee, you don't have to call in sick or take a vaca day, you just don't show up for work and no one notices ... or cares? And are all IA guys snarky jerks? (Reference Shades of Blue.) And maybe I missed it, but where is Shepherd/Sandstorm getting billions of dollars to toss around buying stuff. I'll predict Reade watches that "molestation" tape and there's nothing on it other than the coach throwing him a birthday party with all the kids there. And yeah, Reade's partner snuck back in that house to put that tape back, didn't she? Heck, I don't know.
  13. Quote: "That wasn't bio-hazard, it was radioactive material." There is radioactive waste stored all over the United States. Just ask anyone who lives in Nevada. As Paigow wrote, one doesn't need to go to Thailand and BUY it. Sandstorm should be able to rig up a radioactive heist. And next week ... Weller + Jane = Yuck. I'd feel differently if I didn't dislike Weller with all my being. Jane rocks, Weller sucks.
  14. Big thanks, Biggie B. Heading there now to watch. I also found out it's being rerun this Saturday night, at least in my market. So I get to watch it twice. Can't wait to see all my boys! Twice! Woo hoo!
  15. Well, nuts, I was going to get home for the best night of tv ever, X-Files and then Prison Break. And my car gets a flat in the middle of nowhere country. PB was MY show for all those seasons, even if the last couple years pretty much stunk, I stayed with it. Does anyone know if this ep is being repeated or online?
  16. I got a laugh out of Bonner the bull-riding cowboy wearing those Bieber diaper pants in rehearsal. I don't know what kind of ballroom dance "Magic Mike" is, but David Ross made the most of it. Plus I loved that instead of doing the traditional shirtless-man thing, he was wearing an abs t-shirt for his chest reveal. Then Rizzo tweeting "Speechless. And a bit horrified" made me laugh so hard, I laughed all the way through commercial break. Thanks, show, I needed that. I do wonder if Bruno had nerve enough to meet Charo in the parking lot though. Hope to see that on TMZ.
  17. The twins were on Harry Connick's show yesterday to promote THEIR new show, the subject of which seems to be how stupid they are. Even Harry wasn't buying it when they told him they did not know what is between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. I wish I could remember whose show I saw Chad on. He is being promoted as Bad Boy Chad. I guess it pays to be crazed and/or stupid. At least on reality tv it does.
  18. Seeing the title of his thread, I hope Forum Fish comes back! The Yard in the old TWOP was the best place ever. And yes, I was a constant poster there, I'm just in disguise in my fourth avatar since those fun days when PB was the center of our universe!
  19. Kind of a disappointing episode, not enough Bryan. His one fight scene was so dark, I couldn't tell who was fighting whom, all I saw were black bodies rolling around in a room so dark I would have walked into a table. Storyline was okay, except the Russian assassin should have known that kid was not his. I mean, duh. On the other hand, it's good to see Russians are our enemy again. Those Middle Eastern villains were getting passé. I also think injecting saline into your vein would be pretty deadly. The informant used all the skills of a vein-shooting junkie when he could have shot the syringe right into his thigh, ala Epipen. Jennifer Beales still rocks, though, so that's a plus.
  20. So Roid-Rage Chad is getting his own show. Anyone know the details? I saw it announced on one of the pop culture shows.
  21. Yesterday I watched "Stahl" get shot dead on White Collar, and it was very satisfying. I wish someone would do the same on this show. I knew that flash drive was going to be some spy bug. Because kids use their laptops in their bedrooms and Stahl is a perv. The lengths Woz goes to to save his crew is beyond words. And the circular storyline of the money showing up ... holy cow. Writers really had the big picture, kudos to them. I liked Tess this episode, she finally had great dialogue and storyline. I want to tell her and Lohman to keep it together, I'm thinking they are heading for a IA breakdown. Then ... so sorry to see DA guy break up with Harlee, but seriously, can anyone blame him? Bad things are happening indeed. Microwave camera ... LOL! Great line.
  22. Orza, I agree with everything you said about Howard vs. Scottie, especially this: "he is getting really hard to look at, what with her mediocre acting, borderline emaciated body and over-processed face." Over-processed face indeed. And when the camera gives it a close up ... oh, please. That would be the best if she's "eliminated" and Howard takes over the "team." Solomon and his Austin Powers turtleneck can go too, please. Oops, that was suppose to be SHE'S getting really hard to look at. And "if she WERE eliminated." I really need to proofread these things.
  23. Thanks Canada. I needed that. I'm stunned Natalie and Boy Scout won the challenge. I want Boy Scout to get lost in the woods. Maxwell must have been "power" chosen to go to elimination. It's too bad that people who do well in challenges lose the elimination thing. Interesting, the introduction of booze. I guess TPTB weren't getting enough "drama." I'll miss Maxwell, he was funny and seemed to "get" what the show is about. Well, see you guys next week!
  24. This was a pretty good episode, until I started to think about it too much. Of course Dumond has software that will take a blurry, distorted, pixellated frame and turn it into a razor-sharp image that can be facial recognized with Tom's ID photo. And Tom jumps off that building (yes, like he was jumping into a pool, so funny!). I was waiting for Howard to jump off after him. Then Scottie orders Solomon to kill Tom and he decides to use a sniper rifle from the second story of their own building? WTH? Why not just walk up to Tom and shoot him since it will be clear Solomon snipe/killed him anyway. Of course, we needed the suspense of "will he, won't he, can he, can't he" until Scottie called it off. But that story line was stupid. Why wouldn't Scottie interrogate Tom since if he's helping Howard there has to be others, right? Oh well. I guess we get that next week. Then there is Solomon in his "Yeah, Baby" Austin Powers 1960s white turtleneck. Really? Is that look coming back? And yeah, they saw him up in the woods since that turtleneck was glaring like a beacon up there. Then what was up with the bad guy murdering the driver? How did THAT instill confidence that the hostages would be exchanged w/o harm? I did laugh when Tom was driving the family away and the dad kept telling the kid to "shut up." Way to be a caring parent after your kid goes through kidnap trauma. On the bright side, I did LOL when Howard told Scottie to eat more since it takes a lot of energy to be a bitch. Best line of the series so far. I find it irritating that Agnes keeps being brought up. Yeah, she's 11 months. We learned that last week. And the rescued guy did not ask her name, Tom. You asked his daughter's name (which we already knew), then you just volunteer "Agnes." WTH? And the captured guy was bleeding out like crazy hanging like a ham in that warehouse. Then he just walks away after rescue, la-de-dah. Okay then.
  25. All I saw of this episode was the food-mouth transfer, so I know what happened to all the left-over food from that winner pig out a couple weeks ago. Then the channel went off the air, literally off the air, so I didn't see who went to elimination. I read here Maxwell went home, sorry to see his Ed Grimley hair leave. But what was the challenge and who else competed? Is there a recap anywhere?
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