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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Tess could say she tripped while putting her gun away in her house, or got stupid and forgot to unload when she was cleaning her gun and shot herself. She was embarrassed so didn't tell anyone and got some pain meds w/o seeing a doctor so she would save face. I guess that's not a good thing for a cop, but admitting you shot yourself isn't a good thing, either. But not grounds for getting canned. But what do I know. I can't remember how Donnie Pomp died. Can anyone refresh my poor memory? And it boggles me that Cristina is fine with lying to her mother and sneaking around behind her back. So why doesn't she just freaking ASK Harlee about Miquel trying to get full custody of her? I'd love to see THAT scene. As much as a snot Cristina is, I'm surprised she doesn't throw that in her mom's face.
  2. I agree Stahl was a dumbass for killing Linklater when that guy was full of information that, as Harlee said, would make Stahl's career. Stahl has to be insane, he cares more about bringing Harlee/Woz/Anna Gunn down than anything else. The scene where Woz is on the couch holding his dog was the most touching and real scene ever in any show. Anyone who has a dog knows what I'm saying. Meanwhile, I hate Christina. Everything about her. Only Harlee sees anything redeeming in that brat. This episode made me love Tufo. And yeah, what's the big deal about Tess being on prescribed pain killers? It's not like she's on meth or something. Or is she?
  3. Maxwell is my favorite right now too, based on all his THs and realistic yet prima donna view of the competition. He is comedy gold, so I hope he stays around a long while. I wish Rasta Ross and the woman guide who left last week were still on. *sigh* Maybe they'll come back for some grand finale? I also wonder what caused the allergy that didn't respond to the epi pen. I've had a similar problem and it ain't fun, folks.
  4. Thanks cooks, you are right, the gun was registered to Garcia. I had forgotten that part. Funny, he removed the barrel so no ballistics test could be done, yet he registered a weapon he was going to use in a homicide. Indiana is known for its gun shows where anyone can buy anything w/o a background check. Then the next gun he bought was traced back to him, too, via legal paperwork. So odd. My take away from this episode: pay for everything with cash. Use a burner phone and trash any hard drive you use to research your victims. And bury the murder weapon a few states away.
  5. I was thinking why Garcia killed the boy Tom and the cleaning lady. I supposed he came to the door to see/kill the doctor, and the door was opened by the cleaning lady. A “colleage” doctor who knew her boss would have seemed normal and safe to the cleaning lady, so she invited him in to wait for the doctors to come home. Then he "had to" kill the woman or she would have told doctors Garcia had been there and his identify would have been revealed. When Tom came to see who was at the door, or heard the housekeeper get knocked down, Garcia had to kill him too. The woman doctor whose house alarm was set off by Garcia has to have nightmares every night. I know I would. This is all clearly my own speculation, of course. YMMV!
  6. I was interested in knowing more about: 1. How Garcia's gun was found on the side of a road near Terre Haute, Indiana, And 2. how that gun was linked to Garcia and the murders given he left no fingerprints. I just wanted to know more about how they did it. As for those "lawyers," I'm thinking along the lines of other posters: They were grabbing their 15 minutes of Dateline fame and hoping to move on to their own reality show. They had all the parts of at least one season, the villain (wife), the "famous" guy (Gacy lawyer) plus Chicago Everything is big on NBC right now. I also wondered about Garcia being in solitary confinement. I'm thinking it might have been more like they kept him out of gen pop so he had a cell by himself. And thanks, unlfan03, for some inside scoop. Yeah, Garcia's actions/non-actions were definite stalling tactics, no doubt given to him by his cold-called lawyers.
  7. Nebraska law enforcement carries Glock 22 and sometimes .40 Smith & Wesson. I didn't see the gun in question so I don't know which this officer had in his waistband. I also could not see IF IT WAS LOADED or EMPTY. The safest gun of all is the empty one. I'm guessing Dateline film crew, Josh and the officer were in no peril from an empty gun, regardless of where it was worn. Glocks also have a three-part safety system to prevent firing unless the trigger is manually pulled. YMMV, as always, of course.
  8. Yes, the pool-shooting was set up so Josh could say his scripted line of dialogue. I didn't see the gun in the cop's waistband and could care less if he had 20 guns hanging on him while he plays pool. So what. I didn't notice he had sleeves, but good on him for that, too. Anyway, that defense team hired by cold-calling every Illinois lawyer in the middle of the night ... well, I guess you get what you pay for, although in this case the parents didn't get much for all their bankroll. What a bunch of maroons. But at least they did not pay for cable viewing of the World Series, that was network, free for antenna tv people. And the only thing I don't blame the defense team for is watching the Cubs win. It was THE GREATEST EVENT OF 2016, bar none. But back to the defense guys ... dad actually defended John Wayne Gacy? Holy cr*p. Those guys were all about the $ at any cost. Anyway, I did enjoy this episode and was glad Garcia was found guilty. I'm guessing Creighton was not a good place to be for a very long time, until this guy was put in jail. Good on the cops who found, caught and put Garcia there, they can wear all the waistband guns they want. I do wonder what kind of treatment suspects get after a Dateline like this one, meaning that doctor who is in the Northwest now, the one they kept questioning. Can't be good for business. Or maybe it's an example of any publicity is good publicity?
  9. Totally loved it that The Punishers duo went home, beaten by a "lesser" leader and a "girl." Nah nah nah, Dream Crusher. And yeah, all that fuss over eating a taro ... like where does she think a potato comes from? I agree that choosing power is stupid, mainly because no team stands out as being the best. Maybe the worst is the Boy Scout/Non Taro eater, but I figure them to be gone soon. And yeah, pigging all that food was sure to make every person do a fast run behind the farthest bush, even if they had been eating regularly. I would have offered to share some of that food overload with the others, snuck them a few chicken legs and lobsters under the table, like kids do when sneaking food to their dog.
  10. Are Blacklist writers writing this? WTH with all the baby-daddy drama in this show, too? I could care less. Like, I can REALLY care less. All I can do is stare at Scottie and think no way is she Tom's mom. Maybe it's the plastic face. And yeah, what's up with Tom's extended departure (read: dead-beat dad) from Agnes? I hope he's set up a trust fund for her with a direct deposit from Team Leader.
  11. Oh, you are right about the wired necklace in Woz's trashcan, helenamonster. Thanks for clearing that up. I do remember that scene now. I'm looking forward to seeing what Woz will do next. I'm Team Woz, all the way. Maybe if Stahl were even a fraction of a fraction likable, but as is ... I want total Stahl fail. I'm craving some pancakes with a face on them.
  12. Thanks a lot, Drogo. Now I hate him too. LOL! (And thanks, jhlipton, for the positive ID.) And yes, I still love this show, and hope Captain Oblivious stays oblivious.
  13. Impressed with Scarlett. I enjoyed the entire show, unlike last week, which sucked. I saw a real Olive Garden commercial last night and it made me laugh out loud. SNL has made it impossible to take OG seriously ever again.
  14. Oh, wow, as a former As The World Turns junkie, now I have to take a second took at Margaret Colin. She was a young hottie back then. I doubt I will recognize her any better than I do Anna Gunn. But thanks for the info! And Harlee with the Nava guy? I'd use the heck out of him if I had the chance. Dude is smokin'. So good on you, Harlee. Glad they are back together, for whatever reason.
  15. Wow. *crickets* My only comment is a question: Who was the guy at the end, the one Jennifer asked to be her emergency contact? Now, back to *crickets*
  16. I watched every second of Breaking Bad and didn't know Anna Gunn was on this show until I read it here last week. So this week I paid attention to her name in the credits, and STARED at her when she was on, and I still don't recognize her. Whatever she did, she sure doesn't look anything like Skyler White. Maybe that's a good thing?
  17. I freaking LOVE Ray Liotta, he is a gold mine. JLo is good too, but Liotta ... OMG. Woz MAKES this show. I couldn't have been happier when Stahl got busted for Hooker Harlee, but I was pretty stunned to see he has a son. That guy is a FATHER? No way should he even be allowed around children much less have one to raise, so Woz did the kid a favor. Loved Stahl getting all spasticated looking for the camera. I didn't know Stahl had audio of Woz with Donnie though. When did that happen? And on a shallow note, last season JLo wore jackets that covered her rear, while last night we got a full view as she went up the steps. And no Christina last night = YEAY!
  18. I rewatched the pilot last night and liked it even better knowing what was going to happen. It also made me really appreciate Bryan being flat out in hospital bed after being shot (through no major organs) after Jennifer Beale rips out her tubes and jumps out of bed a few hours after SHE is shot through no major organs in the second episode, like a bullet hole through the body hurts less than breaking a finger nail. So, yeay to Bryan for keeping it real, at least in S1 E1. I did wonder why he said he was already dead when the bad guy had the gun to his head.
  19. I agree, Sharon, about not liking Bryan and Aisha having sex, if they do. It's like he can't have sex with his sister so he's screwing her surrogate, which is just a big EWWW in my book. Hoping I'm mistaken and preview is a fake out.
  20. I liked the first episode too. I do wish the women pros were teamed with other women, like the model that is paired with the hot guy. Previews suggest that's going to go into territory I'm not interested in. The show does need to figure out what's going on with the woman with a allergic swollen face. But all in all, some it's some mindless entertainment while nothing else is on. I'm in. Geesh, sorry for all the typos and poor grammar. I'm not able to edit posts and should have proof read before hitting "send."
  21. Thanks tessathereaper for the Aisha explanation. The fact she's a civilian just-plain-person makes it even weirder that Bryan told her Sis was targeted for death because of him. If she were some special forces sniper, maybe that would be okay. (Or maybe she is, I don't know.) And yeah, I caught the line about Beales not being shot through any "major organs" so she could miraculously jump out of bed and take off upon waking, blood loss and a big bullet hole be damned. Hand waving healing irks me. Even my main man John Reese was in a wheelchair and on crutches for an episode or two after Mark Snow shot him. Still, this is my favorite new show. Just because I nit pick doesn't mean I don't like it.
  22. I've always liked Nick, even on his first (of now five) shows he's been on. But you know how something you think is so cute and adorable at the beginning of a relationship evolves into something that makes you want to stab that person to death later on? I was in the other room when this episode started so only heard Nick, and WOW, his lisp is really noticeable if you aren't seeing him speak. Yikes. I'll have to keep my distance from him for sure.
  23. Vanessa: "My life has many things that I will never compromise on." Vanessa: "Being in love means compromise." WTH?
  24. I still like this show. lots of action, even though it's all in the dark and I can't see who is fighting whom. I also don't know (or remember) who Asha is, but Bryan telling her his sister was targeted for murder because of him was all kinds of a big mistake IMO. And I wasn't up with Jennifer Beales being shot into a comma, then coming awake and jumping out of bed like she was all refreshed from that nap. WTH is it with tv people healing a gunshot wound in five minutes when a paper cut bothers me for two freaking weeks. I did like the rooftop chase and wondered if the parkour guy was an American Ninja Warrior stunt man, maybe Flip. Got a kick out of Bryan following him on the ground, and noting that Parkour Guy would run out of steam soon. Finally, realism! Although getting in a fist fight with a guy wearing a full motorcycle helmet is sort of ... well, difficult. My wish: Change the name of this show to something original to save the comparison-judgemental critiques. Me, I think this Bryan guy is pretty all right, and I'm in for the season.
  25. I disliked Christina last season with a passion, and now this season she is going to be a PITA to everyone (including me) too. I don't mind that Harlee has a daughter to protect, but she needs to kick Christina's *ss instead of trying to coddle her. I'd be fine if somehow Christina gets "written off" although I know shows don't like to off kids, even PITA ones like Christina. But it would be a cool story line if Stahl (somehow) kills Christina, then gets blackmailed by Woz. Writers: Pay attention!
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