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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I'm really liking this show, especially last night since no dates were OTT one-sided. The black guy who works for MLB, I'd date him in a heartbeat. (Call me!) When I saw the two gay men, I thought, "Oh, no, they will talk about when they came out!" But they did not, at least not that was shown. Did the one fellow say he thinks relationships should be open? Yikes. And too funny that the other guy said a shrimp jumped up and bit him in the face. The waitress should have said their shrimp wouldn't do that. The 80-something woman was beautiful. If she colored her hair, she could pass for much younger. Her date, however ... is it because old people don't care any more that they just come right out and say they want sex? I find that creepy, and it doesn't make me look forward to dating when I'm old(er). I still remember creepy Fast Eddie from a few weeks ago. I don't even know what to think about the guy who brought Jenga and edelweiss, but his date was a good sport and a good catch IMO. She deserves better, and from the ending credits, looks like she might have found it.
  2. You guys make some good points that I missed. Like yes, Red kidnapped Lizzie, a federal agent. How is THAT okay? And he did it so he could confront AND KILL Mr. Kaplan using Lizzie as bait. And you're good with that, Liz? Thank goodness for Agent Gale, although how Red knew there was a "third player" after that shot (when he just stood there instead of taking cover) is beyond me. Either Gale's scope is way off or he pulled that shot to warn Red ... who knows. But now Ressler and team are busted, and I'm all for Gale taking them down, along with Red. He will save Mr. Kaplan from doing it all by herself. And what kind of a dumbass is Lizzie, not locking her door while packing so Wade Williams (Hi, Belleck!) could walk in and take her. Oh, right, it's Lizzie. And it is funny that Red exists to keep her safe while constantly putting her in danger, plus I wish she were gone from this show. Gone ... you know, like Agnes and those two dogs. And poor Dembe ... Red is your BFF yet he doesn't give you a thought. Maybe you'll know the real Red when you open that brown-paper-bag-wrapped gift he gave you. Maybe you should peek inside while you are still alive.
  3. Hey, there's no law that says old people can't read comic books. Assuming Wentworth doesn't still live with his parents, I'm guessing he's read a few of them by now, rules or no rules growing up.
  4. The Mr. T/Master P confusion made me laugh. I remember Master P, and poor Ashley. It was the first time I saw a "4" paddle. Not all old times are good times!
  5. I love seeing everything David, it's so rare to see a person who is genuinely kind, nice and wholesome. Especially these days, it's almost impossible to find someone who is even partly nice. David's dad waltz brought tears to my eyes. His second dance, yeah, it wasn't so good, but he looked SMOKIN' in that gladiator outfit (shallow, I know) and his smiling and laughing and being happy during his critique was in such a contrast to Simone's "Smiles don't win gold medals" snotty snark. For the first time in ages, I voted all my votes for David, just because I am so happy to watch someone who is NICE every week. I'll be okay if Rashad wins though, as I think he is talented and a nice person too. And why does Val go out of his way to pimp Alan on air when he should be talking to TPTB behind the scenes. They are the ones making decisions of who stays, who goes. Val wasted airtime on his useless Alan pimp.
  6. This: "It's ... a bit weird that this is our second gay couple and they're also discussing coming out. I hope this doesn't happen with every gay couple. It's not like all the nonwhite couples talk about racism." How and when one "comes out" is a common-ground topic for gay people, something they all can understand and relate to. Many gays go through life NEVER coming out, or are in a so-called "straight" marriage. Being gay can be kept hidden. An African-American can't hide the fact that he/she is indeed black. So, no reason to say, "Hey, when did you decide to let your family know you are black?" And Wings, thanks for the surfing lesson. My knowledge of the sport comes from Baywatch reruns, when all surfing is done by the light of day. I didn't think anything of Pageant Queen having that as her occupation. I watch too much Bachelor, where occupations are as diverse as "Dog Lover." I give props to the Four Kids Two Baby Momma guy for not wanting a second date. But his date commented on how good looking he was, broad shoulders, nice personality, etc. Yeah, that's why the four kids, so no second date was a big save for you, girl. Oh: And the short guy and his date both lived in LA. Hometowns are put on screen when people are first introduced, like Fast Eddy and his date were from LA last week. Although people have surfed Lake Michigan when big storms roll in!
  7. Quote: "Red does asshole-y things, but I don't think he is an asshole. As he said a few episodes ago, he actually hates violence. He feels remorse and regret for the horrible things he does," I think after murdering more than 85 people (the bodies in the skating rink) there is no way he feels remorse or ANYTHING when he kills someone. He just does it with no more afterthought than putting on his shoes. He even smothered Lizzie's adoptive dad, and WTH was THAT for, so he wouldn't tell Liz she wasn't his bio child? So what, big deal. And speaking of, with all of Lizzie's Russian mother's associates, she couldn't find a better person, or couple, to take Liz than a grifter? And interesting that this ep Liz says her "dad" was a grifter. What does that have to do with anything? But I digress. I don't think Red is an asshole, he's just a total and completely unlikeable person who needs to be killed himself. Go Team Kaplan! And how funny would it be if Red's paper-wrapped gift to Dembe, the one he's suppose to open when Red is gone, is a bomb that will explode and kill Dembe, too. Then they an be BFFs forever through eternity!
  8. This was a great episode and cleared up problems I had last time: Stahl found that tooth by accident, seeing the white in the dirt he shoveled out. And he was obviously exhausted after digging up that grave, I give the show props for making Stahl look and act like he really did just dig up a grave enough to open it. Ugh, he got to see Sap. And hilarious that Miguel was gone. Well, almost all gone anyway. LOL at the police asking Harlee if she was moving a body when he saw the tarp and shovel inside the trunk. Harlee is so cool with her replies. The Russian Roulette scene was more dramatic than any other I've seen. Loved that Woz sent the dog out of the room since the dog "gets upset at violence." Now Woz has two dogs. Stahl creeping into Harlee's apartment was pretty far-fetched, although I guess he knew Cristina's hair was in her brush since it was sitting right in front of his spy computer. Which means he's also creeper spying on Cristina in her bedroom. Gah. Harlee and Nava are great together. And LOL at Harlee saying she kicked the car "like a cartoon character" when they kissed while the bad guy was duct taped inside the car trunk. Great episode. I'm glad to see the team coming back together, although I do feel sorry for the boy's mom who doesn't want to be a CI. People in her neighborhood don't always get a choice as to whether they live or die. And Stahl is really rocking this show as a deranged mad man. Bravo on his boss canning him, though. That doesn't always happen IRL.
  9. Calipiano said: "But everything she is doing now is exactly why Red felt he had to eliminate her -- if they were ever at odds, this is the kind of havoc she is capable of creating." Using that theory, then Red needs to shoot Dembe now, before he has a chance to turn on him.
  10. For everyone who hasn't had enough Scott Peterson, he's got a two-hour show on Oxygen tonight. New evidence will be revealed to prove his innocence in killing his pregnant wife (and dumping her into the ocean).
  11. Otto, you must have been the only viewer who cared enough to pay attention to what train Red was on, and noticed that he teleported from one to the other. And I'm all for the idea for someone shooting Samar for being a beyotch to Aram. Anyone, feel free to do this. Then, shoot Lizzie and Red. Dembe doesn't have any friends exceot BFF Red, but I could see Mr. Kaplan giving him a place to live. Then they could open Red's paper-bag-wrapped gift to Dembe together. And good on that one guy for being on TWO payrolls at once. Smart move on his part. His off-shore account must be staggering, getting payola from two of the world's richest bad guys.
  12. Canada, there are so many laws that protect the guilty, and terminology that has to be used to protect the guilty, like Chris "allegedly" left the accident scene before police arrived. Allegedly? People who were there SAW him take off, and he was GONE when police arrived. Yet, he "allegedly" left. I cannot imagine not answering my door if police are knocking. But then, I'm not a criminal so, therefore, my thinking is completely different. I'm guessing if police broke into Chris's house and took him away for toxicology tests, that would be thrown out of court for some reason or other. Chris could even plead not guilty to being the driver of the truck that hit Mr. Mosher. All murderers are "not guilty" according to them. *rant over*
  13. I've never understood why famous people run away from paps. Why not just go out the front door, stand and pose, answer questions, sign some autographs, then go on your way? Or wave to the paps on cycles as you drive away? What's the big freaking deal? Give the paps what they want and they have no reason to harass or chase you. Even better, provide the tabloids with your own photos and YOU get paid for them.
  14. Dowel, your theory that the dogs were memory implants made me snort through my nose. Best comment ever. Meanwhile, this episode made me HATE Red, I now cannot stand Spader even, and I hate Lizzie even more than I hated her before this episode. I want Mr. Kaplan to murder Red, then just shoot Lizzie point blank ala Indiana Jones and that sword-wielding villain. I laughed that the flash-bang knocked big tough Ressler unconscious yet the woman in the room with him was unphased. And I guess I'm the only one who likes Agent Gail. I'm on his team 100 percent. Take down the stupid task force, including Lizzie and Samar, partner back up with Donald, and "accidentally" kill Red while Mr. Kaplan makes a clean getaway. That's how I'd write this show from here out.
  15. I still don't get what the big deal is about Weller's boyhood crush, Taylor, and now Taylor's mom Emma, being killed. I guess Weller cares, but I sure don't. Meanwhile, where's Weller's kid?
  16. I like the dates that go well. I found myself smiling and happy for the people who got along well, like Mr. President and Pageant Woman. Maybe a pageant queen isn't first lady material YET, but a foreign model currently is the US first lady. I'd rather have a pageant queen who can answer an intelligent question than a woman who got where she is on looks alone. I liked the guy with the goal to be president, I'd date him in a heartbeat, and be right there with him on campaign trail. I thought the short guy was good looking and smart. Too bad he surfs in the pre-dawn hours ... aren't there good waves at dusk or during the day even? The barber guy was off-putting at first, like a goomba, until he started talking and I got to know him better. He was a catch IMO, and his date needed to calm the heck down, it's just one first date. She was pretty and reminded me of Rosie Perez. I hold to never letting anyone know your age because attitudes will CHANGE BIG once people know you are older/younger than they think. Look at online dating sites ... men who are 50 are looking for women 35-49. Men who are 60 are looking for women 35-59. Women ALWAYS have to be at least one year younger for a man to feel manly. I was a college freshman at age 25, and the grad students I dated (age 22) were freaked when they found out I was "older." It's a strong, self-assured man who doesn't care if the woman is older, and there are not a lot of self-confident men out there in the dating world. Trust me. Just yesterday a long-time male friend asked me how old I was and I would not tell him. That's not something ANYONE needs to know. Judge me on what you see, what I say, how I act, not on a calendar year. If that guy thought his date looked SO OLD that he needed to ask her age, then don't ask her out again. PERIOD.
  17. Based on ByTor's post, I'm amending my posts to say officers got a warrant to enter Chris's house. It might have been I just "assumed" a search warrant when it was reported it took five hours to get a warrant. In any case, Chris wouldn't come out, would not answer the door, and it took five hours to get the warrant, putting Chris past the time needed to prove OUI. (In Iowa it's Operating Under the Influence, OUI). Mu Shu, who knows how Chris learned about the time lapse needed to escape OUI charges based on sobriety tests. I learned you don't have to answer the door when police knock when I repeated tried to serve papers on a criminal. That guy was finally arrested when someone was with him when police knocked, and that person answered the door. Only Chris knows where he gets his knowledge of how to avoid prosecution, and my guess is he's not talking! I do wonder what Chris did for those five hours while the cops got the warrant to enter his house.
  18. Police cannot enter a house, even when they know a person of interest is inside, without a warrant. They can when a person is under duress or a danger to him/herself or the public, like a holed-up killer. They needed a legal search warrant to enter Chris's house. If they did not get that, Chris would still be inside his house and cops would still be sitting in his driveway waiting for him to come out or at least answer the door. Neither of which he was going to do on his own.
  19. Chris wouldn't answer the door when cops were at his house. They had to get a search warrant, which took five hours and put Chris out of the time allowed to be charged with OUI, to be able to enter the house and confront Chris. Once the cops were in the house, Chris gave himself up without incident. I haven't looked at any online sites except Iowa newspapers and TMZ about this case, but I'm heading over to radaronline to see what it says. I hadn't heard anything about Chris being a diva, and I don't think the "general public" has even heard of radaronline. The lawyers are grasping for anything, IMO. I also object to his lawyers saying Chris did everything "right" at the accident scene, including "doing CPR" when he says very clearly on the 911 call that he doesn't know CPR.
  20. Maybe I didn't mean to say Chris "came out." More like, he gave up hiding. Hard to hide when cops are standing in front of you in your own house.
  21. Did you guys see the video from inside the court room the day Chris was arrested, the one with him sitting, wearing the jail jumpsuit? Now the reporter who took that video is facing contempt of court charges as she was "not allowed" to film that. She is facing a $500 fine and six months in jail for it. This is another move by Chris's lawyer team, saying journalists are "selling" Chris out and biasing the public against him. This was just reported on the local 5 p.m. news ... which showed the video in question. Ha ha! I understood Chris was holed up in his own house, which was 15 miles away from the accident site. The red truck was parked in his driveway, although it's still not known (or told to us) who drove him home. And when the police knock on your door, you do not have to answer it. Trust me, I have experience with that with someone who was expert at avoiding police. Once the police got the search warrant, then Chris had to come out because, oops, there he was.
  22. Do we know what happened to the money Cady tried to give back to Harlee when Cristina wouldn't let him in? Or does it even matter. Cady was my favorite character (besides Woz), so I'm sad to see him gone. And add me to Team Woz all the way. I really love this show, best one on tv right now IMO. OH: TMZ showed a clip of JLo taking down a prisoner, making comments about how hot she is. Then the TMZ females started ranking on how horrible her hair looks on this show. Go figure ... I absolutely LOVE Harlee's hair.
  23. The writers really lost their enthusiasm and just cobbled this ep together IMO, so I'm guessing renewal is not on the table. Yeah, Bryan killed the bad guy with one shot while he survived a shooting gallery of Mexican rifles. Even if he were wearing body armor, that's pretty spectacular. And LOL at the actress playing Asha, who was in almost all scenes yet didn't utter one single word. The bad guy gags her ... why? She never spoke once, except to blubber on the phone. I did get a kick out of the dance party at the bad guy's house. WTH was that about? I have to say, I kept watching those extras dancing in the background though, they were pretty entertaining. I was sticking with this show, but this "cliffhanger" ... big ouch.
  24. I'd be all for a second season too. And I should have known that Claire practicing her fire skills while the other woman said she'd practice later, she was busy lounging around, was a typical reality-show fake out. Those editing monkeys can still fool me after all these years.
  25. So Roman is all "changed," yet he's going to knife his sister because he remembered SHE wiped his memory? And LOL at deadly assassins who cut themselves slicing a tomato. I'm not combat trained and I've managed to slice up dinner every day of my life without cutting any body parts. I thought the boyfriend shot Rhonda dead center at the end, so she's still alive? And Zapata gets tossed in prison gen pop as soon as she's arrested, no booking, no paperwork, no "one phone call," no ambulance-chasing lawyers? WTH show. The cops had to be in on it, so why make the escape so difficult? Oh yeah ... drama. And who was this Emma that Roman killed? I remember Weller used to live with his sister and her kid; was that Emma? If so, where's the nephew? And what about Weller's kid, has it been born in Colorado yet? So many questions! And I'm totally with Patterson, that IT guy who "upgraded" the OS just because he wanted to is a plant for sure. In any case, he needs to be fired, but now.
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