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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Last night's show was familiar to me, I remember the woman "falling out of the car" storyline. The court proceedings were new to me. If the guy's story changed so much -- first he just saw her on the side of the road; second, she fell out of his car; third, her head hit a mailbox (that wasn't there) -- why didn't he ever mention once that his car had crummy doors and the passenger side didn't work? Roxy made that point several times, but the car owner never mentioned it once ... that we saw, anyway. I've been in cars that had doors that wouldn't open, and it's quite memorable. The owner of the car didn't bring it up? And I found Roxie to be on the shady side. Yeah, they were BEST FRIENDS, but why wouldn't she let Dateline record her testimony during the trial? And her saying over and over that was her best friend. Yeah, just like those three girls in Indiana were best friends and the two stabbed the third and left her for dead to honor the mythical "Thin Man." Best friends doesn't mean a whole lot, it's just words. And where was Roxy 30 years ago, she just shows up now? Oh yeah ... and finding that pool cue in the field was a tip off for me, too, that the guy was guilty. Defense said that evidence was no longer around so why trust the cop who said he found it. Well, why trust some hippie druggie dude who said a chick fell out of his car? And another thing. I found it really weird that the man and woman left the bar, then went to Roxy's house so the woman could use the bathroom? The heck? There's no toilet in the bar? No gas station or McDonald's? Yeah, I think Roxy knew a lot more than she was saying, just like the cop/prosecutor said. I'm almost thinking Roxy was in on the murder and helped dump the body out of the car.
  2. I liked the Five Alive boy band. They were fun and their singing was no worse, and better than, some of the "golden buzzer" singers. The Mirror Image brothers were total self-absorbed douches and I hated every inch of their "act." I'd rather see Hero the Pirate Dog AND Pumpkinhead all day long than those two jerks. The acrobat father and son was weirdly creepy yet fascinating at the same time. I were the pole dancing school administrator, I would have maybe not mentioned my occupation. But whatever. I liked the Subway Singer and was glad he got some tv time. I didn't agree with MelB. He's more talented than the Mirror Image Douche Brothers. But what do I know. I would have rather seen the Foot Puppet woman. Simon obviously has a list of upcoming acts and questions to ask on that sheet of paper he keeps waving around. And Brandon at the end made me cry. Sorry, I cannot edit posts. I meant to write, "If I were the pole-dancing school administrator ..."
  3. I missed the ending so I am surprised to read here that nothing more was shown about the other two burned victims. Who killed them? Or were they even murdered first like Rob? The show made it clear Tony got to NJ via a different vehicle when he was shown putting something in/taking something from his parked car. He could have been in disguise and taken a train or bus or taxi and gotten off/on at a distance and walked the rest of the way. He could have been wearing a red cap, too. I figured Tony was in prison since his white t was showing under the sweater, and the camera never went lower than his collarbones. Dateline has taught me to not be faked out by these interviews! Tony also seemed to be focused on Rob having sex with his wife in the basement, like that wasn't good enough for her. But did Rob sleep in the basement all the time? If that was just his "love nest," then Rob being killed and set on fire there is pretty telling. So yeah, I'm voting Tony was guilty. He was just a pretty cool head in that interview. He's had lots of practice time to get his lines down. He actually showed no emotion and was a cool head. But what husband goes to his cheating wife's lover and sits around chewing the fat, then asks to see where they had sex? That's too freaky for me. And those creeper emails ... yeah, Tony deserves to be where he is.
  4. I like the Young Lions and was glad they won so I get to see them again. I haven't seen Jabbawockeez do anything outstanding, IMO they were coasting more on rep than actually "bringing it" to win this. I'm also not a big fan of Kinjaz. Their routine made me think DWTS, it was more performance for the camera than dance. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I did like DNA this time. I did not care for their audition, so was disappointed that a trick routine beat their super DANCE routine. As for those other acts that we had never seen before, we probably won't get to see them again until they get voted off after competing against the acts this show wants to win. I do appreciate Derek naming dance moves he sees. Who knew I would actually like him, but I do on this show.
  5. I watched every minute of the ESPY's and didn't see Rachel. She was there? Maybe I didn't recognize her if she had her forehead covered and eyelashes toned back. Or maybe I dosed off when she appeared?
  6. I'm wondering if Bryan is getting the F1 edit to throw us off the track. Peter talks about not knowing if he is "ready" to propose, so Rachel's TH says what if he doesn't and she's left alone at the end of this show. We got that edit in Nick's season, lots of discussion about how Vanessa wouldn't move, wouldn't compromise. My guess as a totally unspoiled viewer is Peter will be F1, Bryan will propose and be rejected, and Dean will be left after Rachel meets his turban-wearing father (if that's really his father). And to the poster who compared Dean's dad preview to Taxidermy Dad ... a big YES! It's editing/dramah gold. Although heck, Eric could be F1 for all I know.
  7. I dumped my Chinese boyfriend from Hong Kong because he made fun of how I spoke. He used very proper English with a British accent. I did learn from him, however, that it's WASH the car, not WORSH the car, a Midwestern pronunciation. I am deeply appreciative of him for that! And everyone here who objects to me writing "I could care less" ... I am NOT asking any of you out on a date, just to save us from breaking up when I say it again. Meanwhile, I was disappointed not to see AJ in that final limo ride of shame. That would have been so cool if he had a TH to say, in French, how Rachel made such a mistake sending AJ and A Senior home. That would have been a better ending clip than the dog-sled crotch shot and TMI poop discussion. YMMV, of course! It does seem to me that Rachel cries a river when she send a man home while none of the men seem to be all that upset about it. I find that curious. And Rachel does rock a toque, which covers her massive forehead. Then I can concentrate on her lashes with no forehead distraction.
  8. I've dated multiple white, black, hispanic and Chinese guys as well as some guys of "unknown" ethnicity. I could care less what color or race a guy is if he is a good guy. AND he can speak correctly. If one said, "Her and I's relationship," he's gone. If one said "I'm going witchu," HE'S gone, too. I have my standards and grammar is one of them. In fact, in my online dating profile, I wrote being able to use pronouns correctly is a must. Talk about code and race and where someone lives ... I could care less. I just know what I look for in the men I date, and correct grammar is at the top. Eric is off my "want-to-date" list, and his background, race and upbringing has nothing to do "witchit."
  9. Just fyi about the Frozen on the Mountain In an Instant episode: Kenny Bryan Pastén is upset with how ABC altered the facts of this story. So much so that he is considering suing ABC. You can read his posts on his FB page: www.facebook.com/kenny.pasten. What chaps me is he posts that he has "gotten hundreds of hate mail messages on phone, texts, IG, Snapchat and Facebook." It disgusts me that people sitting on their couch eating Doritos can judge someone they see on a (mostly) fictionalized tv show, plus say they "deserve to die." WTH, people. Google "lost hikers" and you'll find hundreds of articles about hikers and climbers lost, rescued and many recovered dead, or bodies unable to be recovered or never found. They all deserved to die? Where's the compassion these days? RexiTron was the only member of this trio that wasn't harmed, physically or mentally.
  10. My local station kept cutting in with severe weather reports instead of Bachelorette dates -- don't they know we'd rather take our chances with a tornado than miss these dates? -- so all I got from this episode is a fixation on that FREAKING FOREHEAD! and OMGod, those EYELASHES! I don't think I heard any dialogue. The forehead and eyelash visuals blocked everything else out. And lightning might strike me, but I, too, thought Eric had to be picked so it wasn't four white boys Rachel brings home. Will Rachel's dad appreciate Eric's "witchu" manner of speech? We'll never know. If Rachel's dad gets a pass, I wish Dean's dad would get one as well. (I did get to see previews in between tornado predictions.) And yeah, that crotch shot and poop talk at the end was just ... well, let's say, "Not appreciated" by this one. WTHeck, editors? When Rachel and Bryan walked into the Breitling shop and then she BOUGHT (?!) him that watch, I said "Holy CR*P!" out loud to my tv. Just one Breitling like Bryan got is between $4,500 and $6,000. WTHeck, show, what kind of deal did you cut?
  11. I know weather reporting is important, but I was spazzing out last night when my local channel played all the NBC commercials, then as soon as ANW started back up, they would cut to the local news studio for more radar weather reports. GAH! I did get to see some runs, and thought this course was way better than last week's for a qualifier. Flex rocked it, and her new boyfriend, too cute, and he gets tv fame now by partnering with Flex. And The Beast found a girlfriend! Hot dog! I want to be a ninja with a ninja boyfriend. I also got to see Weatherman's run; he's a favorite of mine. But I missed pretty much everyone else, thank you very much severe thunderstorm watch. And WTHeck, you mean Capt. NBC was WWA'd? Please!
  12. Tribeca, I like In An Instant because the real people are interviewed so I know they lived, which greatly reduces my stress. I liked the library episode, too, and WOW, good on that police officer for his bravery, planning and figuring out how the bomb would work. Then the bomb DIDN'T go off ... then it did later. What an ordeal. And the diabetic woman, and "regular" people hoping to just live another day. Yeah, it was a good episode for sure. Are there more deranged people these days, or are we just hearing about them more?
  13. Count me as one who has a corded (Princess!) land-line phone. I've had too many phones stuck by lightning, and a cordless phone won't work if the power goes out ... and I need it to call the electric company to say the power is out. I do have a cell phone that I use for emergencies (like when the power AND the phone line are out), but it locked up four months ago and I haven't bothered to replace it. Yet. Still, I refuse to text. And it irritates the heck out of me when someone has something for sale and says "text if you want to buy it." One item I wanted to buy two months ago is still for sale because the seller wanted text inquiries. I ended up buying the same item from someone who would answer an email and/or take a phone call. I watched the Frozen on the Mountain 20/20 ep last night and, as a climber, I was fully engrossed in it. I know for a fact how weather conditions can change “In An Instant,” and I know what 40-mph winds are like in a sub-zero blizzard. Those two are lucky to be alive, although I wondered by Rex wasn’t trying to keep Tiffany warm, and vice versa. I’d have been hugging that dog for, literally, my life. As for them being “morons,” I guess you can call a few dozen professional mountaineers and professional Everest guides “morons” too, as their dead and frozen bodies are still up on Everest. Me, I call those two kids lucky, not morons. Plenty of hikers die in the wilderness. 20/20 just doesn’t do shows about them.
  14. Juliet, if you look closely, you can see Michael and Linc run across the background during that scene of TC in Syria. It bugs me that the name of this episode is the same as the series starring Steven Pasquale. Although that was four years ago, so who remembers.
  15. I fell asleep and missed this entire episode, but reading here, I'm glad I did. I don't like the Syria story line and I don't like TC. I just don't see what the appeal is about TC, is dirty, mean, scraggly, rude, I-never-wash-or-shave the new hot look and personality to make doctors popular -- or men in general? I just don't get it. But I did enjoy my long sleep last night, so there's that.
  16. Fostersmom, perhaps Keyboard Rocker Guy is figuring to live off the cool million he wins on AGT, so why bother with a factory job? Yeah ... that's the ticket.
  17. I was wondering if Maggie's eyelashes would come off if she fell into the drink. And I'll bet that 70-year-old ninja wore gym shorts at least that short when he was in high school. Matt and Akbar do like to make fun of what some guys are wearing. Even if those red shorts are nowhere near short. They actually reminded me of a (very hot) ex boyfriend who wore a pair just like those, and wore them quite well if I do say so myself. (Just like that ninja guy did. Nice gams!)
  18. I was disappointed Short Shorts Guy went first because that means for sure he's going to fail and fail early. I liked his '70s gym shorts and red shoes. Now I hate Maggie Thorne's ex husband because I imagine him a cheating beyotch. WTH, you have all those kids and you bail on your family? *rantover* I was surprised to see a couple ninjas do that crank thing. That was cruel, and followed by bar hop IF you managed to make it through the crank. I wish there were two, not three, cranks. I thought this course was a lot tougher than others. Even the broken pipes were meaner than usual. I think if someone falls then clings to the broken pipes, that s/b a DQ. Someone could just do a belly crawl over the entire length of the thing the way they are letting people use their hands and legs to get through. Good to see Lance make it, plus some new guys who really rocked it. I'll remember their names if they continue to succeed, the show promotes them, and they don't get WWA'd (like Nick Coolderidge).
  19. I'm thinking some of these professional acts are recruited and their backstories then "neglect" to mention their professional affiliations. Sort of like certain people are recruited to be on The Bachelor/Bachelorette. When people live in Sarasota or Vegas, yeah, that's pretty much a give away they are working performers. Not that I mind, I like seeing all kinds of acts. It's just that every year I learn more and more about how this show is scripted. Like Heidi's white body stocking, which even included hands w/fingers. Please. That was just laying around backstage? And Heidi being all, "Me? You want ME?" and "I didn't get to see the act, what does the audience think so I can vote?" Oh well. Smoke and mirrors. It's just fun to come here and find out who is what.
  20. Hey Frankenstein123, thanks for the recap and the inside info. I watched the replay of this episode last night and saw all acts this time, not just the ones I was flipping through Monday night (while watching The Bachelorette!). I had forgotten that I LOL'd at Sirqus Alfon (I couldn't understand their name when said on the show). They were hilarious and so funny, I never LOL for real, but these guys made it happen for me. I totally couldn't understand Simon "not getting it." WTH? He doesn't have eyes? I also loved Little Johnny. Man, best singer on any show by a long shot. Plus we got his back story, unlike the cab-driving opera singer. Frankenstein123 gave us his backstory, so yeah, a big BOO to AGT pretending like he's some neighborhood guy who sings while making pizzas. Oh wait ... that was last year. And seeing Hero's act all the way through, I give a big A+ to them, too. Training a dog for freestyle isn't easy, and he was stellar IMO. Meanwhile, I can't even look at Tyra. Her black-lipstick-and-no-pants look isn't a good one. I also really loved the Masqueraders. And wow to their backstory. Being black and in Memphis when MLK was murdered ... just ... wow.
  21. Thanks, Judy, for reminding me about DeMario and his "girlfriend." Too funny that I've already forgotten about that, something that I now believe was fully scripted after hearing another show say DeMario was hired and cast as a villain, so yeah, the girlfriend was entirely part of TPTB's plan. Also interesting is Peter applying for this show ages ago and just by chance ended up with Rachel.The odds of Rachel really finding "true love" over TPTB getting "the most dramatic season ever" are pretty slim to none. I'm already over Anthony and Will so am now rooting for Dean. Not as Rachel's "pick" but for more screen time. You know, for ME!
  22. Did anyone watch last night's episode about the two teen girls who were captured, taped and raped, then shot in the head and left for dead in the local park? One girl lived and recovered enough that she can walk and talk now. I had seen that story before, although my listing said "New." (Dateline does that a lot, says reruns are new.) But I missed the ending, only saw up until they were going to test cigarette butts and a drink can for DNA. Did they catch the killer and that was the "new" update? It was such a tragic story, something that could happen to anyone, anywhere.
  23. Kira53, you win my award for Best Post of the Day (TM ANW). And Judy, thanks for the Troy Donahue/Troy McClure reference. You made me LOL, or at the least, snort onto my keyboard. I know, TMI. Meanwhile, I heard an entertainment show that was doing a segment on BIP and DeMario say he was "cast as a villain" on this season. Would someone remind me how/why he was sent home? I remember he came back and Rachel rejected him v.2, but I have forgotten why he was sent packing (Rachel's reason, not TPTB's reason: BIP). It was SO LONG AGO in Bachelorette time.
  24. I thought I could make it all the way through this episode w/o Topher dying, then they had to screw it up at the last minute and kill my fav character/actor. TC staying in Syria means we're going to get more kidnapped/torture/combat episodes? NO THANKS. Hate it. At least Jennifer Beale was smart enough to know when to go home. And this hospital can hire anyone w/o checking references or making people start at the bottom, like Cain said would happen if he wanted to be a doctor in the U.S.? Alrighty then.
  25. I don't think the Pirate Dog lady should have started crying, but has anyone kept track of all the contestants who have started sobbing on that stage this year? Some before they even begin their act. For all I know, Pirate Dog Lady was told by TPTB to cry, and Simon told to get on stage to promote her. TPTB need enough acts to fill the next episodes, so some of question (or emotional instability) have to be put through. Cannon fodder. And too funny about the pants thing, SnarkyTart. For a prime-time family show, there are plenty of things shown (or "not" shown) that I wouldn't want to have to explain to a little kid. At least Simon wearing the same white or black t-shirt doesn't distract me as does Tyra, with her multiple hair and costume changes between acts. That is really irritating.
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