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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Palomar, I'd LOVE for someone to do a wall of Six Degrees of Bachelor Nation, with photos connected by red string and push pins. The wall would look like something from NCIS or Person of Interest. Or Silence of the Lambs, more likely! All that red string and multi push pins would obliterate the photos in short measure. As for Amanda, my thinking is her kids are better off with whomever is caring for them while Amanda famewhores her way into old age. Then her kids will have their turn, and dump her in an old-people's home and desert her. You know ... that karma thing.
  2. LegalEagle, thanks for the learning-Dutch tip for my season. I mean, for Arie's season with me on it. I'm Swedish, so that's close, and everyone (but me) is Dutch for miles around where I live. So dank je for the tip, it will be gemakkelijk to find a teacher. And JenE4, you flatter me. I will need everyone's help here for what to wear that first night, and what trick I need getting out of the limo. I hope no one is wearing a windmill hat and carrying tulips. Maybe I'll do that ... except then my avatar will be Windmill Head. (Which means producers hate me.) I would totally be into driving race cars with Arie. I even know someone I can borrow a fire suit from.
  3. My sympathies to Evie and her family.Thanks for letting us know here. It's so very sad. I hope the show doesn't exploit her. Makes me want to root for her now. As for Tyra in ANTM mode, she now is ending the show with "Stay fierce." Next she will be asking contestants to smize for America.
  4. Oh, wow, I googled Jef Holm, Emily's ex, to see what shade he's throwing on Arie being named The Bach. Turns out Jef and our Russian girlfriend Kristina were dating right up until she left for BIP. And Robbie and Chase are living with Jef in his Venice Beach house, all roommates. Meanwhile, supposedly Jef wants back in Bachelor Nation but it's no go with Fleiss due to his being a prima donna on Emily's season. Man, all this Bachelor Nation swapping makes my head explode.
  5. MakeMeLaugh, I would apply for Arie's season in a heartbeat. A HEARTBEAT. Heck, I would even become a member of Bachelor Nation and go on BIP afterward ... Oh, except I would be engaged to Arie, so there's that. Hey, a kid can dream, no? And yeah, there was a TON of debate here (either here or TWoP, it blurs) about Jef vs. Arie vs. Soules. While Flapjack was "the type" for some, Arie is the type for me. I remember other bachelors "stealing" his patented wall kiss. Seems like Sean Lowe was one. (Didn't he run down a dark alley shouting "EMMILY .... EEEEMILY!") But no one did it like Arie. This will be a fun season, with lots of action in these PTV threads even if there's not much action on the show. Yeay!
  6. I don't know, Rainsong. Emily commanded the highest paycheck of any b-ette ever, and she had kids (or kid), and her season was one of the most popular ever. My opinion doesn't matter at all, it's numbers that count with Fleiss. And Arie has always had a big fan base since Emily's season. (Plus there was that wall thing ... yowza. Ha ha!) And "older" people do watch this show, even if it might be skewed to college-aged females. I just hope Fleiss doesn't cast a bunch of Twin-esque dumbbell women. I'd love to see a real fairy-tale romance season. Well, as "real" as this show can ever be.
  7. I read about Isaac Caldiero a while back, that he was hired by Pom to be its spokesperson, although he's never appeared on ANW talking about Pom Wonderful. Maybe he's on commercials that play on cable. He apparently is still traveling around, living in his old RV/van with his girlfriend, and said even though he won the $$, all he wants to do is rock climb. He has appeared at some Ninja events not associated with NBC, private groups and associations. He was at one in Michigan, and has done some speaking. He was always a favorite of him, I can relate to the rock-climber mentality, so I'm glad he continues to do well and the $ hasn't changed his life or focus. Except he doesn't have to bus tables anymore to put gas in the RV! Because people "get divorced all the time" doesn't mean Maggie wanted to do it, just like because people die all the time doesn't mean I want to do that, either. I totally understand her heartbreak over a broken marriage, and she can cry on my shoulder any time she wants. She rocks.
  8. From MakeMeLaugh: "Sort of agree with this--six years since Emily's season and he's still available? He's got some 'splaining to do about his romantic failures imo." From Hello Lady: "He has dated a lot of women, and he doesn't seem to be able to settle down, sound familiar?" Geezy pete, I've been single and dating a lot since Trista's season. Doesn't mean I'm a dog or a cheater or commitment-phobe. I just have had a lot of dates who were. If Fleiss wants to gather 25-30 hotties for me and fly me around the United States and Europe plus pay me, I'd gladly commit/get engaged/actually get married to one on ABC's dime. So I hold no grudge with Arie being "out there" since Emily's season. He can't be worse than Flapjack, et. al.
  9. As for whom to blame for falling in/not falling in love, I blame everyone who goes on this show, especially this trainwreck of a season. Think how cool it would have been if, way back at the beginning, when CH asked during his lecture, if anyone wanted to go home ... and everyone raised their hands and left. Now THAt would have been the.most.shocking.episode.evah, as well as the MOST DRAH-matic! But since that didn't happen, I can't blame one or two from thinking they really ARE there to find "love." It just means they've never watched this franchise, even if they have been on one episode. Live and learn. Translation: Eat all the $20/lb scallops you can, while you can!
  10. Note The Twins now live in LA, meaning they are no longer Vegas cocktail waitresses. I guess they are LA waitresses (?) waiting for the Paps to film them, then get their own reality show. With Corinne, maybe.
  11. If I remember correctly, Fleiss wanted Arie as TB way back when, and Arie turned it down. So he hasn't been just "sitting around" for six years waiting to be called to Hollywood. He had and still has a real career, and has kept a low profile ... well, except for dating Courtney for a while there. Ha ha! I'm in for a more mature season where, hopefully, contestants will be able to use proper pronouns and speak without adding like, like, like and like to every, you know, sentence, you know. Also hoping for a cameo by Jef. I remember many of us here wanted a Jef/Arie combo season. Who could say no to that?
  12. Thanks for the info here about Sarah and Hero being switched with Merrick so there wouldn't be two dog acts next week. Finally, that explains why Sarah only had five days to prepare ... while Pompeyo dogs will have had what, a month maybe? It's funny we can't have two dog acts but we can have six singers on the same show. But then again, this is America's Got Singers. I did vote Dunkin Save for the first time ever, for Eric. even though I knew Evie would win. Call me psychic. But I was disappointed the judges saved another SINGER. Gah. And if Preacher gets that sitcom as Howie thinks he should, that'll just be another show I won't watch. So, whatever.
  13. Wow, after a preview of next week's competitors, almost ALL SINGERS! the judges put through another SINGER instead of a magic act. You know, one of those acts Howie says we can't see anywhere but on AGT. But I guess we don't get to see magic acts on AGT either. At least Sarah and Hero went through, and Darci. So there's that for good news.
  14. LOL! Thanks Parker, for reminding me Sarah and Hero got voted through on a Wednesday and had to come up with a new act by Monday ... five days. The way Howie said it, it sounded like hers was the only act that didn't have more time. Although maybe other acts had an extra week? I don't keep track of who gets voted in when. Anyway, "she done good."
  15. Wow. Eight of these "celebrities" are complete strangers to me. Never heard of them. Yikes.
  16. I can't with Simon not being able to hear, understand or pronounce Loki's name. "Lucky ... ?" Someone school the man on Norse mythology. Or give him some Marvel comics or a ticket to The Avengers. Meanwhile, I did like Preacher throwing shade on Tyra and wished the camera had cut to her reaction. Otherwise, I haven't found Preacher funny at all. Last night was his best performance IMO, not that that means much. I'm rooting for Sarah, Hero and LOKI, although I'm thinking this is Darci's to lose. She really is astoundingly talented and I loved this performance.
  17. One of the best parts (trust me, there weren't more than one or two) of this episode was Dean telling Twin that it would be disrespectful TO CRISTINA! and D-Lo if he went on a date with her. In fact, he said it several times. Like Cristina hadn't already split, voluntarily, for home when the Twins got there. But that's Dean, put the blame on anyone but himself. He could have just said he has no interest in Twin, he won't go on the date, But he never DID say 'no," he just kept doing the "yeah but" thing over and over. Here's a drinking game for anyone rewatching (gah, really?) or watching this ep for the first time. It's a one-conversation drinking game, the Derek/Taylor convo. Take a drink every time Taylor says "like." Like, like, like, like ... Then take a drink every time Derek says "you know." You know, you know, you know ... Have 911 on speed dial because you'll need it before that scene if over. Nuts, I mean "before that scene IS over." I really need to proofread better.
  18. Rainsong, your recap is miles better than the real "thing" I watched tonight. Kudos. (And I love alliteration, even though none was used this time.)
  19. Didn't Sarah and Hero get voted through? Why did she only have five days to create a new act? I did LOL at Darci's puppet flirting with Simon. Plus that girl hit some amazing notes ... without opening her mouth. Maybe Evie should try singing with her mouth closed.
  20. Bless your heart, Live2Travel. I watch this show for the same reason, to escape from real life. But this season has been worse than real life. As dizzyd so aptly put it: "This show has been the worst display of the degeneration of our society. Sure makes one feel hopeless to know this is the future." Where do we go from here? At least next week Chris Harrison promises us a SHOCKING FINALE! *sarcasm*
  21. Next week: The SHOCKING finale! Ha ha ha. Right. And Corinne and Demario see and talk to each other FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE BIP! Yeah, Harrison, that's if you don't count Corinne hanging off of Demario and kissing him when they came out of some club last week. (TM TMZ)
  22. This is the absolute WORST episode of this franchise EVER. Talk about bait-and-switch previews for an hour of total BS suckage. I was looking forward to something fun and instead I got a big "Gotcha, sucker!" from Fleiss. I HATED this show. WTH happened? This was 60 minutes of brain-numbing nothingness.
  23. Or, Peter and the 'ettes will go to some exotic locale that's "perfect for falling in love," and Peter will henceforth fall in love with at least two, maybe three of the 'ettes, depending on what his contract says. My guess is, given the right amount of cash, Peter will be able to find his "troo lurve." You know, just like every other Bachelor. I just hope he drinks some caffeine or something. You know, to freaking wake him up and maybe make him just a tad interesting.
  24. I enjoyed this episode and loved all the new obstacles. They were challenging but not impossible, like whatever course that was a few weeks ago where only one ninja could even complete it. That is not a good viewer time IMO. Meanwhile, I like the backstories. It helps me know more about the competitors so I don't go, "Who?" for ninjas that it turns out have been competing for as long as I've been watching. (Translation: Since the beginning of time.) And Lance looked hot in his not-jeans pants, which he deserved after his heart-breaking backstory package. You go, "Powered by beef."
  25. Me as Cristina at the rose ceremony: Me: "Dean is an ass and I'm not giving this rose to him or to anyone. I'm leaving. 'Bye." Dean: "Can I walk you out?" Me: "HELL no. Go eff yourself, then drop dead and rot." end of scene
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