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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I kept waiting for Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell to show up.
  2. Oh, Aram's incompetence in the field with firearms and self-defense (and Navabi defense) will all be solved after he takes that weekend FBI Speed Defense Course. Then he can competently shoot bad guys and do some karate chops with one hand while he types in GPS locales with the other. Or steers his bike with the other. Case closed! Or so says the "old worn out feminist."
  3. "What does a shower scene have to do with 1950? " Nothing. I just don't want to see your proposed shower scene with Aram and Navabi, whether it takes place in 1950 or 2017, if that answers your question. I am just disgusted with Aram, the computer nerd, now wanting to "protect" Navabi like it's 1950 "Man Has To Protect His Woman." His role on the team is computer skills, but he obviously has a problem with Navabi being able to take care of herself and others without considering no one else can do computers like he can. If he's killed, the team is screwed. I also appreciate that in 2017 women can now be shown on television as more than the clichéd house-dress, apron-and-heels-wearing homemaker ala 1950s Leave It To Beaver. YMMV, of course.
  4. A big NO THANKS to that shower scene VinceW. And I totally believe that a computer/IT nerd is now all about getting weapons and hand-to-hand combat training. NOT. Aram, just let Navabi save your ass every week, that's her job. It's 2017, not 1950. I really can't get my head around Red using a shop that grooms rescue/shelter dogs to launder money. Groomers bathe/trim shelter animals pro bono, they do it to help dogs find a home by making them look cute and smell good. I wonder which show runner owns the overweight Bulldog. Wrong breed to pick to show "great grooming," all they need is a bath But now there I go, looking for logic!
  5. Well, supposedly Nick/Nik and Lizzie were a hot item before Red tossed Tom into the mix. So there's that. As for Lizzie's hair, I found it interesting she had it pulled back for the funeral yet goes out to fight bad guys, get in gun fights, have hand-to-hand combat with it hanging down and blowing around in her face. It creeps me to have even one hair blow in my eyes when I'm outside doing anything, and I'm not gun fighting with bad guys and saving the world. At least not lately. Those folks in Leeds might have thought hell had frozen over and that's why it was snowing. I'm expecting that to happen here any day now. Ally beat me to the Nick/Nik/Lizzie connection, and obviously remembers more about it than I do. Memory loss ...
  6. Lizzie cries to Tom in the cemetery that they've "lost so many friends." I can't come up with one name ... can anyone help with a list of the "so many?" Mr. Kaplan wasn't a friend, Masha didn't even remember she was her care giver. I didn't see last week, but Tom made it obvious he killed the doctor. (Or did he?) And was that AGNES? Holy cats!
  7. My other thought about the curtain hangers is, once they are installed, that's it. No repeat buying unless you move. Although I guess you could tap the hangers back up and out and take them with, if you were so inclined. Still, I thought they were genius. I'd never guy that rubber microwave circle when I can just use pot holders to take out the dish, and a lid to cover dishes so they don't splatter. But I guess there are inventions out there for everyone ... or not for everyone! I didn't quite "get" the floatie vest/pants thing, but then I wasn't watching all that closely. And LOL at Damen learning he is shorter than Robert! Jeepers, I'm taller than both of them. I agree there is a problem marketing clothing labeled "short" for men, but I don't have a solution for that. But check how stressed Damen was to learn he is short ... !
  8. The noon news just had a segment on Rocket Bob, saying he was on Toy Box "last night." Only problem, Toy Box airs on Sunday here and it's now Tuesday. Good job, fact checkers. At least he got a shout out. I was pretty creeped out by Eric turning it into a dating show for Bob. Jeez, just let the guy show his cool hovercraft made for kids without making it creepy -- for kids AND adults.
  9. I was surprised by "Rocket Bob" since he lives not that far from me, yet I've never heard of him and have never seen him highlighted on any local tv channel, even though we get news reports on locals being on The Voice, American Idol and other shows. Go figure. I did like the hovercraft best, though. And thank goodness that obnoxious wannabe child "star" wasn't on. Is that Noah? He's just too cool for school ... in his opinion.
  10. I don't know why those curtain-rod things wouldn't have been a smash hit on QVC for Laurie. Especially since we were shown the success of that rubber circle thingie that made its inventor a multi-millionaire. Plus, does anyone have curtain rods thicker than 1-1/2 inches diameter? Yeah, I didn't think so.
  11. Biggie B, thanks for more details of the insurance-fraud horse killings. Note that horses killed were heavily insured, similar to Dateline stories when the husband murders his heavily insured wife. As an fyi, AHSA is American Horse Show Association.
  12. I know it's to make it more scary, but I wish someone would turn the light on in that house if only to keep me from having a stress-induced heart attack.
  13. Quote: "Glad they asked for a BMS for Medgar Evers' wife." Actually, the answer was about Medgar's wife, didn't mention Evers. So I yelled "MRS. EVERS!" at my teevee. Then I went on a deja vu trip ala Kit Carson. I also thought about mercurochrome for that (wrong) answer. My mom always gave me a choice between "red medicine" (mercurochrome) and "green medicine" (Bactine) when I got a cut. I always chose green. But I do have a bottle of red in my medicine cabinet, and I use it frequently now that I am (almost) an adult.
  14. I didn't see this episode, just reading here to see what I (did not) miss. To reply to Otto about horse murder being a crime: Some years ago a huge scandal broke in the show-jumping world. Those horses are insured for hundreds of thousands of dollars. To collect payoffs, a "hit man" was hired to break a horse's leg so it appeared he broke it accidentally in his stall at night. The same hit man would kill horses via electrocution, which made it appear the horse died of natural causes. Meanwhile, the owners collected gigantic insurance payoffs. The hit man eventually was tracked, caught, and he spilled the beans, getting many (very wealthy) horse owners arrested in return for a lesser sentence for him. As for a horse being used at stud, a 2 year old can sire a foal, and it's not unusual for a 3 or 4 year old to be standing at stud.
  15. I was yelling IOWA CITY since the Hawkeyes play only about an hour away from me. Couldn't believe it was a TS. And Tibet for FJ? Just ... wow. As someone posted upthread: "Geography, people!" Yes, take a look at a world map before you go on this show. Or at least know where Mt. Everest is located. LOL at ClareWalks' Comicbook Man cartoon. No kidding for sure. Hope Manny pulls himself out of it tomorrow. I will be gone so will depend on ya'll here to fill me in.
  16. Cooks, there is something you can do: Call police for a wellness check. In August a county sheriff knocked on my door, told me "someone" was worried about me and he was doing a wellness check. He then called the ambulance, and I was forced to get in and be taken to a hospital 50 miles away so they could evaluate my "wellness." I was told if I did not comply, they would get a petition from a judge and be forced to go. Long story short, there was/is nothing wrong with me, no one did anything for me after talking with six different medical professionals. All this happened because of some "anonymous do-gooder" made a phone call. I ended up losing nine hours of work (plus lost plans for that evening). Then I got an invoice for almost $1,000 medical charges/ambulance/etc. that now I am responsible for. So, just call the county police and tell them the wife needs a wellness check as the husband has threatened her harm, you overheard it. Hey, it worked for the jackass who ruined my life. And I was/am just fine. p.s. You can also just go see that woman yourself. Knock on the front door with a cake or pie or cookies or something. Or invite her over for coffee. Be proactive. Think how you would feel if she were murdered.
  17. UPDATE: Don't go to J!Buzz today or ever, unless you are an Austin fan. (That, plus yes, you will find out who wins today.) There are nine video links on that page and SEVEN (yes, SEVEN!) of them feature The Smartest Person In The World. Obviously, his tedious 15 minutes are not yet up.
  18. Heading for J!Buzz now. Thanks! LOL!
  19. Nurse's scrubs would be so comfortable ...
  20. I'm interested in the one-and-done curse too. I can come up with conspiracy theories. But it's so hard to believe that Scarlett, who played "on fire" to beat Austin, was cold as an iceberg one-half hour later during the next game. She was lucky they didn't have a fourth place or she would have won that. Doesn't make sense.
  21. The corn question definitely had "silk" in it, because I was already to say "silk" before Trebek said it. Then I was stupidly stumped, even though I live in the middle of a corn field and know all about detasseling, one of the worst jobs a kid can have in the heat of summer. Short corn lesson: To create hybrid corn (remember hybrid vigor?) which is used for seed corn to plant the next year, alternating rows of two different kinds of corn are planted. Once the corn tassels (the fringy thing that grows out of the top of the stalk), the tassels are removed from all of one kind of corn (female) so the other kind of corn (male) will pollinate the corn (via the silk) on the detasseled stalks, thereby creating corn that is a combo of two established types. Once all cobs are fertilized by the "male" corn's tassel, those rows are removed (either mowed down or made into silage) so only the hybrid ears are harvested. End of lesson. And yes, peeayebee, my avatar dog is indeed smirking, which is why I chose that picture of him. I believe I know what he was thinking when I took that photo ...
  22. Is it some curse that the person who takes down the big winner is always a one and done? I was hoping Scarlett, after her fine play yesterday, would continue on today. But no. I didn't listen to the intros so figured Manny was in the Navy based on what he was wearing (Yes, I'm a moron!) so FJ was a lock for him as I expect he's been there in person. And mojoween, you made me happy with the avatar shout out. Your guess was close, my avatar does look like the TS dog, a Bearded Collie, but it is a PBGV, a Petite Basset Griffon Vendeen. That TS was easy peasy for me since I show dogs. If I'm ever on Jeopardy, I want DOG and HORSE BREEDS to be categories. With a muskox or two tossed in. Crumb, there is no "e" on Petit. I SAID I was a moron.
  23. I thought Austin would win yesterday's game when I saw the history and music categories. He was a history major and would have also majored in music -- if he hadn't slept through his piano exam. Yes, he did graduate college even if his "genetics" made him win Jeopardy. I was also surprised Scarlett beat him on the buzzer since, as they say, practice makes perfect, and Austin had plenty of buzzer practice. Other contestants (not victims) have said most of the time everyone knows the answer, it's just who can buzz in the quickest. Austin practiced that before coming on the show. (So did Mr. Jennings and Mr. Jacobs.)
  24. If I'd known my post yesterday, "Austin can't get off my teevee fast enough," would have caused his loss, I would have posted it DAYS ago. I'm intrigued that so many here saw his "congratulating" Scarlett as genuine. Count me among the minority who saw him overacting, flailing his arms around, jumping, smiling, high-fiving, all WAY too OTT to be anything other than LOOK AT ME! THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD! I got the drift that he lost on purpose so he could be in the upcoming TOC and win that, proving he actually IS the smartest person ever. A simple hand over the divider to shake Scarlett's hand, and a smile and "Congrats, great job!" would have shown me he's a gracious loser instead of a self-absorbed dick tree. Meanwhile, animal categories remain my strong suit and the weakest for Jeopardy contestants, so HOORAY! on Austin missing DD "muskox." Which made me agree with Trebek that the muskox is indeed my favorite animal. At least it was yesterday. And NO WAY should judges have given Austin a pass on "whale" instead of "seal." I don't know what kind of clothing Eskimos make out of whale skin. But back to today: Jeopardy returns to smart people concentrating on playing well and not promoting their own reality show ... I hope.
  25. Nuts. My tv reception does not include CBS. -- signed: Mr. Kaplan fan.
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