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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Chris Soules appeared in court today. His trial will begin Jan. 18, 2018 and is expected to last four or five days. According to local news, his lawyers are looking to toss out the case, or minimize the "seriousness" of his killing that man so Soules can walk free.
  2. Lava Va Voom said: "And can we please stop with the silly is-it-or-isn't-it-her-crotch posts?" And I say: While I knew Tyra wasn't going to have a "wardrobe malfunction," that didn't stop me from staring at her crotch each and every time her see-through dress was shown on national tv, larger than life on a giant HDTV. If I'm not suppose to be posting about that, then don't keep flashing it in my face, show. I watch AGT to see and hear the acts, which I couldn't due to competition from the crotch-flashing distraction. YMMV, of course.
  3. I liked all three Dunkin Saves, but voted for Kechi even though I don't like singers being on this show. I figured the other two acts would be able to find work after AGT while Kechi needed the show more. So yeay, America agreed with me. I'm shocked! I also would have preferred to see MORE of Absinthe and a WHOLE LOT LESS of Heidi jacking with Simon and the teepee. Geesh, show, I watch to see the acts, not the judges being dorks.
  4. Was anyone else staring at Tyra's see-through crotch throughout this episode? Anyone? No? Just me? Alrighty then ... That's all I could see, so I missed anything else being said or shown when that crotch was on screen. That was a dress totally inappropriate for a family show. It was a bigger disaster than those adorable penguin dogs.
  5. Rainsong, your recap makes this show seem like it was worth watching. Shame on you! Although it did tell me what I missed since I flipped to American Ninja Warrior as soon as C+D appeared. Frankly, I'd rather read your post than see all of that goomba in real time. And this: "If this season were a racehorse, they would have long ago built one of those makeshift tents around it as they euthanized it." is one of the Best.Sentences.EVAH. So thank you for that. See you in Bachelor land, I hope.
  6. So Derek is from Waverly, Iowa! Hokey Smokes, that's Chris Soules' territory. Plus I've been to Waverly many times. Great place if you like draft horses.
  7. What's up with the Day of the Dead skull centerpiece on Harrison's coffee table?
  8. Could Daniel's vest be any tighter? I was waiting for the buttons to pop off when he sat down. (And a chicken to eat them, a la Smilin' Jack, for those of you "in the know.") Also good: Daniel getting boo'd by audience. I'm hoping this is the last we ever see of Daniel and Dean. May they be banned from Bachelor Nation from here on out and forever. Amen.
  9. A show highlight: Dean getting boo'd by the audience when introduced on the live part of the show. I hope everyone everywhere hates you as much as I do, you loser. And I felt sorry for you on Rachel's season ... thank goodness THAT feeling is long gone.
  10. Chris Harrison to Corinne: "Have you seen or heard from Demario since that last night in Paradise?" Corinne: "No." Me: "BULLSHIT!" (See TMZ.com for video.) Back to American Ninja Warrior .... I just can't with this fakety fake Corinne/Demario cr*p.
  11. Dean's favorite sentence: "I hate myself." Guess what Dean, lots of us hate you too. Big reveal of the night: Dean realizes that chasing DeLo wasn't so fun when he wasn't cheating and she was all his. Chase = Fun. Catch = Release. Just hoping Kristina has left Dean in the dust and no woman in her right mind ever dates Loser Dean. Ever. Go ahead and cry, Dean. We DON'T CARE. No kidding about never trust someone who can't look you in the eye when they're talking. And I'd be all in for the Fantasy Suite. Great room, room service, no cameras in your face. Do whatever, I don't care. Just enjoy being luxurious after spending a month in the hot, sweaty sand motel.
  12. Back to that Twins date ... so Jack Stone bailed, but Tickle was still going, right? So why didn't the three of them go? Or just one Twin. I don't get it, although I was thankful for less Twins airtime. Any Twin screen time is too much in my book. And yes to the long-hair thing as part of male requirements for "attractiveness." I don't get that, either. I did date one guy who kept wanting me to put on more make up. I don't know if that was his ideal or his way of covering up my "real" face. Ha ha! I think all women are more attractive and more interesting when they wear their hair up, or have shorter 'dos. Anyone can wear skanky long extensions, it doesn't take any effort. But that long hair has to be hotter than hot in that Mexican heat and humidity. Talk about sweaty neck.
  13. I picked up a local shopper paper at the grocery this week. A biker bar has a full-page ad listing its entertainment. In October, The Bachelorette's Josh Seiter is appearing. There's a photo, but of course I don't recognize him or his name, so I looked him up. He's a Chicago lawyer (although he hasn't taken the bar) and exotic dancer (read: stripper) who was on the first episode of the Kaitlyn/Britt season. He was told by producers to do a strip for the ladies, and to say his ego would be hurt if he didn't get a rose. So he did, and he was sent home the first night. Since then he's been stopped by ABC from speaking to media since in a TMZ interview he said the show is totally scripted and fake. He also said he went on to promote his career, not to find a wife. Ha ha! Imagine that! Anyway, a VIP ticket for a front-row seat and meet-and-greet afterward is $25. At least he is able to advertise himself as a B-ette contestant, so there's that. There's life after The Bachelorette!
  14. Oh, I suppose I'll be tuning into Ellen, if I remember. (Big "if" there.) I wish Ellen would ask Kristina how Dean compares to Jef Holmes since they are almost identical in looks and in horndog ways, if Internet stories are to be believed.
  15. Thumbs up for that, Chocolatine. I might have to change my avatar for the season.
  16. Mabinogia, your idea is hilarious, plus gave me my entrance. I come roaring up in an Indy car (same number as Arie's, or Arie's dad), and do a spin-out donut in the driveway, tires smoking. I step out in a bright-red fire suit, complete with helmet, visor down. I take a Domino's pizza (in a box) out of the car and take it over to Arie. "Special delivery." He takes the pizza while I take off the helmet and shake out my long (okay, maybe some extensions) strawberry blonde hair and bat my (fake) eyelashes at him. Then I say, "Help me out of this, would you?" and Arie unzips my suit (while I swoon, but whatever) and I step out wearing a snugly fitting checkered-flag gown. Then I say, "Got a tip for the pizza-delivery girl?" and grab him by his hair and let him plant an Arie Special on my lips. Then I say, "Let me know when you are ready for a lube job." And I go into the mansion without telling him my name. (Where production has set up a fake brick wall for later in the evening. Judy knows what I mean.) When I go inside, I brag to all the women who are just standing around looking lost and dorky, just like Mabinogia said. Yes, they will hate me big time! Well, everyone except jade.black, who is in on it with me. We will last through many rose ceremonies. BOO-yah! Okay, I’m not doing any more entrance scenarios because I know prospecitive b-ettes will be readin here and will steal our ideas and our Arie. Who, BTW, is going to look like his dad when he’s old. Yummy! That’s worth a wait.
  17. For those so inclined, "Bachelor in Paradise'' contestants Dean Unglert, Kristina Schulman and Danielle Lombard are on tomorrow's Ellen show, Monday, Sept. 11.
  18. LOL Chocolatine, that skinny-dipping-at-night beach scene is all I remember about Courtney. That was a real first for this franchise. Didn't she do the "fake wedding" thing too? But I think Arie will be more impressed with the beach-at-night scenario more than the "let's get fake married in this orchard" thing. Thanks guys, for the tips! Yes to the fakety fake eyelashes, MakesMeLaugh. Although I'll be the first b-ette ever w/o hair extensions. Well, in recent memory anyway. Maybe I'll bring some, just in case ...
  19. JenE4, your "You blow me away" is the funniest thing yet, I almost fell off my chair when I read it. I will combine the windmill hat and your line with Judy's brick wall which, w/o a doubt, will make mine TheMostDrahMatic b-ette entrance ever, and of course I will get First Kiss ... in that driveway! I will have to do some homework on Arie though, since I doubt he goes for chicks who wear Crocs and flannel shirts, hair in ponytail and makeup that can fit in a Ziploc sandwich bag. I will need lessons on how to be Courtney-esque which I will practice along with my Dutch language lessons. I pass on making a pass at CH though, as he and I are the same height, so jade.black, that's your task. (After Arie dumps you. Ha ha!) I gotta go all out for the 6 ft. 2 Arie. I'm aiming for the Neil Lane ring, and am completely okay with the heartbreak that will happen three to six months later. During that time, however, I plan to keep Mr. Luyenkyk Jr. very busy.
  20. No one loves dogs more than I do, but I disagree that Sarah and Hero will win. I don't see how Darci could lose this. Of course, YMMV. I didn't care for the dog act that won, was it two years ago? Although I sure liked them better than Grace Vanderwall or however you spell her name. Heck, I like the Skeevy Skaters better than Grace Vanderwall and I hate them. If I were King of the World, Bello would be in the finals. So, obviously, my taste does not lineup with the voting public. As for Evie being on AGT, that's such a personal decision, one that had to be made within her family and what I (or anyone else) think means nothing. Perhaps it was her father's wish. Perhaps it was a welcome distraction from a cruel real life. Maybe it gave her father some peace and enjoyment in his last days. Everyone reacts to a dying family member differently. While I sat with my dying mother 24/7, it was "too hard" on my sisters and they disappeared, never to be seen ... until the reading of the will. Then it was all gimme gimme gimme. Maybe the show told Evie she could return next season at the exact same semi-final position and she turned it down. Who knows.
  21. I still say Amanda's kids are better off with whomever is fostering them. I mean, look at (and listen to) Amanda ...
  22. Already this thread is the best one on PTV and Arie's season hasn't even started filming yet! Jade.black, it will be THE BEST to have company in the house, and yes, let's team up to cause ... whatever ... so TPTB keep us around longer. Because I will need that extra time so Arie "gets to know me" so he will give me that Neil Lane ring when he proposes in The Netherlands. Meanwhile, I get first dibs on Judy's limo-exiting wear, the brick wall attached to my back. Wow, GREAT idea, and one that made me LOL for a long time. (Mainly because of the images in my brain, yowzer, nice.) Which reminds me: People have posted that Arie was a sloppy kisser. No way. I remember him as being a full-contact kisser, using his hands in all the best ways, while every other bachelor sits with hands in lap while they kiss. BORING! And Arie was/is anything but a boring kisser. I guess Courtney agrees. And now, based on what she says, I have to make sure I last until Fantasy Suite week AT LEAST. Thanks everyone, for your support!
  23. I had planned to watch this new episode, then totally forgot about it while I watched the Cubs get beat instead. Maybe I didn't miss much based on comments here. And where's Keith? Dateline isn't Dateline w/o Keith and his menacing commentaries. I think "My wife doesn't understand me" is something imprinted on male brains at birth. It's never stopped being said, and one can hear it today if one listens to some married guy ... at work, in a bar, in a store, online ... anywhere.
  24. Oh yes, the Clairvoyants WERE good. I enjoyed seeing them again. They made Colin Cloud's Let's Kill Simon routine look ... well, not very good. And while I agree there can't be two dogs acts in the same show, I do wonder why since there are multiple singers in each episode. Singers don't sing the same song, but the dogs don't do the same stunts, either. Is it because singers are common, dog acts are not? I don't know. I hated the skeevy skaters but I would rather they stayed in instead of some singer. Any singer. Although when the singers perform, it gives me time to do something else, like watch the other channel.
  25. "D-Ho" ... ha ha ha. Best.Nickname.Evah. Oh, I just saw that Amanda's freaking only 27! I echo Mabinogia's HOLY SHIT!!!! I would have put her at the back end of 30, pushing the big four oh.
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