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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That's a good thought, Mortys, but remember Austin was a wild card so I'm afraid even if Buzzy won that imaginary game, Austin could still continue, just like my nightmare of seeing him will continue two more days. Can't wait though! Today will be interesting in that Buzzy is an above-podium buzzer shaker while Austin doesn't let us know if he is buzzing in or not. I can't remember how Alan buzzes. I just hope he gets to do some air computing on all the DDs.
  2. Thanks orza. I didn't think until after I posted that if Tom died on BL, then he couldn't exactly be on Redemption. I wonder if anyone will tell Scottie and Terry O'Quinn that their son is dead. I also wondered how Red was paying his bills during that 10 months when Lizzie wasn't able to help him commit theft, murder, felony and other assorted odd jobs Red specializes in. I also wondered about that shot-out back window, wouldn't the bullet/shell continue through the front window as well? So many tv cars get one window shot out and the rest stay perfect, like the bullet just falls to the floor or something. I can't blame Ryan Eggold for wanting off this POS show though. I hope he's not such a dumbass in his next project. I did get a kick about the entire task force walking Lizzie-on-gurney through the hospital, like they were just sitting around waiting for something to do.
  3. I've enjoyed the Cat vs. Dog back-and-forth on NY plates. I kept my Illinois plates when I lived in Ohio for a while. Everyone assumes Illinois means Chicago gangsta, so yes, I got a ton of respect. Which I immediately lost if I told anyone I lived closer to Iowa. You know, where they don't have electricity or indoor plumbing. So I went back to being from Chicago and at the top of pecking order again. I liked yesterday's game with Alan, Tim and Pranjal the best of this entire week. All three were good players, all good sports, no one acted the douche. Which, it seems, this show encourages given all the publicity given to people who are asshats whenever they see the camera on them. I'm afraid we haven't seen the last of Austin-esque contestants.
  4. Drusilla sums it up best: The whole five seasons have been bullshit. Did Ryan Eggold get a new show? Then he's really dead. If this was filmed before Redemption was cancelled, then I have hope he is only partly dead. Both Liz and Mr. Kaplan were dead/notdead/partlydead, so there's that. And Lizzie was in a coma 10 months? She looked great, didn't lose weight, had on full makeup and her hair was done. I look worse than that after sleeping a few hours. I know they keep coma patients clean and all, but nothing like a Hollywood makeup artist does it. And when Lizzie wakes up, she doesn't even notice she has a trach tube in? On all other shows, waking patients try to yank the tube out STAT. I'm giving her a pass on writing like a third grader, but why didn't she get the tube out and freaking ASK Red about Tom? And after 10 months Red doesn't start shouting for the nurse or doctor or whomever, instead he just has a convo with her? The best part was when Lizzie touched him and he jumped. That was the only believable scene in this entire episode. And, as always, totally agree with Otto: Lizzie falls of a freaking CHAIR! and goes into a coma? The heck. Well, RIP Tom. I hope you reappear somewhere else. Like in a GOOD show. And oh yeah: LOL at Agnes being excited to see Lizzie. Agnes: "Lizzie who? I want my MOMMY!" And it ain't Lizzie.
  5. Calpurnia99, do you have a link for that? I've been searching YouTube and can't find it. I want to relive the moment!
  6. Well, Tom Dumbass wants to meet Lizzie at their HOUSE? The place where everyone knows they live? WTH. I would have stashed one of the bones somewhere, why keep them all in that suitcase? He could have hidden one bone each in a dozen different Union Station lock boxes. I do give him credit for being able to fight like Mike Tyson after being gutted. Twice. Even though I didn't have a clue what was going on during that fight scene set to music, although I did get a smile out of the fat bad guy getting shot while raiding the fridge. And yeah, the head bad guy did look like Glenn. Now THAT would be a twist. For some reason, I'm expecting Tom to come out of that morgue refrigerated unit. I will miss him if he is really all the way dead. And what's up with Kick Ass Lizzie getting all verklempt about Tom being missing? He should have given her his DNA news over the phone. Everyone who watches tv knows that. Oh well. It is just a tv show after all.
  7. ClareWalks, your husband is a keeper. If you don't want to keep him, I will. I find Alan looking like a tween and being exceedingly nervous and writing his computations in the air to be endearing. He's like Bizarro Austin. Alan for the win. And Tim gets my Most Gracious Loser Award. How "like a champion" he went out.
  8. LOL at The Battle of the Precious because I imagine Gollum crawling around. I never get tired of "My precious ..." My bet is whomever wins today is put between Austin and Buzzy. Although does the one with the most money get the first "champion" position? If that's so, then I'm not betting. Hpmc, I'm thinking your evaluation of Lisa and her deteriorating attitude could be correct. As I compete in a sport in a very public venue, I've learned to always smile when I lose, congratulate the winner and leave the ring with a smile on my face. It's only when I get back to my vehicle that I can "let down" and feel like cr*p. Gah, sorry Mpmec, for spelling you incorrectly. "I'll take rude typos for 1000, Alex."
  9. Kevin walking around all sweaty and gross and hairy and strung out w/o anyone noticing doesn't work for me. And how long ago was high school football? High school for pete's sake. Like 20 years ago? The guy is a (was a) highly paid actor, why isn't he ACTING better in public? Is he just waiting for someone to notice and help him? Plus now I know all doctors keep script pads in their nightstands.
  10. When I shouted "Snowy!" at my teevee for that TS, my dog named Snowy said "What?" I also saw the movie, The Man From Snowy River, multiple times. Questions about Snowy River have been on Jeopardy before. However, I tanked on FJ, didn't have a clue. And the category was SO EASY! I would have bet my entire bank that I would know it. Then it'd be bye bye Saber. "See ya, don't wanna be ya." Yes, proserpina65, do tell ...
  11. I'm with Dr. Spaceman, I'd love a round-the-world trip too, and be able to take/ship my car with me. If Austin had just said something similar to that instead of going into extreme detail complete with arm gestures, I wouldn't have judged him such a douche ... at least for that. He's still a douche and an asshat. I'm sort of hoping for an Alan win today, although I'd be fine with whomever, as long as that person goes on to win the entire tournament. And yes, I'm a feminist and an extreme sexist ... so depressing only two women qualified and now both are gone (not counting Cindy, RIP). I do acknowledge the difference between male and female humans. My brain is no longer quick enough to compete on this show, Example: I have an art degree and could picture a Chagall painting in detail for that clue, but couldn't come up with his name. Instead, I shouted "That Russian guy!" at my teevee. I don't think even the most lenient judges would let that one pass. "Kit Carson!"
  12. Teebax, I figured Buzzy bet $2,000 when he had a $2,800 lead so if he lost, he'd still be 800 bucks ahead. It made sense to me, anyway, which could mean it was totally irrational! As for Lisa, she let people see her sweat, something that deodorant commercial tell you to never let happen. Instead of staying graceful, she let us all know she was tanking, which was surprising for someone who had made it that far. Most contestants get to be on one show and are gone. And even more people never get to be on even ONE show! *coughmecough*
  13. I, too, was surprised Lisa bet it all on FJ when Jason and Buzzy would be duking it out with big bets (supposedly). If they both tanked, then she would be the winner with two grand. I also noticed all the "ah, uh, um" time killers. On occasion here, we've accused the leader of doing that to stall the game so no one else can get the clues. Sort of like playing keep-away in basketball. Today it made me think the contestants didn't know the categories or even where the board was. Why haven't I seen the blue ribbons on anyone before today? Except for last week when Jason told everyone what they were for. I only see the blue ribbons when Jason is playing. Selective vision, maybe?
  14. I was so irked at Trebek when he opened the show by saying, "Of course Austin won yesterday." WTH? That was no "of course" win. His two competitors (or "victims" as Austin calls them) bet the farm on DDs and missed. If they had answered correctly, it would be bye bye Trebek's golden boy. I watched Buzzy closely today to see his quirks, and while his opening shot was some Austin asshatery, he made up for it by wearing Cindy's blue ribbon AND a boutonniere AND apologizing to Trebek for speaking over him when he called for a clue while Trebek was still babbling on. I actually shouted YEAY! at the end when he got FJ. Buzzy does have the jerky buzzer hand so we could all see when he was trying to buzz in and got beat. I forgive him though. Did any other contestants wear Cindy's ribbon or just today's three?
  15. Was Austin playing cautiously or did he just get beaten to the buzzer by the other two players? Can't tell when the buzzer hand is hidden. At least Austin isn't a crazy buzzer-waving-hand person, so I'll give him that plus. It's the only plus I can think of about that douche. I missed Buzzy's day on TOC and, frankly, don't remember him from the season. I wish Austin had played a few months ago as my brain tends to erase bad things. Now it will take me months to get him out of my memory bank.
  16. Andrew was so winning this, then he bet a strong amount on that DD to clinch his win. But when the clue was a photo of an antelope-type animal, I knew he was screwed. Jeopardy players typically tank on animal/livestock categories. And Lily also bet a strong DD amount, and immediately knew she misspoke with "radius." I wish she would have heard me shouting "CIRCUMFERENCE!" If the players could hear me, Austin heard me telling him to STFU with his crappy loooooooong around-the-world story that I could care less about. Plus he also heard me say, "Eff you" at the very end when he was again displaying his jackassery. IMO, he was the worst player of the three and only won by default. I'm so disgusted he's going to be on my teevee yet again. He most certainly has proven himself to NOT be "the smartest person in the world." Just the luckiest.
  17. Fresh apples picked from a Washington orchard are DELICIOUS (red and yellow!) and taste nothing like the wooden hard ones sold in Midwestern stores. I couldn't believe the difference when I was in Washington and got real apples. Meanwhile, Alex said "guys" not boys to the firefighting Alex, and she replied "gals." At least that's what I heard, since I'm a stickler for using the correct pairs: boys/girls, guys/gals, men/women. My brain is a radical feminist, and approved of her reply. Of course, my brain has been known to be wrong. On occasion.
  18. Red's ego makes him No. 1 on all his lists, including the black one. I can see the show finale, Red as BL #1, and NOT getting caught or turning himself in. Maybe he flies off (in that jet he stole) with Widow Kilgannon, except I haven't been paying enough attention to know who she is!
  19. I still think Seth looks like Austin. For a minute today, I had a bad deja vu ... Oh NO! He's Back! Then, whew, it's only Seth. Congrats to Lisa. And if it's sexist to root for a woman and be happy a woman won, then color me sexist. I'm still waiting for a woman president. Of course, I'm OLD, which is why Washington and apples was a no brainer for me. That, plus one can't eat matches and I have no idea what state they would come from.
  20. As for who would want to buy a house there, I was thinking I wish I lived there as I watched this episode. Dry, warm high desert, big lake out my front door to stick my feet in, all year 'round. I write this as I'm wearing four layers of clothes (inside) and getting my snow shovel out, and axe to hack through the ice that's here already. Different strokes!
  21. I swear I saw Nick V. on the new Will & Grace, he was "an actor" at a commercial audition and spoke to Jack, who also was there to audition.
  22. Was there a Blacklister on the very first episode, the one when Red gave himself up? If that one wasn't Red, then I vote he holds the BL #1 spot. Saving it for the series finale maybe.
  23. I admit I only have this show on while I'm doing other things so I miss a lot -- and don't care. The days of it being must-see tv are gone for me. Red has been shown to be a hateful and most horrible person so any qualities displayed last night that might be considered "redeeming" are lost on me. And I hate his self-serving soliloquies. Good god, man, just STFU. Lizzie being the happiest person in the world because now she has (another) legal paper allowing her to eff Tom is gag worthy. And yeah, where is Agnes? Just have the dogs kill and eat her since they haven't been fed for a couple years now. I'd be all for that storyline. I did laugh at Aram computing exactly how much time alive was left in that truck. That was the biggest stupid moment for me given all the variables. Aram's good, but he isn't THAT good. Plus Tom used to be this international assassin with multi-passports, names, cash and a go bag, and he's all stupid now. I care as much about those bones in a suitcase as I did/do about Lizzie's father-figure problems.
  24. I just couldn't with 30+ year old Toby being scared to death to tell his OTT Catholic mother Kate is pregnant. If Mom is that dyed-in-the-wool conservative religious, then Toby's divorce should have killed her years ago. And while I don't know anything about Deja's mom (I only watch this show with one eye and half a brain), she spoke perfect English, which IMO means she is educated and not a welfare/street/no-upbringing person. So yeah, I can totally see her getting Deja back. Although supposedly Deja has been bounced around in foster care for most of her life which just doesn't jive with Deja's mom being so articulate and obviously caring about her daughter.
  25. Going back to Big Mike and the Halloween murder, anyone who watches Dateline should know to lawyer up and refuse letting the cops go anywhere or do anything, like lie detector. IMO most cops want to snag the first most-guilty-looking person, arrest that one, case closed, let's go get some doughnuts. So while Mike might have looked guilty by refusing to cooperate, he was legally within his rights and guess what ... he's not in jail. And the guy who found the ivy costume and touched it, then didn't want to report he found it? Another Dateline win for him, he was smart enough to know he could be convicted just by having touched and leaving his DNA on that costume. As for the Silver Lake murder, I was irritated by the Wolf Pack nickname since that's the nickname used by a group of super athletes that train together for American Ninja Warrior, they are the best ninjas and great supporting friends. Then the line that griped me the most was about the swingers, the cop saying well, what else is there to do in the desert? Using his reasoning, if you can't go to a Broadway play it's okay to screw your neighbor. Why read a book when you can have group sex? Geesh.
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