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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Because my favorite champs are all being One and Dones and Twos and Throughs (TM me!), I'm back to just listening to this show with one ear and not caring all that much who wins. But I couldn't believe the center guy, who finds the DD in the center of a category HE IS RUNNING, and he freaking beats a whole whopping $800? WTH, Player? Don't these people watch this show before coming on? And yeah, when did an evergreen become a perennial? According to Wikipedia: "an evergreen is a plant that has leaves throughout the year, always green." And didn't any of these people watch The Wizard of Oz? I mean, poppies folks. How simple was that picture clue? (Not simple enough I guess.) Yes, I'm still sick. And cranky.
  2. Thanks for the cast link Chocolatine. Lauren G looks like the last B-ette, whose name I can't even remember now. (Okay, so I've been sick.) I have to give my vote to Bekah since she is the ONLY ONE who dares to break the mold of long extensions and no bangs. I swear, half of these chicks look identical. Are they afraid to be ... I don't know ... individuals? Although props to one who has shoulder-length hair and another with straight hair. Yeay for diversity of hair!
  3. Quite by accident I caught a tv movie last night, "Christmas Cruise," starring Vivica A. Fox and Nick Viall. Nick had a full beard and was unrecognizable except for his voice, so I knew it was him. He was the captain of the cruise ship and had some stupid lines. I kept turning over to the SNL rerun.
  4. So many of those Disney films, like Song of the South, were perfectly acceptable at the time they were made, just like Steppin Fetchit, and "feet, do your stuff" was okay too. Times have changed, so yeah, those old Disney features are def racist today. They were racist back then, too, we just didn't know that word yet. When I was in grade school, The Three Stooges were off limits, not because they were racist but because all the little kids were going around saying "Nyat nyat nyah" and poking each other in the eyes. I wish the Stooges would be a Jeopardy category, I'd run it for sure.
  5. And way too may TSs. Like not saying tulip tree when shown a picture 1. of the tree and 2. TULIPS? And Ronald MacDonald? Geezy Pete. I can see some obscure opera being a TS but a fast food icon that is freaking everywhere, even overseas? If I'm ever on this show I want those kind of TSs and a FJ as easy as The Lion King.
  6. Carpe, you know Alex practices that pronunciation in his office, in front of a mirror. He relished in it!
  7. Geez, I lived in Ohio five years and got Akron mixed up with Dayton so said "some kind of new glider" for FJ. Since, of course, AKRON (really Dayton) is "The Birthplace of Aviation." It'll happen to you guys too when you get old. Plus I'm recovering from Carpe's flu bug, so I have that excuse too.
  8. The last few days have depressed me, two champs I really like sent home this week. And what the heck was the accent Alex was putting on his showboat pronunciation of "morel"? I live in morel-hunting country and it's said more-REL. Alex can be so tiring sometimes.
  9. I know a kirk is a church in England/the UK countries, but I did not know it also translates to church in French. I'm watching the reruns from last year and as soon as I saw Cindy, I knew Tim's seven-day streak was over. Also notable was a yin yang answer (related to pandas) and yet another Gone With The Wind. It pays to watch old shows.
  10. Well, at least Data is from the same series so not as wild of a stab in the dark as, say, R2D2. I didn't see the show with the hurdy gurdy so watched/listened to one on YouTube. It sounds like a violin with the constant under-drone that bagpipes have. Plus one just needs a strong arm to turn the crank and not the massive lung capacity need to play the pipes!
  11. Guinan being a TS was surprising since I'd think most people on this show would have a slightly nerdy side and would have watched Next Generation. No insult intended to nerds, I watched every ep of Next Gen and am addicted to Jeopardy. I'm fine w/being a nerd!
  12. I don't have a horse in this race and don't give a care who wins. I watch, or rather, listen, while working so miss which singers are off-key and hurting my ears, but there were a few last night. Ouch. And I'm not a country fan by any means, but I appreciated Red just SINGING that song instead of screeching and screaming through it, which is what the coaches seem to encourage. Someone is scream-singing at the top of their lungs and the coaches are on their feet clapping. I don't get that. I think of Adele, who can stand on the stage w/o jumping around or screaming or having fireworks go off, she just sings straightforward with her beautiful voice. A good voice is all I need to appreciate a singer. I can't imagine some of these people even having vocal chords left in five years.
  13. I would have been kicked out for writing "ying and yang." Phonetics phailed me. I do know that orange and blue are opposites on the color wheel and cause chromatic scintillation when placed next to each other. If I got nothing from five years of art college, I got that. Can't wait to see LaKedra again. I'm in love!
  14. I was waiting for the info that Arie was dating Courtney (was). And seeing Ben Flapjack again made me seriously question why I watched his season. Watching Arie kiss Emily made me remember (yowza!) why he was a favorite, finally a man who knows how to use his hands when every other bachelor leaves his in his lap or maybe on the woman's leg if he's really bold. Seeing Carly and hearing her for just a few minutes made me think Evan is a saint for being able to put up with her 24/7.
  15. I agree with Ailianna about Ben. Today I watched instead of just listening so saw a lot of movement that seemed uncontrollable. I give the guy a big pass. He also was so upset he lost, but hey, winning even one Jeopardy game puts you above the hoi polloi (which was a Jeopardy answer a few days ago). I am now fully invested in LaKedra, I love, love, love everything about her and was stressed at the end when she wasn't a runaway. The FJ category left me cold, but the answer was an instaget, so I crossed my fingers it also was for LaKedra. I hope she stays a long LONG time. I got a kick out of the Dogs In Hats category since all but one asked for the dog's breed. The odd one out asked for the country of origin since it was highly doubtful anyone on that show knows there are two Corgis, Pembroke and Cardigan, and it was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi in the photo. Instead they got the easy answer of "Wales."
  16. Two days in a row a horse question is a TS: bronc. I knew FJ, it was an instaget since every time I flip the channel there she is, either a new show or one of a zillion year's worth of reruns. That show is on 24/7 in my market. I was disappointed Kyle did not win his fifth game. It must be a bit depressing to ALMOST make it to TOC. Plus I could have answered for him when Alex asked if he was a boy scout. No person anywhere has ever looked more like a boy scout than Kyle. I might add I have never ever watch a single episode of Mariska Hargitay's show and don't plan to. Ever.
  17. Mystery Author, thanks for the laugh. Would have loved to see you on the Time cover ... MAYBE!
  18. The Soules family is wealthy which, IMO, is why Chris just got fined and no jail time and license never taken away. Who knows who is related to whom in the local court system there, if there even is one. Soules' high-school classmates might be in the police/sheriff department. That would be something interesting to research. I wonder how many arrests/fines he had as a minor since those records would be sealed and the public ones started when he was 18 (as listed above, thank you!). As for neighbors afraid to speak out, only they know why they are afraid. We can just speculate. And Zahdii, Chris ran into a tractor, a John Deere farm tractor, on that road, not a tractor trailer, which would be a semi. Mr. Mosher was returning home from working in his farm fields. Farm tractors, including this model John Deere, are equipped with flashing rear lights and headlights. Chris was just drunk and speeding and doing who knows what else when he rear ended and killed Mr. Mosher. We'll never know because no way is Chris going to tell anything truthful about that night.
  19. Mojoween, you made my day telling me I am too young for you. That's a first for me and I'm going to relish it. Meanwhile, in keeping with contestants never knowing animal categories, I shouted "Breeder's Cup" multiple times but no one heard me. Of course it helps that my life revolves around horses so natch I knew that easy TS. I couldn't believe The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was a TS. Did they quit teaching that in high school lit classes? And talk about dragging the show down by talking slowly, could Alex have made "Julia Ward Howe" stretch out any longer? I practically fell asleep during those three loooooong words. Finally, how embarrassing when Alex asked Joe, who had been accepted to all the Ivy League schools and attended Yale (or was it Harvard?), IF HE HAD GRADUATED. Holy cow. Even Joe was obviously gobsmacked by that huge pile of rudeness. Merkl as FJ was easy peasy given all the talk this past week about who would be on Time's new cover. Sure, this show was taped before this week, but it made me feel smart. I mean Merkel. Gah.
  20. ... which rhymes with TOOL! Oops, didn't know this was going to be on a new page. "Tool rhymes with pool." I know. Never mind.
  21. Gosh, I came here to catch up on episodes and instead am wiping away tears. My heart breaks for you, ButterQueen, and Walnut and Cooks and everyone else who has lost a parent or loved one. While it's better now, I remember the difficulties I had getting through those holidays much less every "normal" day after losing my mom and family. Hugs to all of you.
  22. I'm watching the Jeopardy reruns that are on an hour before the new show, they are about one year old. They had another Gone With The Wind question, this one was to identify the author. (It was answered "Mitchell." You know ... Kit Mitchell.)
  23. I answered FJ before Alex was done reading the clue. It was such an instaget, I was surprised only one person got it, and am surprised again by how many here did not know it. I guess being involved in multiple clubs that run their meeting by RRoO made it a no brainer. I was busy during the rest of the episode so am disappointed I missed the Hitchcock category. As a student of film, I would have liked the challenge. Feel better soon, Carpe!
  24. With all the discussion here about writing the "what is" "who is" for FJ, this FJ was a question in itself. Plus it was stupidly easy. If anyone missed that, take away their ticket to living. As for GWTW, I highly recommend seeing it in a theater if possible. It was made in the 30s for heavens sake, CGI hadn't been invented yet, and, as we like to say, "times were different." Watch, learn and create your own takeaway.
  25. For FJ, I always say how much $ I'll (pretend) bet, like "bet it all" or "just $2,000." Yesterday, the Lebanon flag day, when I saw the clue I said out loud: "I bet nothing." The answer could have been anything and I'd be none the wiser. Not that I did better today (Nero), but at least I could come up with a guess. Yesterday? No way. I saw GWTW last summer at the big theater here, they were showing old movies for a summer series. It is quite interesting seen on the big screen.
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