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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I really like Gilbert, which makes me amazed he has won more than one game. *knockwood* I totally forgot Egypt is in Africa, so FJ was a complete DUH moment for me. I seem to be getting dumber as the winter goes on.
  2. Jesse. that Elizabeth Warren FB post is golden, thanks for putting it here. I did a true LOL that she "owns a cell phone." And dcalley, I wondered if Julie saw that picture of Jack White. The camera cut away as she was exclaiming and gesturing to the contestant beside her, which made me wonder if she didn't know there was a picture -- I'm not sure how this show works, how players are made aware they need to look ... elsewhere ... to get their clue. Which brings me back to her guess of Eminem, who is also from Detroit. So, I cut her some slack. She shoulda gotten a mulligan just like the person who gets a show do-over after FJ. (Maybe it's the same person, I don't know.)
  3. My mouth fell open and I was gobsmacked that Eminem was mistaken for Jack White. I for sure can see that becoming a meme, it was a true WTH moment, one of the best ever on this show. I guess the woman could only think of one Detroit artist, and it wasn't Jack White. I can see that clip going viral, too. LOL at "the mask from V for Vendetta."
  4. "Pliny the Tiny" made me snort out loud, which scared my dogs. So thanks for that. I should have said, "woke up my dogs." I seldom do anything that scares them.
  5. After the good episode last week, I was back to doing other things while this was on, so I'm depending on the posts here to fill me in. I was uncomfortable with Cooper and Ressler exchanging (potential) blackmail letters. Lizzie letting the bad guy get the jump on her was all kinds of stupid after she was so kickass last week. I guess the Alaskan air agreed with her; downstate air, not so much. I also wondered where she was going to get a cleaner to get rid of her DNA all over that murdered guy. Is anyone keeping track of Lizzie's body count? Handcuffing that guy to the steering wheel was pretty boss, but Red setting that truck on fire with the guy handcuffed inside was all kinds of NOT cool or even humane. His torched body is going to be found like that, meaning more work for the FBI Task Force. Gah.
  6. That would be so cool if Tom appeared later, new face, new name, new life, rid of the drag who is Lizzie. They did it on Arrow and they do it on soaps all the time. I'm be in for that ride. Scottie knows Tom isn't really dead, she's hiding him, which is why she wanted to take Agnes. Do we know what ever happened to Tom's dad, Terry O'Quinn?
  7. I would be a BIG FAN of that new quiz show hosted by Spunky and Carpe. Plus a $10,000 win on your show will be considered a great achievement, right? I'm in!
  8. Sharpie, I watched that PBS show on Garfield but forgot which president the show was about. I could tell you all the details, just not the president's name. I have selective Alzheimer's I guess. As for Virginia Senator John Warner, he was married to Elizabeth Taylor for a while, it was HUUUUUGE (!) news in the day. Then there's Mark Warner, no relation, also a senator from Virginia. So I guess Warner was enough of an answer. That or Kit Warner. Ugh, thinking about that FJ hurts my brain.
  9. The taxidermy reveal was a hoot. Arie was getting into petting that stuffed seal, which made me like him more. I was reminded of Wisconsin Kurt's dad being an actual taxidermist a few seasons ago, and on the HT date taking the B-ette down the basement to show her his freezer full of road kill. That was a deal breaker, but Arie seems like he would be fine with some stuffies on his Scottsdale mantel. Too funny TPTB had her bring them to the show. I guess if Arie can have his dog, she can have her stuffed critters.
  10. This episode opened with a glamour shot of Flora: "I'm ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille." I wish Lindsay would have played with other contestants who talk and comment constantly, making the game all about them and what they (don't) know. Imagine, three people ughing and oohing and oh yeahing over Trebek's reading of the answers. That would be magical! I'm still bent that the pronunciation she-lah-lah was allowed for shillelagh, when it's she-lay-lee. Yeah, I looked it up. I could have run the Twilight Zone category since I not only watched that show as a kid, I've rewatched it multiple times on Antenna TV. The Shatner Creature-On-The-Wing episode is classic, and I made a point to watch the Redford episode since I've always had a gigantic crush on him. So let me join the Disappointed Redford TS Club here. It was interesting Trebeck hinted that clues were more difficult this year. Did they get some new writers? That FJ was never going to come to me for the reason Ailianna gave. Meanwhile: Yeay Gilbert. Thank GOODNESS you won over "I'm So Haute" Flora and "I Can Say Stuff" Lindsay.
  11. Thanks, PreBabylonia, for posting that paragraph describing Arie as interesting. I was starting to get a little jaded after just two episodes -- maybe from reading so many negative comments -- that I needed that little boost to put me back in the swing of wishing I had gotten cast on this season. I feel so much better now! (Because I agree 100 percent.)
  12. When some guy asks me how old I am, I always reply: "How old do you want me to be?" which stops them in their tracks. No one has been able to answer that. Young women look so much older these days than when I was a kid. A 16-year-old could pass for 30. I'm not sure that's a good thing, especially when they are 30 and start getting senior discounts at restaurants w/o the server asking!
  13. Does anyone think Arie's mother looked great with her plumped-up lips? She is such a beautiful woman, why would she do that? Do gigantic puffy fish lips make women feel better about themselves? Someone help me figure that out! And was Arie blond as a little boy? I got confused watching those old videos, if that was him or not.
  14. It's a mistake to list anyone's ages on this show because so many dwell on that number instead of the actual people. So many talk about Arie being an old geezer, but a couple of times Monday night, I was thinking he looked 20, like a little baby. Knowing someone's age immediately puts that person in a box that he/she will never get out of. Like it's horrible for an older woman to date a younger man. Why is that number so important? Why not concentrate on what's inside, and how people relate and get along together? And LOL Chocolatine, yes, Arie is just fine with the fake!
  15. I thought the Becca date was not all that. Arie starts to tell her something "private" about himself, and she interrupts and says, "You can fix the breaks on my car!!!!!!!!" WTH. Is she looking for true lurve or a mechanic? Then was it that date or with some other almost-identical b-ette when Arie reveals TPTB let him bring his dog. And the b-ette asks "what breed is it" and that's it. We know it's "a mutt," according to Arie, but we know nothing else: age, description, even a freaking NAME for pete's sake. That was a great convo starter. But duh. And speaking of convo starters, WTH was up with Krystal throwing shade on Arie's parents, saying their long marriage "couldn't have been perfect for all those years." I'd be sending her ass back to LA via Greyhound while I rode that fine private jet by myself. And speaking of getting back to LA, how DO they get back to LA in the dead of night? I've always wondered about that. I'd love to meet Arie's parents, so many interesting things I could ask them, but maybe that's the journalist in me. PLUS: They have a dog. Yeay! p.s. I did like the Becca-date Unknown Singer though. I would listen to him, preferably w/o Arie's tongue down my throat.
  16. I swear one of those flag clues said it was black-and-white, which led to the first zebra answer. But I just looked at pics of all African flags and there aren't any so colored. So, zebra = *shrug* Although I answered zebra to the black-and-white clue too. I congratulated myself for coming up with Truman (Missouri!) for FJ. Congrats, show, for keeping me humble. As for raccoons, they are horrible creatures. Adults can and will tear a dog apart, and their urine/feces carry leptospirosis, a disease that can kill a dog if it is not vaccinated against it. And if raccoons pee in your horse-hay bunk, the contaminated hay (which you cannot detect) can kill a horse. This in addition to them being able to chew through any wood, including the eves of your home. All good Jeopardy clues! Mystery Author: Live trap. Bait it with marshmallows and a chunk of sausage. Works like a charm, but will also catch skunks, so good luck with that.
  17. This show is so scripted, I could give out the roses while Arie takes a break, and I'd give them exactly the same ... and with the same DRAH-MATIC LAST ROSE! ... as he does. TPTB wants that trouble maker to stay around a few more weeks. Gotta have some back-up villains. Speaking of villains, Kristal is turning into one, which makes three so far. I would have loved to have had that DREAM DATE of flying to Scottsdale. (That was a huge private plane!) But WTHeck is up with a 30-something guy taking a date to his high school? I guess since he didn't go to Yale that's the tops. (I hate the high school reunions and TPTB love them.) Hey, speaking of last rose, what happened to Harrison coming out, tapping his glass and announcing it's the last rose?
  18. Lunula, I was going to say that shows never kill off little kids, but I used to say shows never killed dogs either, but last week was Kill A Dog week on multiple shows. So, never mind. As for dead Tom, Ryan Eggold has said in interviews that Tom is indeed dead. Lizzie would be more sympathetic in my eyes if she were out for revenge of a dead husband AND their child.
  19. crgirl412, Nick Viall is from Waukesha, Wisconsin, the town, although that is the county seat of Waukesha County, so technically he is from both. But he lived in the town of Waukesha. He is a 1999 graduate of Waukesha North High School and was a track star, too.
  20. I wonder when this episode was taped, because there was a HUGE hub-bub over the Nazis who marched in August in Charlottesville using the Detroit Red Wings logo on their shields. Which made this TS a no-brainer for me.
  21. I agree about the dead cat thing, DrScottie, I often use swinging-a-dead-cat-over-my-head in regular conversations. (Go ahead, think what you wish.) Tabasco, I got my fur up about Trebek's "can't afford to maintain our national parks" comment too. It was like tossing a match on my kerosene. Illinois state parks are maintained by contractors; when locals tried to mow and take care of the parks that closed because our state keeps going broke, they were kicked out and told they couldn't do jobs awarded to union contractors ... even though the union guys wouldn't do the maintenance since the parks were closed. Maddening. WTH was that first question about not being able to access the Internet or not being able to plug in their cell phones or whatever it was. So confusing, and every one of those (wrong) answers were right IMO. I also didn't get why Trebek hesitated in the Tesla category after the woman named the picture "induction coil." And he says okay, and corrects it to "Tesla coil." But the category was Tesla. The heck? And wasn't it just yesterday or the day before when FJ's answer was Tesla and Edison? Or am I confused with the rerun I watch before the new show? Finally, my childhood spent reading comics and using all my allowance money to buy MORE comics came in handy for FJ. Archie was a no-brainer for me. I always bought Archie -- among others. When I saw the category, I was stoked! Meanwhile, yeay Brandon. But Brandon, you really need to learn how to wager on FJ and those DDs. I was all "geesh" more than once at his bets. That luck won't last forever. Trebek's surgery has been a big story on local and national news. But we learned it first here!
  22. Will the next episode have Elizabeth Keene, Blacklist No. 45 (pick a number since they don't matter)?
  23. I feel terrible raking on Trebek constantly, then finding out he had brain surgery. Just because he's a constant irritation doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to him. I want him to fully recover and come back to the show. Half the fun of posting here is making jokes about Alex. So, Get Well Soon, Trebek. I miss you. Meanwhile, I said Peugeot for FJ because that French flower threw me off the path. That and I always say Peugeot to car questions. When I'm not answering GREMLIN. Ha ha! In all my years of watching, I've never seen Peugeot be an answer to any clue, but I'm a gonna keep trying.
  24. As for finding the guys who killed Tom, just have Red put the lead guy on his Blacklist, give the name to Cooper and voilá, mission accomplished, and all within the hour time frame. I guess instead we'll get eight (more? less?) episodes of Lizzie stalking him/them. I hope she takes Dembe along. I guess I'll take that over seeing more of Aram's love life. Too bad Redemption was canceled.
  25. Hey, I got Chagall. There's something strange about the new champ's eyes, like he's not looking at anything. I thought it was a case of nerves, but I'll look again tomorrow. Dead eyes ...
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