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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yes, Rachel was doing Forrest Gump. Unfortunately, that encouraged Trebek to do the same. So, for that I blame her. Amelia Bedelia was a pretty good guess for FJ if someone was grasping at straws. I thought FJ was asking for authors, so I was struggling to come up with one that fit the clue. It's double hard to come up with the right FJ answer when you don't listen to/read the clue correctly.
  2. I swear I'd seen the husband-in-Alaska-kills-his-wife episode before. Was it familiar to anyone else? I don't watch any other crime show besides Dateline. Maybe all the wife murders are starting to be the same. I just remembered the husband being in Alaska and sub-contracting the murder.
  3. Teebax, look at you. Everyone is getting a face lift around here except me. And I could use a shave. Or a good brushing.
  4. AuntiePam, the Kit Carson snark started a couple years ago. It's a rag on BMS, Alex sometimes saying Be More Specific and sometimes not. The clue was something like the capital of Nevada is named after this frontiersman/mountain man. The player answered "Carson," which would be totally acceptable any other time, but Trebek said "BMS" when he lets answers like Smith and Jones go with no first names. I think the player blanked on Kit, so lost. Others I am sure remember the details better than I. But that's why we say "Kit" for everyone's first name when we think a player should be asked to BMS. Oops, sorry, GreekGeek answered AuntiePam's question while I was stumbling through edits trying to make my reply make sense. Greek did it better. Thanks!
  5. The best part is missing from your post, Opus, that Rachel was a Carson City area native and Carson High School graduate. Kit Carson rules!
  6. Mondrianyone, go ahead and like your instructional post a dozen times. I'm writing this from Firefox, which has View in the menu bar, Zoom is Command + for a quick key on Macs. And YoureSoUrban, those green boxes are showing up in Firefox too. But not in Safari. I guess because the gigunda "LIKE" HEART takes up so much space. (Hey look, I can even bold face text in Firefox!)
  7. Oh yeah, Cuba. That was HUGE news and happened recently. Even Trebek didn't say "It was before your time" when he read the clue -- like he did about the 60s song lyrics. Because no one listens to oldies or has/likes old albums/CDs. I said rifle instead of gun. I wonder if the judges would have been okay with that. Maybe, if I petted my hair and smiled at Trebek.
  8. Rachel is not a teacher, she is a fire lookout in Bend, Oregon. How could anyone miss Alex dwelling on that every day, multiple times per episode. Quote: "Nope. They'd know Seabiscuit, thanks to the movie (and the book was a winner, too!)" The heck. They didn't know Man O'War, they're not going to know Seabiscuit. I was totally irked by Alex making fun of Jennifer waving during her intro. That Austin dickhead did all kinds of crap during his intro and Trebek was fine with that. Gah. This show ...
  9. I switched to Firefox to see if I could post pics of what PTV looks like on Safari. Firefox has formatting and allows quotes, which Safari does not, but everything is in 2-pt. type, impossible to read. So it's Safari for me for PTV. I use Firefox for everything expect PTV. Pic on right shows what options I have for posting a message ... basically, none. The main forum listing is also totally different between Safari and Firefox.
  10. I'm using Safari on a Mac and the "like" hearts are GIGANTIC, as big or bigger than the avatars, and on the left. At Mondrianyone's suggestion, I found I can like and unlike a post, although now I can't see if I did like a post. Before the tiny clear heart would turn solid. Now all I can see are these gigantic monster hearts. HATE THEM. I did not check to see if I could "like" myself. I also don't pet my own hair. So there's that. The category on Will Rogers was a big win-win for me. I would have run that category, easy peasy. My mom was a big fan, so I grew up hearing all about him and then studying him and learning all I could about his life. He's one of my favorite people in history. FJ was a complete no-brainer for me. I thought it was general knowledge that he suffered from depression and basic insanity. I mean, the guy cut off part of his ear. Plus the correct pronunciation of his name is NOT Van GO. More like Van Guggggg. I couldn't be more disappointed that Rachel qualified for ToC. While I'd love to have her job, it's perfect for me and I love Oregon, for some reason I just do not like HER. Gotta go ... Jeopardy is on! p.s. Ha ha, I just "liked" this post. Lightning will strike me for being conceited.
  11. I can't believe I completely blanked on Man O'War. I'm a multi-horse owner and I follow horse racing, I've been to the Keeneland yearling sales and I owned an OTT -- off-track thoroughbred, she had 53 starts -- for a number of years. I've even taken photos in front of the Man O'War statue in Lexington. I guess severe brain loss happens when one gets old. I did know Upset was the only horse that beat him though. I've never heard of Oceania, much less that it's one of the continents. I have heard of Atlantis though!
  12. Carpe, your post had me cracking up. "The wrong band" and "Lost Continent of Atlantis" ... pure gold. As for the hair pet-peeve thing, Browncoat eloquently sums it up: "... pet it like a dog sitting on my shoulder." Yes! I'm especially aware of the hair petting since I watch The Bachelor. It's de rigueur among the extension-wearing b-ettes on that *cough* show. I have long hair too, and would stab myself if I ever felt the need to "pet" it. Especially to attract a mate! Okay, Modrianyone, your self portrait made me LOL. You win best post among some really great posts today! Plus how hard was it to come up with Australia, home of the outback desert, as the continent without glaciers? Gah.
  13. Rachel, keep your hands OFF YOUR HAIR. Such a pet peeve of mine, when long-haired women have to stroke and caress their locks for ... whatever reason. I think Rachel ran out of time to write Clearing House for FJ. At least, that's what I'm telling myself after time vs. speed writing FJ discussions here. (That FJ, BTW, was another Pre-Teen $50 question.) I was hoping Del would win based on his quick way of getting around the board and calling clues. Also: Speedwagon was NOT a correct answer. She was thinking of the band, REO Speedwagon, not the car. And yeah, Fisher Cat was all kinds of wrong, too. Based on that allow, judges should be okay with the movie The Fisher King being called The Fishing King. Man, this show sometimes ...
  14. Well, Judy, Moriarty is a Sherlock character and it does begin with M. So there's that. Meanwhile, Opus has a new avatar!
  15. Jade, you can ask Arie about his tats after he dumps his F1 and gets together with you. Please PM me when that happens. I'll be there for you two giddy kids!
  16. I missed yesterday's show, which sounds like a good one after reading here. I will search for it online so I can catch up. FJ would have been a no brainer for me, a big Sherlock fan. I loved the PBS series with Benedict Cumberbatch. Brother Mycroft was a big portion of that series, he was in almost if not every episode.
  17. I agree that it's refreshingly different that Arie is not all buffed and eight packed, he's just a normal guy. You know, like the guys we would go out with. (Note I got both "you know" and "like" in that sentence. Score!) MakeMeLaugh wrote: "It actually is refreshing to not have a preening self-adoring lead admiring his own body in half-naked mirror shots ..." which reminded me of Sean Lowe's season, where he let himself be filmed, naked, taking a shower with the camera person in the show with him. He said later it was okay because the camera operator was a lesbian. Yeah, true story for those of you who weren't here for his season. I meant, "in the SHOWER with him." Duh.
  18. Just stepping in here as an outdoor/mountaineering person to say the survival segment of this show was just for show, like the wrestling. However, drinking your urine is not a new idea and it can be life saving. Bear Grylls did it on UK's Born Survivor (along with eating elephant dung), and on U.S. television, he and Michelle Rodrigues collected their urine to not only drink but to stew a dead mouse that they ate for "dinner." (Bear did say that mouse cooked in Michelle's urine was the worst, so there's that.) When President Obama appeared on Running Wild with Bear, he said he was up for anything EXCEPT the urine drinking. If you are lost in the desert for weeks, drinking your urine will save you from dying of dehydration, and you'll be glad to have it. But there is no reason to partake after walking out of your Lake Tahoe five-star resort though.
  19. My local news just did a report on Olivia, one of the b-ettes whom Arie sent home the first night. She is from "here" although she works in Chicago, so that's where she was "from" on the show. She brought him a Matchbox car. She said she cried when she got sent home, but that wasn't shown (she was disappointed!). She said she did not know who The Bach was when she signed up, nor when she got the call-back in April. She said Arie wasn't her type and not someone she would date, although she said he was nice and a gentleman. She didn't mind getting sent home because of that, but she WAS totally bummed about missing the travel with her new friends she made, the other b-ettes. She also said everyone got time with Arie that first night, whether it was one minute or five minutes. She is not watching the show because she can't stand seeing all the travel porn she missed (she did not say porn, that's my word). She especially liked Bekka K (not sure which Bekka/Becca that is) and Caroline for best b-ettes. And while she knows the ending, she is not allowed to say who wins/loses, depending on how you view the ending! Oh, Olivia also said The Bach was the end of her desire to be a reality star. Ha ha!
  20. You are correct, Mabinogia, too-young Bekkah is more mature than too-old Arie. Like, you know, it's true. As for the career of real estate, to me that doesn't say "I want to be a reality star like Sean *yawn* Lowe." To me that means I want to work whatever hours I want, and be able to live extremely well by selling only a couple very-nice homes per year. Work a couple of days a month, then take off, travel, go to Europe, sleep late. Yeah, sounds like a good career choice to me.
  21. Hey, was that Arie shaving his leg?
  22. Stan kinda beat me to it, but I came here to ask how old someone has to be before they can say a complete sentence without the use of "you know" and "like" multi times ... in one sentence. Everyone cracks on HOW OLD Arie is. But obviously, 36 is still young enough to be using Teen Speak and not old enough to know how to use correct language.
  23. These b-ettes crack me up with all their hoity-toity "Bekka is so YOUNG, she's TOO YOUNG for Arie" talk when they all SCREAM and jump up and down and scream some more because they are going somewhere. And SCREAM! when they see their room and jump on the beds ... and do all the things junior high kids do when on a field trip. Arie comes in the room and they all SCREAM! Then they SCREAM at a hand full of grubs. And BEKKAH is too young? Please. These "women" are all little cry babies. They make me tired.
  24. Spunky, I got the drift that Gerard corrected Alex's STOOPID intro pronunciation of his name as it isn't French, which AT made it, but Anglican, which I THINK is what he said. I wasn't listening that closely so sort of missed it. I thought AT was a real jackass for pronouncing it any way but straight. He also jacked with Adrienne's name. He's such a tool. (Now that he's recovered from surgery, I can say that.) I got perfume, vichyssoise (vishy-swah) and laughed when Trebek wanted BMS for Horne. Any other time, last name's okay. Also: Shout out to Outlander, my favorite book series, historical porn! And yeah, FJ was a $100 clue on par with Friday's Ottawa. I missed any other TSs as my dogs ALWAYS want to go out during this show. Adrienne could have benefited from a sports bra with all the bobbing and weaving she was doing. I hope she has one for those half marathons.
  25. M.Darcy, I'll bet your dad ate a lot of TNC when he was a kid, which is why he hated it and thereby deprived you of a fine American culinary experience. TNC was a cheap meal in the day, cost about a buck fifty to make, or less if you bought on sale, and that includes the crushed chips on top. You could feed a family of four with it, and have leftovers for the next night. Thinking about it now, I could make one for about $1.50 these days, too. I have all the ingredients but cannot bring myself to put them together. Bon appétit, Miss Chevious!
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