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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Then you would enjoy the parody SNL did of this season a few weeks back. It's on YouTube. They hit it pretty much dead on.
  2. I think she looks like Lily Munster, what with the two grey streaks down each side of her hair.
  3. How will TPTB depict Tia's Arkansas? Did they use up all the mud flinging, frog gigging, gun shootin' and 4-wheelin' the last time they were there? Will Tia's family cook up some possum and chitlins for Arie's dinner? The suspense! I'll miss Bekah, the only one who could keep me awake. And SHOCKER of all shockers, she didn't have those stuck-on spider eye lashes. I guess those are just for OLD PEOPLE. You pretty much described everyone who goes on this show, including the lead.
  4. Tia the Shrew Bitch gets the rose. Good job, Arie. Now that I know Arie a little better, I can say Bekkah M isn't right for him ... she deserves much better. You know. someone who can carry on an English conversation using full sentences, plus stay up past 9 p.m. And won't fall asleep in his easy chair while wearing his best cardigan.
  5. What is it that makes some b-ette (usually several) every season tell the Bach who isn't good for him. Why can't the Bach just say, "I'm capable of making up my own mind. Can I walk YOU out." This tattling gets so tiring every season, I don't care who the subject is. Just stop.
  6. Arie to Lauren: I'm falling in love with you. Me: BARF!
  7. Louis CK is currently NOT a good look.
  8. It happens almost every day, Jeopardy is ready to come on and dogs have to go out and I forgot all about feeding horses so I have to do that too while I'm out there. So I missed the first part and the interviews. I only saw one TS, which was a no brainer for me since I raise sheep: Shropshire. I believe Bugs Bunny or some other Loony Tune did a "Shropshire Lad" take off, that phrase has always been stuck in the back of my mind. I like runaway games if I like the player who is running away, so I was bummed when Marty was behind at FJ. Then yeay, he pulled it off. I'm good with him staying longer. I don't think Marty looks anything like Dr. Phil, but he's a dead ringer for David Ogden Stiers. So thanks for that picture, Tunia.
  9. Thanks for the big tease! Now I have to do some reading about Gibraltar. I strongly dislike monkeys. I would not be a kind person if they were jumping around and on me. I don't even like them in zoos. Not that I have any worries about ever being anywhere they are living loose among the tourists. Lucky, all you worldly traveled people!
  10. Maybe crap-pee is the French pronunciation. (Says Trebek.) Although based on posts here, this fish appears to be regionally pronounced. In this part of the Midwest, it's crop-pee. Maybe the pronunciation is like Uranus ... up to the speaker as to whether he/she wants to incorporate a somewhat embarrassing word.
  11. Gah! ClaireWalks, I hate that you are correct about answers being questions. Now I'm irritated at the upspeak AND that it probably is correct. GAH! Interesting side note: I'm watching the Olympics; Korea's flag has an orange/blue yin/yang on it. I don't remember what the clue was a while back, but the answer was the yin/yang symbol. Many of us here did not know it was suppose to be in orange/blue, having mostly seen it in North America as white/black.
  12. I got a laugh out of Trebek's long pause when a player answered "Key." I don't remember the clue or which player. But Trebek was obviously waiting for more. Then it dawned on him, Key is the last name of Keegan Michael Key. And ... play resumed once he figured that out. I thought I heard Marty saying "hunnert" but I don't care. My pet peeve is when answers are given in upspeak, like a question. We haven't had one of those for a while, so I'm letting hunnerts pass. ProudMary, check out YouTube for daily postings of each game. You must stay up to date on what's going on in Jeopardy land!
  13. Throwing shade on someone because you don't agree with what that person considers "the best day of my life" is pretty harsh. I'm a regular shopper at Salvation Army stores when I need anything. Salvation Army gets the money I pay for items donated to them. While I've never sold anything I've purchased there, I don't see a problem with it. If SA prices a designer suit at $5, that's what they want for it. If a reseller tags it at $50 -- and someone buys it! -- that's neither here nor there to me. Instead of buying from a reseller (which also could be a consignment store), shop directly at SA or Goodwill and your money goes to that charity. What is irksome is when someone donates furniture or other items directly to a needy/homeless person, then see those items for sale on Craigslist. Is anyone missing Jeopardy because of the Olympics?
  14. Yeah, heaven forbid Red would lose his health insurance.
  15. I don't watch enough Dutch sports so I guessed (yes, guessed) blue, white and yellow for FJ. I've been tanking FJ all week so would have been shocked if I were correct. I did get Cleveland Plain Dealer. I like newspapers. I agree about the cold-shoulder top. It first appeared on my teevee via the bachelorettes a couple years ago. Didn't like it then, hate it now. But I guess it's like mini skirts. I remember telling my mom I would never wear anything longer than a mini as she watched me cut inches off the bottoms of my knee-length skirts. Marcy/i will look back in 10 years and wonder what she was thinking to wear that top.
  16. I'm going to go back to the last job I quit and tell them I'm coming back, so put me on the payroll. Of course, my boss will be thrilled and welcome me with more than open arms. Hey, it worked for Lizzie The Murderer. I haven't even wounded anyone lately. Of course, I'll reveal that I'm only coming back so I can use office materials/bargaining powers for my personal gain. I'll bet I even get a pay raise.
  17. As another person posted a while back, I feel Sean has a speech impediment which causes him to over enunciate and also get a bit tongue tied. I feel that's why judges awarded him a pass on veterinarian. I'm sad to see him go. Because of his unusual last name, I googled him. He's only 23 and has been a big Jeopardy fan his whole life, and tried out for all the teen and other kid tournaments. I'm glad he finally got on and even was a two-day champ. My apologies for throwing shade on him.
  18. This thread makes this show tolerable. Thanks for that.
  19. Gee, Mondrianyone, now we know your age. Get the walker!
  20. Jeopardy is on here at 3:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. reruns on weekends.
  21. Trebek hit a new low by asking Quin why he went home at lunchtime to watch Jeopardy when he was in school. Because he liked(s) the show, dumb ass. Couldn't believe Sea-Tac/SeaTac was a TS. No one learns airports? Maybe it's just easy for me since I've flown in there. I also remember the contestant from SeaTac who was on not that long ago. These players should have been sitting in the audience waiting their turns when that person was on. I seriously question Quin's occupation of "graphics" since he didn't have a clue what resolution is. But then again, that's my field and I work with hundreds (literally) of people who call themselves "designers" yet can't create a file with the correct resolution. I just assume when someone sends in an ad they created themselves that it's wrong. Meanwhile, thanks a lot everyone here who ranked on Sean's pronunciation of "hundrit." Now I'm listening for it and it bugs me too. I never would have noticed it otherwise. I can't help but think Sean Spicer when I look at him though, so I'm not entirely on his team.
  22. Mondrianyone, I'm laughing because as of right now, nine people have liked your post with more to come I am sure. It's good to know we are nonpartisan snarkers. (Including me.)
  23. LOL at this. I guess Bekkah and I are "here" for the same reason ... travel porn and tv-wasting time! I guess people are interested in different things, and some people aren't interested in much of anything *coughlaurencough*. Unless she was just given a crummy edit, I would have been all about looking at each of those little craft/shop booths they were walking by, and wanting to go into Notre Dame, or at least be there when its bells toll. They did have some bags from shopping, but we never got to see what they bought. Unless I missed that when that one-on-one put me to sleep. I am impressed that Arie has gotten the big budget for his travel. Which Bach was it who stayed "home" to "explore America"? Fleiss must have a lot riding on Arie.
  24. I'm cutting Sean slack for his over pronunciation of actuarily. I have a friend in Red Wing, Minnesota, and I have difficulty pronouncing that city name. It comes out Wed Wing. I struggle every time. I have to stop and say RED ... (regroup) Wing. Although if that were a Jeopardy category, I'd cut it down to "Minnesota" or "Minnesota City." You know, so people online wouldn't make fun of me.
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