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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Ryan The Boxer during his intro ... ouch. Ryan and Caitlin could have been sister/brother. Caitlin also looked just like Kate McKinnon in costume. Not that that's a bad thing! (I liked Caitlin, would have been happy if she won, and I'm a big McKinnon fan.) I noticed Ryan starting each category at 400 today. I got the easy Berlin, Ryan's missed DD. So yeay for me. LOL at Ryan missing "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." Maybe because I have horses. Beatrix Potter is on this show all the time. She's an auto-answer for me in any kid lit/woman author category. Has there ever been a Man Authors category? I liked that Jenny was so happy. I hope she doesn't start to bug me. If she stays around. I do have to say, as much as he irritated me, I was sort of sorry Ryan lost today, although now I don't have to suffer him in ToC. And he congratulated the winners at the end, shaking their hands as they stood on their boxes. So, he did a flip flop after I ranked on him for congratulating the losers yesterday. Arlo Guthrie took me right to "City of New Orleans" for FJ, so I said Louisiana, although I didn't have a clue how the other guy fit in. Then when time was up and Trebek said "Broadway," I was all DUH, "Oklahoma." Of course.
  2. Yes, I thought about those other two contestants falling off of their boxes when Ryan came around to shake hands at the end of the game. I thought it very odd that the winner walked around to "congratulate" the losers. I can hear him now: "Good game, guys, thanks for being dolts so I can win again. Thanks for being losers. I'm the smartest person in the room. Again." It did not put Ryan in a good light with me.
  3. To be fair, I DO know all the words to the song, "Purple People Eater" (1958).
  4. I have to defend the clueless players from yesterday. It doesn't matter WHEN Landry or the PPEaters were. If it did, Trebek would have said "You are too young to remember this" like he does when categories are The Sixties or even The Eighties for some. Yet we expect players to know that happened in Egypt a thousand years ago. There has always been one sports fan on a panel who runs a sports category and then gets applauded and Trebek tells that person how great he/she is. Yesterday we just didn't get a sports person. No harm, no foul. Animal categories are always left to the end as most contestants know nothing about farm life, farm animals or any animals except maybe dogs and cats since "normal" people can own them. I would have stood there through the Football category too, except for the Landry/Cowboys clue. So it's good I wasn't there, I would have ruined Trebek's fun and snark. I also was around for the Purple People Eaters and I have never heard of the Vikings called that. And I'm not that far from Minnesota.
  5. LOL Cooks. When you get old, EVERYTHING old will be new again ... tv shows, jokes, people you thought you knew. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm close.
  6. There's no way that burning man lived through that, his upper torso was fully engulfed. If he did live, he didn't live long. And Ressler talking about things not being black and white, I think he was talking about himself. He's not exactly squeaky clean. Then the end ... Red could have at least given that guy a ride somewhere instead of just driving off and letting the guy (the man he needs so badly!) to just walk off to ... where? How is Red going to find him? Geez, give him a lift to some hotel and pay for a month's rent or something Red.
  7. Hey, guys, according to my listing, tonight's Dateline is "The Farm ... A murder outside Pleasantville, Iowa." There was another Dateline about a murder in small-town Iowa, so I looked up Pleasantville and it is indeed a different location. Pleasantville is southeast of Des Moines and not all that far from me, so I would remember if it were a rerun. That, plus the title, since I live on a farm. I always map Dateline towns. Crossing fingers I am correct and it is new.
  8. Chicago radio station WGN played the Jeopardy missed-football category clip this morning, and replayed some parts while they made fun of the contestants. The show host said Jeopardy regularly makes you feel bad about yourself, so now all his listeners could feel better driving to work.
  9. I was all about Justin when he was introduced standing there in his suit and bow tie. Nice. Very nice. I was rooting for him to go all the way, dang it. At least Ryan got rid of the pleather, but the damage has been done. The football category was historic, I've never seen all players stand mute for an entire category. I strongly dislike football and would never let one be broadcast on any tv in my house, but I did know Landry was with the Dallas Cowboys. Some things just sink in whether you plan on it or not. I got Lawrence of Arabia (maybe because I remember my mom loving that movie starting that handsome man), non-partisan and Ugly Betty. I didn't even try for FJ. Sort of like Justin didn't.
  10. Ressler and Samar stand there, guns drawn and pointed, at the priest as he gives a lengthy speech, then after his speech he dumps accelerant on himself, more than once. They continue to stand and stare at him, guns drawn. WTH? These are FBI agents? Shoot the guy in the leg or shoulder or something so he falls down. But no, they just stand and do nothing. So the guy lights himself on fire and they continue to just stand and stare. WTH? No one has a fire extinguisher in their car? No one can take off their jacket (I'm looking at you, Ressler) and beat the flames out? No, we're FBI and we do nothing. Way to go, Protectors Of Our Country. Dumbasses.
  11. ChromaKelly, Ryan made it a point to say that pyramid in Mexico was hundred of steps (maybe thousands!) and so steep, he illustrated a 89-degree angle with his hand. Then he announced he found the puppy at the top after a long, exhausting climb to get there. As a human, I'd have a hard time getting down from that place, I'd have to go backward or sideways or any way except front forward. More likely, I'd be overcome by vertigo and be unable to move. I'd be happy to be rescued ... like the puppy thought he was going to be. Please change all my references to Ryan's "leather" jacket to "pleather."
  12. Okay, secnarf, you are forgiven for not knowing the Ore-Ida brand and for being Canadian. I guess Ont-Alb brands wouldn't be sold in the United States either. Interesting how Ryan has gone from being the adorkable kid to persona non gratis in my opinion. THAT didn't take long! Any bets on his wardrobe choice for today? His Top Gun leather jacket was a first for this show, at least in my memory. Welcome, all new posters here!
  13. Secnarf, check out the frozen french fries, hash browns and tater tots next time you go to the grocery. Ore-Ida is top of the line for frozen potatoes. And the company has been around forever, my mom "baked" them for me when I was a kid. Back then they were pretty much the only choice if one wanted to buy frozen. Now there are lots of cheaper knock offs. But Ore-Ida still rocks!
  14. Ryan: "Hey, look at me. I'm freaking TOM CRUISE! Just call me Maverick!" Gah. I do not like puppy-killer Ryan. As for Ore-Ida, that was PreSchool Tournament level. Then showing the map? They should have just said: "This company, known for its tater tots, combines the names of Oregon and Idaho." All I could think, after the failure of the pilot to answer, is that he is married and his wife does the grocery shopping. That, or he hates tots. The DD of Vegas also was PreSchool level. Geezy pete, is a junior-high class writing the clues this season? Rubik ... oh, man. No one picked up on that? And yeah, it should have been Campfire Girls, I've never heard it called just Campfire. And adding Girls would distinguish it from Campfire Carson.
  15. I cannot forgive Ryan for leaving the puppy at the top of the STEEP pyramid. Yeah, the dog was happy ... happy to see people who could save him from dying up there. Dogs have problems going down steps until they are taught, and even then it can be impossible. When I had a front porch, my dog would not leave it since he couldn't go down the four steps to the yard. There is no way in hell that a puppy, or any dog except an exceptional one, would go down hundreds of very steep steps. Up, yes. Down, no. And he thinks that's a fun story to tell on national television? I hope he rots. I rank Austin over him for likability. And I strongly dislike Austin. DrScottie, I like your new icon. ChicagoCita has one too. Yeay Cubs! Toothbrush, you need to get one.
  16. I'm watching an X-Files rerun (S4 E7) where it was revealed Smoking Man shot JFK from the sewer while Oswald was buying a pop from the machine in the SCHOOLBOOK Depository. Yes, that was the location name shown on screen. So if X-Files says it's Schoolbook, it's Schoolbook. I, too, was all WTH at the first question. Kitty Hawk. Please. Columbus? Oy. Akron. Gah. How hard is it to know Wright-Pat is in Dayton? I suppose the next guess would have been Cleveland. Then Ryan IDs that F-16 photo as an A-1 plane. WHAT? A jet named after a steak sauce? WTH. And I swear he said "soothe sayer" and not "soothsayer." But at that point ... whatever. Alex annoys me to no end every time he says, "I don't know why you skipped that one" or "I don't know why you left that category" when the next clue is revealed as the DD. Well, duh, if they marked "DD" next to the money amount, I'm guessing players wouldn't skip that one. In fact, they would go directly to it instead of hopping around looking for the freaking Daily Double. Bikini Atoll was a ridiculously easy DD. I need to try out again for this show. And did Alex over-pronounce Ferrari? The heck! One last question: What is a banker? Ryan is a banker, but does that mean he is a teller, a CEO, bank president, money trader or what?
  17. Thank you, dcalley. You are absolutely correct about the Wire Fox Terrier. I've been a member of the American Fox Terrier Club (AFTC) for longer than most of you have been alive, and I show all breeds of dogs. I know dogs. Plus, the Jeopardy clue said another animal was in the pictured dog's name: Wire FOX Terrier. Fox Terriers used to ride on the huntsman's saddle and, when the fox went to ground, they went down the tunnel to pull the fox out. Wires and Smooths used to be the two varieties of Fox Terrier and became two separate breeds when AKC said it was going to select one Best of Breed among breeds with varieties so only one Fox Terrier could compete in groups. The AFTC voted for Wires and Smooths to become two breeds. (The joke is, AKC never followed through, so Dachshunds and Cockers are still varieties of one breed.) They went from being named "Fox Terrier, Wire" to "Wire Fox Terrier." No "Haired" has ever been in the name. Also, about the "English" Greyhound (which does not exist, it's just Greyhound), the clue asked for a breed that RESEMBLES the Greyhound, and an IG, Italian Greyhound, most certainly does. So judges were correct in approving that answer. Jaybird2, I was fascinated by the castle between Versailles and Lexington. I used to pass it six times a year (coming and going) as I went to the horse sales at Lexington's Red Mile three times every year. It was for sale then. A while back I looked it up online to see what it was all about. I'm glad someone bought it and turned it into a B+B. I'd love to see the inside!
  18. Jaybird2, I've been to Versailles, Ky., many times and yes, it's pronounced Ver-sales. When I saw it written in harrie's post, I never gave it a thought about the difference in how it's said, France vs. Kentucky. I guess I ruined my own joke!
  19. I thought the Dog Breed category was a piece of cake, even though the clues (and some answers) were incorrect. There is no such breed as an "English Greyhound." It's just "Greyhound." And the clue did not state "What breed was derived from the Greyhound" (which is a Whippet), it asked what breed resembles the "English Greyhound," so Italian Greyhound is an acceptable answer. Trebek did not correct Ryan's pronunciation of "Samoyed," which is SAMMY-ed, not sam-OYE-ed, Is Trebek ill today? There also is no breed as a "Wire Haired Fox Terrier." The correct name is "Wire Fox Terrier." And Winking Jennifer, Airedales are solid brown/black, not white with spots. The TS of Akita was a no-brainer for me, although Japanese Chin did come to mind, until I remember Japan is all about protection/guard dogs. Lindsey Vonn is all over the news, now and before, from dating Tiger. And no one could come up with her name after grasping at straws (and wrong answers) all game through? I can't believe Hannibal was a TS. Hokey smokes. That was a no-brainer grade-school-level clue/answer. But I guess not knowing where Andy of Mayberry lived (Pennsylvania! LOL! Yes, lots of moonshine stills and southern accents there.) is in the same lower-brain level. Maria looked pretty close to being around in the '60s, in spite of Alex AGAIN saying "None of you were around then." Draft card was an instaget. Maybe because I remember watching kids burning theirs on the tv news. And in real life.
  20. Hey, there is a Paris and a Versailles in Kentucky.
  21. Dan Zak is a Washington Post journalist I follow on Twitter. He just posted this:
  22. You guys make me laugh. Question: If Van Gogh's name was pronounced in the Dutch (or Klingon) way, would it be ruled correct or incorrect? I guess we'll never know ... Meanwhile, because I usually skip the contestant interviews, what was the story about Rachel's bare feet?
  23. I'm the only one watching this show. I wonder if Jennifer Beals has cleaners who follow Mills around to remove bodies, like on Blacklist, since dozens of cleaners were needed this episode. My first thought at the end, when Mills left the (loaded!) gun in front of the bad guy was that he would use it to shoot Mills. I was vaguely disappointed he didn't. I don't think he would have shot himself so quickly since he was a manipulator and those bank accounts could have been faked. But whatever, I guess!
  24. The wife pushed off the Colorado mountain episode was a rerun. I was waiting for them to investigate the wife "murdered by car" to make sure it was the same guy. So I turned over and quit watching. I wish Dateline would come up with some new episodes. Even the ones marked NEW in the listings are repeats. Still, some nice scenery in Rocky Mountain park.
  25. Yes, as I posted above, I know Rachel was doing Forrest-Gump speak, I sort of expected it since the question was about what FG's mom always said. My bug came from Trebek who, instead of saying, "Correct," and going on with the game had to draw attention to Rachel's mimicry, then do his own Forrest Gump imitation. As mme_ginger said, "let it alone, old man, let it alone." It was a time waster that put the spotlight back on Trebek. We can't always blame slow contestants for boards not being cleared when Trebek feels the need to "entertain" us.
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