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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I was so irritated by Rachel's swaying and arm waving that I didn't shout "TEAMSTER!" at my teevee as I usually do since I didn't want her to hear me and answer that DD. FJ was the stupidest ever, like what other country's capital would have an Algonquin name? I was sorry to see Lee go, he (and Gilbert) were two fine players. I'm hoping Rachel is a one and done or I'm gonna have to get a bunch of Dramamine to make it through more episodes featuring her.
  2. Not a spoiler, but Boston showing today's episode COULD mean there is a Boston-sort-of-kind-of category.
  3. I was all in when I saw Snack Foods as the FJ. I bet every dime in my bank. Then I was left totally stumped and couldn't come up with a single cracker name ... AS I SAT HERE EATING TRISCUITS out of their box. Yes, true story. Meanwhile, finally, an entire category with my name as subject and I was not one single clue. So disappointing. But as a fan of mountaineering and a student of Everest (I've read every book about it), the Death Zone on Everest was a no-brainer. Knowing that doesn't make up for missing Triscuit though.
  4. Thanks, paigow, for explaining Glenn-in-the-hospital. I really WASN'T paying close attention to this episode, even though I was sitting right next to the TV screen. *yawn* I guess. ItCouldBeWorse's post: "I also wondered if a tub comprised of separate tiles and lots of grout could withstand the chemical reaction that dissolved the body." immediately brought to mind Breaking Bad, S1, when Jesse acid-decomposes a body in his bathtub and the whole tub falls through the ceiling. A memorable scene! And better done than anything on BL.
  5. I ate a ton load of tuna casserole as a kid, and it was never EVER called TNC. In fact, it was never called tuna NOODLE casserole since the noodles were assumed, all casseroles contained egg noodles. That clue/question had to be written by some young'un who was not raised by Depression-era parents or lived during The Casserole Era. Casseroles were a main staple at all meals, at home, at church, brought for potlucks, gifted to people who had endured a loss. (Crushed potato chips baked on top of the TC -- tuna casserole! -- were "the tops" and considered fancy!)
  6. I do other things while this show is on, which is good because it allows me to gloss over the stupidity of the ginormous plot holes. I missed why Glenn is in hospital, although I guess it doesn't matter. It also doesn't matter that those police coming into Navarro's apartment couldn't smell the cleaning solutions. Bleach and other cleaners smell. A lot. But whatever. The high point was Nathan Lane, a fabulous actor, who was fabulous in this role. He beats Spader by miles, who now just relies on his chewing and head tilting to "act." As for the storyline ... eh. I trust you guys to keep me informed.
  7. Well, nuts, I accidentally clicked the Spoiler thread instead of this one, so now I know the end and the series is ruined for me. No reason to post here any more. Now I'll turn to fragments of The Bach during commercials on Better Late Than Never instead of the other way around. See you guys after Arie does or does not pick his F1. And after TWTA. That's always fun.
  8. I vote Kasey-on-the-glacier as the best left behind. It hasn't been topped IMO, although the show has tried.
  9. Miss Chevious, our moms might have been from the same era.
  10. I'm taking it personally that I caused Gilbert to lose by posting this earlier: "I love Gilbert and hope I''m not jinxing his sixth win by writing that." When I saw the game was a runaway, I was bummed. But the bright spot is, I had to let dogs in and out at the end of the game so missed the FJ category, and the only part of the clue I heard was "replaced with veterans" as I came back into the room. As I was closing the dog door, I said out loud, "armistice." Which I guess makes me smarter than SOME Jeopardy contestants, so there's that.
  11. The Bach picking up the rose during the one-on-one dinner and faking like he's going to give it to the b-ette, then smacking her down by sending her home ... "I really like you and you are a great girl, BUT ..." started one or two seasons ago and now is locked in as a standard Fleiss-edited ruse. I freaked out about it here the first time it happened, how could that guy be SO RUDE?! Now, I could care less. It's SOP for this show and no longer "shocking" or "dramatic." Keep watching ... it will happen every season from now on.
  12. Oh, chocolatine, you are right, that WAS Ben Flapjack with Kris Jenner. Gah, that's even worse than Jake. Thanks also for fixing my Chris/Kris spelling. I've never seen a single ep of her show. Forgot they all spelled names with Ks.
  13. TS meaning Triple Stumper also means not a single one of the three could even answer much less answer incorrectly. I'm revealing myself as the only person here who has never even HEARD of Flowers In The Attic much less knew it was a book much less has read it. I live with my cooties to this day, and I guess I'm fine with that. I did immediately know You Only Live Twice though, being a Bond book and movie fan. The books were rather racy for reading by a ninth grader, which is when I read them all. You know ... while you guys were reading Flowers In The Attic.
  14. It was reported on Ryan Seacrest's radio program this morning that Nick is indeed dating January Jones. He (probably publicist) contacted her to be on Lip Sync Battle (is that the correct title?) with him and she declined. But he or she contacted the other afterward, they then had contact info, and voilá, they are dating. Maybe going out with a Wisconsin guy is a nice change for her, who knows. I mean Jake P. was with Chris Jenner and Kristin Chenoweth so it could be worse!
  15. I love Gilbert and hope I''m not jinxing his sixth win by writing that. Now maybe Alex will STFU about no one winning BIIIIGGGGG MONEEEEEYY this year. Maybe a thousand bucks is lunch money to Trebek, but it's big money to me. Gilbert has a nice paycheck coming and it's well-deserved. I love his composure and ability to be professional and a great player w/o resorting to dancing, miming, waving his arms around, making obnoxious puns or chattering constantly. Who knew any contestant could still be like that? I'll be rooting for him in TOC now.
  16. About Arie's "old guy" socks: He did say during the winery date/dinner that he's started going to bed early AND WEARING CARDIGANS. Remember we made fun of him last episode for his cardigan? Meanwhile, this quote: "This is not what I signed up for. I am on a dating show." No, if you signed up for The Bachelor, you are not on a "dating show." You are on a scripted reality show produced by Fleiss, who wants to show drah-mah every week, make women (and some men) cry, cause fights in "the house" and other assorted Most Dramatic Episodes EVAH to make money and sell commercials and get publicity. People go on this show for their 15 minutes and perhaps to get their own scripted reality show, to ride the wave for more than 15 minutes. So yeah, if you go on The Bachelor, get ready to bungee jump, ride tractors in your bikini, rappel down some skyscraper and do everything else you would never do "in real life." Because The Bachelor is NOT real. And congrats on Bekka for her Instagram bump! Now THAT'S what I'm talking about.
  17. I don't mind Bekka being fake. After all, that's what Arie likes. (Remember Emily?) Although next week we get her BIG REVEAL: Her age. Yikes! Too bad the trauma lady went home. We'll miss out on her next childhood horror, like having a snowman fall on her (Tahoe!) or something.
  18. YES to the wrestling being completely choreographed. We saw a few minutes of what possibly took hours if not an entire day to rehearse and perform. As for the two women who started crying when the GLOW ladies berated them, way to be victims. Plus it was all fakety fake from the GLOW ladies anyway. "Victims" need to stand up to the bullies, not run away and hide and cry. Great rejoinders: "What does an ancient fat lady like you know about names?" "My great gramma is younger than you are." "My great GREAT gramma could whip your fat ass." "Did you get that outfit in the dumpster behind Goodwill?" Stuff like that. The GLOW ladies would have loved it. BIG FAIL for those two crybaby b-ettes. It was great to see Kenny again, but what's up with everyone EXCEPT Arie in a costume? Arie's wearing his junior-high jeans and shirt and some freaking tennis shoes? At least CH was in a suit, so he could be TV Host Wrestler. BIG FAIL on Arie's part. Maybe he doesn't want to show us his bird legs and skinny chest? (Kenny looked fine, BTW.) I also loved Lunch Lady’s costume and abilities with the lunch tray, whoever she was. LOL at Arie eating his steak during the winery date. I knew right then she was going home. I would have asked for a doggie bag to go. The dog date could have been my gold, I work with dogs professionally and have for decades. While I'm guessing it went on for a longer time, the short clips they showed were the best worse of the worst. Even Fred Willard (Best In Show! YES!) couldn't save that. Also interesting that none of the dogs like any of the b-ettes. That's telling.
  19. Thank you, The Closer, for an insightful, well-thought-out and compassionate post, and to GoodieGirl, for sharing a small bit of your association with a "charmer." I'm so glad you got away before it was too late. As I posted earlier, it's easy to quick-judge Debra based on your own NON experience with a con man. But as someone who was in nearly the same situation as Debra (only this guy was working on me to commit suicide), I would never think of judging her for what she did or did not do. Only those who have walked in those same shoes can understand what it is to be damaged. Good on her for letting her story be told, on national television and in the newspaper -- and now online. I call that brave, not something to be scoffed at or ridiculed for.
  20. I don't want Roman's story to connect with Jane/Weller. I want Roman's story to be this entire show. And a big HECK YEAH to Avery really/not really being Jane's daughter. Who knows who the heck she is. Maybe she's some terrorist hired to infiltrate the FBI through Jane. Maybe she's some chick brainwashed by Roman. Then Jane breaking off her marriage over Weller's accidentally shooting dumbass Avery, who walks into a gun battle because ... well, there's no because. Wow, Jane. That makes you a dumbass like Avery, one who decides to run into the bad guy's "nest" before the team is ready, thereby putting everyone at risk. If only she hadn't been wearing a vest, or if only some bullet went higher than that vest. Then we could have Roman full time, all the time. That's a win for me! And who names a kid after a label company?
  21. Cooks, that SO had to be Dirty John, wearing scrubs to a nice place. In that LA Times article, it describes Debra taking him to a charity event/dinner and he wore his scrubs when everyone else, of course, was in formal wear. There's even a photo of them that they posed for at the event. As the articles went on, Debra said she started to notice the pants were frayed at the bottom of the legs ... like my old jeans get when I wear them too much. I wondered why he didn't go to Good Will and buy some new scrubs. But then, his plan was working for him, so why change I guess. I can't fault Debra for repeatedly taking John back. Every time she confronted him with something, he had some smooth excuse, then he would go into "You are the love of my life" script. Yes, she had red flags going off, but he kept smoozing over them. If you're a woman who has never met a using con man, it's impossible to understand. I have ... and I only got free when a detective and sheriff BOTH came to my house while I was there (because con men don't open the door to police) and arrested him. I've been alone since, and always will be, because of what he did to me. My trust for all men is gone. I completely understand Debra. Also in the LA Time article, once Debra cut ties with John, he said the same hate-filled things to her as Dateline showed us he said to his ex-wife. And he was raised/taught that to hurt someone you do not attack/kill that person, you kill someone dear to them so the original person (Debra) would suffer forever. Which is why he targeted Terra. He had worse plans for her than just stabbing her in that parking lot. One of the best Dateline episodes ever, and with a happy ending no less.
  22. Details about that 14-year-old girl coming to Terra's rescue is in the six-part LA Times articles. She said almost everyone who lived in Terra's apartment complex was standing on their balconies or outside just watching the attack, and some people were walking to their cars to just go ... shopping, or whatever. This young girl said that really made an impression on her, how no one was doing anything, not even calling 911, just watching. Patty1h, you are so correct about how con men can move in on "damaged" women and tell them everything they want to hear so they can get everything they want. They are master manipulators. Even after Debbie found out about John's background and lies, she got back together with him multiple times. She said she'd go to sleep with him not knowing if he would try to murder her during the night. According to the LA Times article, she has given up dating and is concentrating on work full time. And I say, good on her. Tobeannounced, if you don't want to sit and listen, try reading. It will keep your eyes busy. Here is part one of six parts. I can't do links, so cut and paste. http://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me-dirty-john/
  23. Cooks, I owe you an apology. I just read the LA Times six-part story of Dirty John, and WOW, what Dateline did NOT cover is shocking. That most certainly could have been and probably was Dirty John you encountered. There is so much more to his story than the "clean" version I watched last night. Wow. Just wow to everything this guy did for years before Terra did him in. Apologies from me. Yes, bullet dodged. Multiple bullets.
  24. It's really easy to take the high road and say someone was dumb or smart or anything when watching a program showing a selected 40 minutes of a real life that covers years. It's also really easy to see a con man when he is portrayed that way in 40 minutes. It's not so easy to spot a con man when he is smooth, saying all the right things, and filling a void in someone's life. Con men work over a period of time ... I know this because I've been a victim. I said I would never trust anyone again, yet I surprise myself to this day by still believing people when they tell me something. I don't judge the mom/wife for anything she did or did not do. But the daughter who ended up killing John ... I can't imagine the PTSD and/or guilt she has. That could account for her slower manner of speaking, something that did not bother me in the least, and has nothing to do with the color of her hair. She endured a horrible tragedy that will live with her forever. But what a great dog she has. Cooks, I can't believe that pick-up-bar guy was Dirty John. He targeted wealthy women by pretending to be a doctor, he was not shown to be a bar hopper looking to pick up random women. He was a con man needing to be kept in an upscale manner, he wasn't shown to follow women leaving a bar scene ... for whatever reason. He wasn't a rapist or murderer, until the end when he attacked the daughter. Dirty John looked like "Any Man."
  25. I really like this show and am glad it's back. I love that Mills is a kickass who can get out of any predicament and solve any problem on the fly. (If only all men were like that ... dream on, I know.) I can hand wave the plot holes in this show while I snark on and think, "Yeah, right," about plot holes in other shows (Blacklist, Blindspot). I don't care if the original team comes back or not since I never got to know any of them, I just remember one guy was a ginger and that's it. I love Jennifer Beales, she is compelling in everything I've seen her in. As for this being a prequel to the Liam movies, that doesn't even figure into how I watch this show. I just hope Mills doesn't get all verklempt about some random female AGAIN. And the IT guy needs to meet Patterson and RichDotCom. Maybe do a spinoff. I'd watch that, too.
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