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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I didn't know the rock-star-death age either, and would not have even tried to venture a guess.
  2. About those endless clues that some guest reads as an endless monologue: I've heard past contestants say they dislike them too, since players can't buzz in until the person stops talking. That's when it pays to be Watson I guess, he could auto-buzz before any humans.
  3. I was waiting for Lizzie to shoot the bad guy with the flare gun and the flare goes right through him, leaving a big gaping hole in his middle. Because I've seen that on other shows and it's way cool. Shallow: Lizzie looked good in the stocking cap. She needs to wear that more. Now the end: Red is all verklempt that Lizzie is now a murderer, and if it doesn't bother her now, it will later. Shades of Person Of Interest (which convinces me that dog Kate was indeed Bear from POI) because John Reese gave that same speech multiple times in order to keep people innocent. And Red spouting that nonsense is laughable since he continues to have no qualms about pulling a pistol and shooting any and everyone close up, including his bestie Mr. Kaplan. Pot/kettle. That big bear trap snapping closed should have broken that guy's leg, and it would have taken MASSIVE strength of a couple guys to get it open enough so he could get loose. Just sayin'.
  4. LOL Sweet-tea. I remember liking Kelsey Poe at the beginning too. Then she went and ruined it by being ... herself. ljenkins782, your Lucy example photos made me LOL. That's two laughs within minutes. Gotta love this thread!
  5. I gave up when FJ category was Opera. Trebek screwed that for me by not singing the La Las or using some accent to give it away, so I had no answer and never would have an answer. I wonder if TPTB told him to knock if off with his accents for FJ. I got vegan easily. I don't remember anything else. I didn't see Saralee the day before (no power to my house in -25 temp!) so paid attention this episode but did not notice her being slow. I like the new champ. Which means One And Done, that's Murphy's Law of Jeopardy.
  6. Well, finally an episode that I enjoyed and Lizzie didn't grate on me. I know ... a miracle! I liked all the action and Lizzie kicking ass and getting the drop on all the bad guys. That was fun. But thinking about it afterward, the writers on this show are, well, not that great. Lizzie is in Alaska in the middle of winter yet her radio is in the freaking BARN! and not in the house where it would be warm? The radio keeps receiving Russian messages, which, I guess, is suppose to tell us she's either so far north no one who speaks English is near, or else she's living next to Sarah Palin. And Masha doesn't try to call in Russian since she speaks it. Then she kills all those guys in the dead of winter, yet the police find perfectly preserved dead bodies in the middle of summer, dead guys on the green (mowed) grass. Wolves/bears would have eaten all those carcasses before February. Then Lizzie is shown hitchhiking in the fall, with lovely fall foliage all around her. So where was she for a full year, from winter through summer into fall again? And an attractive (I write that with pain) woman hitching on a deserted Alaskan road would DEF be picked up. And if she was so isolated, the nearest hospital would have been hundreds of miles away, not walking distance. Alaska doesn't have Express Care on the corner of Tundra and Ice Pack. Meanwhile, I wondered if the Malinois was the same dog that played Bear on Person of Interest. Again, Lizzie didn't take care of the dog, you don't just let a short-coated dog "out the door" when you live in the wilderness. As for Agnes and Scottie ... I could care less that Lizzie doesn't give a care about the daughter of the man she LOVED SO MUCH. At least that story line is done. Oh yeah: The bad guy notices Lizzie's wedding ring yet the flirting ranger guy doesn't? As for all the boxes of files: Hand wave.
  7. I love your posts, PreBabylonia, they are very insightful and well-thought-out. I like that. Please keep posting! I've said here many times that I hate everyone looking the same, the long hair parted in the middle with massive extensions. That's one reason I liked Jackie from some season a while back, she HAD BANGS! Imagine how self-confident she was to be different. Which is why I like Bekah this year. I've always preferred people who beat a different drum. Personalities may change my opinion down the line, but first impressions count with me. I thought about the comments here that Arie was staring at everyone's boobs when they got out of the limo. I have to defend him ... with everyone having implants and HUGE boobs trying to jump out of those push-up low-cut gowns, I was staring at the boobs too, and I'm a straight woman. Maybe that's why I can't recognize anyone's face. And it's another reason I like Bekah: "regular" boobs. How refreshing!
  8. I watch the reruns that are one year old, on an hour before the new episode. Because the same subjects come up repeatedly, today a category was song mashups, clue, a combo of Coolio and Meatloaf. The answer was 'Gangsta's Paradise By The Dashboard Light." Yes, GANGSTA! And the contestant got it correctly. If I am ever on this show, I'm watching the last five years of shows and for sure I'll already know the answer for every category on "my" board.
  9. Jade.black, I feel your pain. I wish we could watch this show together since we both wanted to/tried to get on this season with Arie. He is a dreamboat, and I hope this season doesn't ruin it for me. Or maybe I hope it does, so I can move on. Meanwhile, I'm there for every against-the-wall-kiss-with-your-hands moment. I can live vicariously that way! Meanwhile, I can't tell any of the women apart except for short-hair Bekah. The herd needs to thin down before I will be able to recognize any and/or know their names. As for the TH font, thank goodness they finally got rid of the white type on yellow background so it can be read. I still can only read part of it since my square box tv only shows the back part of everyone's names, towns and occupations. As for age, I could care less how old anyone is. I grade people by the age they act, not the age they are. People are too fixated on numbers.
  10. I love all the Bob Ross souvenir things. Thanks everyone for posting those pics here. I would be happy happy if I found one (or more!) to buy. I had forgotten Blagojevich was a clue. I wonder if he was watching FROM HIS PRISON CELL. Velvet Elvis is for sure a great band name ... if it's not already. And my favorite artist: Edward Hopper. I'll use that as one of my bio interview clips when I am on Jeopardy. (Don't hold your breath, I don't want any of my PTV friends to pass out or die.)
  11. LOL Mondianyone. Yes, Bob Ross being his favorite artist makes me think Henry might have some velvet Elvis paintings too. But Trebek should have known who Ross was, especially since those questions are all set ahead of time and are on his prompt cards. Which makes me think Mr. Trebeck was being a BIG OLD SNOB by refusing to say he'd ever even heard of Bob Ross. Yeah, that's the ticket. As for me, after spending my fortune to put me through five years of art college, I couldn't bear to watch The Joy Of Painting but I sure know what it is.
  12. Oh, JenE4, I am so glad you are back. Your post was brilliant. I cannot add anything to it. I am counting on you to recap every episode, every week. It's like Old Home Week here. Woo hoo! and ... cheers to a great 2018 Bach Season!
  13. When did Arie get that "kissing bandit" nickname? It totally does NOT fit his kissing style whatsoever. I hate it.
  14. I looked up Arie's Twitter and yeah, that wasn't an awkward sentence, it was him speaking without the use of any brain cells. WTH Arie, Bekah asks you a great question, what three things excite you, and you say THAT? Holy heck. He better redeem himself and not start saying "Her and I's relationship" or I'm going to have to reconsider. Or request he stop speaking and just look pretty. Heh. Yeah, that would work. Because I'm shallow.
  15. Chelsea the Mom looks like Priscilla Presley from certain angles, so OTT beautiful ... then she opens her mouth and she turns into a shrieking harpe. When she got the FI rose, I shouted a horrible obscenity at my tv. It makes me think TPTB told Arie to keep her since her role is Head Shit Stirrer. Yuck. I wish this show would quit being The Most Dramatic Season EVAH and go back to being about romance and finding True LURVE. *cough* I know, but still, I can wish can't I?
  16. BOB ROSS! Trebek, you are such an asshat, you never watch PBS because your writers tell you answers to all the clues so you never need to "learn" anything on your own. There even is a PBS commercial with Bob Ross comments set to music so he's "singing" about the happy clouds. Ross was on the air for 11 years and The Joy Of Painting even aired in Canada, so no excuses Trebek. It was big news when he died in 1995. But his show reigns on ...
  17. Ari: "The race car jokes ..." /sarcasm. Too funny. I will remember not to use any racing analogies when I date him after he dumps his F1. The single mom from Maine is SO beautiful -- and such a bitch, she's going to be the season's villain. That's too bad. My fav so far is Bekah since she rock climbs, has short hair and drove a '65 Mustang. (I almost bought one of those in the day but $1,500 was too much $!) The women saying they are overwhelmed by all the women coming in and everyone being so beautiful and everyone fighting to be with Arie have obviously never watched this show. I can't wait for a bunch to get sent home so I can get my fix of Arie and beautiful travel porn. Oh: The chick from Weiner giving him a little wiener and saying she hopes he doesn't have one -- Arie did a nice side step on that bad pun. She can go home first. So many intros being fast forwarded means those chick are all fodder. Wish they wouldn't start with so many. 29. Yikes.
  18. I watched the Nicole-murdered-in-Montana rerun last night as I didn't remember if I had seen it before. Yeah to that Cody guy being butt-ugly plus gross, but Nicole and the other woman weren't fashion models and some women just can't be alone, they have to have some man, ny man, and get pregnant just so ... well, I don't know. They just do. It's like they have to have a man plus kids or they are losers. Plus Cody had super money from working that oil-fraking job (creep, fraking is horrible). What I didn't get is why leave the car on the side of the road? And why leave the keys in it? Why not leave it in that town, where Nicole could have disappeared much easier. Who locks their car and leaves the keys in it if you are broken down? Cody turning his phone off for the period of time tells me that's when he got rid of the barrel w/Nicole's body in it. That's the only time he DID use his brain since as the prosecutor said, he didn't think much otherwise. It's such a waste of time to ask killers if they murdered someone. Has anyone anywhere ever answered yeah, I did it? When Cody said he hoped Nicole showed up sometime, I wish Josh would have said: "Oh, you mean you hope the barrel that you put her dead body in would be found?" Now THAT would have been gold. Why wouldn't the FB texting guy go to the police? Why wouldn't the give-me-a-ride guy go to the police? I guess it's a Montana thing. I love Montana, but people are pretty trusting there, and so very nice. When Cody rejected the plea offer -- TWICE -- and got life in prison, I shouted YEAH! YOU EFFER! to my tv screen. What a jackass. I'm hoping the barrel is found some day so the family can have some small closure. Who ended up getting that house that was padlocked closed?
  19. I was just going to say that, Chocolatine. Waukesha is just west of Milwaukee and only a couple hours north of me, I've been there many times, which is why I remember he's from there. I barely recognized Nick in that Christmas Cruise movie, he had a full beard, but his voice was the same. You should have gone up to that guy, Lamb18, and asked him something so you could have heard him speak! If Nick did go to Green Bay for the Packers game, he could have been in Minneapolis to spend the night or whatever. Bears played Vikings in Minneapolis this past weekend, so maybe that was him, if he's a fan. Someone here has to know! Happy New Year Bachelor fans! Here's hoping for a great Jan-U-Arie. I know: *groan*
  20. Wings, I'm in northern Illinois. The show was a full-on rerun of that last episode when Jef and Emily rode off into the sunset hand in hand with Little Ricki, in love forever. Plus Chris Harrison popped in from time to time to show us Arie's heartbreak and give us about 10 minutes of the upcoming series. Those we saw on the Intro To Arie episode so there was nothing new. Except to reinforce that Arie is my dream man, he can drive fast, fix a car, wicked kisser, tall drink of water, smooth as silk. I will probably hate all the women on his season ... because they aren't me.
  21. LOL leighdear. I know what you mean. Watching again reminded me of how much I did NOT like Emily, from any of the seasons she was on. Her buck teeth (veneers?) and constant licking of them ... gah, I had forgotten about that. Thanks a lot show. But Arie ... yowza. No comparison between Jef and Arie, and I liked Jef. Although it is funny hearing about how so much in lurve Jef and Emily were knowing what happened later. I'm also one who thinks Arie dating that PA is what set Emily off and made her kick him out. Bullet avoided, Arie! Jef constantly referring to dating "girls" also bugs the heck out of me.
  22. The last episode of Emily's season from July 22, 2012, is being broadcast here. So we get to see Arie being rejected in full, plus another look at Jef. I'm in!
  23. A little aside about George Woolf, the jockey that was a TS. He was friends with Red Pollard, who rode Seabiscuit. When Red was injured, George rode Seabiscuit in the famous match race against War Admiral, which Seabiscuit won. Woolf later said Seabiscuit was the best horse he had ever ridden. He was the most popular jockey of the era and rode almost exclusively at Santa Anita where there is a statue of him, and an annual award is given to a jockey in his name by the Jockey Guild. He died tragically in a racing accident at age 35. Woolf's nickname was The Iceman for his cool attitude. That might be a Jeopardy! question some day. The handsome "real" jockey Gary Stevens played Woolf in the movie "Seabiscuit." Again, another good Jeopardy! possible clue!
  24. I'm with JudyObscure, I was all set to watch a NEW! Dateline (as it was advertised) and 10 minutes in, knew I had seen this one before so *channel turn.* I didn't remember who killed the woman, but the husband's over-acting and histrionics and making sure his extreme "misery" was caught on the police cam made it pretty clear to me who did it. Given the overhead view of the property, it's not like that neighbor was right next door. And who the heck tosses a deer carcass over the fence or dog poop or whatever when one lives out in the country? You bag it, and put it in trash pickup. It's sort of like the husband was setting up the neighbor for a long time so neighbor would turn into the bad guy/suspect. Reading here, I guess I remembered correctly.
  25. I noticed the "problem" with Travis's tie, too, and decided to cut him a break for at least WEARING a tie and making the effort. But I forgot all about this show having wardrobe and makeup people, so yeah, three strikes against wardrobe for not fixing that mess. GreekGeek asked: "At what point does mentioning a similar experience turn into "making it about you?"" My answer: If you are asking a person to relate an interesting antidote about him/herself, and only have one minute to do so, the host saying ANYTHING about his own experiences turns the focus back on himself. Let the contestant have his/her minute of Andy Warhol fame. Alex is there every freaking day and gets to do his cr*ppy impressions and fake accents to his heart's content. Those people across the stage from him will be gone 20 minutes later. My vote: STFU Trebek.
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