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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I actually didn't hate this show at the beginning of this season when Weller and Jane were shown happily married, babysitting Weller's kid. (Now there's a story line forgotten, Weller's kid ...). What proof is there that Avery is Jane's daughter anyway? She could have been mind-blanked by any one of those people who had the mind-washing drug and told she was "Avery." Anyone think of doing a DNA check? They can get a kit for only $75 at Ancestry.com. Jane cheating on Weller (who is that guy anyway? Is he the one she met at that fancy party a season ago?) and Weller "shooting" Avery ... gah, who cares. I can't believe I'm writing this, but I like Weller this season, hate Jane. Total flip from previous years. (Except I don't like Weller THAT much.) Bring on Patterson and RichDotCom. Those character I do like. If Weller had really shot/killed Avery, this would be a better season IMO.
  2. I'll take Bekka's real teeth (all teeth are naturally "yellow") over those big veneers that turned Emily's teeth into protruding buckteeth. Veneers she was always running her tongue over. Any whiter-than-white teeth have been surgically altered, sort of like those bigger-than-big boobs so popular on this show. Bekka doesn't have those, either.
  3. So now Arie is taking advice on dating from Krystal? WTH. He can't make up his own mind? Why doesn't he tell Krystal that he can decide for himself why the other women are there, it's not up to her. I'm wanting Krystal to go home, like now.
  4. Being reminded that Native Americans had to be made American citizens pissed me off all over again. Sore subject with me.
  5. That Moulin Rouge date ... all I could think was, Arie was checking out how each one looked naked since, essentially, they all were. WTH, show.
  6. Gah, BORING Loren got a rose. Go figure. crgirl, we knew Arie had lived with a woman with kids, which is why Emily was okay for him, she having Little Ricki and all. I'm not remembering the pregnant-and-lost-the-baby story though. Others here will have to help with that. I know you guys can!
  7. The only TS I got was Russian River, probably because I've been there so many times. I said it as soon as the map was shown. No way in H.E.L.L. I could ever get FJ. I only have antenna tv and Weather Channel is cable. In fact, I can't even get CBS or WB shows on my antenna, so I'd miss any questions about any shows on those two channels too. Sean seems a good champion, and I'm partial to gingers. Jennifer was polite shaking hands with the chick in the center, and she could do it without getting off of her box!
  8. Wow, the producers hate Lauren. "Wow." Maybe she talked up a blue streak, but we are being fed "wow." But if someone can't say SOMETHING about Notre Dame, being in Paris, anything, other than "wow," I say send her home now so we don't all fall asleep. She's already gone in my mind.
  9. Or, more accurately, BURNED Notice.
  10. It seems the mods for PTV have been Playing With My Heart. --TM Alex Gaudino More accurately, playing with our hearts. Teebax, congratulations on your avatar becoming your permanent avatar. Now you will never age, like Dorian Gray's portrait.
  11. Judy, if you quit posting during grass-mowing season, I'm coming for your husband.
  12. John Reese shot bad guys in the knee all the time on Person Of Interest, and never missed. He also could have shot the lighter out of that guy's hand, as Otto suggested. Doesn't matter what any google search tells you, Reese always got it done. Cooper's FBI team needs to hire him ... if they can find him.
  13. LOL. I was my mom's favorite too, which irked my sisters no end. My brother didn't care. I don't have any idea of the inventory of Bill's equipment, but one combine, USED, is around $500,000. That's one-half million and doesn't include the corn head. A tractor similar to Shirley's John Deere (I couldn't tell model, just that it was pretty new) would cost $250,000 USED. A grain truck, 10 years old, would run around $75,000 and since Bill was a custom grain hauler, he would have more than one. He also would have more than one tractor, for field work and around-the-farm work, different sizes, models, years. But John Deere was shown, and they are expensive. (Moreso than say CaseIH or Ford.) Then there are grain wagons and no end of other equipment needed to run a working grain farm to say nothing of buildings and storage bins. The homestead would be sold, I am assuming, since Jason had his own house. That could be $250,000 easy. Which makes me wonder where Bill is living now, if he went home and back to farming. What happened to Jason's property now that he is in jail? Was it sold to pay his debts/lawyers? Land price right now in Marion County, Iowa, is around $6,500/acre. I don't know how much Bill was farming or owned. Lots of farmers rent the land they farm, or lease it to other farmers. Farmers traditionally have a lot of debt. They borrow from the bank in spring to buy seed, fertilizer, new equipment and so forth, counting on the money they get when their crops are harvested to pay back the loan and put something aside in their own bank account, if they have a lucky year. Several bad years in a row can leave farmers destitute, and the bank forecloses and takes the farm. It's a tough life. I can see Jason going broke in a few years, even if he did inherit the land. That guy was destined to fail. The other two kids would have pocketed the money from above-ground sales and been fine. Jason ... not so much.
  14. Cooks, I teared up at the end of this show too. Bill was without a doubt a broken man, two years later he is still living the nightmare, red faced and crying. I've never seen ANY person do that on Dateline before, and my heart broke for him. I can see Jason being his favorite, the last child, a son who wanted to follow his footsteps and farm. That means A LOT in farm families when so many kids leave as soon as they can for city jobs. Writing the will the way they did ensured Jason could continue to farm, and the other two would get BIG MONEY from any equipment sales, or sale of the homestead. To sell everything and divide the money, as another poster suggested, means the family farm is lost. I live in Midwest farm country, on a farm, my neighbors are farmers. I know how it works. If Bill was some "traditional" man, Shirley would not have gotten that custom-made John Deere ($$$$$$$$) nor be so thrilled to, and WANT to, work the fields. That Bill is a broken man, and let us see that on tv, tells me he was deeply in love and devoted to Shirley. I can see him dying of a broken heart after Jason is sentenced. Even Dr. Oz says that happens to couples so in love they don't want to live when one passes away ... much less is murdered by their own son. I didn't get any proof that Shirley knew Jason was cheating on his wife. Although it was common knowledge "around town," it seems.
  15. The title date is suppose to be 2018.02.02. Is that why no one is posting here, can't find it? Or because no one is watching ...
  16. This is from https://iowacoldcases.org/case-summaries/shirley-carter/ As the year passed, Bill’s grief morphed into frustration, despair and suspicion, the Register said. The following events occur in the year following his wife’s murder: • Bill provides officers with bullets previously fired from the rifle, and they match those recovered from Shirley’s body. • Bill says law enforcement assure him early on — at least three times — that an arrest is coming soon. • Bill makes two suicide attempts. • Bill accuses officials of bungling evidence-gathering and says those facts will come out in a trial and implicate the officers. • Bill concludes there will not be an arrest without public pressure, and spends $160,000 to hire an attorney and a private investigator. • The results of the attorney and private investigator lead Bill to file a wrongful death suit against his son, Jason. • Bill alleges his son used the rifle from the basement safe to kill his mother, hiding the gun on the property and then retrieving it days later before authorities realize it is missing. • Bill accuses law enforcement of not collecting Jason’s clothing and boots, which might have shown the position of gun powder and blood, until 10 days after the crime. • Bill suggests a conflict of interest between his son and Marion County Sheriff Jason Sandholdt, who are friends. • Sandholdt declines to respond but says an active investigation is under way and he’s very confident an arrest will be made “when the DCI, my office and the attorney general’s office all feel a jury would convict who we charge.” • Bill claims Jason failed a lie detector test given by the DCI and sheriff’s office. • Jason’s name is excluded from his mother’s headstone. Bill, along with his other two remaining children, filed the wrongful death lawsuit against Jason on January 5, 2016, naming Jason as the killer. On March 6, 2016, the family’s attorney, Ron Danks, subpoenaed Shirley’s autopsy results and the 911 call made by Jason the day of Shirley’s murder. According to news reports, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office on March 29 filed a motion to quash the subpoena, saying the release of the 911 call by Jason Carter would be detrimental to the ongoing investigation. The county sheriff arrived at the home just moments after Bill, and asked Bill to leave the house; the home ended up sealed for several days. Shirley Carter was shot twice in the back. Bill said that because he wasn’t allowed to look around, he couldn’t see that drawers in the office and bedroom had been pulled out, their contents dumped on the floor. Nothing, however, appeared taken; investigators found Shirley’s purse, containing credit cards and $140, undisturbed, as was an envelope on the dresser containing $1,700 in $100 bills. Bill told the Register he wasn’t allowed to check his safe in the basement, where he kept the gun Jason had given him, to see if it was missing. Bold face is mine. Dateline did not say Shirley was shot twice IN THE BACK, with the bullets tearing her heart apart. She was found lying on her back, hands folded over her chest. IMO, she should have been face down. Dateline also did not mention the $1,700 in cash. The Iowa Cold Case site is well worth visiting. Also note that the brother and sister also thought Jason did it. I just can't with anyone who thinks Bill is guilty.
  17. From the Des Moines Register, Feb. 1, 2018: Shirley's son, Jason Carter, 45, was identified as a suspect early in the police investigation, but two years later, no charges had been filed. Shirley's husband, Bill Carter, 71, sued Jason last year, contending the lawsuit was the only way he and other family members who suspected Jason killed Shirley could find justice. He cried as the verdict was read in December when a civil jury found Jason responsible for his mother's death, deciding Jason Carter must pay $10 million to the estate of his slain mother. Two days later, Jason Carter was charged with first-degree murder. He pleaded not guilty Wednesday. "It had 'Dateline' written all over it," Dennis Murphy, who has been a correspondent with the television newsmagazine show since 1994, said Wednesday. A description for the segment said the killing divided the family and forced "one man to take the investigation into his own hands." Murphy said the show takes viewer through the entire civil case, from the 911 call to the murder charge. The "Dateline" team interviewed Bill, his attorney Mark Weinhardt, Wandro and a Texas-based crime scene reconstruction expert Bill hired, among others. Jason, however, declined to sit down for an interview, Murphy said. Murphy described interviewing Bill, a man full of grief who has told the Register he attempted suicide twice after Shirley's death, as watching him come undone. He called Bill's looks "the most pained expressions I’ve ever seen." In the show's teaser, Bill told Murphy, "My life ended that day." A pretrial conference in Jason Carter's criminal trial has been set for March 1 at the Marion County Courthouse in Knoxville.
  18. Actually, I was impressed when Ryan spouted out "St. Ignatius of Santiago de Compostela." But so happy when it was wrong (because I had no clue).
  19. Lisa, I don't believe Jason was "the favorite." He was the only one of the three kids who wanted to farm. The other son and daughter got jobs doing something else, one went to Des Moines for some professional position. Dateline said, I just don't remember. The will stated that Jason would get the land (valued at $8 million at that time) and the other two would get everything above the land ... house, tractors (just the one the mom was driving was worth probably one-half million dollars, and a farm of that size has multiple tractors of all sizes, combines, trucks --the semi kind -- bins, all worth probably $8 million by themselves). Yes, it's disappointing for a farm family when children don't want to continue, but as Bill said, he did not guide them into farming and let them make their own decisions. Farming is hard, dangerous work and very expensive. Bankers (loan) are a farmer's best friend. He was thrilled that Jason wanted to farm though, so maybe underneath he WAS the favorite, just because of that. "A life in common." If my brother murdered my mom, I wouldn't want to appear on Dateline either, and I respect both of them for staying out of the limelight. I also hope they stay away from online chat rooms and social media.
  20. Clanstarling, I know Fran Tarkenton's name but did not know he played for the Vikings. But if he appeared in the category "Famous Frans" and the clue had to do with football, I'd say Tarkenton. Jeopardy writers: Take note.
  21. DrSpaceman, I agree with your post that Fex quoted above. I hate football with a passion, but knew Landry and the Cowboys. I hate golf even more, but I know Tiger, Arnold and Jack. I know several basketball names even though I've never watched a pro game, plus Pele and Beckham are well known to me as well. Some names/things I just "absorb" whether I like the sport or not. I do watch multiple newscasts every day and listen to the radio, plus I am interested in pop culture. And Landry/Cowboys were certainly part of pop culture at the time. However, I did miss the Viking's Purple People Eaters ... I must have been busy that year.
  22. I really liked this episode and was in it from beginning to end. I've never seen anyone so affected by someone's death as Bill was, crying and upset beyond words, two years later. That was no acting. And son Jason couldn't squeeze out a single tear as he fake-sobbed in court. I suspect Jason planned on shooting both of his parents that day, and Bill ruined it by dropping the wife off and delivering a load of corn instead of going into the house. And remember, Mom made a phone call from the house after Bill was long gone. If I come into my parent's house and found Mom dead on the floor, I don't look around at the fridge to see a bullet hole. WTH was that about? Yeah, everyone can see it in the photos, but with a person laying on the floor, dead or maybe NOT dead? And Jason had what, less than $100 to his name in checking and savings combined? And he knew he was going to inherit more than $8 million from his (dead) parents? Yeah, clear motive. If I were Jason's wife, I would be thinking I'm next after Jason inherited. That he was screwing his mistress multiple times a week, even in the bed he shared with his wife, tells me Jason wasn't thinking of his wife and kids, just himself. When Bill broke down saying people in town, people he'd known all his life, wouldn't look at him, that broke my heart. And I call BS on his being so controlling that Mom couldn't even mow her yard the right way. Baloney. Bill bought his wife a CUSTOM-MADE TRACTOR because she loved being in the field. Plus no one else said anything about Bill being "controlling" ... not even Jason. And I assume the other two kids were in court and elected not to be shown or interviewed. Jason also was a dumb ass by throwing papers around in the office (what would be in there?) and pulling drawers out in the bedroom, then leaving her purse sitting in the kitchen and pills in the bathroom. That Bill and his wife went every day to the Casey's for a big coffee speaks volumes to me. So sweet, and not something people who do not like each other do. The sad thing is that Bill was so happy Jason wanted to continue with the farm, that's a huge plus for a farm family, to know what you've worked your whole life for will be passed down in the family. Now I assume when Bill passes, everything will be sold and divided up between the two remaining kids. Kudos to Bill for leaving Jason's name off of his wife's headstone. I can't wait to hear what his sentence will be. I hope it's life. And good on Bill for going the civil route, which got the law up off its lazy ass to arrest Jason. And while it wasn't mentioned on the episode, I'm sure Bill thinks every day that only by the grace of God he is not dead too, by Jason's hand. I can't imagine living with what Bill lives with. My heart aches for him.
  23. LOL at this. If king cake had been part of FJ, my answer of Louisiana would have been, could have been, correct. (Say in Harry Caray voice.) Thanks for the Steve Goodman lessons. I do know, and sing, his "Go Cubs Go," my favorite song ever. I know he's been talked about on the radio station I listen to, WGN in Chicago, but the name just did not sink in. Nor did I know he wrote Guthrie's "Spirit of New Orleans." But now I do, so bring it on as a Jeopardy clue. Agree wholeheartedly about Johnson needing BMS and puppet not needing BMS.
  24. Well first, Ib60, one has to know who Richard Rogers is. I did know Ore-Ida, having eaten a lot of tots in my day. So there's that! Nuts, I don't know who Steve Goodman is either. I'm such a loser. Carpe, your "Don't harsh my mellow" made me LOL. So thanks for that. I will agree it's been a confusing week.
  25. Now I can't remember if FJ said Woody or Arlo. In my mind, it was Arlo. But of course, in my mind the answer was Louisiana, so what do I know. Browncoat, my "like" hearts have disappeared too. So rats, now that I can't like myself, I'll get no likes. Wah! I checked: I can still see how many "likes" I have in Safari, but not in Firefox, which is the browser I'm currently in. However, I am no longer able to "like" myself in Safari. I guess it's a trade off.
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