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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Hey, Forumfish, thanks for adding a new word to my vocab. I guess I add a paraph to my first name too, even if it's just an underscore. That makes the paraph easy to forge. My last name, when I write my signature, looks like one big paraph by itself, so no underscore needed there.
  2. My local news has been showing Chris Soules at every newscast. His trial starts next week but this latest newscast didn't say which day. The news person did say he could get five years, which I hope he does. I laughed at the video because the local camera person zoomed in on Chris sitting in court and the camera got away from him so viewers got a full maybe 10-20 seconds of a close up of his ear. I actually LOL'd, his ear filled my entire tv screen.
  3. I'm with Adhoc's story about Luke and the fake ex, but I'm thinking the girlfriend went along with it so Luke would get more teevee time, more Instagram followers, more music gigs and become more famous than just D List and she'd be along for that ride. Luke is living in Nashville so you know he's pimping his music ... which, interestingly, this franchise has never mentioned once, I wouldn't know if it weren't for you posters telling me. Anyway, girlfriend figures he'll come home this super popular guy and she'll be famous too by association. So, how's that working for you Luke and Holly? ETA: I tried not to watch that soft-porn kissing match, it was so gross, but I do remember Stassi passionately kissing Luke while he pretty much just stood there. To me, that's more proof girlfriend at home would be watching.
  4. Tidbits from www.celebritynetworth.com: "George Alexander “Alex” Trebek has an estimated net worth of $50 million. Trebek also reportedly makes $10 million a year." Also: "A week’s worth of episodes for the show are filmed in a single day."
  5. Too late. Friday Jeopardy did product placement for Masterclass, which costs $180/year per person if you want to sign up for it. They do product placements all the time for movies ... we just saw an entire category promoting A Wrinkle In Time. The show regularly promotes movies, with Trebek saying "Blah blah blah movie opens nationwide this Friday" at the end of the category. One can never have too much money. Commercials, product placement ... all income. Show gotta pay Trebek's salary too.
  6. I had never heard of it either, so I looked it up. www.masterclass.com It's online classes "taught" by famous people like Gordon Ramsey (cooking), Annie Leibovitz (photography), Aaron Sorkin (screenwriting) and on and on, the list is impressive. Way too many famous people. It actually looks pretty cool. But then again, that category was another example of Jeopardy shilling something, no doubt for compensation. I mean, a player's win money has to come from somewhere.
  7. From that Luke People interview: "“I actually do have her phone number,” he says," Well, then maybe he should have dialed it. At least ONCE. He is such a jackass, and his interview did nothing to change my opinion about that. I also call BS on his saying he told Stassi anything. If he had told her his time on the show had made him realize he really was "in love with" his ex after all, the editing monkeys would have been all over that and we would have seen that convo for at least one-half hour, plus closeups of Stassi's tears as Luke "broke her heart." So he says they talked about that AFTER the show. You know, when all the mics that record everything 24/7 have been removed. Luke The Lying Skank can go jump.
  8. I always thought a meme is a picture with words on it so looked up the definition: "a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users." So, a meme can be pretty much anything, including what Russian trolls are putting online. "And now I know." IMO, it wasn't necessary to use Aguilera's clip at all, it added nothing. But maybe PR people knock on Jeopardy's door to get their people added as clues. You know, so the people they rep can turn into MEMES.
  9. We need to add that FJ to the swiftly growing list of extremely poorly worded FJ clues. Maybe I'm out of it, but I've seen a ton load of memes, I see them every day, and have never come across one, a single one, that has gone viral. Videos do, I see the same vid on local and national newscasts multiple times per day. But memes ...not. *sigh* Now Carpe's Fitness meme, THAT one deserves to go viral. *applause*
  10. No one knew Pennsylvania Avenue, the main drag through DC? No one recognized a potbelly pig, the pet that was all the rage a while back, everyone had to have one? WTHeck was up with the category showing videos of people, then asking what song Christina Aguilera was singing as she sang the most recognizable song in America. And who doesn't know Shonda Rhimes created Grey's Anatomy, we didn't need to see her video either. I lost a few hundred brain cells during that inane category. Which is maybe why Trebek said "I hope you know who he was/is" when he introduced the Chester A. Arthur category. I guess he figured the three dolts who managed to make it to his stage had never heard of the 21st president. Gah. Trebek also had to get his French on by repeating the name of that French museum after Mary pronounced it perfectly ... and without drah-ma. That had to rankle him. Add Grant to the growing list of incredibly easy DDs. I did like Kate's green hair tips that matched her skirt.
  11. Because I'm always doing something else when Jeopardy! comes on, I did not see Alan's intro nor how he wrote his name, so neither bugged me (obviously). I did notice his Statue of Liberty buzzer arm though, and knew he was going to be ranked on here for that. I tried not to look at it. I also don't mind board hopping. I guess if I know a lot about Black And White TV Shows, I'm going for the big bucks. If the category is Opera, where I start doesn't matter since I won't know any of the answers anyway. Plus if I'm listening but not watching, I don't know players are board hopping. I thought Rob was okay and I think he'll be fine on TofC, so I'm glad he made it, unlike some other favs who tanked on their fifth game so are out. I'll try to catch Alan's intro today to see what I missed. Anyone taking the upcoming test? I kept getting locked out for the last test even though I had signed up. So frustrating. Will try again this year.
  12. And I love this sentence. Nice work, Teebax. I know the feeling.
  13. Oh, thanks for bringing my depression back Chocolatine. You are so absolutely right about that. We'll never be rid of Ashley.
  14. Bravo JenE4. You brought it all ... the heartbreak, the tears, the hugs, the happiness. Best.Post.Ever! And I agree, this stupid Winter Games ended up being the best of all the seasons and all the spin offs, and the reunion show will never be topped. Go figure ... who knew?
  15. You can still go! If Benoit and Kevin are the Canadian man standard, why didn't I know this before now? I'm packing my bags now.
  16. Yeah, this is the shocker of the show IMO. I've never liked Ashley, but Kevin is really a "great guy" (TM Bachelor) which makes me kinda sorta like Ashley. Go figure. Kevin gets an A+++ from me. Meanwhile, I love Courtney and Lily. They're the Winter Games winners in my book. OMG, Clare is getting MY Benoit!
  17. Well, how's that good guy image going for you, Luke? Yeah, that's what I thought. What a dickweed.
  18. Here's all I have to say about today's game: *crickets* You're welcome.
  19. If you know who is, since you are sure Bibiana is not, do tell. We're all waiting to hear. I thought the skating was fun and it made me laugh. It was so cool to see Tai and Randy again. I loved watching them in the Olympics, always rooted for them. Glad to see they are still around.
  20. Okay, so Bibiana has spent more time with Jordan in two days than she did with Arie in all her time in Bachelorland. Yet she was all "I'm here to find love with Arie" and now she's not ready for a commitment with a guy who actually likes her? Okay then. She should have checked out the script for this franchise before she signed up. At least she pretty much sunk her chances at being b-ette, so thank you for that.
  21. Here's what Alex Jacob tweeted yesterday: "Starting to think current #Jeopardy champ Rob is a fan... if so, I'm flattered" One of Alex's followers decided to ask Rob what he thinks about Alex, then Rob posted a rather relevant post.
  22. After I posted about Roberts, I looked up his IMDB. Turns out he had a ton load of guest roles after Bonanza while the general public (me and gossip mags) thought his only role was Trapper John. Oh well, another nugget learned and filed away.
  23. Your bad day was still better than the players'. If you don't look at the teevee, it won't bother you at all. It works for me. I yelled "Pernell Roberts!" when the Left TV category came up. Adam Cartwright riding off of the Ponderosa was a HUGE news story back in the day, no actor ever did that, and he only had a few roles after he left Pa, Hoss and Little Joe behind. One was playing "Trapper John, MD," Wayne Rogers be damned. Of course, you young 'uns wouldn't know about the Cartwright boys. As Trebek would say, "It was before you were born." Ha ha! I'm pretty sure Trebek knows what each player writes for FJ, so any catty/snotty (take your pick) remarks are already in his head. He'll never get bit in the butt after answers/bets are revealed. It's been too obvious too many times that he knows what everyone writes. Okay, this made me LOL, especially the Ca-meuuu(ooo). You guys are the best.
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