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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I thought pineapple too because, you know, Hawaii, but the cayenne also tricked me, as it did the player. If the smooth cayenne is the pineapple type most sold fresh, I wonder what a "regular" prickly pineapple looks like. Because all the ones I see in the store are pretty prickly. And I know prickly!
  2. Trebek annoys me no end when he comments about any player's DD bet. I especially hate when he says, "HELL-low" when someone bets big. WTH Trebek, why not tell people what they are suppose to wager to make you happy or just make their bets for them. That might have been mentioned in one of the episodes, but I watched the first few and don't remember it being said. I had no idea, so the clue/answer was a surprise to this watcher as well. I'm thinking this is what Trebek meant when he told the player he "picked the wrong one" when player said "Atlanta." Trebek read on his notes that there is a Hurricane Center in Miami and the Weather Channel in Atlanta, while the rest of us just thought he was just being obtuse and snarky. You know, like every day.
  3. This answer surprised me too, but only because I had totally forgotten The Orville. It's a "sort of" comedy rip off of Star Trek with Seth McFarlane as the star. I watched the first couple of episodes, then something else more interesting was on the other channel, like Watch Paint Dry episode 5. It was on Fox last fall. Critics hated it. Atlanta vs. Atlantis? Hey Bastet, this is what I found on Wikipedia: Porterhouse can refer to: 1. Porterhouse (horse), American Champion race horse; 2. Porterhouse Brewery; 3. Porter House New York, a steakhouse in New York City (Trebek no doubt has eaten here, hence the clue); 4. Porterhouse steak; 5. Porterhouse, a fictional Cambridge college in the novel Porterhouse Blue by Tom Sharpe.
  4. And I spent my time trying to think of the name of Hagrid's multi-headed dog that was guarding the Sorcerer's Stone. I knew that wasn't the answer but it was more fun for me than thinking of a mythological beast. I thought there would be a lot more hate here for Rahul's board jumping, which didn't even make sense after the DDs were found. It stuck me as funny, it was so randomly crazy.
  5. I was listening to, not watching, that episode so missed everything, including that some player was named Paris. He's sort of made a career out of having that one role decades ago. I've seen the movie a couple of times and, frankly, don't remember Mike Teevee although I remember all the other kids. My brain blocked him from my life twice it seems. I did make a point of sitting with idle hands to watch today though, so am anticipating comments about today's players!
  6. Continuing the Paris/Mike Teevee controversy, TMZ just did a story on it. They interviewed Paris and showed a clip on the show. The full clip is here: http://www.tmz.com/page/3/ Because TMZ constantly updates its site, that might move to /4/, just fyi. Anyway, the clip they showed on tv also contained a woman player, maybe the one who dissed Trebek, but my dogs all started barking right then and I missed the audio. Harvey Levin did comment that Trebek is "old and crotchety" now, which made me laugh that a lawyer sees Trebek the same way I do. The video clip is worth watching, it's short. But, while Trebek is a jackass, Paris is pretty full of himself too.
  7. I've BEEN to Chincoteague and I said North Carolina. I know, I'm lucky to find my way home at night. It will happen to you guys too when you get old. Check out the winning lottery number on your next future trip Browncoat, and let us know. I'll share my winnings!
  8. Or, "No governor in prison for less than 5 years!"
  9. Best slogan ever. So much better than "Land of Lincoln" IMO. Although now that I think about it, that slogan would work for Illinois too.
  10. I'm blushing. But thank you Peeayebee. It's part of what I do for a living. Side note: Hamilton the play happened sort of by coincidence. Lin-Manuel Miranda bought the book to read on vacation and he was so impressed by it, he turned it into the play. He had been invited to the White House and asked to perform songs from his current play, In The Heights, but he sneaked in some Hamilton rap to test out on the Obamas and it was roundly applauded. (Second side note: I have a huge crush on Mr. Miranda.) I knew this about Washington D.C. senators not having voting power but knew nothing about the electoral college. So I said ZERO for FJ. Okay, go ahead, point and laugh everyone.
  11. It's both, so to speak. It's a real photo of Zach with Trebek. I took the hat, glasses and uniform (with Teddy) from three different photos of Radar. Here's the original Radar-less Zach. ETA: I just noticed Trebek's tie matches the background. Something new to watch for. Thanks Peeaye.
  12. Trebek irked me when he chastised that woman for turning a question answer into a question/question answer. It's difficult enough to solve the clue and buzz in first without having to evaluate that it's a question so one doesn't need to add "What is." Nuts to that! I'm adding it regardless of the answer. But Trebek was actually getting cranky about it. And to that, I say: "What is ... Get over it Trebek." LOL at this! It was the same color on my teevee too, because I thought if he took off his jacket, he would be just a floating head as his torso disappeared into the background. That would have been cool!
  13. Thanks Mondrianyone. I took your YouTube advice so "now I know." I follow a Washington Post reporter on twitter so I thought I knew the answer, but ya'll can add me to the dumb*sses who missed it. Irritatingly, the video was followed by a commercial for a multi millionaire running for Illinois governor, so now I know YouTube tracks IPs to match them to advertisers. Plus this guy is buying YouTube time. Geez. And he's not even Russian. I don't think. Meanwhile, I did get Maundy Thursday (all those years of Sunday school) and Street Fighter.
  14. Except when Hamilton is really Groundhog Day.
  15. So ... (ha ha) the power went off to my house just before FJ. Would someone be so kind to tell me the clue and how the game finished? Meanwhile, for the entertainment of those who think Zach Dark is a Radar O'Reilly twin, here is Trebek posing with Zach who is wearing his Radar outfit.
  16. Cardi B was in the Superbowl commercial where Amazon's Alexa lost her voice so different people filled in. Other voices were Gordon Ramsay, Anthony Hopkins and Rebel Wilson. She also won best new artist at the iHeartRadio Music Awards this past weekend. She is engaged to Offset, and currently is in some hot water for dissing the Crips. It's exciting times!
  17. BMS please. Ha ha ha! I forgot a Radar doppleganger was on contestant row, so I didn't see the resemblance. I'll try to remember to look closer next time I see Mr. Dark. There has to be a gigantic file labeled "Camus" in that Jeopardy clue-writer's room. Alex once again got to get his Cam-mewuuoo on. Made his day, I am sure. Groundhog Day was a no brainer for me, since my life is Groundhog Day and I use that term to describe it. Side note: I've been to Woodstock, Illinois, many times, where that movie was filmed. The town has a huge Groundhog Day celebration that rivals Punxsutawney Phil's east coast bash.
  18. Yeah, no kidding. I second that emotion. I spent my FJ time trying to remember first ladies.
  19. I learned about shotgun houses after Katrina; New Orleans is full of them. I agree, that would have made a great clue. Maybe it's being saved for the Houses Around The World category.
  20. It will be interesting then, how Rittenhouse handles Hitler (they already went back to WWII) and all the other dictators in the world, from the beginning of time until present day. Will Castro exist? Mao Zedong, Leopold II, Hideki Tojo, Nicholas II, Pol Pot and on and on. Or maybe they are all part of Rittenhouse too? There are hundreds of them through history. Can't say I'm a big fan of the Rittenhouse plot. I second that motion.
  21. They should have dropped off some Tamiflu while they were there. That had to confuse the Captain since back then it would have been "the Negro one." Although it did make me think of the Scottish Black Watch and the New Zealand All Blacks. Both are good, so there's that. I have no idea what Rittenhouse is suppose to be and if they are bad or maybe they are good and changing history so things are better today. Anyone?
  22. I wore espadrilles back before I went to college. (I don't think RuPaul was born yet.) It was a man who pointed to my feet and said, "Nice espadrilles." Yeah, go figure. I've always remembered that. I loved those shoes.
  23. Hopefully, all three of today's players have since purchased tickets to Lady Bird.
  24. Then Lucy should have shot/killed Emma while she had the gun if she was going to be a murderer anyway. But then I guess that would be the end of the show, so don't pay any attention to what I think. I just don't need to see Lucy moping around about it.
  25. LOL, I did forget this. I've pretty much forgotten all the last season, and I watched every episode. TWD ... I had to quit that, it was too OTT for my taste in entertainment. I still hate the Timeless people killing anyone who gets in their way or happens to be around when the Flying Eyeball lands, given their motto of Not Changing History. I'm still irked they didn't save Lincoln. I DO remember that!
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